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为探究播期对直播水稻产量、花后干物质和氮素积累与转运的影响,以水稻品种白粳1号、长白9号和龙粳31号为供试材料,设置3个播期(SD1、SD2和SD3),比较不同播期条件下3个品种的产量、抽穗期和成熟期各器官干物质及氮素积累与转运特点。3个品种抽穗期和成熟期各器官干物质及氮素积累量、抽穗至成熟期各器官干物质及氮素转运量和产量均表现为SD2>SD3>SD1。相关分析表明,产量与成熟期穗干物质及氮素积累量呈显著正相关,与叶片干物质和氮素转运量呈显著正相关。在本试验条件下,播期的推迟提高了3个品种有效穗数及结实率,进而提高了产量,同时促进了各器官物质转运量与转运率的提高。各品种SD2处理的产量及花后干物质、氮素积累量最高,SD2为适宜播期。  相似文献   
Direct seeding is increasingly being practiced in rice cultivation areas because it saves labour and reduces cost of production and management. In this study, four japonica‐type breeding lines were developed from a cross of a japonica cultivar and an AG‐tolerant donor, KHO, using marker‐assisted selection. Validation of the target genes AG1 and AG2 in the selected lines was examined by PCR analysis and the background recovery rate by the recurrent parent was confirmed by genotyping using a 6K SNP chip. Compared to the recurrent, the survival rates of the selected lines were improved in a range from 33% to 115% in three conditions; in particular, the survival rate was increased in more than twice that of the recurrent parent under the hypoxic condition. The main agronomic trait, yield and quality‐related traits were similar to those of the recurrent parent. The use of these lines will contribute to the expansion of the cultivation area due to the proven economic benefits of direct seeding in Korea.  相似文献   
随着我国社会经济的发展,逐步暴露出了许多的生态环境问题。而为了维持生态的平衡,就要提高植树造林的力度,这其中碳汇造林就是植树造林工作的延伸。在碳汇造林中乡土阔叶树种发挥着重要作用,针对乡土阔叶树种在碳汇造林中的应用进行分析,对项目中出现的问题进行优化。  相似文献   
[Objective] The genetic diversity of semi-wild cotton was abundant, so more new elite resistant genes could be found and applied to improve the resistance of cotton. The aim of this study was to primarily study on the regulation of response to salt-alkali stress, explore the method of integrated evaluation and characterize the resistance of semi-wild cotton. [Method] Four semi-wild and two cultivated Gossypium hirsutum accessions were evaluated for phonotypical, physiological and biochemical traits under alkali-salt versus normal conditions in hydroponic solutions. The alkali-salt tolerance was determined based on principal component analysis, cluster analysis, correlation analysis, grey rational analysis and analysis of variance. [Result] On the basis of the overall results, the alkali-salt stress tolerance of the six accessions was ranked as: Marie-galante85 > Latifolium32 > CRI16 > CRI12 > Latifolium40 > Latifolium130. Roots were found to be the most important responsive systems to complex alkali-salt stress. At seedling growth stage, the active scavenging system played a crucial role in response to alkali-salt stress. In addition, the salt tolerant and salt sensitive accessions showed