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通过录制大黄鱼(Larimichthys crocea)产卵场附近船舶航行时的噪声,并以此为刺激源,以大黄鱼幼鱼为实验对象,研究了船舶噪声声压级对大黄鱼幼鱼游泳、摄食行为及免疫生理指标的影响。研究发现,当噪声声压级<60 dB时,幼鱼趋避游泳行为不强烈;但随着声压级增大,开始呈现出不同强度的趋避行为,依次表现出:游泳速度加快、鱼与鱼之间及鱼与桶壁之间发生碰撞、瞬间反应无序、跳跃等行为;当声压级>200 dB时,刺激2 min后就出现了死亡个体。在120 dB和150 dB短期单次和多次刺激下,幼鱼血浆中的皮质醇、血糖、血红蛋白和乳酸这4个与应激相关的生理指标均显著上升,其中皮质醇、血糖和乳酸上升幅度尤为明显。另外,皮质醇单次刺激后即达到峰值,而多次刺激后反而较单次刺激有所下降;血糖、血红蛋白和乳酸则具有累加效益,多次刺激要高于单次刺激。在120 dB长期(30 d)刺激下,幼鱼生长明显减缓,血浆中部分免疫指标(免疫球蛋白M,干扰素-α,白介素-1β和肿瘤坏死因子-α)明显降低,肠道菌群也发生显著变化,突出表现为部分益生菌如芽孢杆菌、乳杆菌等相对丰度明显降低。摄食行为影响方面,研究发现幼鱼能准确识别噪声源的位置,并具有一定的记忆性。研究结果揭示了船舶噪声对大黄鱼幼鱼的危害,可为今后制定大黄鱼产卵场的保护措施提供数据支撑。  相似文献   
利益共享、风险共担是农民合作社实现规范化建设的基础,但合作社利益分配向核心成员倾斜的现象比比皆是,根据权责利相统一的原则,究其根本是普通成员即社员农户风险共担不足。为促进合作社的规范化建设,找出合作社社员农户风险共担不足的原因,从认知和行为两个维度判断农户风险共担不足是认知不够还是行为缺失,并在此判断的基础上,采用相关性分析和有序Logistic回归分析,找出影响农户风险共担行为的因素。结果表明,风险共担认知和行为不显著相关,认同与合作社风险共担的农户占83.33%,但有65.75%的普通社员农户没有采取资本风险共担行为,合作社的风险主要由核心社员承担。导致农户风险共担不足的原因不是农户的风险共担认知水平不高,而是农户自身资源有限,即收入水平较低、合作社中占股较少和身份边缘化是其采取风险共担行为的主要障碍。并且,合作社成员账户的缺失会直接导致农户不采取风险共担行为。因此,建议合作社在吸纳社员时注重其资本参与以促进成员之间均衡发展,并规范合作社的财务管理,为每个成员建立规范的成员账户。  相似文献   
The present study aimed to provide preliminary data on the prevalence of oral stereotypic, locomotory stereotypic, and redirected behaviors as well as their associations with stable management and feeding practices. In this cross-sectional study, a total of 207 working horses used for leisure riding, equestrian sport, polo, endurance, and patrolling were selected from seven equine facilities. Data on the stable management and feeding practices were obtained through the stable records, interviews, and on-site monitoring visits, whereas the prevalence of abnormal behaviors in the studied population was determined using the instantaneous scan sampling method. Most horses in the present study worked for more than 8 hours per week (n = 93). In addition, more horses were fed three times per day (n = 65) with different amounts of hay, concentrate, and chaff. Among the study population, oral stereotypic behaviors had the highest prevalence (n = 281; 54%), followed by redirected behavior (n = 181; 34%), and locomotory stereotypic behaviors had the lowest prevalence (n = 63; 12%). The oral stereotypic behavior was found to be significantly influenced (P < .05) by the working hours, amount of hay, and amount of concentrate. Both locomotory stereotypic and redirected behaviors were found to be influenced (P < .05) by the number of feedings per day and the amount of hay. In summary, the present study has proven that the stable management and feeding practices could influence the prevalence of different abnormal behaviors in the majority of working horses, with oral stereotypy being the most common abnormal behavior in this country.  相似文献   
