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The common pistachio psylla, Agonoscena pistaciae, is a serious global pest menacing pistachio orchards. Considering the dangers of using excessive chemical pesticides, it seems that using natural insecticides such as diatomaceous earth is a suitable way to lower the residual amount of highly hazardous pesticides. In this study, the effects of diatomaceous earth with different additives, including dipotassium hydrogen phosphate, polyurethane glue as a wood adhesive, and potassium silicate, were investigated in several concentrations over two years in orchard conditions. Although all treatments showed significant effects, the most effective treatments were (diatomaceous earth+dipotassium hydrogen phosphate) and (diatomaceous earth+polyurethane glue). Therefore, the use of diatomaceous earth combined with the additive materials mentioned can potentially be a safe method for the integrated management of the common pistachio psylla.  相似文献   
NaCl胁迫对骆驼蓬属植物渗透调节作用的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究NaCl处理对骆驼蓬属植物幼苗生物量、植株中主要无机离子和有机溶质的含量及渗透调节能力的影响。结果表明,骆驼蓬在NaCl浓度小于200 mmol/L,骆驼蒿和多裂骆驼蓬小于100 mmol/L时促进根系和地上部干重的增加,超过相应浓度时,幼苗生物量明显下降。3种植物根系和叶片的Na 和Cl-含量随NaCl浓度升高而增加,NO3-含量及K /Na 比则下降,K 对Na 的选择性吸收和运输SK,Na增大,但多裂骆驼蓬叶片的离子运输SK,Na则降低,Ca2 、Mg2 含量有升有降。无机离子占总计算渗透势(COP)的68.37%~83.82%,但随NaCl浓度增大而降低;可溶性糖和氨基酸含量随NaCl浓度增大明显增加,有机酸和脯氨酸变化不明显。有机物质约占COP的16.18%~31.63%,且随NaCl浓度提高而增大。骆驼蓬、骆驼蒿和多裂骆驼蓬的渗透调节能力随NaCl浓度增加而增强,其中叶片的渗透调节能力大于根系,渗透调节能力骆驼蓬>骆驼蒿>多裂骆驼蓬,表明骆驼蓬比骆驼蒿和多裂骆驼蓬具有更强适应盐渍生境的能力。  相似文献   
为探讨无机盐和有机盐对南方根结线虫的作用方式,在室内利用沙柱法和染色法测定了二者对南方根结线虫2龄幼虫迁移能力及侵入番茄根部能力的影响。结果表明,随着各盐处理浓度的增加,南方根结线虫2龄幼虫的迁移能力和侵入能力显著降低。在4μg/m L KSCN、C6H8O7、KCl、KH2PO4、KHCO3和Mn SO4·H2O沙柱中,15 d后2龄幼虫的平均迁移距离最小,分别为0、0.33、0.52、0.53、0.55和0.58 cm,而对照为0.94 cm。2龄幼虫在Ba NO3、K2HPO4、KHCO3、Cs Cl和KSCN各浓度沙柱中的平均迁移距离均小于0.94 cm。2μg/m L NH4NO3、KH2PO4、(NH4)2CO3、Cs Cl、(NH4)2SO4、Na SCN和NH4SCN处理15 d后,2龄幼虫对番茄根部的侵入率最低,分别为1%、2.33%、1.33%、2%、2%、1%和1.67%。表明对2龄幼虫侵入番茄根部抑制效果最明显的盐为NH4NO3、KH2PO4、(NH4)2CO3、Cs Cl、(NH4)2SO4、Na SCN和NH4SCN。  相似文献   
利用土壤无机磷形态分级方法,以江西省武功山山地草甸为研究对象,分析不同海拔高度(1 600~1 900 m)和不同土壤深度(0-20和20-40 cm)下,土壤无机磷形态的含量与分布特征,及无机磷各形态与有效磷的相关性。结果表明,1)武功山山地草甸土壤无机磷含量的变化范围在175.48~524.06 mg·kg-1,无机磷总量随海拔高度的升高而显著增加(P0.05),随土层深度的加深而显著减少,呈现表聚性;2)无机磷中水溶性磷、Al-P、Fe-P、O-P、Ca-P的变化范围分别是0.423~4.781、16.27~90.72、54.13~344.34、19.66~90.32、15.12~76.21 mg·kg-1。各无机磷形态均随海拔升高呈现垂直分布规律,且具有表聚性。同一海拔及土层上,水溶性磷<Ca-P<O-P<Al-P<Fe-P;3)有效磷含量与Al-P占无机磷总量的百分比呈极显著相关(P0.01),说明Al-P是该区域土壤有效磷的潜在来源。本研究既揭示了武功山山地草甸土壤无机磷形态的垂直地带性分布特征及其与有效磷的相关性,确定了土壤磷素有效性的潜在来源,同时也可为武功山山地草甸生态系统的植被恢复提供理论依据。  相似文献   
