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文章从“考据不是经学”、“实测与贯通”、“惟经学可以言性灵”三个层面,探讨了乾嘉学者焦循的经学思想。文章指出:焦循对当时“考据”学风的批评,体现了当时经学信仰与学术客体之间的某种紧张。焦循提倡实测与贯通,则开创了一种注重过程研究的经学研究方法。焦循强调无性灵不可言经学,走上了经学与子学的整合之路,为乾嘉以后经学研究转向多元化提供了新的经学诠释理论。  相似文献   
Irrigation water management has significant economic implications in developing countries like Malaysia. As in many countries, Malaysia is also espousing internet as a platform of new possibilities for information access and sharing. Thus web based decision tools are pertinent in managing water, which is becoming a source of conflict between domestic, industry and agricultural use in this emerging technological and information age. Decision Support System (DSS) created in the past was theoretically acceptable but practically not effective in the transfer of scientific knowledge from research labs to the end-users to support them in decision making. The Web Based Paddy Irrigation Productivity Assessment (WebPIPA) is an example of DSS created to provide an effective conduit for the transfer of scientific knowledge from research labs to the end-users to support them in decision making. WebPIPA serves as an innovative, user friendly and efficient management tool for run-of-river rice irrigation system. It is a web based program that requires users to login through user name and password WebPIPA is developed using Net framework and ASP. Net Programming Languages of Microsoft. Net 2003 environment. A 3-tier architecture framework was carefully studied and was implemented to create the WebP1PA model. Mathematical model developed for aiding irrigation decisions must be oriented towards addressing various issues in addition to the scientific ones for better acceptability. All government and private agencies, researchers, station users, farmers, investors and buyers related to this study area will be able to access and share the database through the internet. By strengthening the involvement of government departments, the database can be very effectively used by all stakeholders at the same time narrowing the gap between the urban and rural communities in the development of country.  相似文献   
根据高职课程改革的要求、课程特点及行业企业发展的需要,对基于工作过程的植物组织培养技术教学内容的构建、教学方法及教学手段的设计,以及教学评价体系进行了教学改革探讨,旨在充分体现高职教育特征,更加有利于学生综合能力的培养.  相似文献   
基于WebGIS的农业面源污染信息系统的开发及应用   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
农业面源污染研究是当前国内外环境科学与工程领域的研究热点,但研究大多侧重于农业面源污染的成因、机理、模型和控制对策等,而缺乏一个良好的交互式的用户界面来发布、管理和分析农业面源污染,使其可视化等.本文以太湖流域的杭嘉湖平原为例,通过利用GIS及其相关技术,特别是WebGIS技术(ArcIMS、ArcSDE)的应用,建立了一个基于WebGIS的农业面源污染信息系统(ANPSPIS),以期为农业面源污染的管理、规划和决策提供依据.  相似文献   
本文针对GIS在农业综合开发信息系统的开发应用上的研究,对基于GIS的农业综合开发信息系统的系统构成、数据库、设计等作了讨论。指出地理信息系统将有效的提高农业综合开发的管理工作,并将有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   
食品卫生学是食品质量与安全专业和食品营养专业学生的一门重要专业课程,也是一门实用性非常强的学科。为了使学生更好地将理论与实际相结合,在教学中引入了CBS教学法。结果显示,该方法具有较好的提高食品卫生学教学效果的作用,是一种值得推广的有效教学模式。  相似文献   
王锋尖  潘坤  周向宇 《安徽农业科学》2012,40(22):11508-11509
在深刻理解相关概念内涵的基础上,按照一定的设计原则,以食用菌种类为载体,对食用菌栽培技术课程进行了学习情境设计。  相似文献   
Published papers were reviewed to assess ecosystem impacts of individual transferable quotas (ITQs) and other dedicated access systems. Under ITQs, quota shares increase with higher abundance levels, thus fishers may request lower total allowable catches (TACs) and pay for monitoring and research that improves fishery sustainability. Mortality on target species generally declines because catches are closer to TACs and because ghost fishing through lost and abandoned gear decreases. High-grading and discarding often decline, but may increase if landings (and not catches) count against ITQs and when there is little at-sea enforcement. Overall, ITQs positively impact target species, although collapses can occur if TACs are set too high or if catches are routinely allowed to exceed TACs. Fishing pressure may increase on non-ITQ species because of spillover from ITQ fisheries, and in cases where fishers anticipate that future ITQ allocations will be based on catch history and therefore increase their current catches. Ecosystem and habitat impacts of ITQs were only sparsely covered in the literature and were difficult to assess: ITQs often lead to changes in total fishing effort (both positive and negative), spatial shifts in effort, and fishing gear modifications. Stock assessments may be complicated by changes in the relationship between catch per unit effort, and abundance, but ITQ participants will often assist in improving data collection and stock assessments. Overall, ITQs have largely positive effects on target species, but mixed or unknown effects on non-target fisheries and the overall ecosystem. Favourable outcomes were linked to sustainable TACs and effective enforcement.  相似文献   
从基于行动导向课程开发基础流程、相关概念及行动领域分析-情境设计-课程实施等几个方面介绍了《数控加工工艺与手工编程》课程的开发,对《数控加工工艺与手工编程》课程教学如何实现基于工作过程导向的教学改革进行了探索与实践。  相似文献   
西北干旱地区农业健康用水量计算模型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确灌溉模式对不同群体小麦光合特性的调控机制,在大田条件下设置了不灌水(W0)、灌1水(W1j,拔节期灌水;W1b,孕穗期灌水)、灌2水(W2,拔节期和孕穗期灌水)、灌3水(W3,拔节期、孕穗期和灌浆期灌水)5种灌溉模式和基本苗180株.m?2(D1)、300株.m?2(D2)和450株.m?2(D3)3种密度的二因素试验,研究了灌溉模式对不同群体小麦光合特性的影响。结果表明:灌溉明显改善了群体光合速率。在一定灌溉总量范围内,灌溉次数与群体光合速率呈抛物线型关系。较多的灌溉次数下群体光合速率的提高归因于LAI增大和群体光截获的增加。群体光合速率与冠层透光率呈极显著的负相关,灌浆期群体光合速率与花后干物质积累量和产量呈极显著的正相关。主效应及偏相关分析表明:W0、W1j、W1b、W3群体光合速率主要受群体透光率和叶面积的影响,W2群体光合速率的提高主要受旗叶净光合速率的影响。综合产量和群体光合速率等因素,春季灌2水(拔节水和孕穗水)的小麦群体上层截获光较多,中下层通风透光良好,群体光合同化能力最强,花后干物质积累量和产量最高;在此基础上采取密度为300株.m?2基本苗能够提高生育后期的群体光合速率,延长其高值持续时间,增加小麦籽粒产量。  相似文献   
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