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CIDR、PMSG、FSH联合使用对初产供体羊Borderdale(波德代)3♂15♀、Poll Dorset(无角陶赛特)5♂18♀和Ger-man Mutton Merino(德国肉毛兼用美利奴—德美)3♂15♀进行同期发情和超数排卵。同期化发情波德代、无角陶赛特和德美分别为100.00%、88.89%和93.33%,羊只同期化发情时间经历和各时间点分布3个品种各有特点。超数排卵效果品种间存在差异,波德代、无角陶赛特、德美分别为6.60±2.97(枚)、3.63±2.25(枚)、5.50±3.32(枚),波德代极显著地高于无角陶赛特(P<0.01)。超排有效率波德代、无角陶赛特、德美分别为100.00%、87.50%、92.86%。未受精卵波德代极显著地高于德美羊和无角陶赛特羊(P<0.01)。胚胎总数德美羊极显著地高于波德代(P<0.01)。有效胚胎波德代羊、无角陶赛特羊、德美羊分别为2.40±2.31、2.75±2.05、4.07±3.79,德美极显著地高于波德代(P<0.01)。同一方法进行同期化发情,羊只经历时间和各时间点均衡分布能否有效控制是同期发情的焦点问题,是有效胚胎数目差异的主导因素之一。  相似文献   
JEV、PPV、PRRSV、PRV多联PCR的应用研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用 JEV、PRRSV二联 PCR,PPV、PRV二联 PCR以及这 4种病毒 4联 PCR对来自内蒙、广州、广西、天津、北京、吉林病料进行检测 ,共检了 1 4 6份病料。其中 PRRSV阳性 7份 ,PPV阳性 1 2份 ,PRV阳性 2 1份 ,PRV和 PPV混合感染 4份。并对 5份人工接种 JEV小鼠病料检测 ,其中 4份为阳性。随后对部分阳性 PCR扩增产物进行点杂交和核苷酸测序鉴定 ,证实了 PCR扩增准确性。对内蒙 PRRSV阳性扩增带测序结果显示 ,我国流行 PRRSV为美洲型 ,在扩增片段的核苷酸序列上有 3个碱基差异  相似文献   
运用BP神经网络模型对水面蒸发进行研究,并与多元线性回归和主成分回归2种方法的拟合结果进行比较。结果显示,多元线性回归各参数均通过t检验,拟合较好;主成分回归中,参数b2未通过t检验,拟合效果不如多元线性回归好。BP神经网络模型、多元线性回归、主成分回归建立的水面蒸发量观测值与拟合值的回归方程中决定系数分别为0.8986、0.7993、0.7984。应用BP神经网络进行分析,相对误差小于10%的样本个数超过总样本个数的40%,相对误差不超过30%的样本个数接近80%;而其它2种方法相对误差大于10%的样本个数超过总样本数的80%,相对误差大于50%的接近总样本个数的30%。可见,应用BP神经网络模型进行水面蒸发量计算,远优于其它2种方法,应用此方法进行水面蒸发量的预测是非常理想的。  相似文献   
Mechanical inoculations with contaminating tools and propagation of infected budwood were considered the main causes for the omnipresence of multiple viroid species among citrus and other Middle Eastern and Mediterranean fruit trees and grapevines. However, neither means could explain viroid infections of wild trees — scattered on terrains inaccessible to humans — nor the finding of similar viroids among graft-incompatible plants. Northern hybridization of RNA extracts made of scrapings from the surfaces of goat (Capra hircus) horns that were rubbed against etrog (Citrus medica) stems infected with a citrus viroids complex, revealed accumulation of considerable amounts ofCitrus exocortis viroids (CEVd) andHop stunt viroids (HSVd). Experimental transmission of both CEVd and HSVd was obtained by rubbing healthy citrus plants with goat horns that had been rubbed 24 h earlier on infected etrog stems. These results implicate goats as possible vectors of viroids. Transmissionvia goats could have facilitated the long-range spread of viroids among cultivated and wild plants andvice versa and also among graft-incompatible plants.  相似文献   
