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李美琪  贾小卫  郭蕊  吴丹  刘浩 《绿色科技》2020,(6):34-37,42
利用FNL再分析资料、卫星资料和自动站资料对2019年7月22~23日京津冀一次区域性暴雨过程进行了环流形势、卫星云图、动热力结构的分析。结果表明:此次暴雨发生在500hPa两槽一脊、副热带高压北抬、低空急流的大尺度环流背景下。西南方向的水汽输送和黄渤海的补充水汽为暴雨提供了良好的水汽条件,在河北中部的水汽辐合抬升则为暴雨提供了抬升条件。此次暴雨的产生受中尺度对流云团的连续生成合并影响,降水效率高。在暴雨中心整层表现为低层辐合、高层辐散,上升速度中心明显,使得高层的抽吸作用更强,更有利于上升运动的维持与发展,为降水强度增大提供了有力的动力条件,高空弱冷空气的入侵对能量锋区不稳定能量的释放起到了触发作用。  相似文献   
Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) can be installed indoors, allowing year-round production of tropical animals in nearly any climate. A nursery phase is commonly used in Litopenaeus vannamei production since it allows for enhanced biosecurity and better quantification of animals while reducing space requirements. However, it is unclear whether animal density and inclusion of artificial substrate may improve shrimp performance during the nursery phase. In this experiment, we compared shrimp production parameters in two stocking densities with or without the use of an artificial substrate by creating four treatments: low-density LD; 1500 PL/m−3, low-density with substrate LDS, high-density HD; 3000 PL/m−3), and high-density with substrate (HDS). The LDS and HDS treatments included 0.46-m2 of high-density polyethylene 2.5-cm mesh as a substrate, which increased the tank surface area by 21 %. Each treatment was randomly assigned to four 160-l culture tanks, each with a biofilter. The shrimp had an initial weight of 4 mg and were grown for 50 days. The low-density treatments had significantly higher dissolved oxygen (DO) and pH than the high-density treatments (P ≤ 0.001). Specifically, LDS had the highest DO and pH followed by the LD, HD, and HDS treatments, respectively. High-density treatments had significantly higher NO2-N levels than low-density treatments during week 2 of the experiment when an unusually high concentration of nitrite was observed. FCR was significantly lower in both low-density treatments than in high-density treatments. At harvest, the total biomass (kg m−3) was significantly higher in high-density treatments than in low-density treatments (P ≤ 0.001), and the HDS treatment had a significantly greater biomass output than HD. Producers should consider artificial substrate and higher densities during nursery production to maximize shrimp production; however, the effects on water quality should also be taken into account.  相似文献   
华北平原冬小麦-夏玉米一年两熟种植模式为维护国家粮食安全发挥了重要作用。但冬小麦生长期正处于华北平原降水较少的干旱季节,实现高产依赖于灌溉,是华北平原地下水超采的主导因素之一。随着国家地下水限采政策的实施,在地下水超采区如何稳定冬小麦的种植面积和产量是面临的一个重要问题。本文通过综述以往研究并结合典型地点田间试验结果,从冬小麦种植可减少休闲期土壤蒸发损失、具有的深根系系统可充分利用土壤储水、可利用微咸水替代淡水灌溉、通过限水灌溉发展优质麦生产、冬春形成覆盖层美化和防沙尘效应等方面论述了华北平原种植冬小麦的优势,提出华北平原冬小麦生产需要转变传统高耗水高产量理念,充分发挥冬小麦抗旱、耐盐能力强的特点,在不实施大规模压缩冬小麦种植面积条件下,通过冬小麦限水灌溉和微咸水利用满足对地下水压采需求,充分发挥华北平原冬小麦种植冬春防风沙、美化环境的生态功能,同时满足区域口粮安全的保障功能。  相似文献   
针对华北坝上冷凉区短季类经济作物缺乏,芥菜型油菜品质差、产量低等问题,于2017-2018年在农业农村部张北农业资源与生态环境重点野外观测试验站,引种了甘蓝型双低油菜品种华油杂62,以当地传统芥菜型油菜品种大黄为对照,监测了两品种的叶面积指数、角果净光合速率日变化、地上部干物质积累量、养分积累量和油菜农艺性状、产量等。结果表明,华油杂62较大黄生育期长约10d,平均叶面积指数高23.36%~36.73%;角果净光合速率不及大黄,N、P、K积累量高于大黄;干物质快速增长期延长21d,干物质积累潜值高46.86%;菜子产量较大黄高22.8%~54.0%。甘蓝型油菜华油杂62对华北坝上冷凉区的地理气候环境有较好的生态适应性,具有替代区域传统芥菜型油菜的优势。  相似文献   
基于扩散理论的华北春玉米生理成熟后籽粒脱水过程分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
