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文章旨在研究不同饲养水平对瑶山鸡生产性能和胴体特征的影响。试验将400只平均体重一致的1日龄瑶山鸡随机分为2组,每组4个重复,每个重复50只。2组分别饲喂代谢能水平为3155 Kcal/kg、粗蛋白质水平为225 g/kg的高能高蛋白日粮和代谢能水平为2965 Kcal/kg、粗蛋白质水平为195 g/kg的低能低蛋白日粮。试验共开展10 w。同时将240只产蛋高峰期瑶山鸡随机分为2组,每组4个重复,每个重复30只,饲喂上述日粮4 w,试验结束后收集受精蛋进行孵化。结果:高能高蛋白组种鸡在8和10 w的体重和采食量均显著高于低能低蛋白组(P<0.05),而料重比显著降低(P<0.05)。高能高蛋白组种鸡受精率和孵化率显著高于低能低蛋白组(P<0.05),而残次率、胚胎死亡率和出壳前死亡率显著降低(P<0.05)。1~10 w时高能高蛋白组种鸡体重均显著高于低能低蛋白组(P<0.05),与低能低蛋白组相比,高能高蛋白组屠体重、可食用部分显著升高(P<0.05),腿肌占比显著降低(P<0.05)。结论:中等生长速度的瑶山肉种鸡可以更有效地利用高能量高蛋白(代谢能:3155 Kcal/kg,粗蛋白质:225 g/kg)饲料。  相似文献   
天然芸苔素属于甾体类植物内源生物活性物质,其骨架为甾醇,其中芸苔素内酯生物活性最强,被称为第六类植物激素,是高效、广谱、无毒的植物生长调节剂(PGR)。为更好地将芸苔素推广应用于农业生产,本文概括了芸苔素内酯的生物活性及在粮食、果蔬等作物上的应用。探讨了芸苔素内酯在提高种子活力,促进作物生长,大幅度促进产量提升以及品质改善,提升作物抗逆性,缓解农药对作物影响的研究概况及取得的进展,指出了芸苔素内酯的应用是作物增产增收的关键途径,同时,能够减少化肥、农药的施用量,减少作物种植成本与减轻环境污染,将带来显著的经济效益。  相似文献   
从播前准备、品种选择、播种方式和方法、田间管理、病虫害防治、适时收获等方面系统阐述了威宁白萝卜的优质生产技术措施,以期为广大农民朋友提供科学的技术指导和参考。  相似文献   
消化和呼吸功能是畜牧养殖过程中面临的两大问题,其会严重影响畜牧业经济效益。作为人参主要功能性成分,人参总皂苷和人参多糖在肺肠功能调节方面具有较好效果。本文总结了近年来人参总皂苷和人参多糖对肺肠功能调节的研究情况,以期为其在畜牧生产应用方面提供参考。  相似文献   
饲料行业的竞争日益激烈,其需要学会使用现代科技提升竞争力,智慧物流就是这些技术之一。智慧物流可以提升饲料企业对原材料和产品在物流过程中的管控。本文试图探索智慧物流如何提升饲料企业的管理。通过智慧物流,饲料企业可以改进生产管理的流程和模式,加强采购管理中的风险管理,追踪产品售后的流向和信息,提升企业的产品质量,保证企业财务数据的真实性和可靠性。  相似文献   
本试验旨在评价酒糟、醋糟等非常规饲料资源的饲用价值,为酒糟醋糟资源应用于肉牛养殖提供数据参考。试验选用山西不同地区酒糟、醋糟试样5个,试样编号分别为白酒糟、啤酒糟、醋糟1、醋糟2、醋糟3,发酵原料分别为白酒糟(高粱)、啤酒糟(大麦+大米)、醋糟1(高粱+大麦)、醋糟2(大麦+玉米)、醋糟3(高粱+玉米)。通过实验室常规方法测定样品常规营养成分以及利用体外产气法和尼龙袋法评价其饲用价值,同时建立体外法与尼龙袋法测定干物质降解率的回归方程。结果表明:5个样品的干物质(DM)含量为23.25% ~ 42.96%,粗蛋白质(CP)含量分别为啤酒糟(31.84%)>白酒糟(14.58%)>醋糟3(14.40%)>醋糟1(12.21%)>醋糟2(8.46%)。醋糟1的中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)含量均为最高,其次为醋糟2、醋糟3,白酒糟NDF含量最低。啤酒糟的72 h产气量(GP72)显著高于白酒糟(P < 0.05)。体外产气法和尼龙袋法测定的酒糟72 h干物质降解率(IVDMD72、DMD72)显著高于醋糟(P < 0.05)。5个试样的IVDMD72与DMD成正相关,随着降解时间增加其相关性逐渐增加。综上,酒糟的CP含量较高(14.58% ~ 31.84%),醋糟NDF、ADF含量相对较高(59.59% ~ 64.91%,38.78% ~ 54.78%)。结合GP、IVDMD及DMD结果,酒糟消化性能优于醋糟。以IVDMD建立估算DMD的回归公式为DMD72=-19.215+1.645IVDMD72(R2=0.912,P < 0.05)|以IVDMD建立估算DM有效降解率(ED)的回归公式为ED=-12.448+1.045IVDMD72(R2=0.929,P < 0.01)。 [关键词] 醋糟|酒糟|体外产气法|尼龙袋法  相似文献   
Integrated crop–livestock–forest is a promising strategy to improve soil quality. It comprises four different integrated farming systems: crop–livestock, crop–forest, forest–livestock and crop–livestock–forest. This work systematically reviewed studies about integrated crop–livestock–forest systems and soil quality. A total of 92 papers were retrieved from the Web of Science—Clarivate Analytics platform, and the following information was analysed: publication year, institution, region of the studied site, type of integrated system, soil type, tillage system, maximum soil depth and the soil quality indicators assessed. Most studies were published in the second half of the 2010s. Brazil is a prominent focus of research about soil quality and integrated crop–livestock–forest systems, with significant contribution from its central and southern regions. The Embrapa was the main publishing institution, present in over one‐third of the studies. Crop–livestock was the most common integrated system, Ferralsols was the most common soil group, and most of the studied soils were clayey. No tillage was the main tillage system. Most studies focused on the topsoil, assessing physical and/or chemical soil quality indicators. More emphasis on biological indicators of soil quality is required, as well as assessments integrating biological, physical and chemical indicators of soil quality. Future works should compare different integrated systems, including assessments deeper in the soil profile, especially in systems with the forest component, and also in sandy and silty soils. Soil quality indicators that have been rarely used should be further tested. Novel indicators should be added to better understand the promotion of soil quality by integrated crop–livestock–forest systems.  相似文献   
