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选用60 g/L乙基多杀菌素悬浮剂、5%啶虫脒乳油、480 g/L毒死蜱乳油、450 g/L吡虫啉微乳剂、240 g/L螺虫乙酯悬浮剂、1%甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐乳油和200 g/L氯虫苯甲酰胺悬浮剂等7种杀虫剂对香蕉花蓟马进行了田间防治试验。结果表明: 当采用每间隔两天施药时,7种供试药剂对香蕉花蓟马都具一定的防治效果,其中以240 g/L螺虫乙酯悬浮剂0.25ml/L对该虫的防效最高,为87.92%,其次为60 g/L乙基多杀菌素悬浮剂0.67 ml/L,其防效为86.02%,再次是450 g/L吡虫啉微乳剂0.33 ml/L,防效为72.00%;5%啶虫脒乳油0.67ml/L、200 g/L氯虫苯甲酰胺悬浮剂0.33 ml/L、480 g/L毒死蜱乳油0.5 ml/L、1%甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐乳油0.33 ml/L对该虫的防效分别为:62.63%、54.48%、51.47%和45.91%,显著低于240 g/L螺虫乙酯悬浮剂和60 g/L乙基多杀菌素悬浮剂。  相似文献   
为了寻找杀虫剂对柑橘木虱成虫毒力的测定方法,分别用点滴法和药膜法测定了吡虫啉、联苯菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯、高效氟氯氰菊酯、毒死蜱、丁硫克百威等6种杀虫剂对柑橘木虱成虫的室内毒力。结果表明:用点滴法测出的6种药剂的LC50和LC95高于用药膜法的测定结果,工效只有药膜法的50%,药膜法具有快速、所有药剂都可用的优点,适宜于抗性监测和在丙酮中溶解度低的化合物的毒力测定;点滴法所用药剂不含助剂,具有准确性好,适宜于新的化合物的毒力测定的优点,但具有工效低和在丙酮中溶解度低的原药不能用的缺点。  相似文献   
 The recovery of population, biomass and reproduction of a dominant crop field earthworm (Drawida willsi, Michaelsen) was assessed following the application of two recommended agricultural doses of malathion (2.2 mg kg–1– single dose and 4.4 mg kg–1– double dose) in a rice field agroecosystem for a period of 105 days. The average worm population and biomass showed 12% and 21% decline, respectively, in plots treated with single and double doses of malathion, compared with control. The peak of worm population was observed after 60 days in control (plot I) and this peak value was shifted by 15 days (i.e. observed after 75 days) in malathion-treated plots (plots II and III) indicating delay in growth and maturation of the worms following the application of malathion. Inhibition in the total number of cocoons produced, and thus in the rate of reproduction, was also observed in malathion-treated plots. The peak rate of reproduction (1.71 cocoons adult–1) was observed after 60 days in control plots and after 75 days (1.57 and 1.40 cocoons adult–1) in single and double dose malathion-treated plots, respectively. One-way analysis of variance showed significant differences in the population size and biomass of D. willsi up to 75 days, in rate of reproduction up to 90 days, and no difference thereafter. This indicates that, under field conditions, D. willsi worms took about 75–90 days after application of malathion to resume normal population, biomass and reproduction, and hence we suggest that a second application of malathion in single and double agricultural doses should be avoided before this time. Received: 7 September 1999  相似文献   
林业常用16种杀虫剂对赤眼蜂的急性毒性和安全性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐华强    明*  赵海朋 《林业科技》2014,(2):10-13
采用管测药膜法测定了16种杀虫剂对松毛虫赤眼蜂的急性毒性,并进行安全性评价。急性毒性测定的结果表明:苏云金杆菌、球孢白僵菌、灭幼脲、杀铃脲、甲氧虫酰肼、苦皮藤素对松毛虫赤眼蜂毒性较低,其LR50均高于9.16×10-3mg·cm-2,为低风险性药剂。甲氨基阿维菌素苯甲酸盐、啶虫脒、噻虫啉、辛硫磷、高效氯氟氰菊酯、吡虫啉、氟虫腈和阿维菌素对松毛虫赤眼蜂毒性较高,其LR50分别是2.28×10-4、9.81×10-5、5.23×10-5、2.43×10-5、1.39×10-5、4.33×10-6、2.10×10-6和1.92×10-6mg·cm-2,安全性评价均为高风险性和极高风险性。敌敌畏对松毛虫赤眼蜂的毒性最高,其LR50是1.11×10-6mg·cm-2;其次为虫螨腈,LR50是1.31×10-6mg·cm-2,对松毛虫赤眼蜂伤害均较严重。  相似文献   
