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试论含氯化肥的合理施用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据氯对作物和土壤的影响,表明南方可以在各种作物的耐氯极限内施用含氯化肥,并需配合施用石灰和含钙磷肥;而北方旱区,特别是西北地区合理施用含氯化肥应根据每茬作物吸收带走的氯量,确定一个轮作周期内施用含氯化肥的量,保持土壤氯素的平衡,不致使土壤盐渍化。氯化铵可以就近施用,缺钾作物也能以含氯钾肥予以补充。此即本文所述氮素平衡施肥原理。  相似文献   
介绍了普及型欧式木窗专用推台铣床的作用及其特性,阐述了欧式木窗推台铣床主轴的平衡理论基础.指出了该机械系统的动平衡方法,并通过试验做出了分析。  相似文献   
Forty Swiss Large White piglets of 4 weeks of age were used to determine the effect of dietary Chinese rhubarb on growth performance, as well as on energy and nitrogen metabolism by means of indirect respiration calorimetry studies. A cereal-based diet, supplemented with four different dosages of Chinese rhubarb (0.0%, 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%), was offered ad libitum to the piglets. Gaseous exchange was measured, and urine, faeces, and blood samples were taken. The addition of 0.25% dietary rhubarb increased feed intake (+32%) and daily weight gain (+67%) compared to the diet containing the greatest amount of rhubarb (1%). The piglets fed diet supplemented with 0.25% rhubarb digested and metabolised more energy and nitrogen relative to the animals of treatment 1%. As a consequence, the same group (0.25%) converted more energy and nitrogen into body protein than piglets receiving diet supplemented with 1% rhubarb. However, compared to the control group, the addition of 0.25% rhubarb to the diet resulted in not significantly alter growth performance, energy, and nitrogen metabolism of the animals.Blood parameters were not affected by the rhubarb supplementation. The dose-responding effect of Chinese rhubarb was reflected by the dry matter content of faecal samples. According to the laxative effect of higher doses of rhubarb, the addition of 1% rhubarb to the diet reduced dry matter content of faeces. This effect was well visible in practice, although not relevant in statistical terms. The addition of 0.5% dietary rhubarb had no relevant effect on growth performance or on energy and nitrogen metabolism of treated animals.  相似文献   
金昌水资源特点及供需平衡研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过建立金昌市人口与牲畜增长规律 ,第二、三产业的GDP增长率规律数学模型 ,计算出在长时间序列中的用水量持续增长状况及根据金昌市农业节水技术和城市生态规划 ,得到农业、生态用水量规划数据。根据水量平衡原理 ,分析了金昌市未来水量供需平衡问题 ,对指导金昌水资源利用 ,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   
单宁对反刍动物营养代谢的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
单宁是一类广泛分布于植物中的多酚类化合物,具有多种生理活性。本文主要对单宁的理化性质、单宁在植物尤其饲料作物中的分布以及单宁对反刍动物营养代谢的影响以及应用作一综述。  相似文献   
中国荷斯坦牛部分乳房结构特性对泌乳性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究对规模化场奶牛乳房结构部分性状进行评价和测定,旨在分析其影响因素及其与泌乳性能的关系。现场评价和测定我国北方6个规模化奶牛场荷斯坦牛的乳房均衡(2 030条)、乳头长度(1 551条)和乳头位置评分(分前、后乳头,2 839条),使用SAS 9.2 GLM过程采用固定效应模型分析影响上述3个乳房性状的因素,同时分析3个单项性状对校正日产奶量和体细胞评分的影响。结果表明:场和胎次对3个乳房性状影响极显著(P0.01);前、后乳头位置和后乳头长度对校正日产奶量有显著影响(P0.05),校正日产奶量与前乳头位置评分值呈正比,与后乳头位置评分值呈反比;前乳头位置和长度对体细胞评分有显著影响(P0.05),体细胞评分随前乳头位置评分的增大而减小;5~5.5 cm的乳头长度对于校正日产奶量和体细胞评分都最佳。本研究结果为通过乳房性状选择、淘汰并提高奶牛的生产性能、乳房健康提供了参考。  相似文献   