玉米机收籽粒可以显著提高玉米的生产效率,是玉米生产的发展方向。生理成熟后的籽粒含水率是决定机收质量的关键,受品种、密度和气候等多种因素影响。准确估算生理成熟后玉米籽粒含水率,进而分析其主要影响因素,最终确定玉米收获时间和筛选适宜机收的品种,对玉米主产区华北的春玉米籽粒机收发展具有重要意义。因此,于2017年和2018年在河北省泊头、南大港、玉田和山西榆次进行了两年田间春玉米试验,每年设置7个共性品种,每个品种3个密度,对生理成熟后籽粒含水率、品种性状、气象和管理要素进行了监测,并利用基于扩散理论考虑空气温湿度的脱水模型对籽粒含水率进行了模拟,进而计算脱水曲线下的面积(AUDDC),用以筛选脱水优异的玉米品种。结果表明,基于扩散理论的籽粒脱水模型对玉米生理成熟后籽粒含水率的模拟效果较好;年份、地点和品种对生理成熟时籽粒含水率(M_0)和水分扩散速率(k)具有显著影响,密度对脱水参数影响不显著。逐步线性回归分析得到灌浆期参考作物蒸发蒸腾量(ET_0)、最高气温和灌水量对M_0具有显著的正效应,生理成熟后30 d内ET0和灌浆中后期降雨对k具有显著的正效应,全生育期降雨对k具有显著的负效应。品种性状中对M_0影响最大的为苞叶层数(正效应),对k影响最大的为叶片数(负效应)。通过模型计算得到,生理成熟后10d华北地区春玉米籽粒含水率可以下降到28%,籽粒含水率下降到25%的概率为50%。由模型计算得到各品种生理成熟后10 d内的AUDDC,与AUDDC平均值比较发现‘京农科728’‘张1453’‘华农887’‘广德5’和‘金科玉3306’为脱水表现优异的品种。  相似文献   
为解析适宜华北种植的薏苡优良品种的产量构成,以薏苡早熟高产新品种‘太空I号’为研究对象,通过分蘖数、穗着粒数等主要农艺性状与产量的相关性分析、通径分析和主成分分析及‘太空I号’最佳施肥配方,解析薏苡高产构成。结果表明:1)相关分析显示,株高、总节数、单株穗数和分蘖数与薏苡高产最相关;2)通径分析显示,单株穗数、分蘖数和穗着粒数对薏苡高产的贡献最高;3)主成分分析显示,‘太空I号’的高产构成主要由单株穗数多、分蘖数多、穗着粒数和百粒重适中组成;4)最适于‘太空I号’的施肥配方为氮肥15kg/667 m~2、磷肥50kg/667m~2和钾肥20kg/667m~2,在北京地区的单产可达280kg/667m~2以上。综上所述,‘太空I号’单株穗数多、分蘖数多、穗着粒数和百粒重适中、早熟高产,是适合中国华北种植的优良薏苡品种。  相似文献   
为研究森林抚育措施对华北落叶松生长的影响,在宝鸡市马头滩林业局选择华北落叶松人工纯林作为研究对象,对经过抚育措施后影响华北落叶松生长进行了调查与分析,结果表明:1、华北落叶松林分进行抚育后平均胸径和生长率都是增加。 2、华北落叶松林分进行抚育后平均胸径和生长率增长的年数不同,在抚育后2-3年达到了最大值,林分进行抚育后生长率变化规律是先增加后下降,呈正态曲线的变化趋势,说明其生长速度由于生长空间增大而加快。  相似文献   
Protein kinase A plays a central role in the regulation of sperm motility from echinoderms to mammals, but the information about its regulatory role in molluscs is very limited. In this study, a protein kinase A catalytic subunit (designated as HdPKA‐C) was identified from Pacific abalone Haliotis discus hannai. The open reading frame of HdPKA‐C was of 1,077 bp, encoding a peptide of 358 amino acids with a typical protein kinase domain. HdPKA‐C shared 82%–87% sequence similarities with other PKA‐Cs, and it was clustered first with gastropod PKA‐Cs in the phylogenetic tree. The mRNA of HdPKA‐C was constitutively expressed in examined tissues, with the highest level detected in hepatopancreas. The phosphorylated form of HdPKA‐C (p‐HdPKA‐C) was localized at the acrosome, connecting piece and flagellum of spermatozoa with variable intensity. Its phosphorylated substrates were also detected in these regions with much lower intensity at the connecting piece. The inhibition of HdPKA‐C activity with H‐89 led to a significant reduction in the percentage of motile sperm and sperm velocities. p‐HdPKA‐C was detected by Western blot in strip‐spawned sperm, naturally spawned sperm and H‐89‐treated sperm with almost the same intensity. The intensity of p‐HdPKA‐C substrates in naturally spawned sperm was higher than that in strip‐spawned sperm, and it was roughly the same as that in H‐89‐treated sperm except for two bands at 50 and 60 kDa. These results collectively indicated that HdPKA‐C played an important role in the regulation of abalone sperm motility by altering its substrates phosphorylation.  相似文献   