Utilization of organic nitrogen (N) is an important aspect of plant N assimilation and has potential application in sustainable agriculture. The aim of this study was to investigate the plant growth, C and N accumulation in leaves and roots of tomato seedlings in response to inorganic (NH4^+-N, NO3^-N) and organic nitrogen (Gly-N). Different forms of nitrogen (NH4^+-N, NO3^--N, Gly-N) were supplied to two tomato cultivars (Shenfen 918 and Huying 932) using a hydroponics system. The plant dry biomass, chlorophyll content, root activity, total carbon and nitrogen content in roots and leaves, and total N absorption, etc. were assayed during the cultivation. Our results showed that no significant differences in plant height, dry biomass, and total N content were found within the first 16 d among three treatments; however, significant differences in treatments on 24 d and 32 d were observed, and the order was NO3^--N 〉 Gly-N 〉 NH4^+-N. Significant differences were also observed between the two tomato cultivars. Chlorophyll contents in the two cultivars were significantly increased by the Gly-N treatment, and root activity showed a significant decrease in NHa^+-N treatment. Tomato leaf total carbon content was slightly affected by different N forms; however, total carbon in root and total nitrogen in root and leaf were promoted significantly by inorganic and organic N. Among the applied N forms, the increasing effects of the NH4^+-N treatment were larger than that of the Gly-N. In a word, different N resources resulted in different physiological effects in tomatoes. Organic nitrogen (e.g., Gly-N) can be a proper resource of plant N nutrition. Tomatoes of different genotypes had different responses under organic nitrogen (e.g., Gly-N) supplies.  相似文献   
有机无机肥配施对番茄产量和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以番茄为试材,研究了有机肥与无机肥不同配比施用对露地番茄产量、营养品质和安全品质的影响。结果表明,在施氮量相同条件下,有机肥与无机肥配施可以提高番茄产量,以6∶4配施比例产量较高。施用无机肥处理的番茄果实可溶性糖和可溶性酸含量较高,施用有机肥处理的VC含量最高且番茄果实的营养品质和口感最佳。施用有机肥处理番茄果实硝酸盐含量明显低于无机肥和有机无机肥配施处理,亚硝酸盐含量则以无机肥和高无机肥配施量处理的含量较低。各试验处理番茄果实硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐含量均远低于蔬菜和食品中污染物限量的国家标准。  相似文献   
Emissions of N2O were measured following addition of 15N‐labelled residues of tropical plant species [Vigna unguiculata (cowpea), Mucuna pruriens and Leucaena leucocephala] to a Ferric Luvisol from Ghana at a rate of 100 mg N/kg soil under controlled environment conditions. Residues were also applied in different ratio combinations with inorganic N fertilizer, at a total rate of 100 mg N/kg soil. N2O emissions were increased after addition of residues, and further increased with combined (ratio) applications of residues and inorganic N fertilizer. However, 15N‐N2O production was low and short‐lived in all treatments, suggesting that most of the measured N2O‐N was derived from the applied fertilizer or native soil mineral N pools. There was no consistent trend in magnitude of emissions with increasing proportion of inorganic fertilizer in the application. The positive interactive effect between residue‐ and fertilizer‐N sources was most pronounced in the 25:75 Leucaena:fertilizer and cowpea:fertilizer treatments where 1082 and 1130 mg N2O‐N/g residue were emitted over 30 days. N2O (loge) emission from all residue