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基于有限元理论及最小势能原理,以2008年9月到2009年1月海上实测的188枚钓钩的深度、24个站点不同深度的三维海流数据、渔具参数和作业参数为基础,建立并验证了延绳钓三维最小势能模型。结果表明:(1)建立的延绳钓最小势能模型可以计算得出任何三维分层海流作用下延绳钓的三维形状和钓钩的深度,大部分钓钩的实测深度与数学模型数值深度之间的差别不大,其平均差值为12.03 m,差值范围为0.02~40.36 m(方差S2=100.30,标准差S=10.01,n=188),通过成对双样本均值分析,实测深度与数值深度无显著性差异(P>0.05);(2)延绳钓渔具的干线在海水中稳定后并不是呈平滑的悬链线,而是波浪形的曲线;(3)圆柱体轴线与流向垂直时的阻力系数(CN90)取值对于数值模拟的结果有一定的影响,CN90值的选取与研究对象的雷诺数有关。延绳钓最小势能数值模型能够有效模拟并预测延绳钓在不同深度的三维海流作用下的形状、钓钩深度并达到可视化。  相似文献   
An age-structured model of a wandering albatross Diomedea exulans population is developed to stimulate population trends over time, using demographic parameters from the population at Possession Island, Crozets, during 1968–1986. The simulation results portray a population decreasing at a rate of 2·29% per year, which concurs with global population trends. Sensitivity analyses of model parameters indicate that both adult and juvenile mortality are contributing to the decrease. Wandering albatross mortality is presumed to have increased as a result of deaths caused by longline fishing vessels; such deaths are likely to be relatively more frequent among young, naive birds. The model is used to investigate the potential impacts of new longline fisheries such as that for Patagonian toothfish Dissostichus eleginoides in Antarctica. Assuming longline fishing operations affect juveniles more than adults, there is a time lag of 5–10 years before further decreases in population numbers are reflected in the breeding population. Also, because wandering albatrosses are long-lived, population growth rates take approximately 30–50 years to stabilize after a perturbation. Consequently, caution must be exercised when interpreting population trends; short-term (<20 year) estimates may not provide good indications of long-term trends.  相似文献   
We assess the performance of wire leaders, which some jurisdictions have banned to reduce shark mortality from pelagic longline fishing. Experiments were conducted off northeastern Australia on commercial vessels that deployed equal numbers of wire and nylon monofilament leaders randomly along their longlines. Catch rates of several species, including sharks, were lower on nylon than on wire leaders, probably because those animals often escape by biting through the nylon leaders. High bite-off rates indicate that as many animals escape from nylon leaders as are caught on nylon leaders. The fate of escaped animals is not known, although large sharks are more likely to survive than are small animals. By contrast, catch rates of valuable bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) were higher on nylon than on wire leaders. Bigeye tuna are probably able to see wire leaders and avoid those hooks. The financial benefits of increased bigeye tuna catches outweigh the costs associated with banning wire leaders, such as increased rates of gear loss. Thus, banning wire leaders is an effective way of reducing shark catches that fishers should be keen to adopt.  相似文献   
Little is known about the ecology of loggerhead turtles, Caretta caretta, in Canadian waters. However, Canada's eastern waters off the Scotian Shelf, Georges Bank and Grand Banks appear to be seasonal foraging habitats based on dates and locations where they have been captured as fishery bycatch. Estimates derived from data recorded by the international observer program (IOP) and used for this study suggest that thousands of mostly immature loggerheads have been captured in the Canadian pelagic longline fishery (PLF) in the western North Atlantic since 1999. These data suggest that the PLFs for tuna and swordfish are among the most important causes of incidental capture. Although U.S. and Canadian bycatch estimation methods differ and uncertainty associated with the estimates is high, it is clear from the IOP data that bycatch in the Canadian PLF is substantial and roughly within the same magnitude as that reported for the entire U.S. fleet in the North Atlantic for the same period (1999–2005). Analysis of bycatch observer data from the Canadian PLF and other empirical data suggests that fishing at temperatures below 20 °C using fish rather than squid bait and size-18 circle hooks could reduce loggerhead bycatch and mortality. However, research is needed to identify the best options and their commercial viability. Loggerheads that use Canadian Maritime waters are one of the least studied groups of loggerheads in the world, so systematic long-term studies on the ecology of loggerheads in Canada would help fill important information gaps and assist in developing effective recovery plans for this species.  相似文献   
