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针对我国长江中下游地区因梅雨季节阴雨时间长、降水量大而集中常常引发涝灾和造成棉花渍害的现象,总结提出了一系列棉花防涝防渍及灾后田间管理技术措施与要求,以期为长江中下游地区棉农提供技术指导,促进当地棉花产业的发展和植棉效益的提高。  相似文献   
针对农村坑塘"无人治、没钱治、无人管、散乱难治"等方面的难题,以乡村振兴战略为思想指导,结合河长制工作重点,根据农村坑塘高效治理工作对打造生态宜居环境、创建乡风文明、促进产业兴旺、实现农民富裕的重要性。在此基础上,以河南省睢县农村坑塘为例,以全面推行河湖长制促进乡村振兴为目标,把小微水体整治与乡村振兴等工作有机结合,进行水岸同治。按照远村塘、近村塘的分类,提出相应建设模式,并提出农村坑塘建设建议;另外,从"人治"和"法治"两个方面进行"人治巩固基础,法治加深层次"管护模式,为黄淮地区农村坑塘治理提供多种路径,助力乡村振兴。  相似文献   
滦河流域气候变化与人类活动对径流的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以滦河流域为研究区域,应用敏感性分析和双累积曲线法分析气候变化和人类活动对研究区径流变化的影响。结果表明:研究区流域径流存在明显的下降趋势,与基准期(1956—1979年)相比,变化期(1980—2013年)径流量减少了52.59mm(50.43%);滦河流域径流对降水的敏感性系数Q/P为0.336 1,对潜在蒸散发的敏感性系数Q/E_0为-0.123 5,气候变化影响量为22.23mm;滦河流域径流变化过程中,人类活动影响量为32.07mm,其贡献率为57.26%,远大于气候变化的影响39.69%,人类活动的影响是导致滦河流域径流减少的主要因素。  相似文献   
农田汇水河道水生植物原位净化工程处理效果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了研究水生植物原位净化工程处理效果,于2017年5—11月,在江苏省泗洪县四河乡的农田汇水河道,利用水葫芦和绿狐尾藻构建组合生态浮床,沿着水流方向设置4个水质采样点,每月监测水体基本理化指标,主要包括水温(T)、酸碱度(pH)、溶解氧(DO)、总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、化学需氧量(COD_(Cr))、悬浮物(SS),分析河段水质沿程变化;在试验开始时、每次采收时监测单位面积植物生物量,干物质含量与氮磷含量,计算植物氮磷富集量。结果显示:植物种养后,沿程各采样点数据对比,水体pH值逐渐趋于中性;各采样时间数据对比,水体DO浓度呈升高趋势。在植物旺盛生长期(7—10月),组合生态浮床对河段水体TN、TP、COD和SS的沿程总消减率分别为50.41%~78.00%、44.62%~73.33%、46.15%~57.82%和33.33%~52.38%,其中最高值出现在8月。按照有效试验周期180 d(5—10月)计算,水葫芦的氮、磷去除量分别约为0.76 g·m~(-2)·d~(-1)和0.09 g·m~(-2)·d~(-1);绿狐尾藻的氮、磷去除量分别约为1.17 g·m~(-2)·d~(-1)和0.08 g·m~(-2)·d~(-1)。除了植物自身的吸收作用,根系微生物降解作用在污染物净化过程中也发挥了重要作用。在农田汇水河道原位净化工程中,水葫芦与绿狐尾藻组合生态浮床大幅消减水体氮磷浓度,有效降解有机物及拦截颗粒物,对于缓解下游水域富营养化问题具有积极的意义。  相似文献   
黑河流域上游水沙变化特征及成因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的]研究黑河流域上游干流的水沙时空变化特征及其成因,为流域生态保护和水资源开发利用提供科学依据。[方法]选取黑河上游干流主要水文站近60a的实测径流、输沙及降雨资料,通过采用Mann-Kendall秩相关检验法、累积距平法和相关分析法,研究水沙变化特征及驱动因子。[结果]黑河上游干流径流量总体上从20世纪80年代以后呈增加趋势;输沙量从20世纪70年代开始呈不显著增加趋势,但莺落峡水文站输沙量从2001年开始呈显著下降趋势。[结论]降水增加是影响黑河上游径流量增多的重要原因;水土流失导致了札马什克站和祁连站输沙量的增加,而水库拦沙是莺落峡水文站输沙量显著减少的主要原因。  相似文献   
  1. The Alaskan Matanuska‐Susitna Basin (MSB) provides habitat for all five Pacific salmon species, and their large seasonal spawning runs are important both ecologically and economically. However, the encroachment of human development through urbanization and extractive industries poses a serious risk to salmon habitat in the MSB.
  2. Using systematic conservation planning techniques, different methods of incorporating anthropogenic risks were assessed to determine how to conserve salmon habitat in the area cost‐effectively.
