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Aspects of intensive management practices such as high-yielding cultivars, narrow-row spacings and fungicide treatments could potentially increase cereal yields in regions with a short crop-growing season and occasionally dry and hot weather. A field experiment was carried out at McGill University, Canada for three years (1987 to 1989) to test the effects of triadimefon (1-[4-chlorophenoxy]-3,3-dimethyl-1-[1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl]-2-butanone, or Bayleton, a trade name) fungicide (0 vs. 140 g a.i. ha−1) and row spacing (10 vs. 20 cm) on the yield components, yield and other agronomic traits (spike emergence, days to maturity, leaf disease and plant height) of spring barley ( Hordeum vulgare L.) cv. Cadette, Laurier and Leger. A cultivar by row spacing interaction resulted in a 11 to 13.5 % increase in grain yield due to narrow rows for Laurier in two out of the three years and up to 16 % for Leger in one year. Over the three years grain yields were on average increased 6 to 12 % due to use of the narrower row spacing. Fungicide application to barley at the early heading stage effectively controlled leaf diseases without influence on yield components or grain yield. Our results indicate that some components of intensive management such as narrow row spacing can be applicable in regions with a short crop-growing season.  相似文献   
青稞镰孢根腐病病原鉴定及致病性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确青稞镰孢根腐病的病原,于青稞苗期及成株期分别对甘肃省甘南藏族自治州合作市、临潭县和卓尼县等青稞主产区的根腐病发生情况进行调查并采集样品,采用常规的组织分离法分离其病原,结合形态特征和分子生物学进行病原鉴定,并用烧杯水琼脂法和盆栽法测定其致病性。结果表明,青稞镰孢根腐病在甘肃省甘南藏族自治州分布广泛,发病率在5%~20%之间。发病植株长势弱、发黄,茎基部缢缩、腐烂,穗白粒瘪,茎秆发褐或黑红。共分离得到88株青稞镰孢根腐病病原菌,苗期50株,成株期38株,经鉴定分别为燕麦镰孢Fusarium avenaceum、木贼镰孢F.equiseti、三线镰孢F.tricinctum、柔毛镰孢F.flocciferum、锐顶镰孢F.acuminatum及F.langsethiae。盆栽法和烧杯水琼脂法所测得的致病性差异显著,但均表明燕麦镰孢综合致病力较强,结合其分离率,确认燕麦镰孢为优势病原。  相似文献   
以色列野生二棱大麦农艺性状差异及相关性分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
严俊  程剑平 《麦类作物学报》2007,27(6):969-973999
为给野生大麦的遗传和基因资源的研究提供依据,对起源于以色列不同地区6个群体的16个生态型野生二棱大麦的物候性状进行了研究.结果表明,不同生态型间的物候性状差异明显.从个体水平上分析,其最大值均出现在湿生生态型中,除旗叶面积外,其最小值则出现在旱生生态型中;从群体水平上分析,除每穗粒数外,湿生型平均值皆高于旱生型平均值.曼-怀氏等级和检验显示,湿生型和旱生型之间的这些物候性状差异达到显著水平.斯皮尔曼秩相关性检验则表明,9个物候与性状间,除三叶期与粒重、穗粒重无相关性外,其余物候性状间均呈显著的相关性,其中生长期与旗叶面积、株高、穗长、芒长等呈显著正相关,与每穗粒数则呈显著负相关;芒长与旗叶面积、株高,稳长与株高存在显著正相关,而每穗粒数则与芒长和旗叶面积分别呈显著负相关,芒长与穗长亦呈显著正相关.分析表明,以色列不同地区野生大麦物候性状差异是其生境主导下生存选择的结果,其丰富的表现型多样性,可用于遗传与育种研究.  相似文献   
在西藏自治区,大麦生产的发展意义重大。回顾西藏大麦生产发展的历史及分析现状的基础上,指出当前所面临的主要矛盾和问题,并提出了解决矛盾的措施和西藏大麦生产的发展方向。  相似文献   
【目的】研究气候变暖对西藏青稞农田氨挥发特性和青稞产量的影响,为探索减少青稞生产中的氨挥发、提高氮肥利用率提供依据。【方法】在西藏青稞主产区之一的拉萨河谷农区,采用开顶式气室(open-top chamber, OTC)增温系统模拟气候变暖进行大田试验。试验共设置不增温(对照,T0)、增温2℃(T2)和增温4℃(T4)3个处理。将290.25 kg/hm2尿素(纯N 133.5 kg/hm2)分别于播种前(4月12日)基施60%、拔节期(6月6日)和抽穗期(6月20日)各追施20%。测定不同处理青稞农田的土壤氨挥发通量以及青稞生长指标、产量及其构成要素,计算基肥和追肥的氨挥发积累量和氨挥发损失率,分析增温与土壤氨挥发特性以及青稞株高、产量及其构成要素的相关性。【结果】氮肥基施后,T0、T2和T4 3个处理的青稞农田土壤氨挥发通量至播种后第14天达到峰值,且土壤氨挥发通量峰值由大到小表现为T4>T0>T2;T2和T4处理基肥氨挥发周期均为26 d,较T0处理延长了3 d。于抽穗期追施氮肥后,T0、T2和T4 3个处理的土壤氨挥发通量...  相似文献   
