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Abstract. In field and laboratory experiments the conditioner‘Agri-SC’has shown improvements in the structure of loamy sand soils in east Shropshire, UK. It resulted in statistically significant decreases in soil bulk density values and increases in soil porosity and aggregate stability. Further experiments are in progress on both loamy sand and silt loam soils.  相似文献   
Sandy‐textured Mediterranean soils are invariably depleted in organic matter and supply only small amounts of N to crops. To compensate for these deficiencies, we tested the N supply from six organic wastes applied to a Cambic Arenosol in pots growing ryegrass. The results showed that the behaviour of the wastes in supplying N to a ryegrass crop grown in this soil can be predicted by observing their performance in laboratory aerobic incubations. The N made available during these incubations fitted well to a one‐pool kinetic model.  相似文献   
草原区沙地放牧草地合理利用途径   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文通过对草原区沙地放牧草地在畜牧业生产实践中出现大面积退化和沙化现象的分析 ,探讨了沙地放牧草地合理利用的途径 ,认为对于沙地放牧草地的保护 ,重点应放在草地的合理利用方面。通过以草定畜 ,合理调整载畜量 ;建立合理的利用制度 ;发展季节畜牧业 ;调整畜群结构 ,增加良种畜比例 ;以及改良天然草地 ,建立人工、半人工草地等措施 ,达到草原区沙地草地的可持续利用。  相似文献   
沙质荒漠化土地生物沙障结构与配置技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
自从1994年联合国防治沙漠化公约的颁布,受到世界各国的普遍关注[1,2].目前,我国荒漠化面积已达174.3万km2,每年沙化面积3 436 km2.因此防治荒漠化是生态环境建设的主要任务之一.  相似文献   
浑善达克沙地退化草场的封育效果及其评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对浑善达克沙地退化草场封育效果的研究,结果表明,在该地区,退化草场一经封育其植被盖度、草层高度、牧草产量明显增加,植被恢复较快。恢复后的植被如继续封育,其封育效果已不明显。经研究,在浑善达克沙地,对于退化草场的封育期以5 a左右为宜。  相似文献   
为了寻找适合浑善达克沙地参照作物腾发量计算的简易方法,该文以实测的微气象数据为基础,分别采用FAO56 Penman-Monteith(1998)、Hargreaves-Samani(1985)、Irmark-Allen拟合以及Priestley-Tay-lor(1972)计算参照作物腾发量,并以普适性强、精度高的FAO56 Penman-Monteith为基准,对其他方法进行气象因子的非线性修正。结果表明:气象因子修正后的参照作物腾发量精度大大提高,为获得相对可靠的参照作物腾发量开辟了新的途径。FAO56 Penman-Monteith、Irmark-Allen拟合和Priestley-Taylor都需要用到净辐射,而专业测量净辐射的设备在农业气象站里很少安装,使三种方法推广使用受到一定限制。气象因子修正后Hargreaves-Samani需要的气象数据相对容易获得,且计算简单,具有较高的精度,建议在缺少气象资料的干旱地区推广采用。  相似文献   
我国北方强风蚀区空间分布格局及特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国北方强风蚀区是形成沙尘天气的主要区域,本文依据各风蚀区风速的大小、走向,自然地理条件,沙化土地现状及分布特点,将我国北方沙区分为古尔班通古特沙漠西北缘、天山东段—塔克拉玛干沙漠南缘、柴达木盆地西段、河西走廊—阿拉善、鄂尔多斯—乌拉特、浑善达克沙地东北部、内蒙古东部七个强风蚀区。同时从沙化土地、降水量、风速及大风日数、沙尘天气的发生等方面对强风蚀区空间分布格局及特征进行了分析。  相似文献   
通过对长安双竹村夏、秋季不同性质土层CO2释放量的测定,本文研究了不同性质土层CO2释放规律及其差异。资料表明,从当日早晨到次日早晨,不同性质土层土壤CO2释放量均呈现由低到高再到低的变化规律;土壤CO2释放量与土层性质有密切关系,马兰黄土土层CO2释放量最高,其次是黏性土,释放量最低的是含砾石中细砂土;土层CO2释放量变化与气温的变化呈现负相关。  相似文献   
基于GIS的近30年来松辽平原沙质荒漠化遥感动态研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本文运用GIS、RS手段,以航天遥感MSS、TM、ETM为主要信息源,对松辽平原进行多时相、大面积沙质荒漠化遥感动态监测,从中探索松辽平原沙质荒漠化动态变化的规律,为经济发展和生态建设提供科学依据。研究结果表明:近30年来松辽平原沙质荒漠化面积变化呈现快速增加和缓慢减少两个阶段,即70年代中期到80年代末,松辽平原沙质荒漠化总面积呈快速增加趋势,动态度为-3.91%;而80年代末到本世纪初则呈缓慢减少趋势,动态度为0.82%。松辽平原沙质荒漠化的重心随之呈有规律的移动,沙质荒漠化面积增加时重心向东北方向移动,速率为3.08km/年。沙质荒漠化面积减少时重心向西南方向移动,速率为1.64km/年。  相似文献   
Vegetation fractional coverage(VFC) is an important index to describe and evaluate the ecological system.The vegetation index is widely used to monitor vegetation coverage in the field of remote sensing(RS).In this paper,the author conducted a case study of the delta oasis of Weigan and Kuqa rivers,which is a typical saline area in the Tarim River Watershed.The current study was based on the TM/ETM+ images of 1989,2001,and 2006,and supported by Geographic Information System(GIS) spatial analysis,vegetation index,and dimidiate pixel model.In addition,VBSI(vegetation,bare soil and shadow indices) suitable for TM/ETM+ images,constructed with FCD(forest canopy density) model principle and put forward by ITTO(International Tropical Timber Organization),was used,and it was applied to estimate the VFC.The estimation accuracy was later proven to be up to 83.52%.Further,the study analyzed and appraised the changes in vegetation patterns and revealed a pattern of spatial change in the vegetation coverage of the study area by producing the map of VFC levels in the delta oasis.Forest,grassland,and farmland were the three main land-use types with high and extremely-high coverage,and they played an important role in maintaining the vegetation.The forest area determined the changes of the coverage area,whereas the other two land types affected the directions of change.Therefore,planting trees,protecting grasslands,reclaiming farmlands,and controlling unused lands should be included in a long-term program because of their importance in keeping regional vegetation coverage.Finally,the dynamic variation of VFC in the study area was evaluated according to the quantity and spatial distribution rendered by plant cover digital images to deeply analyze the reason behind the variation.  相似文献   
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