不同复种油菜-轮作模式对马铃薯耗水特征及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨马铃薯不同轮作系统复种饲用油菜对马铃薯耗水特征及产量的影响,2017年在长期大田定位试验基础上选取4个处理,即马铃薯连作(CK)、马铃薯-小麦复种油菜-马铃薯(WPRP)、马铃薯-豌豆复种油菜-马铃薯(PPRP)、小麦-豌豆复种油菜-马铃薯(WPPR),研究不同复种轮作模式对马铃薯耗水特性、水分利用效率和产量的影响。结果表明:马铃薯块茎增长期到收获期,CK 160~200 cm土壤水分含量和播前无差异,而WPRP、PPRP、WPPR 0~200 cm土壤各层含水量均大于播前,其中,块茎增长期到淀粉积累期,各层土壤平均含水量分别提高了43.02%、38.58%、24.63%,淀粉积累期到收获期,分别提高36.47%、33.63%和21.43%; 120~200 cm土壤各层含水量表现为:WPRP>PPRP>WPPR>CK。WPRP、PPRP、WPPR耗水深度和贮水量均大于CK,其中,块茎增长期到淀粉积累期,耗水深度较CK分别增加42.86%、42.86%、42.86%,土壤贮水量较CK分别增加10.36%、12.91%和8.49%;淀粉积累期到收获期,耗水深度较CK分别增加了25.00%、12.50%、12.50%,土壤贮水量分别增加了12.56%、6.78%和2.95%,且WPRP贮水量较CK显著提高12.56%。块茎形成期、块茎增长期和淀粉积累期,WPRP耗水量较CK分别减少了16.2%、25.2%和5.1%。WPRP、PPRP、WPPR较CK产量分别增加33.51%、40.05%、14.47%,WUE分别提高54.83%、52.32%、19.78%。综上,马铃薯轮作系统复种油菜增加了降雨入渗深度、土壤贮水量和耗水深度,降低了阶段性耗水量,提高了马铃薯产量和WUE。且马铃薯-小麦复种油菜-马铃薯为该地区较佳的轮作模式。  相似文献   
Abstract – In natural systems, prey frequently interact with multiple predators and the outcome often cannot be predicted by summing the effects of individual predator species. Multiple predator interactions can create emergent effects for prey, but how those change across environmental gradients is poorly understood. Turbidity is an environmental factor in aquatic systems that may influence multiple predator effects on prey. Interactions between a cruising predator (largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides) and an ambush predator (muskellunge Esox masquinongy) and their combination foraging on a shared prey (bluegill Lepomis macrochirus) were examined across a turbidity gradient. Turbidity modified multiple predator effects on prey. In clear water, combined predators consumed in total more prey than expected from individual predator treatments, suggesting risk enhancement for prey. In moderately turbid water, the predators consumed fewer prey together than expected, suggesting a risk reduction for prey. At high turbidity, there were no apparent emergent effects; however, the cruising predator consumed more prey than the ambush predator, suggesting an advantage for this predator. Understanding multiple predator traits across a gradient of turbidity increases our understanding of how complex natural systems function.  相似文献   
【目的】探明新疆部分地区生乳中金黄色葡萄球菌流行情况及耐药性,为该地区生乳中金黄色葡萄球菌的监测及保障生乳质量安全提供理论依据。【方法】试验随机从南北疆规模化奶牛场采集110份生乳样品。采用增菌培养、分离纯化、革兰氏染色、生化鉴定及PCR法对奶样中金黄色葡萄球菌进行分离鉴定,并利用微量肉汤稀释法及PCR方法对金黄色葡萄球菌进行16种抗菌药物的耐药表型及耐药基因分析。【结果】从110份奶样中分离出18株金黄色葡萄球菌,分离株呈浅黄色、光滑凸起的圆形菌落,革兰氏染色镜检呈紫色、短链状排列的革兰氏阳性菌,生化试验结果符合金黄色葡萄球菌生化特点,经16S rDNA及nuc基因PCR扩增鉴定为金黄色葡萄球菌,分离率为16.36%(18/110)。药敏试验结果显示,金黄色葡萄球菌分离株对氨苄西林、青霉素及磺胺异噁唑具有较高的耐药性,耐药率分别为100%、83.33%和77.78%,而对万古霉素、复方新诺明、苯唑西林、头孢噻吩、头孢噻呋、利福昔明及环丙沙星7种抗菌药物高度敏感,敏感率分别为100%、100%、94.44%、94.44%、94.44%、94.44%和94.44%。其中有14株金黄色葡萄球菌为多重耐药菌,多重耐药率为77.78%。耐药基因检测结果显示,大环内酯类耐药基因ermB检出率最高,为50.00%,其次为β-内酰胺类耐药基因mecA,检出率为27.28%,磺胺类耐药基因Sul1的检出率为22.22%。【结论】新疆奶牛场生乳中分离的金黄色葡萄球菌的流行及耐药情况仍较严重,且存在多重耐药现象,因此,对生乳中金黄色葡萄球菌耐药性的监测有重要意义。  相似文献   
A three critical point theorem is proved. As its applications, Dirichlet problem for a class of quasilinear elliptic equations cf second order is considered.  相似文献   
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