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研究结果表明,浅耕油菜的出苗高峰期和出苗终止期分别为播后14d和播后49d,而免耕的分别为播后21d和播后63d,浅耕的出苗集中在播后7~21d,而免耕的出苗集中在播后14~28d。杂草发生量浅耕的比免耕的明显减少,杂草以看麦娘为主,发生量最大。  相似文献   
水稻免耕栽培的优化效应与调控技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
水稻免耕栽培主要包括水稻免耕抛秧、免耕直播和免耕插秧等技术。试验示范结果表明:该项技术能提高水稻产量0.9%~5.1%,节省工本,提高纯收入达19.2%~37.0%,并省水节电,增加土壤表层孔隙度,增加土壤速效养分含量。介绍了水稻免耕栽培的调控技术。  相似文献   
9SB-2.4型草原松土补播机的研制与试验   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为了大面积改良天然退化草场,加快畜牧业持续发展,改善草原生态环境,研制了一种多功能牧草免耕补播机,该机在不破坏原生植被的情况下,可对退化草场进行免耕补种,加快退化草场恢复产草量。该文介绍了该机的工作原理、主要工作部件结构特点,并对该机的播种性能进行了台架试验和田间试验。试验结果表明:该机可一次完成切开草皮、切断草根、开沟、播种和覆土等项作业,播量为7.5~90 kg/hm2,开沟深度10~90 mm,适宜大面积天然草场机械化改良。  相似文献   
错开双圆盘开沟器用于玉米根茬地的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对在玉米根茬较大,田地免耕直播时锐角式开沟器易出现挂茬、堵塞等问题,提出了采用错开双圆盘开沟器的方案。该开沟器可一次完成切断秸秆、劈开根茬、开沟施肥、播种的功能,用两圆盘实现传统上用1个圆盘切断秸秆、劈开根茬和2个圆盘开沟的3个圆盘的作用,从而简化播种机结构。通过设计样机,初步试验表明,其切断秸秆能力、入土能力等和机器质量密切相关,当整机配重增加到350kg时,播种机效果良好。  相似文献   
小麦对行免耕播种机试验研究   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
为解决一年可熟区小麦免耕播种作业的技术难题,提出了小麦对行免耕播种的思想;设计了2BMD-12型小麦对行免耕播种机.在玉米行何播种小麦.避开玉米秸秆和根茬。采用了新型高效的带状粉碎防堵机构,防堵性能优良。田问性能试验表明:2BMD-12型小麦对行免耕播种机在玉米直立秸秆和大量秸秆覆盖下。如能实现对行,可以顺利进行播种作业,满足作业质量和作物高产对施肥量的要求.适合我国中小地块、中小功率的特点。  相似文献   
张家口市污水处理厂植物景观设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以张家口市污水处理厂植物景观设计为例,通过对工厂环境设计理念的分析,介绍了在厂区不同区域采用适宜的植物品种及各具特色的植物配植方式,通过植物造景来营造一个清新、优美、舒适的现代花园式厂区环境.  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted from 1983 to 1992 in Tsukuba, Japan to investigate the effects of tillage on soil conditions and crop growth in a light-colored Andosol. Three tillage methods (NT: no-tillage, RT: no-tillage for summer cropping and moldboard plowing for winter cropping, and CT: conventional rotary tillage to a depth of 15 cm) were employed in combination with crop residue application (+R, −R) and fused magnesium phosphate (FMP) fertilization (+P, −P). Under the combination of NT and +R, diurnal variation of soil temperature at a depth of 5 cm was smaller during the summer cropping season and soil temperature in the daytime was lower during the winter cropping season than under CT. Soil inorganic N concentration at a depth of 0–30 cm was +R > −R and NT > RT > CT. The early growth of summer crops was accelerated under NT in comparison with CT, and yields were higher under NT and RT in comparison with CT. On the other hand, winter crop yields were significantly reduced under NT, while they were still higher under RT in comparison with CT. Yields were higher with +R and +P application, respectively, and these effects were more pronounced in winter cropping. The positive effect of FMP fertilization was greater in combination with NT, and that of residue treatment was greater in combination with RT and NT than with CT. In conclusion, the best tillage practice for Andosols on the Kanto Plain is RT, i.e. a combination of NT for summer cropping and CT for winter cropping. The application of NT for winter cropping is not recommended, although the application of phosphate and crop residues could reduce the risk of yield reduction, because of improved soil nutrient status and moderation of diurnal soil temperature.  相似文献   
Intensive tillage for annual crop production may be affecting soil health and quality. However, tillage intensity effects on biological activities of volcanic-derived soils have not been systematically investigated. We evaluated the effects of three different tillage practices on some biological activities of an Ultisol from southern Chile during the third year of a wheat–lupin–wheat crop sequence. Treatments were: no tillage with stubble burning (NTB), no tillage without stubble burning (NT) and conventional tillage with disk-harrowing and stubble burning (CT). Biological activities were evaluated in winter and summer at 0–200 mm and at three soil depths (0–50, 50–100 and 100–200 mm) in winter. Total organic C and N were significantly higher under no-tillage systems than CT. In general, NT increased C and N of microbial biomass in comparison with CT, especially in winter. Microbial biomass C was closely associated with microbial biomass N (r = 0.986, P < 0.05); acid phosphomonoesterase (r = 0.999, P < 0.05); β-glucosidase (r = 0.978, P < 0.05), and others. Changes in biological activities occurred mainly in the upper soil layer (0–50 mm depth) in spite of the short duration of the experiment. Biological activities could be used as practical biological indicators to apply the more appropriate management systems for increasing soil sustainability or productivity.  相似文献   
保护性耕作技术因其具有减少风蚀、保墒、提前播种期等作用,近年来在北方干旱地区得到逐步推广。免耕播种机作为保护性耕作的主要机具,其使用性能直接影响着这一技术的应用。为此,根据目前免耕播种机存在的主要问题,设计了2BQM-6型气吸式免耕播种机,实现了切茬、排茬、施肥、播种及覆土镇压等联合作业。在此基础上,对该免耕播种机重要部件开沟器进行了力学分析,寻找出了开沟器最容易疲劳失效的部位。  相似文献   
现阶段,我国主要采用人工播种牛蒡,存在诸多问题。为此,在现有牛蒡种植方法的基础上,研制了一种牛蒡自动播种机,由铅蓄电池、电动机、动力传动部分、行走机构、筛种机构和播种机构等组成。行走机构能够实现在田地垄上自动行走,筛种机构能按照一定的距离筛出种子且每次仅筛出1粒种子,播种机构能够实现自动播种牛蒡。试验结果表明:该播种机播种成功率达90%以上,且能耗较低,可以广泛应用于牛蒡机械化种植。  相似文献   
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