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  1. Predictions of invasion risk for seven non‐indigenous fish species, ecological impact scores for individual species, and lake conservation rankings were linked to develop Invasion Risk Impact (IRI) and Lake Vulnerability (LV) indices that help identify New Zealand lakes most at risk of loss of conservation value from potential multi‐species invasions.
  2. Species‐specific IRI scores (the product of predicted invasion risk and species impact) highlighted Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) and the brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus), as the species most likely to spread and cause ecological harm in lakes. For 3431 lakes >1 ha throughout New Zealand, total IRI tended to be highest for lowland riverine and dune lakes most of which are already colonized by multiple invasive fish species.
  3. The LV index indicated that lakes most at risk of loss of conservation value from invasive fish impacts were predominantly (i) in the northern half of the North Island where several uncommon lake types occur, and (ii) along the west coast of the South Island where conservation value is often greater, largely because of low catchment modification.
  4. The IRI and LV indices can be used to assist with setting priorities for surveillance monitoring, advocacy, and response planning targeted at preventing the establishment of invasive fish in moderate‐to‐high value lakes most susceptible to ecological impacts. Both indices can be adapted to accommodate alternative impact and conservation scoring systems, providing a flexible tool for local‐ and national‐scale assessments of lake vulnerability to fish invasion impacts.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
为了更好地剖析青海湖南部大风日数的演变特征,笔者利用青海湖南部共和县气象局1961—2017 年的大风日数观测资料,采用线性倾向估计、M-K突变分析、滑动平均等方法,对大风日数的年代际、年际和季节变化趋势进行分析。结果表明:(1)自1961 年以来该地大风日数随年份的延长呈显著减少趋势,每10 年减少2.0 天;(2)共和地区春、夏、秋、冬四季大风日数均呈现出减少趋势,大风日数的减少幅度大小依次是:春季>夏季>秋季>冬季,其中春季和夏季大风日数的减少趋势显著;(3)突变分析表明,春、夏、秋、冬四季大风日数未发生突变,年大风日数在1975 年发生了由多到少的突变。对于防灾减灾,合理利用气候资源,改善生态环境很有价值。  相似文献   
Recruitment declines of walleye, Sander vitreus (Mitchill), observed in some northern Wisconsin lakes have resulted in management actions to evaluate and rehabilitate populations. An effective index for estimating relative abundance of yearling walleye is required. The objectives herein were : (a) to evaluate the relationship between yearling walleye electrofishing CPUE and density in northern Wisconsin lakes; (b) to test for the influence of lake‐specific factors on electrofishing catchability of yearling walleye; and (c) to develop an index whereby electrofishing CPUE can be used to quantify yearling walleye relative abundance. Yearling density was significantly positively related to electrofishing CPUE on a long‐term dataset from Escanaba Lake as well as a dataset including several lakes combined. Electrofishing catchability of yearling walleye was negatively related to lake‐surface area but was not related to other lake‐specific variables. This index can provide an efficient method to continue monitoring natural recruitment and also to evaluate survival of stocked walleye.  相似文献   
