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为分析上海销售端扇贝冻品的品质状况及存在的问题,探究市售扇贝冻品的品质评价方法以及冻藏过程中导致其品质劣变的关键因素,本研究依据冰柜温度、冻藏时间、产品形式、包装方式和摆放位置共5种常见影响因素,对上海市售的11种扇贝冻品商品进行采样,测定白度、解冻损失、蒸煮损失、持水力、回复性、内聚性、弹性、咀嚼性、硬度和感官评分共10项品质指标,利用因子分析构建扇贝冻品品质评价模型,并结合多元线性回归分析确定影响扇贝冻品品质劣变的关键因素。结果显示,扇贝冻品10项品质指标之间存在一定相关性,通过因子分析提取了3个因子成分,累计方差贡献率为73.33%,可以代替原有指标来综合评价扇贝冻品的品质,建立了市售扇贝冻品的品质评价模型:f=0.467f1+0.302f2+0.231f3,其中,f1公因子包括弹性、回复性、内聚性、蒸煮损失和持水力,f2公因子包括硬度、白度和咀嚼度,f3公因子包括解冻损失和感官评分;进一步由多元线性回归分析得出,冻藏时间、冰柜温度和产品形式是影响扇贝冻品品质的关键因素,其他2种因素无显著影响。研究表明,基于因子分析和多元线性回归的方法能够较好地进行扇贝冻品的品质评价并分析导致其品质劣变的影响因素。  相似文献   
Ambrosia artemisiifolia is an annual weed from North America that nowadays is invasive in many countries worldwide. In Austria, numerous populations of A. artemisiifolia are located along the Danube River, especially along the ‘New Danube’ (Vienna). This area is characterised by ruderal and riparian sites, which are regularly flooded. To better understand the spread of A. artemisiifolia and its colonising behaviour along the Danube River, we analysed genetic structure and diversity based on 23 populations linearly arranged along the Viennese Danube riverbed and upstream, utilising the Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprint method. We generated 284 polymorphic AFLP markers across 446 A. artemisiifolia plants. The genetic diversity within populations was higher (HW = 0.091) than among populations (HB = 0.007). This result indicates A. artemisiifolia introductions from similar mixtures of sources or spread from a single already mixed introduction. Within our local setting, we were unable to identify neither source or sink populations nor an obvious linear genetic structuring. Genetic among‐population differentiation was low to moderate (amova ‐derived FST = 0.124). Lack of geographical structuring is indicative of highly dynamic gene flow, which is further supported by the absence of an isolation‐by‐distance pattern. Multiple introductions and non‐directional gene flow are most likely promoted by anthropogenic disturbance and human‐mediated dispersal. Our results demonstrate the ability and speed of A. artemisiifolia to settle in newly disturbed areas and the difficulties to predict invasion directions, as downstream river dispersal was negligible.  相似文献   
为研究我国典型农牧交错区长时序地表生态变化特征,以内蒙古自治区陈巴尔虎旗为例,基于2000—2016年MODIS NDVI数据,综合应用MVC、像元二分模型、一元线性回归模型、T检验等方法,对陈巴尔虎旗植被覆盖时空变化特征进行定性定量分析。结果表明:受气候、地形、人为因素等影响,陈巴尔虎旗地区植被覆盖度呈现东高西低的空间分布特征;17年该地区的植被覆盖整体呈波动下降趋势,平均植被覆盖度由2000年的58.81%减少到2016年的48.14%;植被覆盖度减少的区域占55.66%,主要分布在宝日锡勒镇、巴彦库仁镇、鄂温克民族苏木。研究成果为定量评估区域生态变化的累积效应提供了数据支撑。  相似文献   
