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结合离散型制造业的生产任务特点,探讨如何通过多种信息系统的集成和应用,提高企业信息化应用水平,提高传统制造业的技术水平和生产效率,提升产业核心竞争力。  相似文献   
铵硝营养对水稻氮效率和矿质养分吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
陈沂岭  赵学强  张玲玉  沈仁芳 《土壤》2019,51(2):243-250
NH_4~+和NO_3~–是对植物有效的两种主要无机氮源。水稻一般被认为是偏好NH_4~+的植物,但是在NO_3~–条件下,水稻也能良好地生长。大多数关于水稻铵硝营养的报道是在pH 6.0左右的水培条件下开展的,但是对于酸性条件下水稻铵硝营养研究很少。随着土壤酸化的加重及一些边际酸性土壤被用作水稻种植,研究酸性条件下水稻的铵硝营养具有重要意义。本文采用水培试验,在pH 5.0的条件下,通过添加和不添加pH缓冲剂MES(2-(N-吗啡啉)乙磺酸),研究了NH_4~+和NO_3~–对水稻生长、氮效率和矿质养分(N、P、K、Ca、Mg、Fe、Zn、Cu、Mn)吸收的影响。结果表明,在不添加MES的条件下,水稻地上部生长(株高、叶绿素含量、干重)在NH_4~+和NO_3~–之间没有显著差异,而添加MES后,NH_4~+处理的水稻地上部生长优于NO_3~–。不管是否添加MES,NO_3~–处理的水稻地下部生长(根长、根表面积和根物质量)优于NH_4~+。水稻含氮量和氮利用效率在不同NH_4~+和NO_3~–处理之间没有显著差异,但是NH_4~+处理的水稻氮吸收效率高于NO_3~–。与NO_3~–相比,NH_4~+增加了水稻地上部P和Fe含量,而降低了水稻地上部Ca、Mg、Zn、Cu和Mn含量,对K含量影响较小。上述结果表明,NH_4~+有利于改善水稻地上部生长,提高氮吸收效率、地上部P和Fe含量,而NO_3~–则有利于水稻发根,提高地上部Ca、Mg、Zn、Cu和Mn含量。  相似文献   
Sucrose transporters or carriers (SUTs or SUCs) play a crucial role in the cell-to-cell distribution of sucrose throughout the plant. Our data demonstrated that MdSUT1 is expressed almost ubiquitously in leaves, shoots, flowers and fruits, and the MdSUT1 was localized in plasma membranes of both sieve element/companion cell complex and storage parenchyma cells in apple fruits detected by immuno-gold labeling. The MdSUT1 expression was rapidly up-regulated by abscisic acid (ABA) at the translational levels in the treatments of the fruit tissues. Ten μmol L−1 ABA and gibberellin acid (GA) induced MdSUT1 protein amounts dramatically, whereas 6-benzyl aminopurine (6-BA), indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and cis-(−) ABA showed no distinct induction effect. These results suggest that MdSUT1 may be a component of ABA signaling pathways involved in the regulation of photoassimilate transport. ABA could function in plant sucrose trans-membrane transport, thus providing a clue that may help to unravel cross-talk between plant hormone and sucrose signaling pathway.  相似文献   
Using Agrobacterium mediated transient expression method, plant bivalent expression vector pBI121 containing GUS as a report gene was transformed into lettuce (Lactuca sativa). Through designed orthogonal analysis, intact lettuce leaves infiltrated with 200 μM acetosyringone and 0.8 OD600 bacterial suspensions under vacuum for 30 min, then co-cultured at 24 °C for 6 ds produced a maximum GUS protein of 2.5% TSP with 21.39 nmol mg−1 min−1 MU activity, which was 19 times of the control (1.31 nmol mg−1 min−1 MU). Employed these optimized conditions HuIFN-beta was expressed in lettuce leaves. Western blot and antivirus bioactivity analyses confirmed the HuIFN-beta achieved by agrobacterium infiltration had a high biological activity (3.1 × 104 IU/mL). To our