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工夫境界是研究中国哲学的核心内容之一。以工夫境界解读中国茶道哲学,有助于进一步理解中国茶道哲学的工夫与境界。中国茶道哲学的核心在"和"。茶人通过一系列的工夫持守,力求进入到"和"境界。在"和"的工夫境界观照下,茶人的生命体验与心灵体验高度凝结,进以凸显中国哲学与文化中独有的"天人合一"思想,使中国茶道哲学思想提升了又一高度。  相似文献   
本试验利用液相色谱-质谱联用技术(LC-MS)对幼年工蜂进行代谢组学分析,旨在探究不同人工饲粮对幼年工蜂生长发育及生理代谢的影响,为蜂王邮寄的人工饲粮配制提供一定理论依据。试验选取1日龄的意大利蜜蜂(Apis mellifera ligustica)300只,分为5组,分别饲喂5种人工饲粮,每组30只工蜂。对照组饲粮:蔗糖粉∶蜂蜜=3∶1;试验组A饲粮:蔗糖粉∶蜂粮∶蜂蜜=6∶5∶1;试验组B饲粮:蔗糖粉∶蜂粮∶蜂蜜=6∶3∶1;试验组C饲粮:蔗糖粉∶花粉∶蜂蜜=6∶5∶1;试验组D饲粮:蔗糖粉∶花粉∶蜂蜜=6∶3∶1。用5种人工饲粮进行室内喂养,记录蜜蜂7 d内的死亡数量;解剖试验组A和对照组第1、3、5、7天的工蜂咽下腺,测定其平均重量、颜色和饱满度;采用LC-MS方法检测试验组A和对照组蜜蜂饲喂7 d后的代谢物差异,对检测数据进行模式识别分析,筛选并鉴别差异代谢物。结果表明:1)对照组和试验组A蜜蜂第1~5天时均没有出现死亡,在第6和7天时试验组A蜜蜂死亡数量均显著低于对照组(P<0.05)。试验组B、C、D的蜜蜂在6 d内全部死亡。2)试验组A第7天时的蜜蜂咽下腺平均重量显著高于对照组(P<0.05),咽下腺颜色为全部乳白色,且咽下腺小体饱满。3)采用主成分分析(PCA)、偏最小二乘法判别方法(PLS-DA)和正交偏最小二乘方-判别分析(OPLS-DA)分析代谢组数据,结果显示试验组A和对照组明显分离,共鉴定出23个差异代谢物,包括氨基酸、脂类、糖类等,其中有10种代谢物上调,13种代谢物下调。差异代谢物通路分析发现,差异极显著的通路有牛磺酸和亚牛磺酸生物合成通路、赖氨酸降解通路、戊糖磷酸盐代谢通路、戊糖和葡萄糖醛酸相互转化通路(P<0.01),差异显著的通路有氨基酸的生物合成通路,色氨酸代谢通路,碳代谢通路,丁酸代谢通路,丙氨酸、天冬氨酸和谷氨酸代谢通路,丙酮酸代谢通路(P<0.05)。由此可见,试验组A的饲粮更适合蜜蜂工蜂的生长发育和生存,在邮寄环境中可代替常用的炼糖饲粮。  相似文献   
The denitrifying woodchip bioreactor is designed to remediate nitrate-rich water, including those produced from aquaculture effluents. Reuse of treated bioreactor outflows in recirculating aquaculture would offer considerable water savings and valuable alkalinity recuperation. However, such bioreactors may leach detrimental wood-bound contaminants, preventing outflow reuse. To determine water reuse potential, woodchip media from two hardwood species (white ash, Fraxinus americana; Norway maple, Acer platanoides) were evaluated for 206 d under a range of operating conditions (start-up, steady-state, reducing conditions, and drying-rewetting cycles) for a spectrum of potentially harmful dissolved contaminants. Aerated outflows also were evaluated for acute and chronic toxicity to the biologically sensitive invertebrate Ceriodaphnia dubia. Dissolved metal leaching subsided within the first few weeks of operation, though initial concentrations of copper and zinc were detected at concentrations of concern. Elevated concentrations of tannins-lignin and total ammonia nitrogen were detected throughout the study and were influenced by operational phase. Acute toxicity was not generally detected, though chronic toxicity was observed during drying-rewetting cycles in the maple outflows. The measured toxicity was not correlated with water chemistry, indicating an additive effect of several toxicants. Overall, significant differences in outflow water quality between ash and maple wood species were negligible. Results indicated that bioreactor outflows may be applicable for aquacultural reuse, though reusing outflows immediately following start-up or restarting after a dry period would not be recommended.  相似文献   
In the Philippines, calls for creating ‘global’, ‘sustainable’ and ‘resilient’ cities are placing urban poor communities in increasingly precarious positions. These communities have long been the targets of urban development and ‘modernisation’ efforts; more recently the erasure of informal settlements from Philippine cities is being bolstered at the behest of climate change adaptation and disaster risk management (DRM) agendas. In Metro Cebu, flood management has been at the heart of DRM and broader urban development discussions, and is serving as justification for the demolition and displacement of informal settler communities in areas classed as ‘danger zones’. Using Kusno's (2010) interpretation of the ‘exemplary centre’ as a point of departure, this paper interrogates the relationship between DRM, worlding aspirations (Roy and Ong, 2011) and