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Histopathological lesions due to third‐larval stage of nematode Brevimulticaecum sp. within the liver of a subpopulation of 31 Gymnotus inaequilabiatus from the Pantanal Region (Brazil) were studied with histochemical and immunohistochemical methods. In 93.5% of fish, livers harboured nematode larvae and the intensity of infection ranged from 8 to 293. In livers with highest number of larvae, the hepatic tissue was occupied primarily by the nematodes. Each larva was encircled by focal inflammatory granulomatous reaction. Within the thickness of the granuloma, three concentric layers were recognized: an inner layer of densely packed epithelioid cells, a middle layer of mast cells (MCs) entrapped in a thin fibroblast‐connective mesh and an outer layer of fibrous connective tissue with fibroblasts. Epithelioid cells and fibroblasts within the thickness of the granuloma wall were positive for proliferative cell nuclear antigen (PCNA). Moreover, several hepatocytes in infected liver were immunoreactive to PCNA. Occurrence of rodlet cells and MCs in parenchyma, in close proximity to the encysted nematode larvae and near the blood vessel of infected liver, was observed. Macrophage aggregates (MAs) were numerous within the granulomas and scattered in parenchyma of the infected liver. High quantity of haemosiderin was encountered in MAs and hepatocytes of infected liver.  相似文献   
为了探讨新疆阿魏杀灭血吸虫的功效,分别用新疆阿魏蒸馏萃取物以0.1、0.2、0.3、0.4 g/kg浓度药液灌服治疗感染血吸虫病家兔,每隔3 d灌服1次,4次后停止给药,4周后剖检,门静脉灌注法收集虫体、计算减虫率,并以组织切片检查该药对血吸虫感染兔肝脏的治疗作用。结果显示,减虫率分别为12.30%、17.20%、46.40%、40.80%;经组织切片观察,家兔肝脏肉芽肿明显减小。表明新疆阿魏具有很强的杀灭血吸虫活性的作用,最佳杀虫剂量为0.3 g/kg。  相似文献   
Spontaneous invasive and chronic disseminated mycosis affected Hemigrammus pulcher kept in a public aquarium, and infection was manifested by inappetence, exophthalmia, erratic swimming, eroded scales, anaemia of the gills and abdominal distension. Internally, there was a grossly swollen swim bladder with a thickened wall filled with a dark mass. The body cavities contained a clear, light amber fluid and a swollen intestine which was full of a watery fluid containing small gas bubbles. Histopathology revealed a granulomatous inflammatory response with fungal hyphae in the lumen and wall of the swim bladder, hepatopancreas, spleen and kidneys with signs of nephrohydrosis. Exophiala pisciphila and Phaeophleospora hymenocallidicola were isolated from the swim bladder, abdominal cavity and gastrointestinal tract. The exogenous source of infection was probably the ample wooden decoration and plants inside the aquarium. Koch's postulates were fulfilled by re‐isolation of both fungal species from fish artificially infected under laboratory conditions. As P. hymenocallidicola is less capable of defence against phagocytosis, E. pisciphila probably played a major role. Severe clinical manifestations with 100% mortality developed in two fish species infected by E. pisciphila. A significant increase in the plasma levels of amino acids was observed as a result of the activation of proteolysis.  相似文献   
During 2005 and 2010, a survey of edwardsiellosis on eight turbot, Scophthalmus maximus (L.), farms was conducted in China. This report presents the detailed results of the study on this disease. Diseased turbot displayed two distinct types of gross signs: black discoloration of the dorsal skin on the posterior portion of the body; and red cutaneous foci on the ventral side. Internally, the most pronounced clinical signs in all fish examined were enlarged kidneys. The causal agent of the disease was finally proved to be one species of bacterium that was identified as Edwardsiella tarda by physiological and biochemical tests, API 32E and 16S ribosomal RNA sequence analysis. It is noteworthy that unlike the commonly described E. tarda strains, the isolates in this study were non‐motile strains without flagella. A histopathological study revealed that E. tarda infection was systemic in turbot and that kidney showed the most significant pathological changes, including acute focal necrosis, an influx of macrophages and formation of granuloma. The most common histopathological characteristics of this disease are the proliferation of macrophage in various organs and formation of granuloma. In addition, this article also gave background information on the disease and presented the results of virulence tests with the E. tarda strain identified in this study.  相似文献   
对恒河猴(M.mulatta)肝囊原虫病的病理变化进行了系统观察与描述,发现除肝脏囊样病灶与炎性浸润外,尚有不同程度的肝外器官损害,其中一例首次查出肺部迷路寄生。另外,作者还对本病的发病机制作出初步讨论。  相似文献   
为了对牛结核分支杆菌引起的牛消化道如肝、肠道的病理变化进行研究。本试验采用滴鼻吸入的方式感染犊牛,七个月后进行剖检和显微镜下的病理组织学观察。结果发现,肝脏可观察到肉芽肿结节,中心为干酪样坏死或者钙化,外周为上皮样细胞和郎罕氏细胞,最外层是淋巴细胞和成纤维细胞;肠道病变不明显,多为局灶性炎性细胞聚集。此次试验可为牛分枝杆菌对消化道的影响提供参考。  相似文献   
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