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A foliar nematode, Litylenchus crenatae ssp. mccannii, is associated with beech leaf disease (BLD) symptoms. Information about the types of tissues parasitized and how nematode populations fluctuate in these tissues over time is needed to improve surveys as well as understand the nematodes role in BLD. During this study, the nematode was detected throughout the known range of BLD by researchers at both Canadian and US institutions using a modified pan method to extract nematodes. Monthly collections of symptomatic and asymptomatic leaves during the growing season (May–October), and leaves and buds between growing seasons (November–March), revealed that nematodes were present in all tissue types. Progressively larger numbers of nematodes were detected in symptomatic leaves from Ohio and Ontario, with the greatest detections at the end of the growing season. Smaller numbers of nematodes were detected in asymptomatic leaves from BLD‐infected trees, typically at the end of the growing season. The nematode was detected overwintering in buds and detached leaves. The discovery of small numbers of nematodes in detached leaves at one location before BLD was detected indicates that nematodes may have been present before disease symptoms were expressed. Other nematodes, Plectus and Aphelenchoides spp., were infrequently detected in small numbers. Our findings support the involvement of the nematode in BLD and indicate that symptoms develop only when certain requirements, such as infection of buds, are met. We also found that the nematode can be reliably detected in buds and leaves using the modified pan extraction method.  相似文献   
【目的】分析重庆市綦江区松墨天牛种群发生动态及松材线虫病的灾变风险,为深入揭示该虫在当地的成灾机制及防控基础提供依据。【方法】对2015年和2016年APF-I型诱捕器诱捕松墨天牛成虫数据、环境因子、天牛携带线虫数和携带线虫天牛数及枯死松树数量等指标进行统计分析,在此基础上评估了重庆市綦江区松材线虫病的灾变风险。【结果】在年发生总量上,2015年以古南街道松墨天牛种群诱集量最多,其次是三江镇;而2016年以北部林场最多,数量显著增加,其次是篆塘镇。在年发生动态上,2015年和2016年多数林场/镇成虫高峰期主要集中在6月30日至8月1日,但北部林场2016年为9月1日。按提取的3个主成分综合值排序,对天牛成虫发生量影响力由大到小的关键环境因子依次是林型、胸径、郁闭度和树高。由于总方差49.93%的贡献率来自第1主成分,因此从第1主成分看,影响力大小依次是胸径、树高和林型。各地天牛发生量与天牛携带的线虫数以及枯死松树数量均呈显著正相关关系,天牛携带的线虫数与枯死松树数量也呈显著正相关关系。聚类分析结果表明,北部林场、古南街道和篆塘镇15个村子在松材线虫病灾变风险方面明显地聚为3类,其中古南街道花坝村、连城村、清水村和南山村聚为一类,北部林场荣农村、十隆村、顺山村、可乐村、长春村、狮岭村以及篆塘镇铁马村、群乐村、联合村、珠滩村聚为一类,篆塘镇葡萄村独成一类,分别为松材线虫病主发区、高风险区和低风险区。【结论】重庆市綦江区松墨天牛种群呈加速扩散态势,松材线虫病在各环境因素作用下流行灾变的风险高,应加强检疫管理和提高综合防控技术。  相似文献   
为探索沼液抑制根结线虫的效果,本研究通过盆栽试验,以番茄为试供作物,对比了种植前沼液淹没土壤(BSS)、种植期间浇灌沼液(BS)和加热(HE)3种方法对根结线虫的防控效果。结果表明,与不采取任何措施的对照(CK)处理相比, BSS处理抑制根结线虫效果最为明显,防效高达97.1%,根结指数分别比HE和BS处理降低96.9%和92.9%。HE处理尽管在处理土壤后显著降低了根结线虫数量,但在最后破坏性取样时(结束试验)出现反弹,根结线虫数量甚至高于CK处理。对于土壤线虫群落,CK处理中以植食性线虫为主(81.8%);两个沼液处理中食细菌线虫占优势(平均78.3%),且其中的杂食捕食性线虫在土壤前处理后消失,在试验结束时又重新出现,但所占比例依然非常低。沼液淹水方式的高效防控效果揭示了利用沼液防控根结线虫的关键期在于线虫入侵到植物根部之前的幼虫期。然而,在盆栽系统中,沼液淹水的方式也对作物生长表现出了一定的抑制趋势。高量沼液施用防控病害的同时引发的植物毒害作用以及环境污染风险,需要进一步开展田间研究。  相似文献   
为了建立安全、高效、绿色的蔬菜根结线虫防治技术,研究了"臭氧水+生物菌肥+噻唑膦""臭氧水+生物菌肥+阿维菌素""臭氧水+生物菌肥""生物菌肥+噻唑膦"及生物菌肥5种土壤处理对设施番茄根结线虫病的防治效果和产量的影响。结果表明:以臭氧水为基础组配的土壤处理防治根结线虫,对秋冬茬、冬春茬2茬番茄根结线虫病的防效均在90.0%及以上,对番茄产量的恢复或增加效果明显,其中"臭氧水+噻唑膦+生物菌肥"土壤处理对番茄根结线虫防治效果最好,"臭氧水+生物菌肥"土壤处理最为安全、经济,且防治效果较好,建议广大菜农积极应用。  相似文献   
丹江口水源涵养区退耕还草土壤线虫群落变化特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为评估丹江口水源涵养区退耕还草的土壤生态效应,2017年9月,选取3块同一土壤类型、退耕3年的紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)草地作为退耕还草的代表样地,以相邻未退耕的玉米(Zea Mays)田为对照,比较分析退耕还草土壤线虫群落的变化特征。结果表明:退耕还草样地0~10 cm土层含水量显著提高15.86%(P<0.05),pH值显著降低5.06%(P<0.05);10~20 cm土层pH值显著降低4.57%(P<0.05),有效磷含量显著降低26.83%(P<0.05)。退耕种植紫花苜蓿草地共鉴定出土壤线虫18 307条,49个属,未退耕玉米田共鉴定出土壤线虫10 706条,45个属,退耕还草后土壤线虫c-p类群由短世代型向长世代型转移,土壤环境受到扰动降低,土壤线虫群落的多样性和稳定性增加,结构指数(SI)和富集指数(EI)表明退耕还草提高了土壤健康程度,同时降低了土壤所受的干扰程度。土壤线虫数量与土壤pH值、含水量、全氮和硝态氮含量呈极显著相关(P<0.01);食细菌线虫和食真菌线虫相对丰度与土壤有效磷含量呈极显著相关(P<0.01),植物寄生性线虫和捕/杂食线虫相对丰度与有机碳和铵态氮含量呈极显著相关(P<0.01),与全氮含量呈显著相关(P<0.05)。研究表明,退耕还草改变了土壤pH值及全氮、有效磷养分含量,改变了土壤线虫群落结构和多样性,提升了土壤健康水平。  相似文献   
