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东北亚地区不同地理种群魁蚶(Scapharca brouhtonii)的分类学地位仍存在较大争议。为探讨魁蚶中国群体的分类地位,测定了魁蚶中国群体线粒体基因组COI和12S rRNA序列,并从GenBank中下载了蚶科26种贝类的同源序列进行分析。以贻贝科的贻贝(Mytilus edulis)为外群,用邻近法和最大简约法构建了蚶科贝类的分子系统进化树,分析其分子系统进化关系和分类等级。结果显示,魁蚶中国群体的COI和12S rRNA基因的碱基组成、密码子使用率及变异位点等与魁蚶日本群体和粗饰蚶属的Anadara sativa相似,且遗传距离很小,进化树中聚为一支,亲缘关系很近,初步确定魁蚶中国群体的分类地位和魁蚶日本群体一致。本研究结果初步阐明了魁蚶中国群体的分子系统进化地位,有利于掌握魁蚶的遗传背景和资源状况,以应用于自然资源的保护和推动养殖业的发展。  相似文献   
Members of the Iridoviridae family have been considered as aetiological agents of iridovirus diseases, causing fish mortalities and economic losses all over the world. Virus identification based on candidate gene sequencing is faster, more accurate and more reliable than other traditional phenotype methodologies. Iridoviridae viruses are covered by a protein shell (capsid) encoded by the important candidate gene, major capsid protein (MCP). In this study, we investigated the potential of the MCP gene for use in the diagnosis and identification of infections caused Megalocytivirus of the Iridoviridae family. We selected data of 66 Iridoviridae family isolates (53 strains of Megalocytivirus, eight strains of iridoviruses and five strains of Ranavirus) infecting various species of fish distributed all over the world. A total of 53 strains of Megalocytivirus were used for designing the complete primer sets for identifying the most hypervariable region of the MCP gene. Further, our in silico analysis of 102 sequences of related and unrelated viruses reconfirms that primer sets could identify strains more specifically and offers a useful and fast alternative for routine clinical laboratory testing. Our findings suggest that phenotype observation along with diagnosis using universal primer sets can help detect infection or carriers at an early stage.  相似文献   
福建黄兔是中国优良的小型兼用品种,从线粒体水平分析福建黄兔在兔形目动物中的系统发育地位,对探究其起源、进化和种群分类具有重要意义。利用PCR高保真扩增技术和生物信息学软件对福建黄兔线粒体基因组进行获取、拼接与注释。结果发现福建黄兔线粒体基因组全长17 000 bp(Genbank No.MN518689),主要包括tRNA基因(22个)、rRNA基因(2个)、蛋白编码基因(13个)和控制区(1个)4 部分,基因排列紧密。除控制区,共存在37个编码基因,有9个基因由轻链(L链)编码,其余28个编码基因均由重链(H链)编码。22个tRNA基因中,除 tRNA-Ser(AGY)基因由于缺失DHU臂不能形成三叶草结构外,其余21种tRNA基因均可折叠形成经典的三叶草结构。控制区含有3种结构域:延长终止序列区(ETAS1和ETAS2)、中央保守区、保守序列区(CSB1、CSB2和CSB3),其中,CSB1和CSB2间存在200 bp的短重复序列,CSB3和tRNA-Phe间存在306 bp的长重复序列。基于线粒体基因组控制区序列构建10 种兔形目动物的系统进化树,结果表明福建黄兔起源于穴兔,支持将福建黄兔划归为穴兔属。  相似文献   
本研究为初步明确引起青贮玉米(Zea Mays L.)叶斑病的蠕形菌种类,采集疑似病斑叶片样本,对病原菌进行分离纯化,形态特征观察,ITS-rDNA序列和GADPH基因序列系统发育分析及致病性测定。形态学和分子生物学鉴定结果表明分离得到的142株病原菌为3属6种真菌,其中麦根腐平脐蠕孢(Bipolaris sorokiniana)和玉米生平脐蠕孢(B.zeicola)为优势病原菌,分别为77株和48株;其次为大斑病菌(Exserohilum turcicum)9株,疣状弯孢(Curvularia verruculosa)2株,新月弯孢(C.lunata)3株,穗状弯孢(C.spicifera)3株。致病性测定发现麦根腐平脐蠕孢和玉米生平脐蠕孢对青海省8个主栽青贮玉米品种均有致病性,其余4种病原菌的致病性各有差异。本研究初步明确引起青贮玉米叶斑病的蠕形菌种类及其致病性,为后续开展病害诊断及其综合防控奠定了基础。  相似文献   