different response tends towards leaf peroxidase, root ascorbate peroxidase and root catalase within 48 h, suggesting the accessions have different levels of response to salt stress. [Conclusion]Our study identified the most alkali-salt tolerant accessions and provided basic concept of complex alkali-salt tolerance mechanism within cotton accessions. And, our study provided a simple and rapid, highly accurate and precise method for evaluating salt resistance of cotton, and proved that the balance of ROS system play an important role in response to salt-alkali stress. Hence, mining of salt tolerant genes from these accessions may facilitate the development of novel salt tolerant variety.  相似文献   
【目的】明确杂交稻70 g以下低播量精量穴播和条播对育秧效果及机插特性的影响,突破生产中杂交稻机插的技术瓶颈。【方法】以中浙优1号和甬优1540两个杂交稻品种为材料,利用机插标准9寸盘,设置机械穴播和条播两个精量播种方式,并以机械流水线撒播为对照,穴播规格为16(纵向)×34(横向)穴,条播为纵向16条,以穴播5粒、3粒及2粒的播种量进行播种试验。考查了低播量下不同播种方式对秧苗生长影响及配套取秧效果【结果】1)低播量下不同播种方式对秧苗成苗率的影响不大。2)降低播种量提高秧苗生长一致性,且穴播和条播秧苗生长一致性好于撒播。3)与撒播相比,精量穴播和条播能够在低播量下提高秧苗根系盘结力和成毯性,中浙优1号和甬优1540根系盘结力比撒播平均高75.4%和81.0%,播量每穴3粒时即能有效成毯,穴播和条播差异不大。4)精量穴播和条播能够显著降低低播量下机插漏秧率,中浙优1号和甬优1540机插漏秧率平均分别比撒播低76.3%和74.6%,穴播和条播下,两个品种每穴播量3粒的漏秧率均在1%以下,与撒播相比降幅在10个百分点以上。5)精量穴播和条播机插取秧苗数均匀度比撒播要好,两个品种预期取秧2~5苗(5粒)、1~3苗(3粒)和1~2苗(2粒)比例均达80%以上,中浙优1号和甬优1540机插苗数均匀度平均比撒播高121.2%和67.0%,其中,穴播机插取秧苗数均匀度及预期取秧苗数比例高于条播。【结论】精量穴播和条播可以解决目前杂交稻机插用种量大、漏秧率高和机插取秧苗数均匀度差的问题。  相似文献   
施氮量对油后直播棉花产量、品质及生物量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究施氮量对油后直播棉花生物量累积特征及其与产量、品质的关系,于2016-2017年在湖南常德设置了施氮量分别为0、90、180、270、360 kg·hm-2氮肥水平试验。结果表明,在施氮量为0~360 kg·hm-2范围内,施氮量越大棉株营养器官生物量累积越多,而棉株生殖器官生物量则在施氮量为270 kg·hm-2时累积最多;皮棉产量、成铃数和单铃重均在施氮量为270 kg·hm-2时达到最大;0~270 kg·hm-2范围内,衣分随施氮量增加而增加。在施氮量为270 kg·hm-2条件下,纤维长度和断裂比强度最高;适宜施氮量有利于纤维长度、断裂比强度的提高和马克隆值的优化,对伸长率和整齐度基本无影响。综上所述,适宜施氮量可提高棉花的产量、品质,洞庭湖棉区适宜的施氮量为180~250 kg·hm-2。本研究结果为环洞庭湖棉区的氮肥合理运筹提供了技术参考。  相似文献   
长江流域滩地是我国钉螺分布的主要区域,也是血吸虫病的主要流行区。近些年我国大力实施的林业血防工程通过滩地营造人工杨树林,使得钉螺原有孳生地的多种生物要素和非生物要素发生了明显变化,显著减少了钉螺种群的分布空间,从而有效控制了血吸虫病的传播。目前,国内外在滩地造林后单一要素改变对钉螺的影响方面已有较多研究,但有关生物要素与非生物要素对钉螺分布的交互作用还未有深入探索,对钉螺孳生产生抑制作用的关键要素尚不明确。文中综述了滩地造林后林下的草本植物群落、土壤理化性质、光照、地温等诸多要素发生变化对钉螺生存的不利影响,总结了滩地造林抑螺作用机理的研究进展,提出该领域今后的重点研究方向,以期为滩地造林抑螺作用机理的深入研究提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
长江中游稻区水稻产业发展现状、问题与建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解国家调低稻谷保护收购价后长江中游稻区水稻产业发展状况,湖南、湖北、江西和河南4省水稻专家组织开展了相关调研。结果表明,长江中游稻区2018和2019(预测)两年水稻总体种植面积持续缩减,主要是湖南和江西“双改单”和种植结构调整所致,而湖北和河南面积略有增加。稻区内2018年稻谷销售进度明显滞后于上年同期,稻谷价格也不同程度下跌。这主要受国家保护价下调影响。而优质稻谷销售进度和价格受影响较小,其流通表现出更强的市场化。2018年水稻种植人工、地租、化肥和总成本均出现不同程度提高,其中地租和人工成本增加是总成本提高的主要原因。2018年稻米加工企业稻谷收购量、收购价和稻米批发价均不同程度降低。稻区内优质稻和杂交稻种植面积占比均为64%;籼稻面积占比97.6%。不同水稻种植技术应用比例表现为抛秧>手插和直播>机插;再生稻种植面积不断增加,稻渔模式迅猛发展。同时,稻区水稻产业发展面临着农民种粮积极性普遍下降,订单农业发展风险重重,农业基础设施不完善、修缮主体不明确,农业生产社会化程度偏低,稻渔模式无序发展隐患大,农民卖粮难度大、成本高、风险大,区域稻米品牌建设亟待加强等一系列问题。建议政府调整粮食收储政策,加强对农业的政策和补贴支持力度,加强对再生稻和稻渔模式发展的引导,加大科研攻关投入。  相似文献   
