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【目的】了解甘肃和青海小麦条锈菌(Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici)春季流行传播路线、群体遗传多样性和生殖模式,明确春季流行期两省小麦条锈菌的传播关系及菌源交流规律,进而为两省小麦条锈病的预测预报、确定越夏初始菌源来源和有效治理提供理论依据。【方法】选择条锈病常发生的地区作为调查和研究区域。甘肃省4个试验点:陇南市文县、陇东平凉市崆峒区、中部麦区定西市临洮县、临夏州临夏县;青海省2个试验点:西宁市城北区、海东市互助县。2017年秋季,在甘肃和青海省6个试验点内根据当地小麦播种适期依次种植82份变异观察圃材料。2018年4—8月,对试验点82份变异观察圃材料进行田间病害调查,并采集到551份小麦条锈菌标样,使用15对引物进行SSR分子标记分析。利用GenAlEx和POPPR v2.5.0软件对数据进行相关分析, 不显著的rbarD值表示连锁平衡,用于推断群体是否发生有性重组。【结果】82份变异观察圃材料在甘肃地区发病比青海地区严重。15对引物组合共扩增出81个位点,每对引物组合产生的多态性位点为2—12个。551份样本克隆矫正后,共鉴定出505个多位点基因型(MLG),其中仅有32个MLG被克隆并进行了2—6次重新采样。甘肃和青海群体总的基因型多样性(G=0.917)较高,其中,甘肃平凉群体的最高,青海互助群体次之,甘肃临洮群体最低。小麦条锈菌的遗传变异主要在各群体内部个体之间。春季流行期,菌源在各群体之间交流频繁,青海东部(互助和西宁)群体与甘肃(平凉和临夏)群体之间的基因流高于青海(互助和西宁)群体与甘肃文县群体之间的基因流。最小时空网络图(MSN)和非参数主成分分析(DAPC)表明青海互助和西宁的群体与来自于甘肃平凉和临夏的群体之间菌源关系最密切,差异最小;与临洮群体遗传距离相对较远且临洮群体相对独立;文县群体则是一个完全独立的群体,与其他5个群体之间的差异最大。连锁不平衡分析表明,甘肃文县、临夏和青海西宁群体存在不显著的rbarD值表示连锁平衡,是有性生殖群体,其中文县群体(rbarD=0.0139,P=0.186)显示出明显的有性重组特征。【结论】小麦条锈病春季流行期,甘肃地区与青海东部地区的传播路线以甘肃平凉、临夏到青海的传播为主,甘肃文县到青海的传播为辅。甘肃文县、临夏和青海西宁3个群体存在有性生殖现象,对甘肃、青海地区条锈菌丰富的遗传多样性的形成具有一定作用。  相似文献   
为了研究蓝点马鲛()生活史特征的异质性,根据2018年10月至2019年3月在东海外海渔场的拖网调查采样数据,对其叉长和体重关系的月间及性别差异进行了研究。依据收集的367尾蓝点马鲛样本,求得其叉长和体重关系(b的估计均值为2.794。本研究构建了广义线性模型和9个线性混合模型,用于研究蓝点马鲛的叉长和体重关系()在时间及性别上的差异。贝叶斯信息准则(BIC)值和均方根误差值均表明,最复杂的线性混合模型(即月份和性别对两个参数P<0.01)。在最优模型中,a值则与此相反。本研究表明,月份和性别对蓝点马鲛叉长和体重关系具有显著的影响,线性混合模型能把月份和性别的异质性通过随机效应在单个模型中更准确、快速地体现,从而进一步证实了此模型在数据来源异质性研究中的优势。  相似文献   
Nile tilapia exhibits strong sexual growth dimorphism. The potential role of sex steroid hormones in sexual growth dimorphism is not fully understood. We investigated the effects of estradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) on growth rate, plasma sex hormones, and expression of growth hormone (GH)‐insulin‐like growth factor (IGF) axis genes and muscle regulatory factor (MRF) genes in female and male Nile tilapia. The results revealed that serum concentrations of E2 and T were significantly higher after correlative injection (P < 0.05). Compared to male fish, female fish had lower growth rates. E2 increased growth performance in females with no significant effects on males, whereas T significantly increased growth performance in males, with no significant effects on females. In females, E2 significantly increased expression of ghr1, ghr2, igf1, and igf2, while T decreased igf2 and increased ghr1 and ghr2 expression. In males, T increased expression of igf1, igf2, ghr1, and ghr2, and E2 decreased expression of igf1, ghr1, and ghr2. Additionally, E2 and T enhanced the expression of MRF genes (myod1, myod2, myog, and myf5) in female and male fish, respectively. The results suggest that sex steroid hormones play a role in sexual growth dimorphism by regulating the expression of GH‐IGF axis and MRF genes.  相似文献   
