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王久儒  王铁萍 《中国饲料》2021,1(8):145-148
在多种原料配比过程中,营养指标因素复杂的实际情况及控制成本保证收益的现实需求,文章结合智能算法背景,进行猪饲料配方优化设计,建立猪饲料配方模型,采用智能算法求解饲料配方的过程,对于生猪饲料配方进行建模,同时优化出饲料配方。结果表明,智能算法的猪饲料配方优化能够解决多种原料配比以及多个营养指标复杂因素,实现快速计算和生产处理,对企业生产者、销售经营者、实际消费者具有十分重大的价值与现实意义。 [关键词]智能算法|猪饲料|配方优化|数学模型  相似文献   
[目的] 制备40%联苯肼酯.乙螨唑悬浮剂,降低柑橘红蜘蛛防治的单剂用药量和生产成本,延长药剂使用寿命。[方法] 采用湿法研磨工艺,通过粒径、黏度、分散性、pH、冷贮和热贮稳定性等指标的测试,对配方中的润湿分散剂、增稠剂、防冻剂进行了筛选。[结果] 确定了40%联苯肼酯.乙螨唑悬浮剂优化配方:联苯肼酯原药25%,乙螨唑原药15%,AEO 2%,D1002 2%,木质素磺酸钠6%,乙二醇5%,黄原胶0.1%,去离子水补足100%。该悬浮剂施用30 d后对柑橘红蜘蛛的防效仍达到90.1%。[结论] 该配方复配比例合理,性能指标均符合相关标准,对柑橘红蜘蛛的田间防治效果优异。试验结果可以为联苯肼酯和乙螨唑开发提供依据。  相似文献   
依据GB 5009.44—2016《食品安全国家标准 食品中氯化物的测定》,对特殊医学用途婴儿配方食品中氯的检测方法适用性展开研究。结果表明:采用GB 5009.44—2016第三法(银量法)检测特殊医学用途婴儿配方食品中乳蛋白部分水解配方、乳蛋白深度水解配方、氨基酸配方得到的样品加标回收率分别为95%~108%、98%~125%、100%~106%,相对标准偏差为12.7%~32.9%;采用GB 5009.44—2016第一法(电位滴定法)得到的检测结果低于第三法检测结果。  相似文献   
以针叶樱桃粉为主要原料,通过正交试验确定软糖的最佳配方。结果表明,针叶樱桃软糖的最佳配方为针叶樱桃粉用量5 g,白砂糖用量35 g,麦芽糖浆用量50 g,柠檬酸用量0.6 g,明胶用量9 g,果胶用量0.5 g。在最佳工艺配方条件下,得到的产品糖体饱满、表面光滑细腻、软硬适中,具有针叶樱桃特有的风味。  相似文献   
在面粉中加入一定比例的南瓜蓉,采用感官评定方法,通过单因素试验、正交试验确定了南瓜挂面的配方为南瓜蓉∶面粉为1∶7,以面粉100%为基数,水添加量为23%,魔芋粉添加量为0.15%,食盐添加量为1.2%。在此条件下得到的南瓜挂面面条笔直,无并条和扭曲;表面光滑,无毛刺、疙瘩,长度适中;产品呈淡黄色,颜色均匀一致,气味正常等;经最佳蒸煮时间6 min煮熟后,口感不黏、柔软爽口,面汤不浑。南瓜挂面质构参数中的硬度、胶黏性、咀嚼性、黏附性等特性与南瓜挂面的韧性、黏弹性、耐煮性等感官品质密切相关,质构指标能很好地定量反映感官评定结果。  相似文献   
熟牛油、生奶皮、白砂糖是制作新疆塔吉克族特色面制品的主要原料。通过正交试验确定三者在卡提拉玛中的添加量,研制具有新疆独特风味的卡提拉玛。在基本配方(高筋小麦粉500 g,酵母3 g,食盐2 g,鸡蛋清30 g,牛奶185 mL,饮用水100 mL,清油4 mL)的基础上,确定三者最佳添加量(以高筋粉为基重)。结果表明:加入熟牛油6 mL、生奶皮15 g、白砂糖3 g,可制作出色泽金黄、口感醇香、质地酥脆、具有生奶皮特有香气的新疆卡提拉玛。  相似文献   
In coral mariculture, growth is one of the most common ways to track success. However, numerous methods of monitoring coral growth make comparative studies challenging. A literature review of 39 studies from 1982 to 2017 indicated that the most predominant non‐invasive methods used were linear and areal measurement and these were evaluated for their accuracy using nursery‐reared corals. The monthly change in linear and areal growth rates of six coral species (= 215), Pocillopora acuta, Hydnophora rigida, Merulina ampliata, Podabacia crustacea, Echinopora lamellosa and Platygyra sinensis were measured via photogrammetry. We tested whether the planar area of coral colonies can be estimated using three geometric formulas of linear measurements. Based on the literature review, the six types of measurement methods were namely linear, volume, weight, area, count of polyps/branches and calcification, in decreasing order of application. Our results showed that the change in area calculated by geometric mean diameter (GMD) formulas provided the most accurate estimation among the three formulas and was strongly correlated with planar area (R2 ≥ .60; p < .05) for all coral species, except E. lamellosa and Pl. sinensis. However, our findings suggest that it is not ideal to use geometric formulas to estimate the change in area. Instead, we posit that areal photogrammetry represents the simplest yet accurate non‐invasive method for rapid monitoring of extensive areas of corals in situ. Lastly, we discuss the recommendations and limitations for areal photogrammetry.  相似文献   
