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本文针对干旱地区、连续供水的大中型灌区渠道效率评估需要,用保角映射原理简化稳定入渗率的实验计算式;在克服渠床土壤空间变异性影响、改进国外的分离式静水套坑法为合一式静水套统、测定二维稳定入渗率实验法,求得一维流稳定入渗率的二维改正系数r;结合理论计算,可简便求得渠道渗漏损失用于输水效率评估。  相似文献   
Irrigation projects with reservoirs have contributed to the stabilization of traditional rainfed rice and to the introduction of double-rice in monsoon Asia. This type of irrigation also has the capability of shifting the traditional rice-cropping season. This paper discusses the influences of the shifted cropping season on water resources and the effective use of the reservoir in the Ngamoeyeik Irrigation Project Area in Lower Myanmar. Synthesized streamflow data were applied to simulate water storage in the reservoir. The main results are as follows: (1) shifting the cropping season to avoid inundation problems can increase water availability, (2) the amount of evaporation loss in the reservoir water budget can be as high as 16%, which decreases water efficiency in the reservoir operation during the dry season, (3) a shifted cropping season is preferable under the special hydrological conditions found in Lower Myanmar.  相似文献   
紫色土坡耕地氮素淋失通量的实测与模拟   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
氮淋失是氮素循环研究中最重要的环节之一,获得准确的氮淋失通量是当今农田氮循环研究中必不可少而又较为困难的工作之一。紫色土土层薄,土壤氮素难以蓄存,加之降水丰富,下伏透水性较弱的母岩,淋溶水达到母岩后难以垂直下渗而沿土壤岩石界面出流、汇流形成壤中流,紫色土氮素淋失主要表现为氮素随壤中流迁移流失。DNDC模型是基于过程的一种土壤碳氮循环模型,常用于农田温室气体排放模拟,但其应用于氮素淋溶的验证与测试不足。本文利用大型坡地排水采集器(lysimeter),测定紫色土坡耕地淋溶水量(壤中流流量)和氮素淋失通量,并利用观测数据对DNDC模型进行验证。结果表明,紫色土坡耕地小麦玉米季累积淋溶水通量为323.6 mm,径流系数33.3%,氮素淋失量为36.93 kg.hm 2,占全年氮素施用量的13.2%。壤中流流量与氮素淋失量实测值和模拟值的Pearson相关系数分别为0.944(P<0.05)和0.972(P<0.05),Theil不等系数分别为0.07和0.1,降雨量、土壤孔隙率和施氮水平是氮流失模拟的高敏感性参数。DNDC模型应用于紫色土坡耕地氮素淋失通量的模拟具有较高的可靠性,同时DNDC基于过程模型的优势可以描述持续降雨条件下的氮淋失过程,未来可通过进一步的验证,测试DNDC模型应用于氮淋失过程及区域氮淋失评估的可行性。  相似文献   
根据野外调查和钻孔资料重新查明了白家坳滑坡体的形态分布与结构特征以及发育深度的下界,重新勘定了滑坡体的西部边界。根据地质结构和地貌条件分析了白家坳滑坡体的形成条件,并推断其发育演化过程。滑坡体的松散堆积物与下伏断层破碎带以及岩溶发育带构成了水库渗漏的主要途径,尽管如此,滑坡体复活的可能性较小,宜采取分段处理的措施解决滑坡体的渗漏问题。  相似文献   
《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):232-241

Water availability is one of the determinants of productivity of rainfed lowland rice (Oryza sativa L.). Quantifying water losses from a paddy field, such as deep percolation and lateral seepage, assists estimation of water availability to the rice crop and development of appropriate water management in the lowlands. The main objective of this study was to evaluate paddy water availability and productivity across various soils in Northeast Thailand. The daily rate of downward water flow from standing water in the field (D) varied between 0 and 3 mm day-1 from clayey to sandy soils when the standing water was connected to groundwater table. However, when the standing water was separated from groundwater table, D increased up to 5 mm day-1 on soils with very low clay content in the topsoil. Daily net lateral water flow from the field (L) averaged over the season varied between 5 and 24 mm day-1 for the outflow and between 3 and 16 mm day-1 for the inflow. Both the inflow and outflow tended to be associated negatively with the soil clay content. The seasonal water loss through D plus L during the growing season in the lowlands was also negatively related to the soil clay content. The yield of a major rainfed lowland rice cultivar in Northeast Thailand (KDML105) varied from 2 to 4 t ha-1 across the region, and the water productivity (the ratio of grain yield to cumulative rainfall from transplanting/seedling establishment to maturity) ranged from 3 to 9 kg ha-1 mm-1. High clay soils could provide good standing water until late in the growing season, so the high production efficiency was measured on such soils.  相似文献   
为了对云南某水库大坝渗流稳定性进行评价分析,运用基于有限差分原理的Visual Modflow软件进行渗流场数值模拟。结果得出,坝体内部浸润线较低,稳定性较好;下伏地层二叠系灰岩岩溶裂隙发育,渗流速度较大,最大渗流速度出现在坝体上游坡脚处。此外,该坝体两侧后坝脚,沿管壁均有较集中的渗水点,说明坝体土与管壁的接缝处理较差,在长期渗水或在高水位情况下,将会进一步加剧接缝的扩大发展趋势,易导致管壁周边土体产生接触冲刷型的渗透破坏现象,进而影响水库运行及坝体稳定。针对所出现的问题,提出2点建议:一是增加坝基填土的厚度,防止库水过多渗入下伏地层,最大程度避免土体液化现象出现;二是严格监测二叠系灰岩地层中的岩溶现象,一旦出现较大规模的溶洞,应及时进行灌浆处理,以防地基出现坍塌下沉,从而威胁大坝的安全。  相似文献   
