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稻秸秆编织机自动摊铺分束装置设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对平面式草帘编织机人工摊铺秸秆上料用工量大等问题,该文通过模拟稻秸秆人工摊薄、铺放的作业过程,研制了一种与现有草帘编织机配套使用的自动摊铺分束装置。该装置采用多连杆对切机构和耙分机构,可对稻秸秆进行"对搓"摊薄、"耙分"成束铺匀,并利用ADAMS软件对关键部件进行运动分析和参数确定。样机摊铺分束及编织试验结果表明:自动摊铺分束装置铺放秸秆厚度均值小于40 mm,满足后续编织要求;与平面式草帘编织机配套使用时,当机针针织频率fz=0.8 Hz,编织速度vb=90 m/h,设定摊铺装置对切机构的工作频率ft=0.8 Hz,分束装置耙分机构的工作频率fp=1.13 Hz,测得摊铺分束过程中秸秆的分束率Fs为92.12%,漏编率Lb小于5.44‰。编织的草帘质量满足使用要求;在同一编织速度条件下,该装置的使用较传统的人工上料方式减少用工2人,可提高单机作业年均收入近8 640元。  相似文献   
蜡梅花是重要的天然花香原料。采用顶空—固相微萃取和气相色谱—质谱联用技术(HS–SPME–GC–MS)结合感官审评,分析了采摘后蜡梅花摊放过程中挥发性物质的变化规律。结果表明,离体蜡梅花在摊放过程中开放状态变化不明显,花枝经清水培养,花苞到全开状态历经32 h左右。全开状态蜡梅花的挥发性物质种类随摊放时间的延长呈先增加后降低的趋势,摊放12 h最多,此时出现了酮类、醛类和酚类;大部分挥发性物质相对含量在摊放20 h后降低。主要挥发性物质乙酸苄酯在摊放12 h达峰值,较0 h增加35.04%;4–乙基苄醇和α–罗勒烯呈现先增加后降低的趋势;α–罗勒烯在摊放4 h后急剧增加,20 h达最大值;芳樟醇、别罗勒烯和2,6–二甲基–2,4,6–辛三烯在摊放24 h内呈降低趋势,分别较0 h下降了18.32%、78.92%和41.19%。结合感官审评与GC–MS分析结果可知,全开状态的蜡梅花采摘后离体摊放20 h内能较好地保持花香的鲜灵度和浓郁度,且在12 ~ 20 h之间挥发性物质种类丰富,具花果香的挥发性物质相对含量较高。研究结果可为蜡梅花作为天然花香原料的更有效利用提供理论参考。  相似文献   
意见领袖现象在我国农村信息传播中广泛存在,并对农村传播具有重要的推动促进作用。在新型工农城乡关系的背景下,为更好地发挥农村传播中意见领袖的作用,该文对我国农村传播中意见领袖的类型、传播方式、传播内容及传播对象进行了研究分析。结果表明:我国农村传播中意见领袖存在新兴意见领袖与既有意见领袖博弈、对新媒介适应性不强、传播内容真实性受到质疑、不能有效满足传播对象需求等问题,并提出了规范农村经纪人的意见领袖行为、发挥大学生村官意见领袖作用、形成多元化的农村意见领袖团体等建议。  相似文献   
Fishes are sensitive to their thermal environment and face an uncertain future in a warming world. Theoretically, populations in novel environments might express greater levels of phenotypic variability to increase the chance of surviving—and eventually thriving—in the new conditions. Most research on the effect of the early thermal environment in fish species focuses on average phenotypic effects rather than phenotypic variability, but to understand how fishes will respond to rising temperatures we need to consider both the average response of the population, as well as the breadth of individual responses. Here we present the first meta‐analysis on the effects of developmental temperature in fishes. Using data from 43 species and over 6,000 individual fish, we show that a change in developmental temperature induces a significant change in phenotypic means and variability, but differently depending on whether the temperature is increased or decreased. Decreases in temperature (cool environments) showed a significant decrease in phenotypic means and no change in phenotypic variability. Increases in temperature (warm environments) showed a non‐significant increase in phenotypic means and a marginally significant increase in phenotypic variability. Larger increases in temperature saw greater increases in phenotypic variability, but no increase in the mean phenotypic response. Together, our results suggest that fishes exhibit both directed and stochastic developmental plasticity in response to warming temperatures, which could facilitate or accelerate adaptation to a changing environment.  相似文献   
球虫病是影响家兔健康甚至是威胁家兔生命安全的一大杀手。针对当前我国规模养兔方式及球虫病流行的新特点,借鉴国内外先进经验与生产实践的积累,提出了对该病必须坚持常防不懈、综合诊断、科学用药、重在预防等方略,旨在为养兔业的可持续发展提供有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   