为研究荔枝果实的成熟特性,以‘糯米糍’和‘桂味’2个花期和成熟期较一致的荔枝品种为试验材料,当‘桂味’果皮首先开始转黄时,定期测量2种果实的纵横径和果实各部分质量,测定果实固形物(TSS)、糖、酸和Vc等含量,从果实外观成熟度变化、果实的生长情况和果实品质等方面探讨荔枝的成熟特性。结果表明,‘糯米糍’果实的初始缓慢生长期较‘桂味’长,果皮推迟转黄约13天,但后期大部分时间内生长速度更快,两者果径和单果重的差异在缩小,成熟度趋于一致;后期果径的生长以横径为主;当果实的鲜食品质趋于最佳时,果径有暂时收缩的趋势;‘糯米糍’和‘桂味’的果肉分别以积累蔗糖和还原糖为主,过熟时还原糖含量增加;可滴定酸持续下降,当可滴定酸含量位于0.23%~0.69%、糖酸比位于20.93~61.75时,果实鲜食品质较佳;‘糯米糍’可食率较高,维持在约80%,过熟时‘桂味’可食率下降,单果重的增加以果皮和果核增重为主;2种果实过熟时继续生长,‘糯米糍’生长速度较快,但果实TSS下降,Vc含量较低,果实品质劣变更加严重。2个荔枝品种的果实具有独特的成熟特性。可滴定酸和糖酸比可作为判断果实成熟度的参考指标。‘糯米糍’成熟果实衰退快速,维持适宜含酸量和糖酸比的时间较短,宜鲜食的品质保持期和适宜采收期较短,‘桂味’果实衰退速度较慢,适宜保质采收期较‘糯米糍’长,这也是‘桂味’品种的成熟特征。  相似文献   
典型畜禽粪便配伍食用菌菌渣堆肥研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
研究3种典型畜禽粪便工厂化高温好氧堆肥过程中物理化学参数的动态变化规律,为典型禽畜粪便和食用菌菌渣废弃物有机肥料化提供理论依据。本研究分别以新鲜牛粪、猪粪和鸡粪配以2倍质量(DW)的食用菌菌渣进行堆肥试验,研究堆肥过程中温度、pH值、铵态氮、硝态氮和发芽指数等理化指标的动态变化规律。结果表明:堆肥过程中牛粪、鸡粪和猪粪处理在55℃以上的持续时间均超过15天,堆体温度均超过70℃。堆肥结束时,猪粪、鸡粪、牛粪处理的pH值分别为pH 7.59、7.81、7.48,符合腐熟堆肥pH 5.5~8.5的一般标准,种子发芽指数(GI)均大于80%,总养分(N+P_2O_5+K_2O)分别为4.31%、5.01%、4.57%,只有鸡粪处理满足有机肥养分标准(NY 525—2012)。堆肥过程中各处理铵态氮含量逐渐下降,硝态氮含量逐渐增加,至堆肥结束时牛粪、鸡粪和猪粪处理铵态氮的减少量分别为45.6%、29.2%、33.9%,而相应地硝态氮含量分别增加到2.59、2.57、2.15 g/kg。本研究结果可为适度规模养殖场的畜禽粪便进行堆肥处理提供一定的理论依据。  相似文献   
海氏桨角蚜小蜂Eretmocerus hayati是烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci的优势寄生蜂,了解寄生蜂的交配行为有利于完善其规模化繁殖技术。通过对海氏桨角蚜小蜂的首次交配及再次交配、配偶选择等行为学观察,以及多次交配对雌蜂繁殖量影响的生物学试验,明确了该蜂的交配过程包括求偶、交尾前期、交尾和交尾后期;雌蜂在整个生活史中未观察到再次交配;雄蜂可在首次交配后迅速进行再次交配,首次交配后1 h内的再次交配率为83.3%,62.5%的个体可在2 h内完成第3次交配,再次交配的行为持续时间显著低于首次交配;雄蜂的交配次数对自身寿命及其配偶的寄生量无显著影响;此外,在配偶选择中,处女蜂倾向于接受有交配经历的雄蜂,多头雄蜂间存在竞争行为进而干扰交配成功率。  相似文献   
Increasing global air temperatures, along with rising CO2 levels, are causing concerns about reducing available freshwater resources and altering cropping patterns. They may influence overall growth and production pattern of crop plants. These likely changes would become major limiting factors for future sustainable food production largely in the tropics and subtropics. Thus, understanding physiological responses hold the key to determining the functional relationship between the environment and crop performance. We explore here the impact of rising CO2 on the growth and yield traits of a few selected high-temperature (HT)-tolerant mungbean lines, which we earlier screened for HT tolerance using a physiological assay under managed growth conditions. The HT-tolerant lines grown under elevated CO2 levels (550 and 700 μL L?1) showed a considerable improvement in growth rates (13.5%, 67.8%, and 46.5% in plant height, leaf area, and total dry matter, respectively) and pod and seed yield (48.7% and 31.7%, respectively), compared to local checks under the same environments. Interestingly, the symptoms of accelerated pod maturity were also observed in most of these lines. The outcome of the study would undoubtedly open up opportunities for increased yield potentials of legumes under the conditions of the warming climate and elevated levels of carbon dioxide.  相似文献   