【目的】利用高光谱成像技术对水稻纹枯病进行早期的快速无损识别,结合判别分析方法建立相应的鉴别模型。【方法】以健康和感染纹枯病的水稻幼苗为研究对象,采集叶片和冠层各180个样本的380~1 030 nm波段的360条高光谱图像,剔除明显噪声部分后,以440~943 nm波段作为水稻样本的光谱范围,分别用不同的方法预处理获得水稻叶片的光谱曲线。采用偏最小二乘–判别分析(PLS-DA)对不同预处理的光谱建模。采用MNF算法对冠层的原始光谱数据进行特征信息提取,并基于特征信息建立线性判别分析(LDA)模型和误差反向传播神经网络(BPNN)判别模型。【结果】标准正态变量变换(SNV)预处理后建立的PLS-DA模型的预测集判别正确率最高,为92.1%。基于特征信息的LAD和BPNN模型的判别结果优于基于全波段的PLS-DA判别模型。基于最小噪声分离变换特征信息提取的BPNN模型取得了最优效果,建模集和预测集正确率分别达99.1%和98.4%。【结论】采用高光谱成像技术对水稻纹枯病生理特征进行无损鉴别是可行的,本研究为水稻纹枯病的识别提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   
为探究浑善达克沙地杨树的水分利用特征。本文利用氢和氧同位素示踪技术,测定了降雨、土壤水与地下水的δ18O值,利用多元线性混合模型定量计算了杨树对不同土层土壤水分的利用比例。结果表明:①浑善达克沙地大气降雨方程线为:δDLWML=7.84δ^18OLWML+9.12,斜率比全国降雨方程偏小,体现了研究区降雨少,蒸发大的气候特征;②土壤含水量与地下水位埋深、降雨量、植物生长期的变化有着显著的相关关系。降雨量较大与地下水位埋深较浅的时期,土壤含水量明显增大,在植物生长前期和中期,土壤含水量明显较低;③杨树在雨季,利用了大量的浅层土壤水(0~40 cm),在较为干旱的旱季,利用了大量的深层土壤(160~200 cm)水与少量的地下水。  相似文献   
为分析我国城乡居民肉类消费水平及其结构特征,判断居民肉类消费的未来趋势,基于FAO和统计年鉴等相关统计数据,运用双对数线性支出模型和LA/AIDS模型(Linear approximated/Almost ideal deal demand system模型),测算我国及城乡居民肉类消费需求的价格弹性和收入弹性。结果显示我国居民肉类消费量不断增加,且城乡居民肉类消费差距逐步缩小。居民对牛羊肉需求的收入弹性最大,禽肉次之,猪肉最小。其中,农村居民对各项肉类消费需求的收入弹性均显著高于城镇。我国居民的牛羊肉需求对自身价格及其他肉类价格变动较敏感,猪肉需求对自身价格与其他肉类价格变动敏感度较低。由此推断,未来我国居民对牛羊肉消费将呈波动增长态势,而对猪肉的消费呈缓慢增长,但消费量趋于稳定。  相似文献   
为验证中国农业综合分区框架下Hargreaves-Samani(HS)公式线性回归修正方案的适用性,利用中国气象数据网发布的124个站点1957—2016年的逐月有效日平均气压、平均最低气温、平均最高气温、平均风速、平均水汽压、月总太阳辐射数据及站点经纬度数据,首先,分别基于Penman-Monteith(PM)公式和HS公式计算了各站点多年逐月的参考作物需水量ET_(0-PM)和ET_(0-HS)。然后,以ET_(0-PM)为真值,基于1957—2010年的逐月ET_(0-PM)和ET_(0-HS),利用线性回归分析方法获取了中国38个农业管理子区的HS公式校正系数a、b,并以2011—2016年为验证年份,通过比较ET_(0-HS)校正前后的相对误差变化,验证了HS公式线性回归校正方法在中国农业区的适用性,并结合验证年份的具体误差结果,确定了各农业区HS公式校正系数a、b的逐月最优取值。结果表明:大部分农业区的大部分月份ET_(0-PM)与ET_(0-HS)的相关系数超过0. 6,可以进行ET_(0-HS)的回归校正;回归校正得到的系数a存在显著的季节变化规律,系数b则表现较为平稳;系数a、b的大小及变化说明了ET_(0-PM)和ET_(0-HS)彼此之间存在差异,且季节性明显;校正前后的ET_(0-HS)均存在不同程度的相对误差,但校正后的ET_(0-HS)的误差范围已经显著缩小;在具体的验证应用中,校正后的ET_(0-HS)并不完全是最优结果,实践中系数a、b的优选使用才是最佳方案。本研究验证的HS公式线性回归校正方法是实践中简便、可行的方案,对大尺度区域快速获得较高精度的参考作物需水量具有实际意义和推广价值。  相似文献   
Clear Lake Hitch is an imperilled minnow endemic to Clear Lake, Lake County, California, United States listed as threatened under the California Endangered Species Act (ESA) and a candidate for listing under the United States ESA. It exhibits a potamodromous life cycle whereby adults, which reach up to 6 + years in age and over 350 mm in length, migrate into Clear Lake's ephemeral tributaries briefly during spring to spawn. Conservation and management of Clear Lake Hitch is inhibited, in part, by a lack of information on the lacustrine habitat of nonbreeding individuals within Clear Lake. To address this problem, we sampled Clear Lake Hitch with gill nets in a stratified random sampling design to determine the distribution and habitat associations in early summer 2017 and 2018. We identified abundance-habitat relationships for juveniles and adults using