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木槿是中国传统的乡土花木,是栽培历史最悠久的花木之一。本文根据历史文献和诗歌等梳理分析了历史各个时期的木槿主要栽培应用史实和重要成果,分析了不同历史时期木槿的栽培应用、食用、药用与品种等发展演化情况,发现了诸多的习俗和应用被保留和传承,以期为木槿资源、文化及其产业的传承与发展提供思路。  相似文献   
油莎豆(Cyperus esculentus L.),又称虎坚果,沙草科莎草属多年生草本植物。油莎豆具有适应性广、生长期短、生物量大、含油量高等优势特性。油莎豆茎叶可做青贮饲料,块茎可生吃或熟吃,此外,油莎豆还可用来榨油,榨油后的油饼可用来做饲料。因此油莎豆作为一种集粮、油、牧、饲于一体的新兴农作物,具有较高的经济价值和开发潜力。为了深入了解油莎豆,促进油莎豆资源的高值化利用和研究,本文综述了油莎豆中油脂、蛋白和多糖等主要营养成分的研究进展,详细阐述了油莎豆降血脂、降血糖、抗氧化和保肝等生理功能,并就其市场规模和科学研究前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
对公益林生态系统服务功能和价值评估进行研究,为建德市公益林保护、规划和管理提供科学指导和理论依据。本文依据《生态系统服务功能评估规范》,结合涵养水源、保育土壤等8项指标,评价建德市公益林生态系统服务价值。结果表明,建德市公益林生态系统服务总价值81.64亿元,其中涵养水源效益25.22亿元,固土保肥效益4.43亿元,固碳释氧效益12.53亿元,积累营养效益0.48亿元,森林游憩效益22.19亿元,净化大气效益3.21亿元,生物多样性保护效益12.13亿元,森林防护效益1.45亿元。公益林生态系统服务价值远高于其直接利用价值,表明应继续实施生态补偿政策,努力提高生态补偿标准。  相似文献   
生态系统服务权衡最新研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态系统服务权衡研究对协调生态环境保护和社会经济发展至关重要。为推动生态系统服务管理和提升人类福祉,本文以Web of Science核心合集(WOS)和中国科学引文数据库(CSCD)为数据源,运用文献计量分析法,系统梳理和总结生态系统服务权衡研究的学科知识基础、科学领域结构和热点变化等发展现状以及最新研究进展。研究表明:1)不同研究层面上,生态系统服务间的权衡关系受外部风险和人类需求、参数选取和服务提供者及区域差异性和不均衡性的影响。2)研究方法主要有基于关系识别和具体表征的权衡分析、权衡模拟和预测的模型量化分析和生态系统服务权衡管理优化的多准则分析3类。3)生态系统服务权衡关键驱动因子为城市化、生态工程和气候变化。基于此,我们认为把握生态系统服务权衡不同研究层面的关联特征、创新和优化生态系统服务权衡研究方法、准确甄别生态系统服务权衡关键驱动因子以及充分整合多维生态系统服务权衡资源搭建数据共享平台是未来研究的重点。  相似文献   
随着人口增长对粮食需求的不断提高,人类对自然生态系统扰动频繁,生态覆被/土地利用变化伴随着土壤活性氮库、氮形态组分及氮素内循环过程的改变,直接影响生态系统的持续与稳定,进而引起全球气候变暖,生物多样性减少等诸多生态环境问题。生态覆被/土地利用变化是全球生态系统变化的重要内容。本综述探讨了活性氮的基本概念及其引发的环境效应,国内外自然生态系统中森林与草地间转换、自然生态系统开垦为农田、弃耕撂荒或退耕还林还草、城市化发展等生态覆被/土地利用变化对土壤氮库消长、氮矿化产物形态变化以及影响氮循环的关键土壤微生物影响等,并探讨了制约氮循环的土壤微生物研究进展。指出农业开垦或农田弃耕撂荒会导致土壤全氮大幅度下降,同时引起土壤硝态氮(NO3--N)增加,造成环境活性氮增加的风险;退耕还林修复生态覆被过程中氮库完全恢复需要漫长的时间;运用现代微生物分子生态学的前沿技术是研究土壤氮循环对生态覆被/土地利用变化响应机理的关键。本综述为自然生态系统的保护与开发利用、退化生态系统的修复与重建以及人工生态系统的科学规划等提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
Headwater streams play a major role for provision of ecosystem services, e.g. drinking water. We investigated a high-altitude headwater catchment of the Kharaa River (including 41 1st-order rivers) to understand the impact of land cover (especially forest cover), environment and human usage on runoff, chemical water quality and macroinvertebrate fauna in a river basin under discontinuous permafrost conditions in an arid, sparsely populated region of Mongolia. To verify our hypotheses that different landuses and environmental impacts in permafrost headwaters influence water quality, we investigated 105 sampling sites, 37 of them at intermittent stream sections without water flow. Discharge was positively impacted by land cover types steppe, grassland and forest and negatively by shrubland, forest burnt by wild fires (indicating a reduction of permafrost) and slope. Water quality was affected by altitude, longitude and latitude, shrub growth and water temperature. Shannon diversity of macroinvertebrates was driven by water temperature, iron content of the water, flow velocity, and subbasin size (adjusted R2 = 0.54). Sample plots clustered in three groups that differed in water chemistry, macroinvertebrate diversity, species composition and bio-indicators. Our study confirms that steppes and grasslands have a higher contribution to runoff than forests, forest cover has a positive impact on water quality, and diversity of macroinvertebrates is higher in sites with less nutrients and pollutants. The excellent ecological status of the upper reaches of the Kharaa is severely threatened by forest fires and human-induced climate change and urgently needs to be conserved.  相似文献   
南方红壤低山丘陵区水土流失综合治理   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:11  