旨在为两系不育系高产制种提供理论依据,用‘广占63-4s’作对照,在相同时段内测定不育系的开花习性(开花历期、单穗逐日开花动态、花时分布动态、柱头特性、包颈率和张颖特性等)。‘F168s’单穗和单株开花历期均最长;‘信丰9826s’和‘信矮10-4s’比对照花期集中,盛花期累计开花率高,开花峰值高;除‘F168s’外,其余不育系集中开花时段开花率均高于对照;除‘信丰9826s’之外,其余不育系午前开花率均低于对照;‘F168s’柱头总外露率、柱头双外露率最高;‘信矮10-4s’柱头单外露率最高;‘F168s’柱头表面积和柱头体积最大,柱头活力系数最大,柱头活力最强;除‘信丰9826s’之外,其余不育系均有包颈现象;不育系张颖时间均超过对照,‘信矮10-4s’最长;除‘信丰9826s’之外,其余不育系的颖间距和张颖角度均超过对照,‘F168s’最大。不育系制种时采取扬长避短的制种技术和人工辅助措施,可提高杂交制种产量。  相似文献   
Following the obligatory implementation of integrated pest management in the European Union (EU), the plant protection means suitable for application in organic agriculture attracted the attention of quite a wide group of potential users. In spite of the common rules of organic production, as well as the uniform principles of placing plant protection products on the market, the availability of products that can be legally used in organic crop protection differs significantly among the Member States. There is a uniform list of 10 basic substances that can be used in the protection of organic crops throughout the entire EU. Twelve Member States have official registers of plant protection products for use in organic agriculture, and the total number of qualified products per country varies from 11 in Lithuania to 576 in Italy. Some products that improve plant vigour or resistance and may be of use in protection of organic crops are placed on the market as biostimulants. They fall under the law that governs fertilisers and the systems of their registration vary widely among the Member States. In addition, there exist a number of products that have been legally introduced onto the markets of some Member States without registration as a consequence of a loophole in the law. The use of unregistered products in organic agriculture raises some doubts, but currently it seems that there is no legal basis on which to explicitly prohibit the practice. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
The main objective of this study was to evaluate the potential use of a hybrid Genetic Algorithm-Artificial Neural Network (GA–ANN) method for predicting pistachio yield and for identifying the determinant factors affecting pistachio yield in Rafsanjan region, Iran. A total of 142 pistachio orchards were selected randomly and soil samples were taken at three depths. Besides, water samples and leaves from branches without fruit were taken in each sampling point. Management information and pistachio yields were achieved by completing a questionnaire. Primarily, 58 variables affecting pistachio yield were measured, and then 26 out of them were selected by minimizing mean square error (MSE) using a feature selection (FS) method. The results showed that the accuracy of the method was acceptable. Furthermore, the sensitivity analysis showed that the main determinant features affecting the pistachio yield were the irrigation water amount, leaf phosphorus, soil soluble magnesium, electrical conductivity (EC), and leaf nitrogen.  相似文献   
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