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喀斯特森林自然恢复演替中林木对生境利用分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
以喀斯特区小生境及其地表着生植物作为研究对象,分析了喀斯特区小生境分布面积及不同小生境植物的分布现状。不同生境面积比例关系是石面>土面>石沟>石缝>石槽>石洞。在森林群落的自然恢复演替进程中,林木株数密度的变化是从草本群落阶段到灌丛灌木阶段逐渐上升,灌乔过渡阶段林木株数密度和灌木林阶段基本一致,演替到乔林阶段林木株数密度最大,到顶级群落阶段林木株数密度又出现下降。在森林群落恢复的早期,林木主要占据石缝和土面的小生境,随着演替的进行,对于石面这种严酷的小生境植物也能充分利用。植被在自然恢复演替的早期,喀斯特区小生境对植物的生长有一定的限制作用,随着演替的进行,生境的限制作用逐渐减弱,在森林群落演替的后期,林中小气候的变化成为植物演替的主要限制条件。  相似文献   
[目的] 研究不同侵蚀微生境下基质的理化性质与水分特征,为揭示其植被定居与恢复的驱动与限制机制提供理论基础,为北方早期矿区废弃地植被重建的实践提供科学参考。[方法] 以裸坡、细沟、浅沟与堆积体为研究对象,研究其基质的机械组成、容重、毛管孔隙度、pH值、电导率与水分特征及其相互关系。[结果] 各粒径基质在不同侵蚀微生境间变化各异,而且不同土层间存在差异。不同侵蚀微生境基质容重大小表现为:浅沟>细沟>裸坡>堆积体,而毛管孔隙度大小表现为:堆积体>裸坡>浅沟>细沟。不同侵蚀微生境基质的pH值无显著性差异,但其在不同土层变化有所差异;电导率均表现为:堆积体>裸坡>浅沟>细沟,且在10—20 cm土层高于0—10 cm土层。不同侵蚀微生境的基质含水率与毛管持水量均表现为:堆积体>裸坡>浅沟>细沟,裸坡与浅沟的基质含水率与毛管持水量均在上坡位最低,而细沟的在中坡位最低。[结论] 风化矸石山基质水分特征主要受容重和毛管孔隙度影响显著,裸坡和堆积体砂粒和中粗粒相对较多,水分较好,可为植被定居与恢复提供安全生境。  相似文献   
Desert mosses, which are important stabilizers in desert ecosystems, are distributed patchily under and between shrubs. Mosses differ from vascular plants in the ways they take up nutrients. Clarifying their distribution with ecological stoichiometry may be useful in explaining their mechanisms of living in different microhabitats. In this study, Syntrichia caninervis, the dominant moss species of moss crusts in the Gurbantunggut Desert, China, was selected to examine the study of stoichiometric characteristics in three microhabitats (under living shrubs, under dead shrubs and in exposed ground). The stoichiometry and enzyme activity of rhizosphere soil were analyzed. The plant function in the above-ground and below-ground parts of S. caninervis is significantly different, so the stoichiometry of the above-ground and below-ground parts might also be different. Results showed that carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) contents in the below-ground parts of S. caninervis were significantly lower than those in the above-ground parts. The highest N and P contents of the two parts were found under living shrubs and the lowest under dead shrubs. The C contents of the two parts did not differ significantly among the three microhabitats. In contrast, the ratios of C:N and C:P in the below-ground parts were higher than those in the above-ground parts in all microhabitats, with significant differences in the microhabitats of exposed ground and under living shrubs. There was an increasing trend in soil organic carbon (SOC), soil total nitrogen (STN), soil available phosphorous (SAP), and C:P and N:P ratios from exposed ground to under living shrubs and to under dead shrubs. No significant differences were found in soil total phosphorous (STP) and soil available nitrogen (SAN), or in ratios of C:N and SAN:SAP. Higher soil urease (SUE) and soil nitrate reductase (SNR) activities were found in soil under dead shrubs, while higher soil sucrase (STC) and soil β-glucosidase (SBG) activities were respectively found in exposed ground and under living shrubs. Soil alkaline phosphatase (AKP) activity reached its lowest value under dead shrubs, and there was no significant difference between the microhabitats of exposed ground and under living shrubs. Results indicated that the photosynthesis-related C of S. caninervis remained stable under the three microhabitats while N and P were mediated by the microhabitats. The growth strategy of S. caninervis varied in different microhabitats because of the different energy cycles and nutrient balances. The changes of stoichiometry in soil were not mirrored in the moss. We conclude that microhabitat could change the growth strategy of moss and nutrients cycling of moss patches.  相似文献   
在浙江天台华顶山,云锦杜鹃Rhododendron fortunei生长于多种林分中。对生活在落叶阔叶林林隙内和林缘灌草丛中的云锦杜鹃幼树(树高80~130cm)的构型进行了统计分析。结果显示:①林隙内的幼树树冠窄小,枝倾角较大,分枝相对较长,但分枝率相对较低,尤其是植株下层的枝条差别更大。说明在光照条件差的生境中,幼树的高生长显著,从而可尽快摆脱光胁迫的制约。②林隙内的幼树叶倾角相对较小,尤其是下层枝条的叶片部分比较平展,这可能有利于接受更多的散射光;而枝径比以及枝、叶的方位角等未发生显著的变化。另外,幼树的各级分枝均以单轴分枝为主,但顶端优势不甚明显,使树冠具有合轴分枝的形态特征。由此可见,云锦杜鹃的分枝特征具有相对稳定性,但枝长、分枝率、枝倾角和叶倾角等对生境的光照比较敏感,且枝长与分枝率间存在着一定的交换。图1表4参20  相似文献   
以延边地区天然赤松林内更新幼树为对象,分析幼树的分枝数、分枝概率分布和分枝角的变化动态,探讨了赤松幼树的分枝特性及其与微生境的关系。结果表明:①林隙内赤松幼树轮生侧枝及二级枝条平均分枝数均比生长在林中空地的少;②林隙内和林中空地两种生境内,赤松幼树的轮生侧枝、二级侧枝的分枝概率分布均有区别,分枝数量较少的侧枝的发生概率高,而分枝数量较多的侧枝的发生概率相对较低;③林隙内的赤松幼树,同林中空地的相比,树干上轮生侧枝的分枝角均较大且在树干上从下到上变化较小。  相似文献   