大麦茎秆生长动态模拟模型   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过系统分析甘肃地区不同株型大麦品种茎秆生长的变化动态,以生理发育时间(PDT)为步长,用Richards方程模拟了甘肃大麦茎秆节间伸长和节间增粗的动态过程,并以不同品种不同播期的大麦对模型进行了检验。结果表明:模型对大麦不同品种不同播期节间长度实测值和模拟值的RMSE范围在0.37~1.62 cm之间,节间粗度的RMSE范围在0.011~0.034 cm之间,模型具有较好的预测性。  相似文献   
Vector efficiency of 44 clonal lines (clones) of Sitobion avenae belonging to 31 different genotypes (distinct patterns for five microsatellite loci) originating from Western France was evaluated by transmitting the isolate PAV4 of BYDV-PAV to barley seedlings. Variation in transmission rates from 3.7% to 92.5% was observed, with significant effects of the aphid clone, of the plant species on which clones were collected, and of the reproductive mode of the clones. When genotypes are considered instead of clones, a continuum in transmission rates was observed. A subset of S. avenae clones was tested for transmission of one (10 clones) and 13 (4 clones) other BYDV-PAV isolates, and a clear clone effect modulated by an isolate effect was observed. Crosses were made between clones with different vectoring phenotypes and their F1 progeny were tested for PAV4 transmission. The narrow sense heritability of the PAV transmission character was rather high in the F1 families (h2=0.5) and the segregation analyses suggested an oligo/polygenic determinism of this character. The possibility of generating new transmission variants by sexual reproduction and its consequences on transmission mechanism studies and on BYD epidemics are discussed.  相似文献   
熊寿福  张健 《种子》1991,(4):28-31
穗长、穗粒重两性对小区产量直接影响较大;每穗实粒数和每穗不实粒两性状数对小区产量直接影响很小,但通过其他性状对小区产量的间接负影响很大;每穗总粒数对小区产量直接负影响很大,株高通过其他性状对小区产量间接正影响很大。  相似文献   
A programme of field trials for the study of the winter barley–Rhynchosporium commune pathosystem is reported. The associated seedborne disease rhynchosporium leaf scald is regarded as having an important impact on barley yields. The analysis in this study relates to the impact of the seed source (commercial or farm-saved seed) on disease incidence and to the spatial pattern of rhynchosporium leaf scald disease incidence. Disease incidence data were calculated from field data recorded as disease severity. Mean disease incidence was higher in the crops grown from farm-saved seed than in those grown from commercial seed, although great agronomic significance cannot be attached to this result. The spatial pattern of rhynchosporium leaf scald disease incidence was characterized in terms of the binary power law (BPL) and was indicative of an aggregated pattern. Programme-wide BPL results were described using a novel phytopathological application of a random coefficients model. These results have application in field sampling for rhynchosporium leaf scald disease.  相似文献   
为了提高绿洲灌区的水资源利用效率,研究了啤酒大麦垄作沟灌栽培的产量效应及节水效果。结果表明,垄作栽培方式有较好的增产、节水、增温效应,与平作栽培相比,4、5月份5cm土层的温度分别提高1.27℃和1.39℃,垄作沟灌栽培啤酒大麦田间长势优于平作栽培,对土壤水分的消耗相对增大,水分对产量的贡献率提高,增产节水效果显著。在相同的灌溉定额下,垄作沟灌较平作栽培啤酒大麦千粒重增加2.10~5.37g,穗粒数增加0.7~7.2粒,产量增加480.5~1 983.6kg.hm-2,增幅6.86%~55.05%,水分利用效率提高5.18%~35.40%,节水1 500m3.hm-2,节水增产效果显著。  相似文献   
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