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Changes in acidity of Udic Ferrosols, caused by growth of Choerospondias axillaris (Roxb.) Burtt et Hill, in comparison to wild grass, were investigated for Ph distribution in the soil profile, exchangeable acidity, and cation status in the soil leachate of a simulated leaching experiment. Soils were sampled in profiles at 5 cm intervals to a depth of 100 cm. In the 15--60 cm layer the soils with 10-year old C. axillaris had significantly lower Ph (P < 0.05), with the largest difference being 0.41; and in the 25--75 cm soil depths, especially in the 30--55 cm layer, the soils had a significantly higher exchangeable acidity, ranging 1.93 to 3.02 cmolc kg-1. There was also higher aluminum, potassium, and sodium contents in the soil leachate under C. axillaris than with wild grasses. This suggested that the growth of C. axillaris accelerated acidification of Udic Ferrosols and promoted soil clay mineral weathering.  相似文献   
 在前文已指出了现代养蜂业存在的问题。一方面,蜂群生产负担过重,造成蜂产品的质量下降。为了解决这个问题,提出根据蜜蜂本身具备的生物学能力,必须恢复自然养蜂的想法。另一方面,养蜂是一种产业,因此,做好生产附加价值比较高的蜂产品是很重要的。因此本文介绍关于提高蜂王浆所具有的抗酸化作用,应用蜂王浆抗菌物质的转基因代替生产,以及作者最新的基础研究成果,提出了自然养蜂与近代科学技术的关系,以及养蜂学和养蜂产业的展望。  相似文献   
细胞分化是细胞行使功能的前提条件,是特定基因表达的结果。细胞分化状态的维持需要细胞外环境、细胞与细胞之间信息交流及其细胞内环境等共同作用,从而保证分化细胞染色体的特定空间结构。细胞内环境中细胞核因素的影响可以归结为后生性遗传作用,细胞质因素主要有转录后基因沉默(RNAi)和蛋白质磷酸化作用等。克隆动物的实质是细胞分化过程的逆转。克隆动物的过程及其卵母细胞质中的特殊物质破坏了维持供体细胞分化状态的各种条件,改变了分化细胞染色体的特定空间结构,对分化细胞进行了重新编程。克隆过程中卵母细胞质对体细胞的去分化过程并非完全正确,同时由于体细胞染色体可能存在的变异,导致体细胞克隆效率很低。加强对发育生物学基本问题的研究和对现有克隆动物进行详细的研究分析,并继续改进和完善现有的体细胞克隆操作程序,是提高克隆动物效率的当务之急。  相似文献   
The controls of soluble Al concentration were examined in three situations of acid sulfate conditions:1) experimental acid sulfate conditions by addition of varying amounts of Al(OH)3(gibbsite) into a sequence of H2SO4 solutions;2)experimental acid sulfate conditions by addition of the same sequence of H2SO4 solutions into two non-cid sulfacte soil samples with known amounts of acid oxalate extractable Al; and 3) actual acid sulfate soil conditions.The experiment using gibbsite as an Al-bearing mineral showed that increase in the concentration of H2SO4 solution increased the soluble Al concentration,accompanied by a decrease i the solution pH, Increasing amount of gibbsite added to the H2SO4 solutions also increased soluble Al concentration,but resulted in an increase in solution pH.Within the H2SO4 concentration range of 0.0005-0.5mol L^-1 and the Al(OH)3 range of 0.01-0.5g(in 25 mL of H2SO4 solutions),the input of H2SO4 had the major control on soluble Al Concentration and pH .The availability of Al(OH)3,however,was responsible for the spread fo the various sample points,with a tendency that the samples containing more gibbsite had a higher soluble Al concentration than those containing less gibbsite at equivalent pH levels.The experimental results from treatment of soil samples with H2SO4 solutions and the analytical results of acid sulfate soils also showed the similar trend.  相似文献   
<正>对于具有潜在酸化趋势的土壤,通过合理的耕作管理可以减缓土壤的酸化进程,促进农业的可持续发展。主要措施如下:合理选择氮肥品种。对土壤酸化作用由强到弱的肥料依次是硫酸铵(NH4)2SO4,磷酸二氢铵(NH4)H2PO4,磷酸氢二铵(NH4)2HPO4,尿素和硝酸铵。因此,尽量选择尿素和硝酸铵类肥料。合理的水肥管理。铵态氮硝化及产生的NO3-随水淋失是加剧土壤酸化的重要原因。因此,确定合理的氮肥用量,减少氮肥损失,通过合理的水肥管理,减少NO3-的淋失,使肥料尽可能为植物吸收利用,可减缓土壤酸化。  相似文献   
(接2011年09期《新饲料》16页)2.5Gln对紧密接头的稳定是必需的小肠单层细胞研究解释了Gln的丧失和补充影响肠上皮承受损伤能力的机制。Li等(2004)证明在Caco-2细胞单层(暴露在Gln合成酶抑制剂-蛋氨酸磺酸盐)上Gln丧失引起紧密连接(紧密连接包括claudin-1和封闭小带-1)中隔膜成分的溶解。此外,电子显微镜下  相似文献   
大豆蛋白超声磷酸化加工工艺的Box-Behnken模型优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用超声波处理技术协同大豆蛋白磷酸化加工以提高大豆蛋白的乳化性质,利用Box-Behnken模型对加工工艺过程进行优化,所得模型拟合度高,可用于实际分析和预测.利用响应面分析法探讨了三聚磷酸钠(STP)质量分数、超声波功率、超声波处理时间3因素对改性产物乳化性质的影响,优化的制备工艺条件为:STP质量分数9.65%、超声波功率490W、超声波处理时间34 min,在此条件下产物乳化活性为70.8,乳化稳定性为30.2 min,分别是空白样品的2.18倍和1.57倍.  相似文献   
高等植物中的CDPK及其生理生化功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蛋白激酶主要催化蛋白质的磷酸化作用,参与细胞的信号识别与转导。CDPK是一类钙依赖钙调素不依赖的蛋白激酶(Calcium—dependent and calmodulin—independent protein kinase),与细胞Ca^2 信号进一步传递有密切关系。  相似文献   
Alberta油砂地区在两种水文流域森林土壤酸化敏感性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Input of large amounts of N and S compounds into forest ecosystems through atmospheric deposition is a significant risk for soil acidification in the oil sands region of Alberta. We evaluated the sensitivity of forest soils to acidification in two watersheds (Lake 287 and Lake 185) with contrasting hydrological regimes as a part of a larger project assessing the role of N and S cycling in soil acidification in forest ecosystems. Fifty six forest soil samples were collected from the two watersheds by horizon from 10 monitoring plots dominated by either jack pine (Pinus banksiana) or aspen (Populus tremuloides). Soils in the two watersheds were extremely to moderately acidic with pH (CaCl2) ranging from 2.83 to 4.91. Soil acid-base chemistry variables such as pH, base saturation, Al saturation, and acid-buffering capacity measured using the acetic acid equilibrium procedure indicated that soils in Lake 287 were more acidified than those in Lake 185. Acid-buffering capacity decreased in the order of forest floor 〉 subsurface mineral soil 〉 surface mineral soil. The most dramatic differences in percent Ca and Al saturations between the two watersheds were found in the surface mineral soil horizon. Percent Ca and Al saturation in the surface mineral soil in Lake 287 were 15% and 70%, respectively; the percent Ca saturation value fell within a critical range proposed in the literature that indicates soil acidification. Our results suggest that the soils in the two watersheds have low acid buffering capacity and would be sensitive to increased acidic deposition in the region.  相似文献   
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