In order to realize the real-time appetite-based feeding in aquaculture, a novel and practical method, based on the quantification of the spontaneous collective behaviors, was proposed in this study to assess the real-time appetite of the swimming fish in a recirculating aquaculture system. First, foreground feature points of fish school were extracted using an improved complex network. Then, covariance, a modified social force model and a kinetic energy model were used to analyze the collective behaviors of the school from perspectives of dispersion degree, interaction force and the changing magnitude of the water flow field, respectively. Finally, the quantified behavioral characteristics were integrated and used to assess the appetite of fish school. The presented method shows its good performance in the expression of the collective behaviors representing five typical appetites (0.01, 0.52, 1.28, 2.26 and 2.92), and the assessing accuracy of the appetite of the school is also maintained at a low non-match rate ((2.19 ± 0.81)% best) in the context of ten different sampling durations.  相似文献   
林火行为具有时间和空间特征,利用DEM(Digital Elevation Model)对林火行为进行3维模拟是一个很有前景的研究方向。本研究利用ArcView实现DEM数据源的提取、模型转换,通过林相图和地形图的配准,将影响林火蔓延的可燃物因子与DEM结合,进行效果图显示,为林火行为的3维模拟进行了有益的实践。  相似文献   
在中国快速城镇化背景下,探讨农户生计资本与生计策略二者之间的关系对实现农户可持续生计具有重要意义。以上海市青浦区为例,在分析农户生计资本分化特征的基础上,运用多分类逻辑回归模型对农户生计资本和生计策略的关系进行了定量化模拟,以揭示影响农户生计策略选择的主要因素。结果表明:1)作为快速城镇化背景下的发达地区,农户生计策略类型分化为传统农业型、专业农业型、农业兼业型、非农兼业型和非农型等多种形态。2)不同生计策略类型农户的资本状况存在差异,大小顺序依次为专业农业型、非农兼业型、非农型、农业兼业型和传统农业型。其中,专业农业型农户在自然资本、物质资本和金融资本等方面均具有显著优势,非农型农户在人力资本方面具有优势,非农兼业型农户在社会资本方面表现最佳。3)多分类逻辑回归模型结果显示家庭整体劳动能力等7个变量是影响农户生计策略选择的主要因素,其中,户均家庭年收入起到重要作用。研究表明,农户所拥有的生计资本状况影响着其生计策略的选择,政府可以通过对不同生计类型农户采取针对性措施来改善其生计资本状况,以实现农户生计转型与可持续发展。  相似文献   
本文通过对元大都遗址公园大都建典景观区域内,人们活动行为的科学观察,简要评析了此景观区域的优劣,提出一些建议,意在通过植物配置解决一些问题。  相似文献   
This papar presents an evolution model in business behaviors-the L-S Business Strategies,gives some examples and predictions which support these strategies,and analyzes the relationship between the industrial organizations in China and the L-S Business strategies.  相似文献   
我国水稻种植面积和产量分别占世界23%和40%.人类活动,如农药和除草剂施用、采矿、污水灌溉,已经导致了一些地区水稻土污染.开发能够控制、减少水稻对重金属吸收和经食物链传递的技术与方法,对确保食物安全具有重要意义.硫(S)有6个化合态,土壤硫化合物种类多,其在土壤中转化相当复杂,在土壤环境化学研究中具有重要地位.本文收集了国内外有关文献,评述了S在水稻土中的含量、形态及转化,重点阐述了S在根际微域化学行为及其与水稻吸收重金属之间的关联,并提出了未来应开展的主要研究方向.  相似文献   
周同山  马雪峰  卢小琴  田秀华 《野生动物》2009,30(5):245-247,251
2003年11月~2004年2月,采用瞬时扫描取样法对哈尔滨动物园1对成年灰鹤的越冬行为进行观察,探讨冬季不同温度和不同天气条件下对灰鹤越冬行为的影响,并得出结论如下:笼养灰鹤越冬期行为时间分配比例依次为静栖26.92%、进食25.96%、瞭望18.74%、啄雪草13.32%、理羽6.66%、游走4.91%、呜叫2.48%、警戒1.07%和打斗0.34%;大雾时静栖、瞭望和进食行为与正常天气相似,最为突出的是游走行为明显增多,而啄雪草行为减少了近10%,从总体上看活动量比正常天气时增多。而在下雪时各行为所用时间都比较平均,和正常天气比差别都很大,只有瞭望所用时间相近。  相似文献   
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