"南方红壤低山丘陵区水土流失综合治理"项目(2017YFC0505400)获得国家重点研发计划"典型脆弱生态修复与保护研究"专项支持。项目重点阐明区域水土流失演变规律及关键驱动因子,以生态功能提升与生产功能优化为核心,研发集成地表径流调控、土壤肥力提升、植被可持续恢复和景观结构优化为一体的水土流失治理技术体系,形成生态服务功能提升与民生改善的区域水土流失综合治理模式,为红壤低山丘陵区水土流失治理提供科技支撑。  相似文献   
讨论了生态系统管理的定义及原则,以美国黄石公园为例,阐述了黄石公园现状及管理目标,分析在建设过程中运用的生态系统管理原则,总结黄石公园目前存在的问题以及未来发展方向,为我国生态系统管理提供参考。  相似文献   
Reliable transport parameters of agrochemicals and soluble pollutants are crucial for modeling and management of soil and groundwater quality. This study investigated impacts of municipal wastewater on the transport parameters of five heavy metal/metalloid compounds (NaAsO2, Cd(NO3)2, Pb(NO3)2, Ni(NO3)2 & ZnCl2), two pesticides (cartap & carbendazim) and an inert salt (CaCl2) in four agricultural soils of Bangladesh. Solute-breakthrough concentrations were measured in repacked soil columns with time-domain reflectometry (TDR) both before and after wastewater treatment. Transport velocity (V), dispersion coefficient (D), dispersivity (λ) and retardation factor (R) of the solutes, and pertinent soil properties were determined. Wastewater reduced bulk density (γ) of the soils (from 1.32–1.37 g/cm3 to 1.26–1.35 g/cm3) by increasing organic carbon (OC) (from 0.37%–0.84% to 0.40–0.93%), increased pore-size distribution index (n) (by 0.02 unit) and reduced soil pH (from 6.32–7.45 to 5.92–6.46). D and λ decreased while V and R increased after wastewater treatment; D decreased and R increased linearly with decreasing bulk density. The correlations of V, D, and R with n improved significantly (p < 0.05) after wastewater treatment. The correlation between λ and OC improved markedly for Ca, Pb, Ni, and cartap. The observed indicative results have practical implications in developing pedo-transfer functions for solute-transport parameters using basic soil properties, which are subject to progressive modification due to agrochemicals application and wastewater irrigation.  相似文献   
This article investigates the impact of natural burial on the delivery of ecosystem services (ESs) in urban cemeteries in England that are owned and managed by local authorities. Local authority natural burial sites have received far less attention from researchers than independent sites developed by farmers, charitable trusts, funeral directors and land owners. Here we argue that the local authority hybrid cemeteries that combine natural burial with traditional graves may have a far greater impact in delivering regulatory and cultural ecosystem services than the much larger and frequently more environmentally ambitious natural burial grounds developed by the independent sector. The article presents three case studies of cemeteries, each of which represents a different interpretation of natural burial. Two have retrofitted natural burial into an existing cemetery landscape. The third is a new cemetery where natural burial was included with traditional burial in the original design brief and planning application. The research reveals how natural burial is transforming the traditional cemetery, with its focus on an intensively managed lawn aesthetic, towards a more habitat rich and spatially complex landscape with its own distinctive identity. The research also reveals how natural burial (within the unique constraints of UK burial culture that does not permit the recycling of burial space) is increasing the burial capacity of urban cemeteries by accessing land and grave space that might not be suitable or appropriate for more traditional forms of burial.  相似文献   
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