The American Samoa fishing ground is a dynamic region with strong mesoscale eddy activity and temporal variability on scales of <1 week. Seasonal and interannual variability in eddy activity, induced by baroclinic instability that is fueled by horizontal shear between the eastward‐flowing South Equatorial Counter Current (SECC) and the westward‐flowing South Equatorial Current (SEC), seems to play an important role in the performance of the longline fishery for albacore. Mesoscale eddy variability in the American Samoa Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) peaks from March to April, when the kinetic energy of the SECC is at its strongest. Longline albacore catch tends to be highest at the eddy edges, while albacore catch per effort (CPUE) shows intra‐annual variability with high CPUE that lags the periods of peak eddy activity by about 2 months. When CPUE is highest, the values are distributed toward the northern half of the EEZ, the region affected most by the SECC. Further indication of the possible importance of the SECC for longline performance is the significant drop in eddy variability in 2004 when compared with that observed in 2003 – resulting from a weak SECC – which was accompanied by a substantial drop in albacore CPUE rates and a lack of northward intensification of CPUE. From an ecosystem perspective, evidence to support higher micronekton biomass in the upper 200 m at eddy boundaries is inconclusive. Albacore's vertical distribution seems to be governed by the presence of prey. Albacore spend most of their time between 150 and 250 m, away from the deep daytime and shallow nighttime sonic scattering layers, at depths coinciding with those of small local maxima in micronekton biomass whose backscattering properties are consistent with those of albacore's preferred prey. Settling depths of longline sets during periods of decreased eddy activity correspond to those most occupied by albacore, possibly contributing to the lower CPUE by reducing catchability through rendering bait less attractive to albacore in the presence of prey.  相似文献   
戴小杰  李延  许柳雄  朱江峰 《水产学报》2009,33(6):1044-1049
根据2006年2-11月科学观察员对热带东太平洋公海海域(05°N~10°S,134° W~173°W)金枪鱼延绳钓渔业的调查,期间共投钩223次(天),误捕到绿海龟、蠵龟、丽龟、玳瑁和棱皮龟5种共22尾,死亡海龟13尾。从海龟误捕率看,平均每次尾数为0.098 65。平均每千钩尾数0.037 40。从海龟的钩获部位看,喙(嘴)上钩占41.0%,躯干部位上钩占13.6%,喉部上钩占13.6%,前肢上钩占18.2%,主绳缠绕被捕获占13.6%。海龟的误捕区域位于04°S以北海域,几乎可全年捕获。此外分析了不同钩位误捕海龟的数量,探讨了影响误捕率和死亡率的因素,提出保护对策。  相似文献   
东太平洋金枪鱼延绳钓兼捕鲨鱼种类及其渔获量分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2003年7月-11月份期间,对东太平洋公海海域(03°S~17°S,96°W~146°W)的超低温金枪鱼延绳钓兼捕鲨鱼进行调查。发现共兼捕到9种鲨鱼,分别是尖吻鲭鲨、长鳍鲭鲨、鳄鲨、人眼长尾鲨、路氏双鲨、长鳍真鲨、镰状真鲨、大青鲨和黑异鳞鲨,隶属于3目6科。共钓获鲨鱼24 711 kg,其中大青鲨是优势种类,占鲨鱼渔获尾数的50.4%,占鲨鱼渔获总重量的76.5%,平均个体重量达到64.9 kg。调查获得9种大洋性鲨鱼的渔获率,其中以大青鲨的最高,达到0.964尾数/千钩,鳄鲨次之为0.497尾数/千钩,其它鲨鱼的CPUE均在0.200尾数/千钩以下,此外估计了东太平洋海域金枪鱼延绳钓兼捕鲨鱼总渔获量,约在4.0~5.9万吨。  相似文献   
根据2001及2003~2005年农业部渔业局金枪鱼延绳钓科学观察员获得的生物学数据,对主要捕捞对象大眼金枪鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼的生物学特征进行初步分析。结果显示,大眼金枪鱼叉长范围63~206 cm,加工后净重范围9~138 kg。黄鳍金枪鱼叉长范围是97~176 cm,加工后净重范围14~80 kg。两种类雌性个体所占比例各月差异较大,平均约40%。大眼金枪鱼和黄鳍金枪鱼净重与叉长关系分别是W=2.0241×10-5L2.9503,W=2.2281×10-5L2.9079。  相似文献   
磁珠富集法制备大口鲶的微卫星分子标记   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全迎春 《水产学报》2006,30(3):335-340
2004年3月16日-6月8日,在广东广远渔业集团有限公司玻璃钢大滚筒冷海水金枪鱼延绳钓渔船“华远渔19”号,对印度洋马尔代夫海域进行金枪鱼渔业调查。所获数据资料包括:①CTD测定的温度、盐度和深度数据,TDR测定的实际钩深;②作业参数,包括每次作业的钩数、投绳位置、投绳时间、航向、航速、出绳速度、两浮子间的钩数、起绳位置、起绳时间等;③渔场环境数据,包括风速、风向、钓具对地漂移速度和方向;④渔获统计,包括大眼金枪鱼的渔获尾数以及部分大眼金枪鱼的钓获钩号;⑤生物学数据,包括起捕时已死的大眼金枪鱼的体温。分析计算的方法和步骤为:①由理论公式推算出每次作业时各钩号的理论深度;②应用逐步回归的方法,建立理论钩深与实测的平均钩深之间的数学关系模型;③根据实际平均钩深模型计算出每个钓钩的平均作业深度;④根据CTD测得的作业地点的温度、盐度的垂直分布(41次),获得分布曲线。由此,以计算的钩深,从曲线上查出该尾鱼捕获水深处的温、盐数据;⑤根据121尾大眼金枪鱼的取样数据,推算出各水层、水温段、盐度段的渔获率;⑥根据起捕时已死的34尾大眼金枪鱼(鱼体发硬)的体温、以死鱼体温为引数,在曲线上查出该尾鱼捕获水深和盐度;最后,对钓获的大眼金枪鱼的钓获水层、水温和盐度进行了总体分析。分析结果表明:在马尔代夫海域,捕获大眼金枪鱼的水层为50~210m、水温范围为13.0~29.9℃、盐度范围为35.00~35.79;渔获率最高的水层为70~90m、水温范围为27.0~27.9oC、盐度范围为35.70~35.79;捕获时已死鱼的捕获水层、水温和盐度推算数据为63~203m、14.0~27.0℃和34.94~35.42,主要集中在63~134m、16.0~27.0℃和35.30~35.42。  相似文献   
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