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The absence or presence of metastases on thoracic radiographs in 55 female dogs with mammary gland tumors was assessed by comparing the results of a single radiographic examination, using dorsoventral and left lateral views, with clinical and histologic follow-up data. Radiographic abnormalities found in dogs with thoracic metastases were classified as well-defined pulmonary nodules, ill-defined pulmonary nodules, and involvement of pleural effusion. No obvious difference in the effect on the right or left lung lobes was found. The sensitivity, specificity and accuracy for the detection of thoracic metastases were 65%, 97%, and 87%, respectively.  相似文献   
Résumé— Une analyse rétrospective clinicopathologique a été menée chez 100 chiens présentant une hydradénite suppurative diagnostiquée par biopsie cutanée. Aucune prédisposition d'âge, de race ou de sexe n'a été mise en évidence. Tous les chiens présentaient cliniquement une folliculite bactérienne, ou une furonculose, ou les deux, qu'elle soit primaire ou secondaire à d'autres dermatoses. Aucene lésion clinique n'était pathognomonique d'hidradénite suppurative. Chez 73 chiens, l'hidradénite suppurative était associée microscopiquement à des degrés variables d'inflammation du follicule pileux. Chez 27 chiens, l'hidradénite suppurative était la seule évidence histologique d'inflammation annexielle. L'observation histopathologique d'hidradénite suppurative suggère l'existence sur le plan clinique d'une folliculite bactérienne, d'une furonculose, ou des 2. [Scott, D.W. Suppurative inflammation of apocrine sweat glands (suppurative hidradentis) in the dog: a retrospective clinicopathological analysis of 100 cases (inflammation suppurative des glandes sudorales apocrines (hidradénite suppurative) chez le chien: une analyse rétrospective clinicopathologique de 100 cas). Resumen— Se llevó a cabo un estudio clinicopatológico retrospectivo en 100 perros con hidradenitis supurativa diagnosticada mediante biopsia cutánea. No se detectó predominancia alguna de raza, sexo o edad. A todes los perros se les habia diagnosticado clinicamente foliculitis o furunculosis bacteriana, o ambas, ya sea de forma primaria o secundaria a otras dermatosis. No se encontraron lesiones clinicas especificas indicativas de hidradenitis supurativa. En 73 animales, la hidradenitis supurativa estaba asociada con varios grados de inflamación folicular a nivel microscópico. En los 27 casos restantes, los anejos presentaban unicamente hidradenitis supurativa. La presencia de hidradenitis supurativa a nivel microscópico sugiere la existencia de foliculitis o furunculosis bacteriana clinicas, o de ambas. [Scott, D.W. Suppurative inflammation of apocrine sweat glands (suppurative hidradenitis) in the dog: a retrospective clinicopathological analysis of 100 cases (inflamación supurativa de las glándulas sudoriparas apocrinas (hidradenitis supurativa) en el perro: estudio clinicopatológico retrospectivo de 100 casos). Abstract— A retrospective clinicopathological study was conducted on 100 dogs with suppurative hidradenitis as determined by skin biopsy. No apparent age, breed, or sex predilections were recognized. All dogs had been given a clinical diagnosis of bacterial folliculitis, furunculosis, or both of these, whether primary or secondary to other dermatoses. There were no clinical lesions that uniquely suggested the presence of suppurative hidradenitis. In 73 dogs, suppurative hidradenitis occurred in conjunction with varying degrees of hair follicle inflammation microscopically. In 27 dogs, suppurative hidradenitis was the only histological evidence of adnexal inflammation. The histopathologic finding of suppurative hidradenitis suggests the existence of clinical bacterial folliculitis, furunculosis, or both of these.  相似文献   