利用均匀设计法及回归分析优选抗雏鸡白痢的中药组方翁苋颗粒.结合中兽药组方原则,将白头翁、马齿苋、苍术、陈皮等中药进行组方配伍,采用均匀设计法及回归分析,以不同配比的翁苋颗粒对鸡白痢沙门氏菌的体外抑菌效果作为考察指标,运用中兽医整体观念及体外抑菌活性评价筛选最优处方.采用腹腔注射鸡白痢沙门氏菌菌液的方法复制雏鸡白痢的病理模型,通过在饲料中添加一定比例的翁苋颗粒,于试验后统计有效率、治愈率.翁苋方28的组分配比为最佳处方,最优处方配比的翁苋颗粒高剂量组对雏鸡白痢的治愈率、有效率均为91.7%.该试验筛选出的优化复方制备处方翁苋颗粒能够有效防治雏鸡白痢.  相似文献   
Sooty moulds on crape myrtle leaves were investigated using light and electron microscopy. The adaxial leaf surface was distinctly covered with soot‐like masses of dark brown hyphae and conidia. The main characteristics of the sooty moulds included stauroconidia, conidial clusters, hyphal degeneration and extracellular melanin depositions. Some conidia were round, measured ~10 μm in diameter, and mostly one‐septate; others were branched and multiseptate (stauroconidia). Based on their morphology, the sooty moulds were determined to consist of several component fungal species belonging to genera such as Antennaria, Metacapnodium and Tripospermum. Enclosed in electron‐dense melanin layers, hyphae and conidial clusters had concentric bodies exhibiting electron‐transparent cores and electron‐dense shells with fibrillar sheaths. Concentric bodies are hypothesized to function as multilayer lipid‐encapsulated nanobubbles or eukaryotic gas vesicles for cytoplasmic volume control. Intrahyphal hyphae possessed electron‐dense cytoplasm and lipid globules. These results suggest that sooty moulds are equipped with melanized cell walls, multicelled resting structures, hyphal regeneration, intrahyphal growth and gas vesicles to adapt to their xeric phylloplane environment. Condensed and elongated starch granules in the chloroplasts of mesophyll tissues may indicate the acclimation of the sooty leaf regions to light reduction and temperature increase.  相似文献   
[目的]建立芍药内酯苷的药动学-药效学(PK-PD)模型。[方法]首先采用液质联用法测定大鼠脑缺血再灌注损伤模型给予辛芍组方后的不同时间点所得血浆样本中芍药内酯苷的药物浓度,获得药时曲线;同时采用试剂盒测定不同时间点所得血浆样本中的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)含量,获得时效曲线。然后用Win Non Lin软件采用房室模型的分析方法对芍药内酯苷的药代动力学参数进行拟合,获得PK参数。在此基础之上,固定相关的药代动力学参数,对时效关系进行拟合,得到相关的PD参数,根据PD参数,建立辛芍组方中芍药内酯苷的PK-PD模型。[结果]当以SOD为药效指标时,可得辛芍组方中芍药内酯苷的PK-PD模型为E=21.04+(7.16×Ce)/(Ce+372.4);当以LDH为药效指标时,可得辛芍组方中代表成分芍药内酯苷的PK-PD模型为E=216.83-(37.31×Ce)/(Ce+0.04)。[结论]SOD和LDH的浓度与芍药内酯苷的浓度存在一定的相关性。芍药内酯苷可通过提高SOD、降低LDH发挥抗氧化作用来实现保护脑缺血再灌注损伤。  相似文献   
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