利用叶绿体基因组序列对地黄属及其近缘类群的系统发育关系进行研究。基于GenBank公共数据库,下载地黄属及相关类群的叶绿体全基因组序列52条(50个物种),包括广义玄参科物种23种、近缘类群17种和外类群8种(木犀科和苦苣苔科),分别采用最大似然法及贝叶斯推断进行系统发育分析。结果表明,叶绿体全基因组数据能够显著提高系统发育分析的支持率;广义玄参科不是一个单系;除外类群外,我们共得到5个分支,分别为列当科、泡桐属、肉果草属、玄参属、车前科。地黄属形成一个单系,为列当科其它属的基部类群。列当科内物种间叶绿体基因组大小及所包含的基因数目均差异显著。本研究结果支持APG系统对相关科属的处理,包括将婆婆纳属、腹水草属、毛地黄属从广义玄参科移出至车前科;火焰草属、钟萼草属、马先蒿属、地黄属移出至列当科;泡桐属独立为泡桐科。  相似文献   
旨在筛选对4种植物病原真菌具有拮抗活性的甘草内生细菌,为新疆甘草内生细菌的开发应用提供理论依据。采用平板对峙培养法从100株甘草内生细菌中筛选对石榴枯萎病甘薯长喙壳、草果叶斑病镰刀菌、草果假茎黑斑病小孢拟盘多毛孢、墨兰炭疽病胶孢炭疽菌等4个病原菌具有拮抗活性的菌株,并测定其16SrRNA基因序列,建立系统发育树对其进行初步鉴定。结果显示,61株菌株对甘薯长喙壳具有拮抗作用,其中13株菌的抑菌半径均大于15mm。进一步研究表明,10株菌对4种植物病原菌都表现出较高的抑菌能力。基于16Sr RNA基因序列分析与系统发育分析表明,其中11株菌为萎缩芽孢杆菌(Bacillus atrophaeus),另外2株菌分别为副氧化微杆菌(Microbacterium paraoxydans)和莫哈韦芽胞杆菌(B.mojavensis)。  相似文献   
采用基因测序方法,对3种东北梅花鹿的COⅡ基因片段进行了PCR扩增和测序。结果表明,3种东北梅花鹿COⅡ基因片段长度均为740bp,A+T含量都大于G+C含量。3个品种单倍型多样性较高(0.673~0.717),就单个品种而言,敖东梅花鹿的遗传多样性最高。  相似文献   
利用比较基因组学的方法从甘蓝基因组中鉴定出两个CBL基因,并对其结构、遗传进化、顺式元件进行了分析,以期为进一步研究这两个基因的功能和利用它们进行甘蓝抗逆分子育种提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   
Sequences of the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA were analysed to precise their length (637–643 bp) and resolve phylogenetic relationships among eight Mediterranean species of the genus Hedysarum (Fabaceae). The infra-specific variability levels of the ITS sequences of spontaneous population of H. coronarium proved a lack of polymorphism both in the length and in the sequences examined in this species. Hence, a consensus ITS sequence characterising each Hedysarum species has been investigated for analysis of inter-specific polymorphisms. The level of variation of ITS sequence was high enough to make the ITS1 and ITS2 a useful tool for phylogenetic reconstruction. However, ITS2 seems to be relatively more polymorphic and more informative than ITS1 regarding length or GC percent. The phylogenic relationships in the genus Hedysarum based on ITS1 and ITS2 sequences taken independently or together, are discussed in the context of current work in molecular biosystematics. Results exhibited the distinctiveness of the two H. spinosissimum subspecies (i.e. H. spinosissimum ssp. capitatum and H. spinosissimum ssp. spinosissimum). In addition, the great similarity of the ITS sequences between H. coronarium (the only cultivated species of the genus) and H. carnosum suggests the usefulness of the latter in selection programmes to improve pastoral production in semi-arid areas.  相似文献   
对BacillusmucilaginosusYNUCC000116SrDNA的1481bp片段与GenBank中最相似的16个分类单位进行了比较。UPGMA,NJ,ME和MP方法构建的系统发育树显示B.mucilaginosusYNUCC0001与B.mucilaginosusHSCC1605T、B.mucilaginosus1480D及Paenibacillussp.NBT形成一个单系群分支。在50L全自动发酵罐中30℃发酵52h后,菌株YNUCC0001产生的胞外生物多聚絮凝剂(EBF)达到最大产率(粘度:3420C.P.)。在pH4.0、用量为0.25mlL-1的条件下,这种EBF对高岭土悬浊液的絮凝活性最大(99.8%);121℃高压灭菌60min后絮凝活性维持在98.6%。Hg2+,Ca2+,Mg2+,K+,Zn2+对其絮凝活性有促进作用,而Fe3+、Al3+、EDTA和Cu2+则有强烈抑制。  相似文献   
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