amended treatments was positively correlated with the residue C:N ratio, and negatively correlated with residue polyphenol content, polyphenol:N ratio and (lignin + polyphenol):N ratio, indicating the role of residue chemical composition in regulating emissions even when combined with inorganic fertilizer. The positive interactive effect in our treatments suggests that it is unlikely that combined applications of residues and inorganic fertilizer can lower N2O emissions unless the residue is of very low quality promoting strong immobilisation of soil mineral N.  相似文献   
A new type of inorganic anchoring material is developed as a substitution for anchoring adhesive to overcome some imperfections in the process of planting reinforcing steel bar.The mix proportion of the anchoring material is determined by experiments.The compressive strength,adhesive force to concrete,volume stability and anchoring force with steel bar are studied.The early strength of the anchoring inorganic material is quite high: for 1d up to 38.5MPa and 3d up to 60MPa.It is a good adhesive to concrete and the adhesive strength of 28d is about 2MPa.The anchoring material will have tiny volume expansion with the age,which is beneficial to enhancing the anchoring force.The essential component of the inorganic anchoring material is cement-based material,so some defects of the organic macromolecular material can be avoided,such as poor stability and requirement for vigorous construction conditions.Its characteristics in early strength,adhesive force to concrete and volume expansion can satisfy the requirement of the construction to the planting reinforcing steel bar and the loading force,thus it can be used as a substituting material for anchoring adhesive.  相似文献   
为探究玉米高产和减少硝态氮残留的合理施肥模式,通过山西寿阳旱地春玉米田间试验和APSIM模型模拟,研究不同施肥类型和施氮量对春玉米产量、硝态氮残留量和氮肥利用率的影响。田间试验设置3个施肥类型主处理,包括化肥单施、有机无机肥配施(配施比例1∶1)和有机肥单施;7个施肥梯度副处理,分别为0、50、100、150、200、250、300 kg·hm-2,并利用2019—2021年试验站点数据对模型进行校准验证。结果表明:APSIM模型可以较好地模拟当地玉米产量和硝态氮残留量状况。各降水年型下,随氮肥施用量的增加,玉米产量先增加后减少,硝态氮残留量显著增加,氮肥利用率有所降低;相同施肥类型及施肥量下,丰水年的春玉米作物产量最高,硝态氮残留量最低,氮肥利用率最高;相同降水年型及施肥量下,有机无机肥配施方式的春玉米产量最高,硝态氮残留量居中,氮肥利用率最高。相较于化肥单施和有机肥单施方式,有机无机肥配施对于干旱地区玉米产量提升效果更好,其土壤硝态氮残留量对降水变化的敏感性相对较低,其氮肥利用率受降水影响也更小。综上,当施氮量介于148~168 kg·hm-2时,有机无机肥配施方式下土壤硝态氮残留量维持在阈值内,春玉米产量可达到理论产量的95%左右,适宜在研究区域推广应用。  相似文献   
长期秸秆还田对潮土土壤各形态磷的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
基于黄淮海低平原区潮土上33年长期肥料定位试验,采用蒋柏藩―顾益初的石灰性土壤无机磷分级方法,研究冬小麦―夏玉米轮作中长期不同氮磷用量下秸秆还田对土壤全磷、有效磷(Olsen-P)及各形态无机磷的影响。结果表明:黄淮海低平原区潮土上冬小麦―夏玉米轮作中P2O5用量0~240 kg hm~(-2),随磷肥用量的增加,土壤全磷、Olsen-P、无机磷总量及无机磷中Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P和Fe-P均显著增加,O-P和Ca10-P无显著变化;当土壤输入磷量低于作物输出磷量时,无论秸秆还田与否,土壤全磷、无机磷总量、Olsen-P和无机磷中除Ca8-P外的其他各形态磷均无显著变化;当土壤输入磷量高于作物输出磷量时,随秸秆用量的增加土壤全磷、Olsen-P和无机磷中的Ca2-P、Ca8-P、Al-P均显著增加,其中以Olsen-P增幅最大,无机磷中以Ca2-P增幅最大,其次为Ca8-P,再次为Al-P;土壤磷素盈余和亏缺量与土壤中各磷形态含量均呈显著正相关关系。  相似文献   
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