端尖食植瓢虫为20世纪80年代山东省新纪录种,危害大叶白蜡,多年来为人忽视,鲜见对其报道。近年来在徂徕山林场大量暴发,给林业造成极大损失。为了探索有效的防治方法,为端尖食植瓢虫的防治提出科学合理的建议,本试验选用10%溴氰虫酰胺可分散油悬浮剂和2.5%溴氰菊酯乳油对泰安市徂徕山林场内端尖食植瓢虫进行防治,并以2%阿维菌素乳油及清水为对照。结果表明这两种药剂对端尖食植瓢虫具有很好的防治效果,对2龄幼虫的防效基本能达到95%以上,对3龄幼虫的防效可以达到90%左右。  相似文献   
为筛选防治烟粉虱的高效安全药剂并探索其药剂防控技术的优化配套,2012-2013年进行了防治药剂不同浓度处理及不同混配组合对瓜类烟粉虱成虫的防控效果及安全性的田间试验。结果表明,对长瓜烟粉虱的防治,240 g/L氟啶虫胺腈悬浮剂效果最好,药后24 h至14 d防效在68%以上;吡蚜酮与哒螨灵混配后防效显著高于单剂处理。对水果黄瓜烟粉虱的防治,50%杀虫环可溶粉剂与5.7%甲维盐水分散粒剂不同浓度混配处理药后24 h至7 d防效在80%以上,与240 g/L氟啶虫胺腈悬浮剂等其他药剂防效相当;且混配处理后对红蜘蛛有较好的兼治作用。此外,吡蚜酮+哒螨灵、杀虫环+甲维盐的药剂混配组合,可与氟啶虫胺腈等药剂按推荐剂量在田间轮换使用,延缓抗药性的产生。  相似文献   
[目的]筛选槟榔椰子坚蚜高效安全的防治药剂.[方法]通过室内毒力测定及田间药效试验研究5种药剂对椰子坚蚜的防治效果.[结果]5种药剂中,10%顺式氯氰菊酯、22%氟啶虫胺腈和10%吡虫啉对椰子坚蚜的室内毒力较高,LC50分别为15.28、30.00和30.23 mg/L;10%顺式氯氰菊酯、22%氟啶虫胺腈和10%吡虫啉各浓度施药后10 d防治效果均达到90%以上,22%氟啶虫胺腈施药后5d的防效均达到100%.[结论]防治椰子坚蚜时首选10%顺式氯氰菊酯,其次是22%氟啶虫胺腈和10%吡虫啉,但应急防治时选用22%氟啶虫胺腈和10%吡虫啉效果更明显.  相似文献   
不同种类杀虫剂对斜纹夜蛾的药效评价   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
通过室内测定和田间药效试验,评价了有机磷、拟除虫菊酯、氨基甲酸酯、昆虫生长调节剂、苯基吡唑类、抗生素及植物性农药等7大类杀虫剂对斜纹夜蛾的效应,结果表明,毒死蜱、保得、万灵及抑太保对斜纹夜蛾具有优良的防效,可作为首选杀虫剂进行交替使用  相似文献   
为探索防治白萝卜蚜虫、烟粉虱安全高效的药剂,减少农药用量,降低残留,使生产的白萝卜符合出口国要求,我们选择了几种药剂防治白萝卜蚜虫、烟粉虱的药剂,进行了田间试验。试验表明,在蚜虫、烟粉虱混合发生初期,用10%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂15g/667m2,其药后5d、7d对蚜虫校正防效达到97.8%、95.8%;用1%除虫菊素-苦参碱微囊悬浮剂75mL/667m2,其药后5d、7d对烟粉虱校正防效达到73.9%、78.2%,在生产上应每隔7d用药1次,连用2次。以上2种药剂对白萝卜安全且有较好的防治效果。  相似文献   
The study on behavioral hormoligosis in oviposition preference in Bemisia tabaci (Genn.) on cotton was conducted, at Entomological Research Farm, Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Punjab, India, during 2001 crop season and repeated in the same season. Multiple-choice test was followed for conducting the experiment. Quinalphos (250, 375, and 500), carbaryl (625, 938, and 1250), acephate (750, 1125, and 1500), endosulfan (438, 656, and 875), and fenvalerate (25, 38, and 50 g ai/ha) were repeatedly sprayed on potted plants of American cotton (var. LH-1556). The impact of these insecticides was evaluated in term of oviposition preference by B. tabaci to treated plants. Also, it investigated changes in biochemical components of treated cotton leaves and the correlation with oviposition preference. The results revealed that, fenvalerate treated plants were more preferred by whitefly for oviposition. Maximum number of eggs was observed on fenvalerate treated plants, 38, 50, and 25 g/ha (39.3, 37.3, and 36.1 eggs/leaf, respectively) followed by acephate 1500 g/ha (26.9 eggs/ leaf) compared with untreated control (14.1 eggs/leaf). Almost similar trend of results was observed in the repeated experiment. The results obtained from biochemical studies revealed that all the insecticidal treatments caused reduction in total sugars compared with untreated control except fenvalerate and low dose of quinalphos. All insecticides caused increase in total free amino acids and brought significant changes in total phenols and pH value of treated plants. These results have confirmed the behavioral hormoligosis in oviposition preference that induced by fenvalerate and acephate in B. tabaci, which may be one of the causes behind its resurgence on plants repeatedly treated with these insecticides.  相似文献   
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