  3. The consequences of four distinct conservation scenarios were quantified: no consideration either of urbanization or extractive industries (‘Risk ignored’ scenario); accounting for the risk of urbanization, and avoiding conservation in all areas rich in fossil fuels (‘Urbanization accounted, all extraction avoided’ scenario); accounting for urbanization and oil and gas development, but avoiding conservation in coal‐rich areas (‘Urbanization accounted, coal areas avoided’ scenario); and accounting for all anthropogenic risks to habitat, and allowing conservation in oil, gas, or coal‐rich areas (‘All risks accounted’ scenario). To compare conservation success and resilience, the impacts of these risks were estimated using Monte Carlo simulations. The final cost of each solution was then divided by the number of conservation targets met to determine a return on investment.
  4. Results from scenarios that avoided all extractive activities, or only coal, suggest that conservation targets cannot be met simply by avoiding areas rich in fossil fuels, and these scenarios resulted in lower returns on investment than those in which risks from extraction were incorporated into the solution.
  5. By developing a method for setting priorities that are economically based, this study provides a method for local managers and conservation groups to identify conservation opportunities in MSB river basins.
  1. Marine protected areas (MPAs) and freshwater protected areas (FPAs), collectively aquatic protected areas (APAs), share many commonalities in their design, establishment, and management, suggesting great potential for sharing lessons learned. However, surprisingly little has been exchanged to date, and both realms of inquiry and practice have progressed mostly independent of each other.
  2. This paper builds on a session held at the 7th World Fisheries Congress in Busan, South Korea, in May 2016, which explored crossover lessons between marine and freshwater realms, and included case studies of four MPAs and five FPAs (or clusters of FPAs) from nine countries.
  3. This review uses the case studies to explore similarities, differences, and transferrable lessons between MPAs and FPAs under five themes: (1) ecological system; (2) establishment approaches; (3) effectiveness monitoring; (4) sustaining APAs; and (5) challenges and external threats.
  4. Ecological differences between marine and freshwater environments may necessitate different approaches for collecting species and habitat data to inform APA design, establishment and monitoring, but once collected, similar spatial ecological tools can be applied in both realms. In contrast, many similarities exist in the human dimension of both MPA and FPA establishment and management, highlighting clear opportunities for exchanging lessons related to stakeholder engagement and support, and for using similar socio‐economic and governance assessment methods to address data gaps in both realms.
  5. Regions that implement MPAs and FPAs could work together to address shared challenges, such as developing mechanisms for diversified and sustained funding, and employing integrated coastal/watershed management to address system‐level threats. Collaboration across realms could facilitate conservation of diadromous species in both marine and freshwater habitats.
  6. Continued exchange and increased collaboration would benefit both realms, and may be facilitated by defining shared terminology, holding cross‐disciplinary conferences or sessions, publishing inclusive papers, and proposing joint projects.
在充分考虑2001−2019年TRMM 3B43降水量数据在长江流域适用性的基础上,基于地理加权回归模型(GWR),结合归一化植被指数(NDVI)、增强型植被指数(EVI)、高程、坡度、坡向数据,选取不同组合对19a内TRMM降水量数据进行降尺度,并对优选的降尺度数据分别进行GDA、GRA校正,最后在年、季、月尺度下进行精度评价与结果分析。结果表明:(1)降尺度数据与站点实测数据的R²、BIAS、RMSE满足精度要求的同时,空间分辨率由0.25°提高至1km,且TRMMNDVI数据精度优于TRMMEVI数据。(2)GDA校正结果优于GRA校正结果,且数据稳定性更好,更适于长江流域TRMM数据校正。(3)数据与站点实测数据R²在年(0.91~0.986)、季(0.704~0.88)、月(0.625~0.89)尺度上均有较高精度,细节特征较TRMM数据表现更好。(4)降水量越大的月份降尺度及校正效果越好。降尺度及校正后的TRMM数据能更好地反映长江流域真实降水信息,为农业生产、水资源优化配置、防洪减灾等提供可靠的数据支持。  相似文献   
洱海流域典型农区不同施肥处理下稻田氨挥发变化特征   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
为探寻洱海流域合理的施肥方式,减少氮肥的氨挥发损失,采用"密闭室间歇通气法",研究了不同氮肥类型及施氮量对稻田氨挥发规律、氨挥发累积量及水稻产量的影响,并探究了影响氨挥发排放的因素。研究结果表明:稻田氨挥发主要发生在施肥后2~5 d内,穗肥期氨挥发损失占比最大为19.04%~33.00%,其次分蘖肥期损失为7.18%~15.72%,基肥期损失最少为4.89%~7.76%。不同施肥处理中常规施肥(CF)、化肥减量20%(T1)、单施有机肥(T2)、有机肥与化肥配施(T3)、考虑当季25%矿化率单施有机肥(T4)、考虑当季25%矿化率有机肥与化肥配施(T5)和单施控释肥(T6)的氨挥发累积量分别为42.52、22.73、11.71、15.12、38.24、25.95 kg·hm~(-2)和18.44 kg·hm~(-2)。等量施氮条件下不同肥料类型氨挥发损失占比大小为尿素控释肥有机肥+化肥有机肥。不同施氮量条件下,施氮量越大氨挥发累积量越大,且氨挥发速率与田面水NH4+-N浓度呈正相关性。综合稻田氨挥发累积量及水稻产量,在洱海流域典型农区水稻种植中,有机肥与化肥配施(25%当季矿化率)、化肥减量施用(20%)以及控释肥施用是3种较优的环境友好型施肥方式。  相似文献   
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