In Salmonidae, subordinate males are exposed to higher risks of sperm competition than dominant males and thus are expected to improve the sperm characteristics (sperm concentrations, sperm velocity and sperm longevity). In this study, we investigated the relationships between body size and secondary sexual characters (breeding colour, hump height and snout length), and sperm characteristics of one‐year‐old (newly matured) Dolly Varden char. Small males displayed higher sperm concentrations than large males. Moreover, males with dull breeding colours, but not with lesser snout length and hump height, displayed an increased sperm velocity compared to males with bright colours, suggesting a trade‐off between sperm quantity and the investment in breeding colour. In addition, sperm longevity decreased as sperm swimming velocity increased. These findings indicate that small males with dull breeding colours improve the quantity and quality of their sperm to a great extent to enhance their chances of reproductive success.  相似文献   
This study aimed to set up a method for the long‐term management of Adriatic sturgeon, through the analysis of sex steroids and the genetic profiling of individuals in order to maximize the already reduced genetic variability of this species. Ten A. naccarii adults (nine of captive origin, one captured in the Ticino river and then moved into captivity) and eight subadults located in a semi‐natural land‐locked pond in Abbiategrasso (Milan, Italy) were analysed. Plasma testosterone differed significantly in the eight analysed subadults allowing their differentiation into two groups: the first group with an average testosterone concentration of 5.42 ± 1.31 ng/ml (probably female) and the second group with an average of 423.14 ± 75.97 ng/ml (probably male), as subsequently confirmed by artificial stripping. The plasma testosterone level was also significantly different between adult males and females (371.37 ± 43.58 vs. 95.34 ± 51.10 ng/ml), while the E2 levels showed no significant differences. Animals were genotyped on the basis of 10 microsatellite loci and their parental relationships were defined: four adults, two females and two males, generated the eight subadults. On the basis of pedigree analyses and genetic distances, 15 unrelated couples were identified for the future breeding seasons. Finally, the adult female captured in the Ticino River showed an interesting genetic profile, widely different from all of the other 17 specimens analysed, and represents a valuable source of genetic diversity.  相似文献   
利用安徽地区均匀分布的国家常规气象观测站1960—2012年逐日气象观测数据,结合前人研究的双季早稻生长季低温及高温致灾临界气象指标,运用Matlab软件统计分析了安徽地区各气象站点小满寒及高温逼熟历年发生次数的多时间尺度特征,并进行了相关的检验。结果表明,小满寒灾害高值区主要位于安徽北部的砀山和宿县,而高温逼熟重灾区主要在皖南的安庆地区。从时间变化上看,安徽省双季稻区小满寒具有明显的下降趋势,高温逼熟发生次数相对较为稳定。小波分析结果表明,在2012年以后,小满寒和高温逼熟等值线处于偏多年且未闭合,表明未来一段时间安徽地区仍处于小满寒及高温逼熟重灾年。  相似文献   
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