Environmental change is occurring at unprecedented rates in many marine ecosystems. Yet, environmental effects on fish populations are commonly assumed to be constant across time. In this study, I tested whether relationships between ocean conditions and productivity of North American sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) stocks have changed over the past six decades. Specifically, I evaluated the evidence for non‐stationary relationships between three widely used ocean indices and productivity of 45 sockeye salmon stocks using hierarchical Bayesian models. The ocean indices investigated were the Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), North Pacific Gyre Oscillation (NPGO), and sea surface temperature (SST). I found partial support for time‐varying salmon–ocean relationships. Non‐stationary relationships were strongest for the NPGO and weaker for the SST and PDO indices. Productivity–NPGO correlations tended to shift gradually over time with opposite trends for stocks in British Columbia (B.C.) and western Alaska; for B.C. stocks, the NPGO correlations shifted from significantly negative prior to 1980 to significantly positive after 1990, whereas for western Alaska stocks, the correlations shifted from positive to negative. Productivity–SST correlations showed declining trends for B.C. and Gulf of Alaska stocks, that is, correlations became more negative (B.C.) or less positive (Gulf of Alaska) over time. For the PDO, correlations weakened during the 1980s for western Alaska and B.C. stocks. Overall, these results provide evidence for time‐varying relationships between salmon productivity and environmental conditions over six decades, highlighting the need to recognize that historical responses of salmon populations to environmental change may not be indicative of future responses.  相似文献   
The survival of fish eggs and larvae, and therefore recruitment success, can be critically affected by transport in ocean currents. Combining a model of early‐life stage dispersal with statistical stock–recruitment models, we investigated the role of larval transport for recruitment variability across spatial scales for the population complex of North Sea cod (Gadus morhua). By using a coupled physical–biological model, we estimated the egg and larval transport over a 44‐year period. The oceanographic component of the model, capable of capturing the interannual variability of temperature and ocean current patterns, was coupled to the biological component, an individual‐based model (IBM) that simulated the cod eggs and larvae development and mortality. This study proposes a novel method to account for larval transport and success in stock–recruitment models: weighting the spawning stock biomass by retention rate and, in the case of multiple populations, their connectivity. Our method provides an estimate of the stock biomass contributing to recruitment and the effect of larval transport on recruitment variability. Our results indicate an effect, albeit small, in some populations at the local level. Including transport anomaly as an environmental covariate in traditional stock–recruitment models in turn captures recruitment variability at larger scales. Our study aims to quantify the role of larval transport for recruitment across spatial scales, and disentangle the roles of temperature and larval transport on effective connectivity between populations, thus informing about the potential impacts of climate change on the cod population structure in the North Sea.  相似文献   
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