【目的】系统分析连续11年增量施磷下赤红壤蔗地土壤全磷、Olsen-P以及地表径流磷流失量的变化特征和土壤磷素变化与磷盈亏、蔗茎产量的响应关系,为土壤磷素科学管理提供参考。【方法】依托长期肥力及地表径流定位监测试验(2008年—),选取不施肥(CK)、推荐施肥(OPT)和增量施磷(OPT+P)3个处理,测定土壤全磷、Olsen-P含量及地表径流磷流失量,分析土壤磷素变化与磷累积盈亏量的关系,采用Mitscherlich模型拟合蔗茎产量对Olsen-P的响应曲线,计算土壤Olsen-P农学阈值,并推算施肥处理土壤Olsen-P含量从第11年降至环境阈值所需的时间。【结果】CK处理逐年降低土壤全磷含量,年降速率为0.0251 g·kg-1·a-1。施肥土壤全磷和Olsen-P含量随种植年限波动增加,土壤全磷和Olsen-P增速率OPT+P处理高于OPT处理。不施肥土壤表观磷盈亏10.2 kg·hm-2·a-1,施肥处理土壤表观磷盈余41.3—69.2 kg·hm-2·a-1,占施磷量的31.9%—35.6%,以OPT+P处理...  相似文献   
随着社会经济用水不断增加,水资源供需矛盾加剧,水资源系统出现荷载不均衡现象,制约了区域发展,危及生态环境良性循环。本文从水资源系统的负荷需求和承载能力出发,基于“量、质、域、流”四个维度构建水资源荷载均衡评价指标体系,采用指标规范化的正态云模型,评价2015年黑河流域张掖市、酒泉市、阿拉善盟水资源配置方案的荷载均衡状况,并依据负荷与承载能力评分二维坐标,分出低负荷-高承载能力、低负荷-低承载能力、高负荷-高承载能力和高负荷-低承载能力四个分区。评价结果表明:2015年三地水资源荷载状况均为Ⅳ级,张掖市综合评分为3.697,酒泉市为3.657,阿拉善盟为3.901,三地均处于高负荷-低承载能力区域;三地在水质维度上处于低负荷-高承载能力区间,水质维度评分均处于Ⅱ级,酒泉市水质评分优于张掖市,张掖市水质评分优于阿拉善盟;在水量、水域、水流维度上均处于高负荷-低承载能力区间,水量方面三地处于Ⅳ级,张掖市优于酒泉市,酒泉市优于阿拉善盟;水域方面张掖和阿拉善盟评分均处于Ⅴ级,酒泉评分处于Ⅳ级;水流方面三地均处于Ⅴ级。需要采取调控手段在水量、水域、水流方面上进行“增强承载”和“卸荷”。  相似文献   
黄土高原降水资源特征与林木适宜度研究   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
黄土高原位于干旱半干旱地区,水资源匮乏,如何根据当地的降水条件来确定适宜的植被类型是生态建设中的一个关键问题.通过对黄土高原68个气象台站1961-2000年逐月降水量的统计,结果表明:黄土高原的降水特征总体表现为年平均降水量区域差异大,由东南部的大于600 mm逐渐递减到西北部的不足200 mm;植物生长期间的降水占全年80%以上,且季节分配不均,表现为春旱、夏多、秋少.依据黄土高原的降水资源特征,从林地水量平衡理论出发,以生长季期间林地的水分收支状况来确定林木的适生程度,并以县为单位对黄土高原的林木适宜性进行分区.结果表明,黄土高原适宜于乔木林和灌木林的区域各占1/4左右.  相似文献   
The effect of 50% shading and NO3:NH4 ratio (0:100, 75:25, 50:50, and 25:75) in the nutrient solution on growth, yield, quality and N metabolism in hydroponically grown strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa var Camarosa) was evaluated. Both fresh and dry weights of leaves were significantly lower when a high concentration of either NO3 (100%) or NH4 (75%) was the sole N source in the nutrient solution. In unshaded plants, increasing of both NH4 and NO3 ratio in the nutrient solution reduced photosynthetic (Pn) rate, however in shaded plants the reduction of Pn became more pronounced at a higher ratio of NH4 in the nutrient solution. The yield in terms of fresh and dry weight of fruit per plant was significantly increased at the 75:25 and 50:50 (NO3:NH4) treatments. Fruit size was significantly affected by the treatments, so that the biggest fruits in both shaded and unshaded plants were obtained under the 75:25 and 50:50 (NO3:NH4) treatments. Total soluble solid (TSS) in unshaded plants was increased with increasing NH4 ratio in the nutrient solution, however in shaded plants it was reduced at high NH4 ratio in the nutrient solution. In both shaded and unshaded plants, higher concentration of NH4 significantly reduced the post-harvest life of the fruits. The increase of tissue N concentration was nearly proportional to the NH4 concentration in the nutrient solution. The activity of nitrate reductase (NR) was increased by increasing NH4 from 0 to 50% and then reduced at a higher ratio of NH4 in the solution. Shading increased NH4 concentration so that the shaded plant had nearly twice as high NH4 concentration in the leaves. The increase of NH4 concentration induced by shading could be partially the reduction of NH4 assimilate because of the shortage of carbohydrate.  相似文献   
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