market‐oriented urbanisation in Cebu, and considers the socio‐spatial implications of these intersecting processes for urban poor communities. Through analysing the contradictions inherent in framings of certain bodies and spaces as being ‘of risk’ or ‘at risk’ over others, I argue that the epistemologies of modernity, disaster risk and resilience endorsed and propagated by the state are facilitating processes of displacement and dispossession that serve elite commercial interests under the auspices of disaster resilience and pro‐poor development.  相似文献   
European nase (Chondrostoma nasus) is a specialist riverine fish, characterised by a complex life cycle making it vulnerable to habitat degradation. Recent findings indicate that, analogously to salmonids, the interstitial zone quality may pose a serious bottleneck for successful recruitment of this species. In this study, nase eggs were exposed to different substrate qualities. First, standardised substrate mixtures with differing fine sediment additions were used. Second, we tested different homogenous gravel fractions for their influence on egg development and emergence success. In both setups, substrate composition significantly affected emergence success, timing of emergence and larvae size at emergence. In the substrate mixtures, emergence was most successful in substratum with no fine sediment addition (98%) and decreased to 55% in substratum with 20% fine sediment addition. Emergence was most successful in the coarsest fraction (93%) and decreased to 47% in the finest fraction. Over all treatments, the time between hatching and emergence from substrate differed by up to 156 degree days, thereby indicating that free embryos of nase use the shelter of the interstitial zone for early ontogeny. These results suggest that a loose and porous stream bed can positively contribute to the development success of eggs and larvae and thereby potentially improve the recruitment of nase populations. It is thus important to consider the substrate and interstitial conditions in the conservation and restoration management of this rheophilic cyprinid.  相似文献   
[目的]对长三角沿江城市群生态—经济—社会系统可持续发展态势进行研究,为该区域生态经济可持续发展提供科学支持。[方法]基于能值理论构建评价指标和评价体系,分析长三角沿江城市群生态—经济—社会系统的可持续发展态势。[结果] 2017年长三角沿江城市群中29%的城市资源过度开发,外部依赖性强;53%的城市环境负载率低,29.4%的城市环境负载率高;11.7%的城市废弃物循环再生能力低;47%的城市能值交换率低,经济竞争力强;35%的城市能值货币率高,经济产出效率低。上海、苏州单位面积能值密度高,23.5%的城市较低;29.4%的城市人均能值福利低;17.6%的城市人口负载率高;41.2%的沿江城市呈可持续发展态势,58.8%的城市呈过度发展态势。[结论] 2017年沿江城市群自给能力、环境压力、生态质量呈现上游城市强、小、优向中游基本协调,下游弱、高、差的渐变态势。上海、苏南城市经济竞争力强,但产出效率低;苏中、皖中地区除省会城市外其他城市竞争力弱;皖南城市经济发展滞后且呈沿江单边孤立发展态势。上海、苏南城市社会可持续发展优,形成人才、资源强吸引同时存在用地短缺问题;苏中城市较均衡并形成弱吸引;除合肥市、铜陵市外,皖中、皖南其他城市发展滞后,缺乏有效吸引。沿江城市群整体可持续发展态势严峻。  相似文献   
对北京市大兴区北程庄村的土地征占、整建制转居和集体经济产权制度改革进行调研发现,乡村在快速城市化进程中的核心问题是维护和发展农民的财产权利。建议从根本上改变现行的征地思维和征地制度,保障两种土地公有制的平等地位;落实户籍制度改革,全面取消农转居政策;实行集体土地与国有土地同样可以开发建设城市的政策制度;及时撤销“三无村”或“空壳村”的村委会建制,完善撤制乡村集体资产处置办法。  相似文献   
为了有效修复日渐退化的雅鲁藏布江中游河谷地区山地植被,采用群落生态学方法对雅鲁藏布江河谷亚高山灌丛草地群落进行了研究分析.结果表明:该区灌丛草地群落共有维管束植物166种,隶属于47科115属,种类组成较为丰富,属内种系相对贫乏.地理成分及科属分析表明,该区灌丛草地群落具有明显的温带性质;生活型和叶的性质分析表明,该区灌丛草地群落的外貌主要是由落叶全缘叶单叶矮高位芽植物所决定的.群落结构简单,仅有灌木层和草本层.雅鲁藏布江河谷半干旱区亚高山灌丛草地群落的总特点是以地面芽、微形叶、草质叶、单叶、全缘叶为特征,反映了青藏高原高山、寒、旱的性质.在分析灌丛草地群落特征的基础上,还对其生态修复进行了探讨.  相似文献   
将全燕麦香酥饼采用PE袋、PE袋+脱氧剂、真空包装袋+抽真空3种方式进行包装,研究其常温储藏条件下对感官品质的影响,并对真空包装的全燕麦香酥饼储藏期间脂肪酸价和过氧化值进行测定,建立数学模型,结合感官品质评价对该产品进行货架期预测。结果表明,全燕麦香酥饼采用真空包装方式的保质期较长,综合酸价、过氧化值和感官品质评定结果,常温下全燕麦香酥饼的货架期为10个月。  相似文献   
脆李果实采后分别经PE、PVC薄膜包装,在0℃冷藏一段时间后置于25℃环境下进行货架贮藏,在贮藏期、货架期分别或复合进行1-MCP处理脆李果实,研究不同材料包装对脆李果实硬度和可溶性固形物含量的影响。结果表明,不同薄膜包装均具有良好的气调效果,其中PVC比PE包装能更有效地提高CO_2和降低O_2百分含量,延缓货架期果实硬度下降,保持较高的可溶性固形物含量;货架期1-MCP处理可以维持最高的脆李硬度和较高的可溶性固形物含量。  相似文献   
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