生态系统服务功能是生态系统与生态过程所形成及所维持的人类赖以生存的自然环境条件与效用,对其服务价值进行货币化评价,可以推动自然资源可持续利用,促进区域生态环境保护。以达里诺尔湖湿地为研究对象,结合达里诺尔湖湿地生态系统的结构、特征及其生态过程特点,通过资料搜集与实地调研,运用资源经济学理论和方法,对达里诺尔湖湿地生态系统服务价值进行了划分。构建了达里诺尔湖湿地生态系统服务价值评价指标体系,并对其进行了价值评价。评价结果显示达里诺尔湖湿地的服务价值为93.70×104万元,其中直接使用价值为2.19×104万元,占比为2.36%,间接使用价值为91.51×104万元,占比为97.66%。各项生态系统服务功能中以调节空气湿度价值最大,为82.76×104万元,占总服务价值的88.32%。  相似文献   
Using a 37‐year recruitment time series, we uncovered a field pattern revealing a strong, inverse relationship between bloater Coregonus hoyi recruitment success and slimy sculpin Cottus cognatus biomass in Lake Michigan (United States), one of the largest freshwater lakes of the world. Given that slimy sculpins (and deepwater sculpin Myoxocephalus thompsonii) are known egg predators that spatiotemporally overlap with incubating bloater eggs, we used recently published data on sculpin diets and daily ration to model annual bloater egg consumption by sculpins for the 1973–2010 year‐classes. Although several strong year‐classes were produced in the late 1980s when the proportion of eggs consumed by slimy sculpins was extremely low (i.e., <0.001) and several weak year‐classes were produced when the proportion of bloater eggs consumed was at its highest (i.e., >0.10–1.0), egg predation failed to explain why recruitment was weak for the 1995–2005 year‐classes when the proportion consumed was also low (i.e., <0.02). We concluded that egg predation by slimy and deepwater sculpins could have limited bloater recruitment in some years, but that some undetermined factor was more important in many other years. Given that slimy sculpin densities are influenced by piscivorous lake trout Salvelinus namaycush, the restoration of which in Lake Michigan has lagged behind those in lakes Superior and Huron, our study highlights the importance of an ecosystem perspective when considering population dynamics of fishes.  相似文献   
滇池底泥菌类组成及与污染关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对滇池不同位点底泥样品的分析,调查了滇池底泥中固氮菌类、硝化菌类及其他菌类的数量及分布状况。分析了这些细菌参与氮循环与滇池富营养化之间的关系,得出可用底泥中固氮菌作为滇池污染参考指示菌株和滇池地质条件,以及菌类微生物的分布变化对滇池富营养化具重要影响的结论。  相似文献   
针对吉林西部低平原底泥中氟含量较高的花敖泡、道字泡、大布苏泡进行实验,通过底泥中氟长期释放实验(28 d)和不同pH对底泥氟释放影响的研究,得出高氟湖库底泥氟的释放量为37.31~223.03 mg/kg;碱性环境下底泥氟向水中迁移的速率在1.88~22.53 mg/(kg·d);酸性环境中释放的速率0.71~5.41...  相似文献   
青海湖环湖区表土有机碳氮储量估算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了沿青海湖湖岸采集的81个表土样品的总有机碳和氮含量得出:环湖区表土有机碳储量为27.81×10^6t,总氮储量为30.24×10^5t。占研究区面积最大的栗钙土,其表层土壤有机碳密度(8.19kg/m^2)显著高于同类研究,氮含量(3.63mg/g)亦高于青海省同类土壤的平均值,说明环湖区表土碳氮储量都是相当大的...  相似文献   
为探讨修枝强度、林农间种、异龄林等因素对洞庭湖洲滩钉螺孳生的影响,对拐棍洲有螺滩地杨树人工林的螺情分布进行了长期定点调查。结果表明:4年生杨树林,修枝次年林分内的活螺框出现率、活螺密度均低于修枝当年,其中1/3修枝强度次年林分活螺框出现率、活螺密度较修枝当年分别降低了68.00%和80.80%。林农间种的杨树林较翻耕不种和不耕不种的杨树林抑螺效应显著,翻耕而不间种的杨树林,活螺框出现率与不耕不种的1年生杨树林一样,但活螺密度却较不耕不种下降了47.20%。异龄林营造后,活螺密度大致呈下降趋势,营造后的第2、3、4年时活螺框出现率、活螺密度分布较营造当年下降73.33%、50.00%、77.67%和75.96%、43.94%、83.85%。林分郁闭后,全面翻垦的林分活螺框出现率、活螺密度均比不翻垦的林分低直至趋于零。除了高程(32.64m)较高的林分外,其他高程全耕不种林分内活螺框出现率、活螺密度均低于全垦间种。  相似文献   
基于纳帕海、属都湖、碧塔海和剑湖4个高原湖泊矢量数据,利用Arc Map 10、Fragstats 3.3、Excel等软件,系统分析了1955~2012年4个高原湖泊水域面积和形状的时空演变规律及其驱动因子。结果表明,(1)湖泊时空演变规律各异。纳帕海水域面积和形状复杂程度都处于无规律的波动变化过程中。属都湖水域面积和形状复杂程度1955~1994年都处于增加状态,1994~2011年保持不变。碧塔海水域面积和形状复杂程度没有发生变化。剑湖水域面积1957~2012年呈减少趋势,形状复杂程度呈增加趋势。(2)时空变化程度各不相同。4个高原湖泊时空变化程度从大到小的排序为纳帕海﹥剑湖﹥属都湖﹥碧塔海。(3)演变驱动因子不尽一致。纳帕海的驱动因子主要为疏浚落水洞、建闸控水、泥沙淤积、改造河道、气候变化、湖水污染和旅游干扰。剑湖的驱动因子主要为疏浚河道、泥沙淤积、湖滩开发、建闸控水、气候变化和湖水污染。属都湖的驱动因子主要为筑坝蓄水。人为干扰和气候变化没有导致碧塔海湖泊的变化。(4)受人为干扰程度有差异。4个高原湖泊受人为干扰程度由重到轻的排序为纳帕海﹥剑湖﹥属都湖﹥碧塔海。  相似文献   
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