Yakun TANG 《干旱区科学》2018,10(6):833-849
It is essential to understand the water consumption characteristics and physiological adjustments of tree species under drought conditions, as well as the effects of pure and mixed plantations on these characteristics in semi-arid regions. In this study, the normalized sap flow (SFn), leaf water potential, stomatal conductance (gs), and photosynthetic rate (Pr) were monitored for two dominant species, i.e., Pinus tabuliformis and Hippophae rhamnoides, in both pure and mixed plantations in a semi-arid region of Chinese Loess Plateau. A threshold-delay model showed that the lower rainfall thresholds (RL) for P. tabuliformis and H. rhamnoides in pure plantations were 9.6 and 11.0 mm, respectively, and the time lags (τ) after rainfall were 1.15 and 1.76 d for corresponding species, respectively. The results indicated that P. tabuliformis was more sensitive to rainfall pulse than H. rhamnoides. In addition, strong stomatal control allowed P. tabuliformis to experience low gs and Pr in response to drought, while maintaining a high midday leaf water potential (Ψm). However, H. rhamnoides maintained high gs and Pr at a low Ψm expense. Therefore, P. tabuliformis and H. rhamnoides can be considered as isohydric and anisohydric species, respectively. In mixed plantation, the values of RL for P. tabuliformis and H. rhamnoides were 6.5 and 8.9 mm, respectively; and the values of τ were 0.86 and 1.61 d for corresponding species, respectively, which implied that mixed afforestation enhanced the rainfall pulse sensitivity for both two species, especially for P. tabuliformis. In addition, mixed afforestation significantly reduced SFn, gs, and Pr for P. tabuliformis (P<0.05), while maintaining a high leaf water potential status. However, no significant effect of mixed afforestation of H. rhamnoides was observed at the expense of leaf water potential status in response to drought. Although inconsistent physiological responses were adopted by these species, the altered water consumption characteristics, especially for P. tabuliformis indicated that the mixed afforestation requires further investigation.  相似文献   
一种播补一体化新型马铃薯播种机的设计与试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现有马铃薯漏播补偿方案普遍需附加补偿种箱及单独设置补偿排种通道,导致系统结构复杂、补偿种薯落点偏差较大。为此,本研究提出了基于单向离合器的播补一体化马铃薯播种机新方案。该方案排种链轮正常播种使用地轮动力,而补偿状态在单向离合器协调下转移至补偿专用电动机,补偿完成后则继续恢复至地轮。基于此,在计算所需时间内,采用后一取种勺上的种薯直接追赶前一缺种位置的追赶式补偿方案,可以使补偿种薯也在原排种通道中运动,独立的补偿种薯专用通道不再需要,从而使系统结构简化、可靠性提高。样机田间试验表明,所采用的红外辐射排种监测系统误判率不超过1‰,系统平均自然漏播率对排种速度不敏感,漏播补偿成功率随着排种链速度的增加而快速降低,但即使达到正常排种链速最高值0.8 m·s-1,依然有平均74%以上的漏播能被成功补偿,系统平均最终漏播率不足平均自然漏播率的1/4,漏播补偿作用效果明显。  相似文献   
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