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从播前准备、品种选择、播种方式和方法、田间管理、病虫害防治、适时收获等方面系统阐述了威宁白萝卜的优质生产技术措施,以期为广大农民朋友提供科学的技术指导和参考。  相似文献   
根据凤城市"十二五"期间林业有害生物发生情况,筛选出美国白蛾、日本蚣干蚧、栗山天牛、杨干象、杨树烂皮病5种主要林业有害生物作为灾害损失评估对象,进行直接和间接经济损失评估计算。结果表明,凤城地区"十二五"期间5种主要林业有害生物造成的年均损失为61 376.777万元,其中,直接经济损失87.218万元,间接经济损失为61 289.559万元。  相似文献   
农用植保无人作业机是农业生产中防治病虫害的新兴植保装备之一。通过分析、总结近几年植保无人机在田间病虫害防治、智能调控、作业航路规划等方面的施药技术研究与应用,分析植保无人机作业模式与作业特点,明确了现阶段利用植保无人机进行病虫害防控的发展趋势,以期为植保无人机的推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   
研究了甘蓝、番茄不同间作比例对甘蓝生长及主要害虫种群数量的影响,以期找到适宜的间作比例,为生产实践中进一步推广应用提供理论依据。试验结果表明,甘蓝与番茄间作模式,对甘蓝主要害虫菜青虫、小菜蛾、菜蚜等有一定的趋避效果,但6∶1的间作处理效果较差,4∶1、2∶1的间作处理效果良好,且差异不明显;2∶1的间作处理由于间作密度小,甘蓝受番茄生长的影响大,植株生长不良,6∶1的间作处理由于间作密度较大,甘蓝受虫害影响大,叶球虫孔数多,商品性差,4∶1的间作处理,植株生长良好,叶球饱满、质量大、商品性好。综合各项数据分析,4∶1的间作比例更合适。  相似文献   
乡土野花组合是筛选以乡土野花为主体的,并通过混合播种建立群落的一种景观植被建植模式,是欧美国家近年来较为流行的一种农业景观恢复与建设的技术措施。已有的研究发现乡土野花组合能够改善景观结构与生境质量,吸引传粉生物和自然天敌,从而起到增强农业景观的传粉及害虫控制功能,并改善农作物品质、提高农作物产量;与此同时,乡土野花组合也具有较好的文化功能。乡土野花组合的设计对建植效果具有重要作用,其物种筛选、配比、播种方式及布局是设计中需要主要解决的问题。本文在总结欧美国家乡土野花组合设计模式与生态监测结果的基础上,提出乡土野花组合物种筛选的3原则:乡土性、功能多样性与包含特定关键物种;并对其生长周期、物种数、播量、播种面积与空间布局等技术细节进行了讨论,以促进乡土野花组合的本土化、区域化发展。欧美国家提出了一系列推动产业发展及农户补贴的有关政策,其中美国主要以推动基础研究与产业发展政策为主,注重限制植物材料本土化;欧洲国家通过多项立法及农业环境管护政策为农户提供多样化的生态补贴,以促进农户充分参与乡土野花组合栽植过程。在我国,尚缺乏成熟的乡土野花组合应用案例。中国的乡土野花组合需充分发掘种质资源并进行生态、栽培与景观特性评估,以实现本土化的乡土野花组合。本文最后提出,通过多学科合作实现乡土野花组合的设计与推广,政府、产业、科研机构与农民共同参与乡土野花组合的设计过程,并提出市场化的生态补贴政策,以推动乡土野花组合在我国农业景观的应用,为改善我国农业生态环境做出应有贡献。  相似文献   
云南木蠹象的危险性分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
根据云南木蠹象Pissodes yunnanensis的生物学特性,采用有害生物危险性分析(Pest Risk Analysis,简写PRA)方法,从该虫的分布状况、潜在危险性和寄主的经济重要性等方面,对其进行了危险性分析与评估,结果表明:云南木蠹象在我国西南地区属于中度危险的森林有害生物。  相似文献   
选用7种化学农药对长鞘卷叶甲2龄幼虫进行室内毒力测定,筛选出48%乐斯本乳油、4.5%高效氯氰菊酯乳油和90%杀虫单可溶性粉剂等3种农药的毒力较好,并应用于林间幼虫防治试验。试验结果表明,分别使用乐斯本、高效氯氰菊酯和杀虫单的2 000倍液进行喷雾防治效果较理想,可产生73%~85%的杀虫效果;乐斯本和高效氯氰菊酯用根灌法与注干法进行防治没有任何杀虫效果;杀虫单也能产生相对较强的杀虫效果,400倍液根灌效果为56.6%,40倍液注干效果为45.8%,可适当应用于林间防治幼虫。  相似文献   
Published documentation of insect pests and pathogens associated with Alnus species in Africa is very scarce. We surveyed damaging insects and pathogens, and arthropod natural enemies on Alnus acuminata and A. nepalensis in Kabale and Mbale districts, Uganda between March 1999 and August 2000 in order to identify the range and relative abundance of arthropods and pathogens associated with the Alnus species. Frequently encountered damaging insects on the Alnus species included Apis mellifera, Apion globulipenne, a Systates sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Phymateus viridipes, a Lobotrachelus sp. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), Coloborrtics corticina and some Chrysomelidae. Some species such as Aphis fabae, Parastictococcus multispinosus and a Cacopsylla sp. (Homoptera: Psyllidae) were observed feeding on other agroforestry tree species and/or crops although they generally occurred at low population intensities. Spiders and parasitic Hymenoptera were the most common natural enemies. Diseases were more severe in nurseries than in the field. Damping-off caused by Fusarium oxysporum, Septoria brown leaf spot and stem canker were the most serious diseases of Alnus. The array of damaging insects and pathogens indicates a potential danger to the cultivation of Alnus species in Uganda as adoption of the species for agroforestry continues to expand in the country. In view of the increasing demand for Alnus species for agroforestry in Uganda, regular pest monitoring and appropriate control strategies are necessary.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The optimal formula of Beta-Cypermethrin aqueous capsule suspension was screened out through the experiment,preparation and manufacture of basic formulas, which has no sedimentation, suspended drops of oil, peels and agglomerating and the diameter of capsule is in range of 10-30μm, conformed to the technical requirement. The aftereffect of the 3.3% Beta-Cypermethrin aqueous capsule suspension which was manufactured according to the optimal formula was up more than 25 days. The experiments on controlling the larvae of Dendrolinmus superans Butler and the adults of Xylotrechus rusticus L were carried out with different concentrations of this chemical. The death rate reached 80% when 250 times solution of the chemical was sprayed on stem to control the larvae of D. superans. For control of the adults of X. rusticus, 200, 400 and 600 times solution of the chemical were applied and their control effects (death rate) reached 85.23%, 74.21% and 66.59% respectively. Two kinds of solution (200 times and 300 times) of the chemical were used to control the larvae of D. superans in large area, and the control effect for both concentrations was over 90%.  相似文献   
用室内外接种及自然感病的方法,对银中杨抗烂皮病进行测定,采用系统聚类方法进行分析,结果证明银中杨为感病最轻品种,聚在第一类,并对鉴定林中 16个品系的病情指数作方差分析,结果表明各品系间感病指数有极度显著差异。同时对银中杨及对照品种的虫害按五级分类标准进行调查并计算受害指数,结果表明银中杨是抗杨干象、白杨透翅蛾等虫害的优良树种。  相似文献   
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