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The frequency, size and rate of development of cracks influence the transport of water, nutrients and gases in the soil profile and plant growth processes in Vertisols. Despite their importance, studies on characterising cracks in Vertisols of India are limited. This study attempts to evaluate the influence of different tillage practices, nutrient management and cropping systems on cracking behaviour of a Vertisol in central India. The length, depth, width, area and volume of cracks were recorded after the harvest of the wet season crops, i.e. soybean (Glycine max L.) and rice (Oryza sativa L.) from three ongoing tillage experiments with three different cropping systems, i.e. soybean–wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), soybean–linseed (Linum usitatissimum L.) and rice–wheat. The results revealed that all the crack parameters were significantly negatively correlated with the water content of the 0–15 cm soil layer and, crack width and crack volume were significantly positively correlated with the bulk density of the 0–15 cm soil layer. Gravimetric water content and bulk density of the 0–15 cm soil layer together explained 79% variation in the crack volume. The crack volume was significantly negatively correlated (r=0.86,P=0.01) with the root length density of the previous soybean crop. Rice grown under puddled condition significantly enhanced different crack parameters viz., length, depth, width, surface area and volume of the cracks over nonpuddled direct seeded rice. Sub-soiling practised in soybean under the soybean–linseed system significantly reduced the width, depth, length and surface area of cracks by 12.5, 10, 5 and 12%, respectively, over conventional tillage. No tillage practised in soybean under soybean–wheat system resulted in significant increase in width, depth and volume of the cracks but decrease in length and surface area of cracks over conventional tillage and mould board tillage practice. Application of manure reduced the magnitude of different crack parameters in soybean–linseed cropping system. Thus cracking in Vertisols can be favourably managed by the selection of proper tillage practice, cropping system and organic manure amendments.  相似文献   
深松施肥对黑土活性有机碳氮组分及酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探究不同深松深度下施肥后对黑土碳排放与活性碳氮组分的影响,在黑龙江省绥化市试验点开展为期两年的大田试验, 共设5个处理:免耕+单施化肥(T1)、深松25cm+单施化肥(T2)、深松25cm+化肥有机肥配施(T3)、深松35cm+单施化肥(T4)和深松35 cm +化肥有机肥配施(T5)处理,主要分析了各处理的土壤呼吸动态、有机碳(Soil organic carbon, SOC)与全氮(Total nitrogen, TN)、活性碳氮组分包括溶解性有机碳(Dissolved organic carbon, DOC)、微生物量碳(Microbial biomass carbon, MBC)、易氧化有机碳(Readily organic carbon, ROC)、颗粒有机碳(Particulate organic carbon, POC)和微生物量氮(Microbial biomass nitrogen , MBN)、颗粒有机氮(Particulate organic nitrogen, PON)与酶活性包括乙酰基β-葡萄糖胺酶(N-acetylglucosaminnidase, NAG)、纤维素酶(Cellobiohydrolase, CBH)、β-葡萄糖苷酶(β-glucosidase, BG)和木聚糖酶(β-xylosidase, BXYL)变化。结果表明:春玉米生育后期土壤呼吸速率逐渐下降,深松35cm(T4)显著提高碳排放36.82%,土壤温度与土壤呼吸呈极显著指数相关,免耕处理(T1)下土壤呼吸对土壤温度和水分变化最为敏感。深松、施肥及其交互作用均显著影响土壤活性碳氮组分,相对免耕(T1)处理,深松25cm(T2)显著降低MBC、POC、DOC 和PON含量20.49%、40.56%、7.94%和33.43%(P<0.05),深松35cm(T4)显著降低SOC、MBC、POC、DOC、TN和PON含量9.44%、33.29%、77.62%、18.14%、14.60%和41.80%(P<0.05);增施有机肥显著增加土壤碳氮组分含量,深松25cm时,有机无机配施(T3)相对单施化肥(T2)显著增加SOC、POC、ROC和PON含量8.37%、46.64%、35.10%和42.39%(P<0.05);深松35cm时,有机无机配施(T5)相对单施化肥(T4)显著增加SOC、POC和PON含量8.45%、57.36%和44.83%(P<0.05)。深松25cm和深松35cm均显著降低土壤MBC/SOC、POC/SOC比例(P<0.05),深松35CM显著降低PON/TN比例(P<0.05),说明深松可以提高土壤碳氮稳定性。相对免耕处理(T1),深松后(T2和T4处理)土壤NAG、CBH、BG和BXYL 酶活均没有显著差异,而增施有机肥(T3相对T2处理)显著提高了土壤CBH酶活性。综合来看,深松25cm下化肥有机肥配施处理(T3)的土壤碳氮库组分含量较高,且土壤呼吸碳排放量低于同等施肥下的深松35cm处理(T5),T3处理更适宜在试验地区推广。  相似文献   