Bayesian zero-inflated negative binomial generalised linear mixed modelling. Results indicated that dissolved oxygen concentration was the most important habitat feature measured; juveniles and adults were substantially more abundant in normoxic (≥2 mg/l) than in hypoxic (<2 mg/l) habitat. Both also exhibited weak positive relationships with chlorophyll fluorescence, suggesting relatively productive habitats may support higher numbers of Clear Lake Hitch. Spatially, juveniles were most abundant in nearshore habitats while adults were ubiquitous, indicating an ontogenetic habitat expansion that may be associated with a resource availability-predation risk trade-off. Management actions undertaken to improve hypoxia problems in Clear Lake would also improve Clear Lake Hitch habitat.  相似文献   

An individual-tree basal area increment model was developed for masson pine based on 26276 observations of 13,138 trees in 987 sample plots from the 7th (2004), 8th (2009), and 9th (2014) Chinese National Forest Inventory in Hunan Province, South-central China. The model was built using a linear mixed-effects approach with sample plots included as random effects since the data have a hierarchical stochastic structure and biased estimates of the standard error of parameter estimates could be a consequence of applying ordinary least square (OLS) for regression. In addition, within-plot heteroscedasticity and autocorrelation were also considered. The final mixed-effects model was determined according to the Akaike information criterion (AIC), Bayesian information criterion (BIC), log-likelihood (Loglik), and the likelihoodratio test (LRT). The results revealed that initial diameter (DBH), the sum of the basal area (m2/ha) in trees with DBHs larger than the DBH of the subject tree (BAL), number of trees per hectare (NT), and elevation (EL) had a significant impact on individual-tree basal area increment. The mixed-effects model performed much better than the basic model produced using OLS. Additionally, the variance structure of the model errors was successfully modeled using the power function. However, the autocorrelation structures were not defined because there was no autocorrelation amongst the data. It is believed that the final model will contribute to the scientific management of the masson pine.  相似文献   
提出了一种采用电-机械直线执行器和液压缸的液电混合直线驱动系统。为消除电-机械直线执行器和液压缸之间的耦合影响,液压泵和比例阀协同控制液压缸输出力和运行方向,满足系统负载力需求,电-机械直线执行器用于运动控制,并补偿液压缸输出力波动和外部干扰力。为实现上述目标,设计了基于扩张状态观测器的电-机械直线执行器自适应滑模控制方法,以估计的负载力调节泵压力和比例阀开度,对液压缸输出力进行调控。比例阀在系统运行中主要用于控制液压缸运动方向,阀开度较大,可显著降低节流损失。通过仿真和试验分析了系统的运行特性和能效特性。结果表明,该系统具有良好的位置控制特性,能量效率高,较传统阀控系统能耗减少51%。  相似文献   
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