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This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of soybean meal replaced by brewer's grain (BSG) or fermented brewer's grain (FBSG) on growth performance,immune organ index and intestinal flora of meat geese.A total of 250 geese at 28 days of age were randomly assigned to 5 groups with 5 replicates per group and 10 geese per replicate.The geese in control group were fed a basal diet (with soybean);The geese in groups 1 and 2 were fed the basal diet with the 10% and 20% BSG replacing the soybean,respectively;The geese in groups 3 and 4 were fed the basal diet with the 10% and 20% FBSG replacing the soybean,respectively.The whole experiment period was 42 days,including three phases:15 d (early stage),14 d (middle stage) and 14 d (later stage).The results showed as follows:①From the whole experiment period,compared with control group,the ADG of geese in group 1 was significantly increased (P<0.05),the ADG and ADFI of geese in group 4 were significantly decreased (P<0.05),there were no obvious change in growth performance of geese in groups 2 and 3 (P>0.05).② Compared with control group,the thymus index and spleen index of geese in groups 1,2 and 3 were extremely significantly increased at early stage (P<0.01);At middle and later stages,the spleen index of geese in group 2 were significantly and extremely significantly increased (P<0.05;P<0.01);There were no significant differences in bursa of fabricius index of geese among all groups (P>0.05).③ Compared with control group,the number of Escherichia coli and Salmonella in cecum in groups 1 and 2 were extremely significantly decreased at early and later stages (P<0.01),while the number of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus were increased in different degrees;the number of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus in cecum in groups 3 and 4 were extremely significantly increased at later stage (P<0.01).In conclusion,10% BSG replacing soybean in the basal diet could improve the growth performance and intestinal flora of meat geese;10% FBSG replacing soybean in the basal diet could promote the growth of beneficial bacteria of meat geese,but had no effect on growth performance;While 20% replacing soybean in the basal diet could decrease the feed intake and weight gain of meat geese,hinder its growth and development.  相似文献   
近年来,随着肉鹅收购价格持续走高,养殖效益十分看好,于是农村掀起了利用草地牧养肉鹅的热潮,取得了较好的经济效益,但实际生产中在饲养、管理等诸多方面也存在着问题,导致生产效益不高.近年来,随着肉鹅收购价格持续走高,养殖效益十分看好,于是农村掀起了利用草地牧养肉鹅的热潮,取得了较好的经济效益,但实际生产中在饲养、管理等诸多方面也存在着问题,导致生产效益不高。  相似文献   
正从10月份开始,气温明显转冷,养鹅业下半年产销逐渐进入旺季,种鹅产蛋,种蛋孵化、鹅苗销售、牧草种植、秸杆储存、肉鹅饲养等工作都将逐步展开,养鹅企业和广大养鹅群众要根据当地实际情况,提前做好各项工作。提高种鹅产蛋率(1)种鹅产蛋期要以青、精饲料为主,精饲料为辅,其配方一般应为:玉米60%左右,糠麸20%左右,饼类15%左右,贝壳粉1%,骨粉1%,磷酸氢钙1.5%,食盐0.3%,其饲喂量配合饲料每只每天150g,青饲料每昼夜不少于1kg;(2)对种公鹅要在配种前20d开始每  相似文献   
近年来,有机大鹅养殖成为时尚的朝阳产业,如何在养殖过程中控制管理成本,减少饲养风险,成为有机大鹅养殖的成功关键,本文从有机饲料的供给管理,饲料的搭配管理,饲料添加物质管理等几个方面入手,阐述了有机大鹅养殖中饲料的管理要点,确保在养殖过程中成本控制,同时保证有机完整性.  相似文献   
<正>肉鹅的骨骼在2~6周龄,肌肉在4~9周龄生长发育最快。根据这一生长发育规律,对肉鹅进行大棚快速育肥,可获得理想的经济效益。营养要求。这一阶段的肉鹅生长迅速,食欲旺盛,能利用大量粗饲料,所以配合饲料主要成分要逐渐过渡到粗蛋白质14%~16%,代谢能12.13 MJ/kg,钙0.9%,磷0.6%,赖氨酸0.85%,蛋氨酸+胱氨酸0.5%,泛酸12.6 mg/kg。草浆养鹅。将采集到的各种青饲料如红薯藤、水浮莲、板叶、杂草等混合打浆,再用配合粉料搅拌,  相似文献   
近年来,随着肉鹅收购价格持续走高,农村掀起了利用草地牧养肉鹅的热潮,取得了较好的经济效益,但在实际生产中饲养、管理等诸多方面也存在着问题,导致生产效益不高。  相似文献   
(一)精养雏鹅雏鹅出壳24小时后即可开食,一般雏鹅进入育雏室,先休息一会,后喂水,水中加入少量葡萄糖或多维素,有利于清除胎粪,供给营养,提高成活率,然后开食,一般将切碎的青料和精料混合,撒于干净的塑料布上,任期自由采食,每天6~8次,少喂勤添,夜间喂2~3次。日粮中精料占20%~30%、青料占70%~80%。  相似文献   
不同纤维源日粮对肉鹅消化道发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究不同纤维源日粮对肉鹅消化道发育的影响,试验将120只2周龄肉鹅随机分为4组,分别饲喂以玉米秸秆、花生秧、发酵玉米秸秆和苜蓿草粉为纤维源的日粮,测定消化道长度和胃肠道指数,并观察十二指肠组织形态。结果表明:不同纤维源对肉鹅消化道长度的影响不显著(P>0.05);除苜蓿草粉组盲肠指数显著高于花生秧组和玉米秸秆组外(P<0.05),不同纤维源对其他胃肠道指数的影响不显著(P>0.05);苜蓿草粉组十二指肠绒毛高度显著高于花生秧组(P<0.05);不同纤维源对十二指肠固有层厚度和隐窝深度的影响不显著(P>0.05)。说明在同一粗纤维水平条件下,除了以苜蓿草粉为纤维源的日粮会促进肉鹅盲肠和十二指肠绒毛高度的发育外,不同纤维源对肉鹅消化道长度、其他胃肠道指数及十二指肠组织形态的影响不大。  相似文献   
鹅是草食家禽.具有生长快、耐粗饲和消耗精料少等优点。饲养肉鹅投入少、成本低、生产周期短。近两年,内蒙古牙克石市有很多农户逐渐开始养鹅。但由于种种原因,许多养殖户并未取得预期的经济效益.有的还遭受了重大的损失。现将提高肉鹅经济效益的措施简要归纳如下,供广大养殖者参考。  相似文献   
"除癞灵"药用成分为氰戊菊脂,具有杀虫谱广、杀虫力强、效力迅速等特点。近年来常被用来治疗畜禽多种寄生虫病,其用法是将药剂稀释成0.01%~0.1%药液涂擦或药浴。但家禽尤其是鹅对此药比较敏感。2010年7月8日,我中心接到本县温泉镇官田村一养鹅户报告,称其饲养的肉鹅因使用“除癞灵”后出现死亡,请求诊治,现报告如下。  相似文献   
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