草本缓冲带优化配置对氮磷的去除效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用自行设计的小型试验装置模拟缓冲带,选择东北地区草木犀、白三叶、马唐、夏枯草4种常见植物,通过人工配水模拟农田径流水,采用草种不同栽种方式及草皮与其他生物处理方式相结合的方法,开展缓冲带对污染物的净化效果试验研究。结果表明,在渗流中,草种不同栽种方式和草皮与其他生物处理方式结合的缓冲带,3种混栽方式的NH4+—N、全P的去除效果最高分别为59.80%、56.81%。在径流中,草种不同栽种方式中3种混栽方式的NH4+—N、全P的去除效果最高分别为23.30%、22.30%;草皮与其他生物处理方式结合缓冲带,3种混栽+小沟对全P去除效果最高达27.4%,3种混栽+人工浮床对NH4+—N去除效果最高,达30.1%。在本试验条件下,3种混栽方式对渗流的净化效果较好,而草皮与其他生物处理方式结合的缓冲带对径流有较好的净化效果。  相似文献   
Labour and water scarcity in north west India are driving researchers and farmers to find alternative management strategies that will increase water productivity and reduce labour requirement while maintaining or increasing land productivity. A field experiment was done in Punjab, India, in 2008 and 2009 to compare water balance components and water productivity of dry seeded rice (DSR) and puddled transplanted rice (PTR). There were four irrigation schedules based on soil water tension (SWT) ranging from saturation (daily irrigation) to alternate wetting drying (AWD) with irrigation thresholds of 20, 40 and 70 kPa at 18–20 cm soil depth. There were large and significant declines in irrigation water input with AWD compared to daily irrigation in both establishment methods. The irrigation water savings were mainly due to reduced deep drainage, seepage and runoff, and to reduced ET in DSR. Within each irrigation treatment, deep drainage was much higher in DSR than in PTR, and more so in the second year (i.e. after 2 years without puddling). The irrigation input to daily irrigated DSR was similar to or higher than to daily irrigated PTR. However, within each AWD treatment, the irrigation input to DSR was less than to PTR, due to reduced seepage and runoff, mainly because all PTR treatments were continuously flooded for 2 weeks after transplanting. There was 30–50% irrigation water saving in DSR-20 kPa compared with PTR-20 kPa due to reduced seepage and runoff, which more than compensated for the increased deep drainage in DSR. Yields of PTR and DSR with daily irrigation and a 20 kPa irrigation threshold were similar each year. Thus irrigation and input water productivities (WPI and WPI+R) were highest with the 20 kPa irrigation threshold, and WPI of DSR-20 kPa was 30–50% higher than of PTR-20 kPa. There was a consistent trend for declining ET with decreasing frequency of irrigation, but there was no effect of establishment method on ET apart from higher ET in DSR than PTR with daily irrigation. Water productivity with respect to ET (WPET) was highest with a 20 kPa irrigation threshold, with similar values for DSR and PTR. An irrigation threshold of 20 kPa was the optimum in terms of maximising grain yield, WPI and WPI+R for both PTR and DSR. Dry seeded rice with the 20 kPa threshold outperformed PTR-20 kPa in terms of WPI through maintaining yield while reducing irrigation input by 30–50%.  相似文献   
以位于钱塘江上游的姚家枢纽为例,分析了不同防渗方案对浸没区水利枢纽附近浸没和渗流的影响,发现沿库岸布置防渗措施与垂直库岸布置防渗措施对比,可以明显降低枢纽附近的浸润面,降低发生浸没的可能,并能降低上游侧高水位发生渗透破坏的可能。建议浸没区水利枢纽采用沿库岸方向布置防渗措施,以防止发生浸没和渗透破坏。  相似文献   
Seepage through sand bed channels in a downward direction (suction) reduces the stability of particles and initiates the sand movement. Incipient motion of sand bed channel with seepage cannot be designed by using the conventional approach. Metamodeling techniques, which employ a non-linear pattern analysis between input and output parameters and solely based on the experimental observations, can be used to model such phenomena. Traditional approach to find non-dimensional parameters has not been used in the present work. Parameters, which can influence the incipient motion with seepage, have been identified and non-dimensionalized in the present work. Non-dimensional stream power concept has been used to describe the process. By using these non-dimensional parameters; present work describes a radial basis function (RBF) metamodel for prediction of incipient motion condition affected by seepage. The coefficient of determination, R2 of the model is 0.99. Thus, it can be said that model predicts the phenomena very well. With the help of the metamodel, design curves have been presented for designing the sand bed channel when it is affected by seepage.  相似文献   
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