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王枫 《农学学报》2021,11(9):92-96
经济林良种是经济林产业的“芯片”,是经济林生产优质、高产、高效的物质基础。完善经济林良种推广政策,是实现经济林产业高质量发展的根本保障。通过数据收集和整理,系统梳理全国经济林良种推广现状,指出经济林良种推广中还存在着良种使用率不高,经济林低产低效;部分经济林良种存在超范围推广;良种审定过多,结构性过剩和种植品种过多,对接生产加工不畅等突出问题。进而提出从以种植为目标的良种推广转变为以生产加工等市场需求为导向的良种推广思路。从优化良种供给、加强良种推广的宏观指导、强化科技支撑和宣传培训、实施经济林提质增效工程和充分发挥产业协会、创新联盟的作用等方面给出优化经济林良种推广的政策建议。  相似文献   
森林资源作为国家的重要自然资源,不仅能够创造经济效益,还可以调节整个生态系统。伴随公众环保意识的日益增强,森林资源保护工作受到了社会的广泛关注,国家也采取了一系列措施加强森林资源的保护管理。然而从现实来看森林资源保护工作仍面临着不少问题需要解决。为此,就当前森林资源保护管理存在的主要问题进行了分析,探讨了有效的应对策略,以期使国内森林资源得到更好的保护。  相似文献   
以浙江省凤阳山海拔1 300~1 400 m处不同林分类型(阔叶混交林、针阔混交林、杉木林、竹林)为对象,测定不同土层土壤基本理化性质、酶活性及腐殖质质量分数,分析土壤腐殖质特征及影响因素,为凤阳山自然保护区的土壤肥力和可持续经营发展提供理论依据。结果表明:土壤腐殖质质量分数针阔混交林最高,阔叶混交林、竹林、杉木林次之;胡敏酸质量分数针阔混交林最高,杉木林最低;富里酸质量分数针阔混交林最高,竹林最低。除磷酸酶活性随土层加深无统一规律外,4种林分脲酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性及蔗糖酶活性土壤随土层加深皆呈现降低趋势。土壤pH值、土壤密度与土壤腐殖质质量分数、胡敏酸质量分数和富里酸质量分数均呈现显著的负相关;除磷酸酶活性相关性不显著外,土壤脲酶活性、蔗糖酶活性、过氧化氢酶活性、总孔隙度、毛管孔隙、非毛管孔隙与土壤腐殖质质量分数、胡敏酸质量分数和富里酸质量分数均呈现显著的正相关。凤阳山不同林分类型对土壤腐殖质特征的影响较土层深度更显著,土壤理化性质及酶活性与土壤腐殖质质量分数有着密切关系。  相似文献   
为解决豚草提取物在林业病虫害防治中的推广与应用问题,以豚草叶片为试验材料,采用温浸-超声波联合提取法提取抑菌活性物质,并开展其对杨树水泡型溃疡病病原菌的室内外抑菌试验。室内抑菌试验表明,粗提物浓度为16 mg/mL时,抑菌率达到73.62%;林间防治试验表明,最小抑菌浓度为 40 mg/mL,抑菌率达到95.14%。通过以上抑菌试验确定豚草粗提物对杨树水泡型溃疡病有较好的抑制效果。  相似文献   
近些年来宁化县非常注重高质量、高品位绿色发展要求,保护好绿水青山才能成就金山银山的经营理念不断向纵深推进,人们对乡土树种越来越倍加珍惜,因此急需加快乡土树种栽培与保护。本文从乡土树种林业内涵展开分析,阐述了乡土树种在宁化县生态恢复过程中的作用,主要从乡土树种具有生长快[1]、适应性强、病虫害少、用途多、改良土壤性强、森林植物群落多样性丰富、林分生产力强、再生繁衍能力强等方面深入探索,从而证明了乡土树种在树种优选方面的重要作用。  相似文献   
Small‐scale fisheries provide food and livelihoods for thousands of people along the Brazilian coastline. However, considerable uncertainties still surround the extent to which artisanal and subsistence fisheries contribute to the total of national landings and their historical ecological significance. Fisheries monitoring is deficient in Brazil, and historical records are limited to irregular accounts spanning the last few decades, while this coastline has supported human populations for at least 6,000 years. Here, we estimate pre‐Columbian subsistence catches for a large subtropical estuary in southern Brazil. Our results suggest that prehistoric populations may have extracted volumes of fish biomass higher than or comparable with historical subsistence fisheries in the region, and that the latter is likely underestimated. If a long‐term perspective is required to evaluate the current economic value and status of fisheries in subtropical and tropical South America, this should go beyond the historical time interval and integrate the contribution of pre‐Columbian archaeology.  相似文献   