This study was conducted to identify new quantitative trait loci (QTLs) that have stable effects for eating and cooking quality (ECQ) of rice. Three recombinant inbred line populations of indica rice were each planted in two years. Three traits for ECQ, amylose content (AC), gel consistency (GC) and alkali spreading value (ASV), were measured for QTL analysis. A total of 13 QTLs were detected, including four for AC, six for ASV and three for GC. Two QTLs, qGC4 in the interval RM16252–RM335 on the short arm of chromosome 4 and qGC6.2 in the Alk region, were validated in a population derived from a residual heterozygote that was homozygous at the major locus Wx. In the absence of segregation at the Wx locus, qGC4 and qGC6.2 had additive effects of 2.46 and 8.18 mm, respectively, offering a potential for improving GC property of rice varieties. Comparison between qGC4 and previous results suggests that qGC4 is likely a new QTL for GC, providing a candidate for gene cloning and functional characterization.  相似文献   
Healthy and sustainable tree populations require a high diversity of genera and species. This study examined the occurrence and contents of tree inventories in Denmark's 30 largest municipalities. 59% of the municipalities had a tree inventory for street trees, but only about half of these were complete and updated. Only one municipality had a registration for trees other than street trees. Based on data from the tree inventories, the diversity of road side trees was analyzed at genus level and species level. A total of 82,072 street trees are part of the study. 11 different genera account for 92% of the total street tree stock, and 2–6 genera account for 40–80% of the street tree stock in the individual municipalities. Tilia was the most dominating genera (26%). 12 species account for 73% of the total street tree stock. The 6 most common species account for almost 50% of the total tree population. The species representing the largest numbers were Tilia × europaea (12%), Acer platanoides (10.9%), Platanus × acerifolia (7.2%), Tilia cordata (7.2%), Fraxinus excelsior (6.2%) and Sorbus intermedia (5.9%). The four most urbanized municipalities had a surplus of non-native species, but all municipalities apart from one had most street trees belonging to native species. The concluding recommendation of this study is that tree managers need to start working more strategic with their tree stock, in order to reduce the vulnerability, due to potential attacks from pests or diseases and climate change effects. A risk spreading system for the urban tree population is proposed, suggesting that no genera should account for more than 10% and no species for more than 5% of the tree population.  相似文献   
滇中地区森林火险等级预报方法的研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
张映堂  霍义强 《林业科学》1995,31(3):239-246
经引起滇中地区森林火灾的主要细小可燃物的含水率及初始蔓延速度的大量试验数据为基础,结合大量林火历史资料,气象历史资料统计分析,找出规律,在对森林火险等级进行实测的基础上,建立数学模型和预报方法。经验证及对预报效果分析证明,本预报方法符合客观实际,是一种符合科学规律、简易、实用的预报方法,同时对引起滇中地区特大森林火灾的大气环流形势及物理量的变化作了分析,掌握了有关规律,为该地区的特大森林火险预报提  相似文献   
刮板式水稻育苗平盘播土装置的设计与试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了常用的一些水稻毯状秧苗工厂化育秧播土装置的特点,根据Mohr-Coulomb的土壤抗剪强度定律,设计出刮板式播土装置。并对生产上常用的砖红壤、水田土等床土进行了播土试验。试验表明,该播土装置能够适用于不同特性床土在不同播土量要求下的播土作业,播土均匀性较高,变异系数均小于10%,盘土厚度相差不大,符合农艺生产要求。  相似文献   
离心式撒肥机撒肥部件研究设计   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过分析推肥板在撒肥圆盘上的布置对肥料颗粒在撒肥圆盘上运动的影响,得出推肥板在撒肥圆盘上的布置形式,计算了肥料颗粒的抛撒半径。据此设计了一种离心式撒肥机用的撒肥部件,并简介了撒肥部件的结构及参数的确定。试验及大面积生产考核证明,该离心式撒肥部件效率高,肥料撒施均匀,能够满足新疆兵团农场对全耕层施肥的要求。  相似文献   
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