2014年-2018年, 对海南省蔬菜根结线虫病害进行了田间随机采样调查和病原种类分子鉴定?结果显示, 蔬菜根结线虫病在海南18市县均有发生, 且大部分旱田连作地块病株率达到80%以上?进一步对采集的295份根结线虫样本种类进行了分子鉴定, 共鉴定出象耳豆根结线虫?南方根结线虫和爪哇根结线虫3种病原种?其中, 象耳豆根结线虫单一检出率达到62.37%, 南方根结线虫单一检出率为23.39%, 爪哇根结线虫的检出率仅为5.76%, 象耳豆根结线虫和南方根结线虫复合侵染检出率为8.47%?除五指山市样本以外, 海南其余17市县样本均检测到象耳豆根结线虫侵染为害?本研究显示象耳豆根结线虫为海南省蔬菜上的优势病原根结线虫种类, 该结果对指导品种布局?制定根结线虫病害的防治策略具有重要意义?  相似文献   
The impact of increasing temperatures on the population dynamics of the soil-dwelling nematode Globodera pallida, a persistent and economically important pest of potatoes, was investigated. The reproductive factor (final population⁄initial population) and length of life cycle were found to be temperature sensitive. Pot experiments performed over 4 months allowed comparison of the effect on development of G. pallida of two temperature regimes: an average temperature comparable to current field conditions (14.3 °C) and an average temperature above current field conditions (17.3 °C). A larger second generation of juveniles was observed at 17.3 °C compared to 14.3 °C. Multiplication of G. pallida at field sites in Shropshire and East Lothian (average soil temperatures of 15.5 and 14.1 °C, respectively, during potato cropping) was also examined. A quantitative PCR assay and visual examination of roots were used to monitor the dynamics of the G. pallida populations in both field sites at 4-weekly intervals. Four cultivars, Desirée, Cara, Maris Piper and Estima, were grown with and without nematicide treatments. Nematicide treatments suppressed population increases at both sites. Females were observed on the roots of cvs Cara and Desirée at the end of the growing season in Shropshire, but not at East Lothian, and are likely to represent a second generation.  相似文献   
The nematode Panagrolaimus sp. was tested as live feed to replace Artemia nauplii during first larval stages of whiteleg shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. In Trial 1, shrimp larvae were fed one of four diets from Zoea 2 to Postlarva 1 (PL1): (A) Artemia nauplii, control treatment; (NC) nematodes enriched in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) provided by the dinoflagellate Crypthecodinium cohnii; (N) non‐enriched nematodes; and (Algae) a mixture of microalgae supplemented in C. cohnii cells. In Trial 2, shrimp were fed (A), (NC) and a different treatment (NS) with nematodes enriched in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) provided by the commercial product S.presso®, until Postlarva 6 (PL6). Mysis 1 larvae fed nematodes of the three dietary treatments were 300 μm longer (3.2 ± 0.3 mm) than control larvae. At PL1, control shrimp were 300 μm longer (4.5 ± 0.3 mm) than those fed DHA‐enriched or PUFAs‐enriched nematodes. No differences were observed in length and survival at PL6 between control larvae and those fed DHA‐enriched nematodes (5.1 ± 0.5 mm; 33.1%–44.4%). Shrimp fed microalgae showed a delay in development at PL1. This work is the first demonstration of Panagrolaimus sp. suitability as a complete substitute for Artemia in rearing shrimp from Zoea 2 to PL6.  相似文献   
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