为研究长蛸神经系统结构及神经调控机制,通过解剖学和石蜡组织切片技术对长蛸的脑部结构进行观察。结果显示,以食道为参照,根据所处位置将脑分为3部分:食道上神经团、食道下神经团以及位于食道上下神经团两侧的视叶区。食道上神经团包含垂直叶、上额叶、下额叶、前基底叶和后基底叶,食道下神经团包含腕叶、足叶、巨细胞叶、色素细胞叶、内脏叶、外套内脏叶和血管舒缩叶,视叶区包含视神经、视叶、视腺、嗅叶、脑脚叶和视神经束。采用石蜡组织切片、光镜和透射电镜技术对视腺进行显微和超显微结构观察,结果发现视腺外有一层结缔组织包裹,位于视神经束区上,与嗅叶和脑脚叶相邻;内部可观察到大量分泌细胞,细胞核较大,直径范围为4~8μm;分泌细胞含有丰富的粗面内质网、高尔基体及高尔基体分泌的分泌小泡与大泡。研究表明,长蛸视腺结构特征与曼氏无针乌贼和真蛸的高度相似。  相似文献   
本试验利用液相色谱-质谱联用技术(LC-MS)对幼年工蜂进行代谢组学分析,旨在探究不同人工饲粮对幼年工蜂生长发育及生理代谢的影响,为蜂王邮寄的人工饲粮配制提供一定理论依据.试验选取1日龄的意大利蜜蜂(Apis mellifera ligustica)300只,分为5组,分别饲喂5种人工饲粮,每组30只工蜂.对照组饲粮:...  相似文献   
低氧适应动物喜马拉雅旱獭的组织学观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
对生活在青藏高原(海拔3200-3400m)喜马拉雅旱獭的肝脏、肺、肾、卵巢、甲状腺等器官结构进行了组织学观察。  相似文献   
Primary bovine mammary epithelial cells (BMECs) were treated by 0, 37.5, 75, 112.5, 150 μmol/L trans10, cis12 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) to evaluate the effects of different level trans10, cis12 CLA on lipogenesis in BMEC. Addition of 75–150 μmol/L trans10, cis12 CLA reduced significantly the triacylglycerol (TAG) content (P < 0.05), but did not have inhibiting action on cell proliferation (P > 0.05). Treatment with 150 μmol/L trans10, cis12 CLA for 48 h resulted in a 17.1% reduction (P < 0.0001) of medium chain fatty acids (MCFA, C14 < C < C16), a 26.5% reduction (P < 0.0001) of unsaturated fatty acids (UFA) and a corresponding reduction of the mRNA abundance of acetyl coenzyme A (acetylCoA) carboxylase (ACC) (P = 0.046), fatty acid synthase (FAS) (P = 0.017) and stearoylCoA desaturase1 (SCD1) (P = 0.002). Another finding was that trans10, cis12 CLA elevated expression of diacylglycerol acyltransferase2 (DGAT2) (P = 0.020) and long chain acylCoA synthetases (ACSL) (P = 0.032). In conclusion, higher trans10, cis12 CLA, not low trans10, cis12 CLA, inhibited milk fat synthesis and changed fatty acid composition by regulating the expression of FAS, ACC, SCD1, DGAT2 and ACSL.  相似文献   
本试验研究了阴外动脉灌注乳脂前体物对奶牛产奶量及乳腺内短链脂肪酸摄取规律的影响。选择8头健康荷斯坦奶牛分为2组,每组4头牛。采用2×2交叉试验设计,2组分别饲喂2种不同粗饲料[苜蓿(MF组)、玉米秸秆(CS组)]的饲粮,饲粮的精粗比为45∶55。试验分为2阶段,每阶段20 d,其中预试期14 d,载体灌注期3 d,乳脂前体物灌注期3 d。在载体灌注期,MF组与CS组均接受载体灌注,分别命名为MFC_1组和CSC组;在乳脂前体物灌注期,MF组继续接受载体灌注(MFC_2组),CS组灌注乳脂前体物(CSF组)。测定产奶量、干物质采食量及乳成分。采集尾动脉和乳静脉血浆测定短链脂肪酸浓度和脂肪酸比例。结果表明:1)在灌注乳脂前体物前,CSC组产奶量、4%乳脂校正乳产量、乳脂产量、乳蛋白产量和产乳脂效率显著低于MFC_1组(P0.05),CSC组尾动脉血浆中短链脂肪酸浓度及短链脂肪酸/长链脂肪酸有低于MFC_1组的趋势(0.05≤P0.10)。2)灌注乳脂前体物后,CSF组产乳脂效率和乳蛋白率显著高于CSC组(P0.05),CSF组产奶量、4%乳脂校正乳产量、乳脂率和乳蛋白率尽管在数值上仍然低于MFC_2组,但组间差异不显著(P0.05),而CSF组产乳脂效率显著高于MFC_2组(P0.05)。3)灌注乳脂前体物后,CSF组尾动脉血浆中乙酸、丙酸以及短链脂肪酸浓度显著高于CSC组(P0.05),且乙酸、丁酸及短链脂肪酸浓度显著高于MFC_2组(P0.05),短链脂肪酸/长链脂肪酸有低于MFC_2组的趋势(0.05≤P0.10)。4)除CSF组丁酸动静脉差有高于CSC组的趋势(0.05≤P0.10)外,CSC组与MFC_1组、CSC组与CSF组、CSF组与MFC_2组乳腺对乙酸、丙酸、丁酸、短链脂肪酸的摄取量、摄取率和动静脉差均无显著差异(P0.05)。结果提示,以玉米秸秆为粗饲料奶牛灌注乳脂前体物可显著增加奶牛的产奶量、乳脂率和乳脂产量,并达到与以苜蓿等为粗饲料相似的水平,且具有较高的产乳脂效率,但对乳腺内短链脂肪酸的摄取量和摄取率无显著的影响。  相似文献   
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