贵州喀斯特山地5种森林群落的枯落物储量及水文作用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在贵州省普定县喀斯特山地5种森林类型的4种小生境中进行枯落物储量和持水能力调查,研究枯落物持水过程和不同厚度(2,4,6,10cm4个梯度)枯落物抑制土壤蒸发的作用。结果表明:5种森林类型的枯落物层平均厚度变化在2.7~13.7cm,枯落物总储量在4.9~9.1t·hm-2。枯落物最大持水量范围为1.608~3.445kg·kg-1,其排序为圆果化香-异叶鼠李林>圆果化香-小果蔷薇林和圆果化香-槲栎林>圆果化香-云南鼠刺林>窄叶石栎-云南鼠刺林。不同森林类型枯落物吸水速率与浸水时间的关系为V=at-b;有枯落物覆盖的土壤蒸发速率远远小于无枯落物覆盖土壤,并随着枯落物厚度递增而递减。5种森林类型枯落物层的土壤蒸发抑制作用有显著差异,窄叶石栎-云南鼠刺林和圆果化香-异叶鼠李林较强,其次为圆果化香-小果蔷薇林,圆果化香-云南鼠刺林和圆果化香-槲栎林较弱。  相似文献   
贵州花江喀斯特峡谷区不同小生境的小气候环境   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以贵州花江峡谷为例,研究了该地区不同小生境的小气候日变化规律,分析了不同小生境地面温度、气温、光照强度和大气相对湿度的变化特点。结果表明:土面土温高,但温度变化缓和,气温、光照条件和湿度条件都较好,因而土面有利于植物的生长,提高光合产率。石沟土温、气温和光照都较低,相对湿度高,植物的生长相对土面较差。而石槽则小气候变化剧烈,植物生长受到制约。图8表1参12  相似文献   
揭示喀斯特灌丛生态系统土壤丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi,AMF)群落及其对异质性生境与季节变化的响应规律,对合理利用土壤AMF促进喀斯特退化生境的恢复具有重要的意义。以桂西北喀斯特峰丛洼地1 hm2典型灌丛生态系统为研究对象,采用Illumina测序技术分析喀斯特灌丛两种主要小生境(石土面和土面)土壤AMF群落的季节变化特征及其影响因子。研究共发现AM真菌7科8属,球囊霉属/种为该地区优势属/种;土壤AMF群落组成结构季节差异显著(P0.05),冬季土壤AMF的Shannon多样性和丰富度均高于夏季,但小生境类型及季节与生境类型的交互作用对多样性均无显著影响;冗余分析(Redundancy ananlysis,RDA)表明,速效磷、速效钾和植物丰富度极显著影响喀斯特灌丛土壤AMF群落组成结构(P0.01)。研究结果为喀斯特地区合理利用植物与土壤AMF共生促进退化生境植被恢复提供了理论依据与实践指导。  相似文献   
Collembolan communities were studied in 41 microhabitats in beech and spruce forests of south ( ofín and umava) and central (Jevany) Bohemia. The communities of Collembola were analysed using TWINSPAN and CANOCO programs. The aim of this study was to establish differences between patch (microhatitat) communities and the main forest community in spruce and beech forests, the differences between both types of forests and among different regions of Bohemia. Further questions were: is there a difference in microhabitat communities during secondary forest succession? do some species live exclusively in one or few microhabitats? and does microhabitat diversity influence the biodiversity in forest soils? Material comprising  25 590 specimens of Collembola belonging to 142 species was analysed. Highly significant differences were determined between microhabitat communities in beech and spruce forests, as well as among forests in different regions of Bohemia. Significant differences were also found among microhabitats in forests of different ages. Also, some microhabitat communities of Collembola, e.g. moss on boulders, were significantly different from their main forest community. Certain collembolan species existed exclusively in one or two microhabitats. Patches therefore influenced substantially biodiversity in these forest soils.  相似文献   
Higher densities of tree microhabitats in unmanaged forests may explain biodiversity differences with managed forests. To better understand the determinants of this potential biodiversity indicator, we studied the influence of tree characteristics on a set of tree microhabitats (e.g. cavities, cracks, bark features) on 75 plots in managed and unmanaged French forests. We hypothesized that the number of different microhabitat types per tree and the occurrence of a given microhabitat type on a tree would be higher in unmanaged than in managed forests, and that this difference could be linked to individual tree characteristics: diameter, vitality and species. We show that unmanaged forests contained more trees likely to host microhabitats (i.e. large trees, snags) at the stand level. However, at the tree level, forest management did not influence microhabitats; only tree characteristics did: large trees and snags contained more microhabitats. The number and occurrence of microhabitats also varied with tree species: oaks and beech generally hosted more microhabitats, but occurrence of certain types of microhabitats was higher on fir and spruce. We conclude that, even though microhabitats are not equally distributed between managed and unmanaged forests, two trees with similar characteristics in similar site conditions have the same number and probability of occurrence of microhabitats, whatever the management type. In order to preserve biodiversity, foresters could reproduce unmanaged forest features in managed forests through the conservation of specific tree types (e.g. veteran trees, snags). Tree microhabitats could also be more often targeted in sustainable forest management monitoring.  相似文献   
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