为探讨不同耕整地方式对甘蔗地耕层土壤结构特性和产量的影响,以1.4 m和1.6 m两种种植行距为主处理,以深松35 cm+旋耕25 cm、深翻50 cm+旋耕25 cm、不深松(旋耕25 cm)3种耕整地作业方式为副处理,对甘蔗产量性状,土壤容重、紧实度、孔隙度、三相容积率、田间持水量、土壤贯入阻力和抗剪强度等土壤结构特性进行研究。结果表明:1.6 m行距处理甘蔗蔗茎产量显著低于1.4 m行距处理;1.6 m行距处理土壤紧实度显著小于1.4 m行距,容重显著高于1.4 m行距处理,1.6 m行距处理显著改善土壤贯入阻力和抗剪强度。与对照不深松(旋耕25 cm)相比,深松35 cm+旋耕25 cm及深翻50 cm+旋耕25 cm处理通过增加土壤耕作深度,显著改善了耕层土壤紧实度和耕层土壤容重,改善了耕层的整体疏松程度;深松作业通过提高耕层土壤总孔隙度,尤其增加了30~40 cm土层的毛管孔隙度,提高了深层土壤的保水能力,对甘蔗中后期株高伸长和茎径增粗产生显著的促进效应。深松35 cm+旋耕25 cm与深翻50 cm+旋耕25 cm均显著降低了耕层土壤贯入阻力,但对土壤抗剪强度的改善效果不显著;深松35 cm+旋耕25 cm的固相容积率最小,气相容积率最大,不深松(旋耕25 cm)耕作措施的固相容积率最大,气相容积率最小,3种耕作措施的液相容积率没有显著差异。深松35 cm+旋耕25 cm和深翻50 cm+旋耕25 cm均对土壤物理结构的改善具有积极作用,能显著提高甘蔗产量,在具有大马力拖拉机和高质量深松器的蔗区建议采用深松35 cm+旋耕25 cm的耕整地方式,在缺乏大马力拖拉机和高质量深松器的蔗区,可以采用铧式犁深翻50 cm+旋耕25 cm的耕整地方式来代替深松,以达到增厚耕层的目的。  相似文献   
Soil compaction is a big challenge in managing poorly drained clay soils. An on-farm field study was conducted over 2 years in a poorly drained, heavy clay soil, Red River Valley, Manitoba, Canada, where soil compaction, crop growth and root development were perceived as serious concerns. To address these concerns, no-tillage and sub-soiling tillage were proposed and compared with the traditional tillage system in which light-duty field cultivators were used at tillage depths ranging from 50 to 75 mm. Measurements of soil cone index indicated that a hardpan existed at approximately 175 mm soil depth in each fall as a result of wheel traffic during the growing season. It may not be necessary to break the hardpan with fall tillage operations in the studied region, as the hardpan was naturally removed over winter. Effects of tillage practices were evaluated using seeding performance and plant development. No-tillage resulted in the similar speed of emergence, plant population and crop yield, but more uniform seeding depth and more roots in the topsoil layer (0–75 mm), when compared with the conventional tillage. Sub-soiling promoted much faster crop emergence, higher plant populations and crop yield as well as deeper root penetration than the conventional tillage. However, the draft force required for sub-soiling was four times that of the conventional tillage.  相似文献   
针对在甘蔗地使用的凿式深松犁,对比分析了在相同受力条件下,圆弧式和立柱式两种犁体的静力学特性;同时对圆弧式深松犁在不同悬挂位置进行了静力学仿真。运用SolidWoks软件从以上两个方面研究深松犁的强度特性,分析发现圆弧式结构强度较好,螺栓孔的位置较低时犁体受力较小,这为进一步完善甘蔗地使用的深松机械提供了参考。  相似文献   
深松与旋耕组合作业机具的开发   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据拖拉机农具机组匹配理论研制出与中等功率轮式拖拉机配套,能进行深松、旋耕组合作业的机具。以单位耕作面积所消耗的功率等参数进行机具总体参数的计算,对机具作了动力学分析,并进行了单独深松、单独旋耕以及组合工况的试验。试验表明,机具深松扰动影响宽度和旋耕宽度相匹配,旋耕作业时波动范围较小,偏牵引力矩对拖拉机行驶稳定性基本没有影响,所设计的组合作业机具能对农田实施保护性耕作。  相似文献   
高产夏玉米产量性能特征及密度深松调控效应   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
侯海鹏  丁在松  马玮  李从锋  赵明 《作物学报》2013,39(6):1069-1077
以现代高产玉米品种中单909和郑单958为试验材料, 于2010-2011年在河南新乡设置种植密度与耕作方式田间试验, 研究夏玉米高产群体产量性能参数变化及主要栽培措施调控效应。结果表明, 中单909相比郑单958显著增产11.36%, 穗粒数(KN)、千粒重(KW)极显著增加(P<0.01), 生育天数(D)、收获指数(HI)和收获穗数(EN)无明显差异(P>0.05); 平均叶面积指数(MLAI)、光合势在灌浆后期增加更为显著, 平均净同化率(MNAR)显著增加(P<0.05), 而干物质积累最大生长速率、生长速率最大时的生长量、平均生长速率、活跃生长期均明显提高。进一步分析产量性能参数间相互关系, EN与MLAI呈极显著正相关(P<0.01), KN和KW与MNAR呈极显著正相关(P<0.01), 而MNAR、KN、KW与MLAI呈极显著负相关(P<0.01)。中单909比郑单958增产可能是产量性能参数差异补偿的结果。中单909在高密度下具有较高的MLAI、MNAR和KN, 获得最高产量的群体密度比郑单958高27.3%; 深松耕作方式下, 中单909和郑单958分别增产13.0%和8.7%, 主要表现为, MNAR和KN显著增加, MLAI和D无明显变化, HI、EN、KW增加幅度在不同品种间表现不一致, 表明土壤深松条件下密植(9.50×104株 hm-2)是目前夏玉米高产重要技术途径之一。综上, 密植夏玉米高产群体产量性能特征参数为MLAI 3.05~3.55、MNAR 4.80~6.27 g m-2 d-1、D 109~111、HI 0.50~0.52、EN 9.60~10.38×104穗 hm-2、KN 352.0~370.1粒、KW 314.7~315.9 g, 可以实现11 250~12 000 kg hm-2以上的产量。  相似文献   
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