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基于改进蚁群算法的3-PPR并联机构位置正解研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对3-PPR并联机构位置正解问题,运用螺旋理论计算其自由度,并分析其运动特性,同时通过解析法构建该并联机构的完整运动学逆解。将并联机构运动学正解问题的求解转化为对目标函数优化问题的求解,并基于此建立该并联机构正解的目标函数优化模型。通过对基本蚁群算法进行有效的改进,构建了可用于求解连续优化问题的改进蚁群算法。运用该算法求解3-PPR并联机构的运动学正解并进行Matlab仿真分析,对比传统数值方法和改进蚁群算法,证实该算法具有良好的全局寻优能力,并能避免初值和局部最优值对计算结果的影响,可有效应用于求解并联机构的位置正解问题。  相似文献   
基于势场蚁群算法的移动机器人全局路径规划方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对移动机器人路径规划蚁群算法收敛速度慢和人工势场法易陷入局部最优的问题,提出一种以栅格地图为环境模型,在蚁群算法搜索过程中加入针对具体问题的人工势场局部搜索寻优算法,将人工势场法中力因素转换为局部扩散信息素,使蚁群倾向于具有高适应值的子空间搜索,减少了蚁群算法在盲目搜索路径过程中产生的局部交叉路径及蚂蚁"迷失"数量,提高了蚁群对障碍物的预避障能力。对不同参数组合下2种算法及其它改进算法仿真结果做了比较,验证了基于势场蚁群算法的全局路径规划能够加快寻优过程且具有较强的搜索能力,收敛速度提高近1倍。  相似文献   
赵秀勤 《安徽农业科学》2008,36(8):3292-3293
采用陷阱诱捕法,在商丘黄河故道地带性植被区5种生境中共采集蚂蚁590头,隶属3亚科6属7种,优势种为黑头酸臭蚁[Tapinoma melanocephalum(Fabricius)]、红林蚁(Formica sinae Emery)、掘穴蚁(Formica cunicxularia Latreille)、黄立毛蚁[Paratre chinaflavipes(Smith)]。  相似文献   
试验结果表明,种胚后熟是桧柏种子休眠的主要原因,种皮的透水性与种子休眠无关,采用变温层积,低温层积催芽法均可打破种子休眠,应用化学药剂处理种子可缩短催芽时间;所有方法中以变温层积法催芽效果最佳,种子绝对发芽率可达95.7%。  相似文献   
The genesis and architecture of the structures built by ants and earthworms differ markedly, suggesting that—in addition to having different physical and chemical properties—the resident microbial community should also have unique properties. We characterized the inorganic N, biomass C, C mineralization rate, and functional diversity of the microbial communities of earthworm casts, earthworm burrow soil, ant mounds, and bulk soil from an agricultural field. Mound soil was most enriched in inorganic N and had the lowest pH, moisture content, and C mineralization rate. Functional diversity was evaluated by determining the ability of microorganisms to grow on 31 substrates using Biolog®EcoPlates in combination with a most probable number (MPN) approach. Casts had MPNs that were one to two orders of magnitude higher than burrow, mound and bulk soil for most substrates. Casts also had the highest MPNs for particular substrate guilds relative to bulk soil, followed by mound and burrow soil. Indices of substrate diversity and evenness were highest for casts, followed by burrow, mound, and bulk soil. Differences in the type of habitat provided by the structures built by ants and earthworms result in the differential distribution of nutrients, microbial activity, and metabolic diversity of soils within an agricultural field that affect soil fertility and quality.  相似文献   
We studied the effects of earthworms, termites, ants, and millipedes on the dissemination of vesciulararbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) propagules. Earthworm (Lumbricus terrestris L.) casts collected from the garden were air-dried, stored, and examined for the presence of VAM fungi by inoculating the cast material onto onion plants grown in sterilized soil. VAM propagules survived for a period of 12 months. The results showed that earth-worms can contribute to the dissemination of VAM propagules. Nests of ants (Camponotus compressus Fabr.) collected from different locations were examined for the presence of VAM propagules. They harboured up to 790 infective propagules g-1 of nest, showing that ants can be potential vectors in disseminating VAM fungi. The faecal pellets of the millipede (Phyllogonostreptus nigrolabiatus Newport) collected from the rearing tank were tested for VAM colonization. Though VAM propagules were present in the fresh faecal pellets, they lost their viability after 4 days of storage. Termitaria samples of both mound-building and subterranean termites were also examined for VAM propagules but those found were non-viable.  相似文献   
施亚琴 《林业研究》1994,5(4):49-51
INTRoDUCTIoNAnthasbeenusedasmedicineandhealthprotectionproductsfora1ongtime-Theant(PolyrhachisvicinaRoger)ismostincommon.TheyaremainlylivinginGuangxiProvince.Theyareablack,irri-tateacidityanddelicatefragranceinsects.ThereisakindofantinWandaMountain,Daxing'anMountain,andXiaoxing'anMountain.Itisabig(aboutmorethanl-ocmlong),strongandnonpollutioninsect.alotofbigandblackantswerecollectedfromWandaMountain.Itwasappraisedbyantexpertstobeantfami1yandantcategory.ItwasnamedFormicacuniculariaLa…  相似文献   
对砂地柏(S abina vu lg aris A n t.)化学成分及其生物活性进行了较为全面的综述,重点总结、分析了该植物富含的萜烯类和鬼臼毒素类化合物的抗癌活性和杀虫活性的研究进展,并提出了进一步深入开展砂地柏杀虫作用研究和开发利用的思路及设想。  相似文献   
Loose surface rocks on sandstone outcrops in coastal eastern Australia are subject to high levels of anthropogenic disturbance. The endangered reptiles that use these rocks as shelter-sites have attracted considerable research, but the invertebrate fauna under the same rocks has been neglected. We surveyed four sites in the Sydney region, to record the invertebrate fauna under a total of 240 rocks and quantify habitat associations of these animals. Fauna were present under almost 90% of surveyed rocks, with high overall abundance and species richness (up to seven species per rock). Our sampling regime was inadequate to fully characterise the sandstone invertebrate fauna, and thus substantially underestimates diversity on a broader spatial scale. The taxa covered a broad phylogenetic range, with ants and spiders the most abundant, widespread and species-rich lineages. The assemblage was dominated by predators and opportunistic scavengers, possibly reflecting the characteristic low productivity of these systems. Canonical correspondence analysis identified consistent linkages between specific faunal groups and microhabitat features (mainly substrate, also degree of shading and characteristics of the overlying rock). We conclude that surface rocks on Hawkesbury sandstone outcrops shelter a diverse and abundant invertebrate fauna, that microhabitat features influence faunal composition, and that our ignorance of this component of biodiversity will severely hamper any rational plan to conserve these distinctive and highly threatened ecosystems.  相似文献   
郝锡联  王月  高美乐  赵卓 《安徽农业科学》2013,41(11):5156-5158
以蚂蚁行为观察为例,探讨了研究型野外实习模式。通过野外实习过程,将学生分成若干科研小组,观察左家自然保护区内蚂蚁行为规律,利用生物统计学方法与软件进行分析和讨论。这种野外实习模式的改革与实践旨在培养学生学习的主观能动性和创新能力。  相似文献   
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