Savanna woodlands in Sudan host great biodiversity, provide a plethora of ecosystem goods and services to local communities, and sustain numerous ecological functions. Although the importance of the Acacia trees in these areas is well known, up-to-date information about these woodlands' diversity is limited and changes in their woody vegetation composition, density, diversity and relative frequency are not monitored over time. This study explored tree diversity and stand stage structure in Nuara Reserved Forest, a typical savanna woodland ecosystem in southeastern Sudan. A total of 638 circular sample plots (1000 m2 for each) were established using a systematic sampling grid method. The distance between plots was 200 m. In each plot, all living trees with diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥5.00 cm were identified and counted, and their DBH values were recorded. From these data, tree composition, diversity, density and stage structure were assessed. There were 12,259 individual trees representing four species (Acacia seyal, Balanites aegyptiaca, Acacia Senegal and Acacia mellifera) that belong to two families. The dominant species was Acacia seyal. Average tree density was 191 trees/hm2 and the Shannon-Weiner index for trees diversity was 0.204. Overall, young trees comprised 86.30% of the forest. The state of tree richness and density in the study area was low compared to other similar environments in the region and around the world. We recommended adoption of a proper management system that includes monitoring of woody vegetation diversity in this forest, and management actions to enhance tree diversity and sustain ecosystem services to local communities. In addition to care for the dominant Acacia seyal stands, more attention and conservation should be devoted to reestablishing Acacia senegal and Acacia mellifera trees because of their high ecological and economic values for local communities.  相似文献   
为探究植被指数时序特征是否有利于落叶松人工林提取,以孟家岗林场为研究试验区域,根据落叶松人工林季相和物候特征,利用Landsat8OLI影像数据提取研究区内5种植被的归一化植被指数(I NDV)、差值植被指数(I DV)、比值植被指数(I RV)、增强型植被指数(I EV),构建相应的植被指数时序特征。采用最大似然和随机森林两种方法对单一时相影像和加入植被指数时序特征的影像进行对比试验。结果表明:影像中加入植被指数时序特征后,最大似然算法的分类总体精度为89.53%,Kappa系数为0.87,比单一时序特征的影像分类精度提高了13.35%;随机森林算法的森林类型分类总体精度为93.22%,Kappa系数为0.92,比单一时序特征的影像分类精度提高了19.8%。因此,加入植被指数时序特征后能得到更高的落叶松人工林提取精度。  相似文献   
在森林培育时,森林的抚育间伐是很重要的,通过抚育间伐可以在很大程度上提高森林的培育效率,对于林业的发展有着很好的推动作用,以白龙江为例阐述了白龙江林区抚育现状以及在抚育间伐过程中存在一些问题。因此,为了加强森林的培育,森林的抚育间伐措施应科学合理。基于此,分析森林抚育间伐过程中遇到的问题及采取的相应措施。  相似文献   
在分析生态经济学理论基础上论述了林下经济的生态经济学理论基础,并介绍了几种主要的林下经济模式,对几种模式的相关试验研究结果表明:合适的林下经济模式不仅可以有效地带来可观的经济效益,而且可以提高林下土壤肥力以及改良土壤物理性质,从而实现生态经济学的核心内涵—生态效益与经济效益双丰收。  相似文献   
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