knowledge, it is the first detailed orthogonal optimizing study of Agrobacterium mediated transient expression and the first report on the production of the biologically active therapeutic proteins produced by Agrobacterium mediated transient expression in lettuce. In summary, transient expression by Agrobacterium vacuum infiltration can be adopted as an efficient, inexpensive and small-scaled plant expression system for therapeutic protein production.  相似文献   
根据传统木家具制造车间产品种类复杂、信息处理不够流畅、生产过程不够规范的现状,提出利用MES系统对木家具制造车间进行数字化计划排产。利用MES系统的应用优势,在信息互通流畅、合理安排生产、充分提高产能等方面对传统家具制造车间进行改造,达到提高企业的生产效率,降低生产成本的目的。通过一系列的技术应用,MES系统将有效地对传统木家具制造车间进行管理优化,为企业的产业升级作出巨大贡献。  相似文献   
农机制造企业属于典型的需求驱动的离散型制造企业,具有产品结构复杂、不确定因素多、交货期严格、生产计划复杂、物料需求计划多变等特点.结合制造业信息化,以农机产品的生产过程为例,以多品种小批量生产模式下的装配生产MES中的物料管理为研究对象,提出了相应的物料管理模型,研究了在制品的跟踪与管理,开发了基于MES的物料管理信息系统,旨在搭建物料库存与车间生产及管理者之间的桥梁,及时进行信息的追踪与反馈,提高整个生产运作的效率.  相似文献   
为了提高坛紫菜叶状体的培养效果,在海水中分别添加2%、4%、6%、8%和10%的MES培养基,配出5种不同的培养液,并分别将其标记为1MES、2MES、3MES、4MES、5MES,然后分别用它们培养坛紫菜叶状体,结果显示:在培养的前两周,5个组的叶状体生长和湿重增加无明显差异,但两周后,各组叶状体的生长开始出现显著差异,其中2MES组和1MES组的生长速度快于其它3组.培养21 d后,5个试验组的叶状体平均长度依次为2MES组>1MES组>5MES组>3MES组>4MES组;叶状体湿重增加依次为2MES组>5MES组>1MES组>3MES组>4MES组;叶状体的叶绿素a(Ch1.a)的含量在2MES中最高,1MES最低,其它组相差不大;藻红蛋白(PE)和藻蓝蛋白(PC)含量在2MES中比3MES中略低,但高于其它组.上述结果表明,在海水中添加4%的MES培养基对坛紫菜叶状体的生长是最适宜的,这一结果对以往文献中报道的使用MES培养基时一般只在海水中添加2%的浓度将是一个有益的修正.  相似文献   
炉管企业在中国起步比较晚,一直以来主要依赖进口,国内的炉管企业比较少,规模大多比较小,因此现代化的管理理念需要快速融入到企业的管理中来提升企业的整体实力.本文讨论炉管企业的流程再造,布局和MES的构架研究,提高企业的竞争力,降低企业成本,提高效率和质量,扩大规模.  相似文献   
In this work we investigated the hypothesis, suggested by unpublished experiments carried out previously, that application of MES [2-(N-morpholino)-ethane sulphonic acid] buffer to the substrate of plants hosting the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices might favour the growth of external hyphae. The substrate of Trifolium pratense plants, with or without G. intraradices inoculum, was treated twice weekly, between weeks 5 and 11 of growth, plant with distilled water, P-supplemented 10% Hewitt nutrient solution (H+P), 51mM in H+P or 1mM TRIS-HCl in H+P. MES buffer increased the length of external G. intraradices hyphae and the density of propagules in the substrate, but plant growth was not affected. Although both TRIS-HCl and MES caused substrate pH to fall (from 8.51 to 7.35 and 7.17, respectively), only MES induced a significant increase in external hypha length. We conclude that the effect of MES on external hypha length was not due to plant growth or to substrate pH per se. Received: 10 March 1996  相似文献   
为了解决板式定制家具企业生产计划调度的不确定性、约束性、精准性等问题,提出工序级实时调度和车间级订单发放控制方案。基于工序负荷和设备产能的分析,提出实时调度算法,可及时调整工序间产能和负荷关系;通过订单发放控制算法,计算已投产订单和已发放订单负荷,决定能否加入新订单、紧急插单和补单。通过制造执行系统(MES)的生产计划调度算法,提高生产调度执行的灵活性和生产效率。  相似文献   
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