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为揭示睡莲(基部被子植物)的开花特性,探究雄蕊在睡莲花瓣节律性开放过程中的作用.本研究以蓝鸟睡莲(Nymphaea 'Blue Bird')为实验材料,在去雄(摘除雄蕊)后记录花瓣开放角度和萎蔫时间,并于去雄后第6、24、48及72小时测定花瓣的生理生化指标变化.结果 显示,去雄后睡莲花瓣的开放角度小于对照组,在第48小时与对照组开放角度差异最大,达到49.31°,而去雄后花瓣萎蔫的时间与对照组相同,均出现在第72小时;去雄引起了花瓣多项生理生化指标发生变化,其中,含水量在第24小时与72小时显著低于对照组,比对照组分别低0.7%与0.9%;可溶性糖含量变化显著,在第24小时和48小时比对照组分别高出0.48与0.68 mg/g;脯氨酸(Pro)含量在第72小时显著高于对照组;过氧化物酶(POD)活性从第24小时起比对照组显著升高;而丙二醛(MDA)含量则与对照组无明显差异.以上结果说明,去雄导致了睡莲花瓣开放角度及生理状态发生改变,该发现进一步地揭示了睡莲的开花特性,首次证明了雄蕊对于花瓣节律性开放具有调节作用,为花瓣开放闭合及切花保鲜等领域的研究提供了新的思路.  相似文献   
为了解中国不同麦区小麦种质资源籽粒脂肪氧化酶(lipoxygenase,LOX)活性相关基因TaLox-B1的差异和分布,利用小麦4B染色体上的功能标记LOX16LOX18对7个麦区的436份种质资源进行分子检测。结果表明:在供试材料中共检测到3种TaLox-B1基因等位变异类型,分别为TaLox-B1a(与高LOX活性相关)、TaLox-B1b(与低LOX活性相关)和杂合型,其频率分别为19.0%、70.4%和10.6%。小麦LOX活性基因不同变异类型在各生态区的分布存在明显差异:基因型TaLox-B1a在黄淮冬麦区、北部冬麦区和长江中下游冬麦区分布较多,其比例分别为21.1%、19.8%和17.6%;基因型TaLox-B1b在西南冬麦区和长江中下游冬麦区分布较多,比例分别为87.9%、72.5%;杂合型仅存在于北部冬麦区、黄淮冬麦区与长江中下游冬麦区,比例分别为14.2%、12.4%和9.8%。利用标记LOX16LOX18对53个自选高代品系进行分子检测,发现自选品系仅有TaLox-B1b与杂合型两种基因型,其中基因型TaLox-B1ab有32个,比例为60.4%。采用分子标记辅助选择,有利于快速鉴定小麦籽粒LOX活性,加速LOX的遗传改良和新品种选育。  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the characteristics of ruminal microbial communities of alpacas (Lama pacos) and sheep (Ovis aries) fed three diets with varying ratios of roughage (corn stalk) to concentrate, 3:7 (LS), 5:5 (MS) and 7:3 (HS). Six alpacas (one-year-old and weighing 29.5 ± 7.1 kg) and six sheep (one-year-old and weighing 27.9 ± 2.7 kg) were used in this study, in a replicated 3 × 3 Latin square experiment. Total protozoa concentration was determined under the microscope; total fungi and methanogens were assessed using quantitative polymerase chain reaction and expressed as a percentage of total bacterial 16S rRNA gene copies; bacterial communities were investigated by targeted 16S rRNA gene (V3–V4 region) sequencing. The percentage of fungi was significantly higher in alpacas than in sheep under the LS diet, while the concentration of protozoa was significantly lower in alpacas under HS, MS and LS diets. The alpha diversity including Shannon, Chao l and ACE indices of bacterial communities was higher in alpacas than in sheep, under the LS diet. A total of 299 genera belonging to 22 phyla were observed in the forestomach of alpaca and sheep, with Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes dominating both animal species. Phyla Armatimonadetes and Fusobacteria, as well as 64 genera, were detected only in alpacas, whereas phyla Acidobacteria and Nitrospira, as well as 44 genera, were found only in sheep. The abundance of cellulolytic bacteria, including Butyrivibrio and Pseudobutyrivibrio, was higher in alpacas than in sheep under all three diets. These differences in the forestomach microbial communities partly explained why alpacas displayed a higher poor-quality roughage digestibility, and a lower methane production. Results also revealed that the adverse effects of high-concentrate diets (70%) were lesser in alpacas than in sheep.  相似文献   
为降低棉短绒中的杂质含量,提高棉短绒的质量及收率,对棉短绒清理回收的生产工艺进行了改进,创新连续化多级除杂装备和短绒精细化分离工艺。棉籽清理除杂工艺中,增加了圆筛、棒条机,并且调整了风力清籽机组配置;短绒分离工艺中,增加了五联筛和新型棒条机。改进后的工艺能够提升对毛棉籽的除杂效果,彻底清理剥绒得到的棉短绒中的碎棉仁、棉壳及棉秆等杂质。此外,该工艺还能回收棉短绒下脚料,满足大型生产线的生产要求。  相似文献   
为了构建科学合理、可操作性强的河北省棉田绿盲蝽绿色防控技术体系,于2011-2015年在河北省沧州植棉区开展了棉田绿盲蝽绿色防控技术研究,包括色板诱杀、性信息素、频振式杀虫灯和高效生物农药应用等,并逐步构建了针对棉田绿盲蝽的绿色防控技术体系。根据相关研究发现,该绿色防控技术对棉田绿盲蝽有较好的防治效果,与常规防治区相比,减药控害成果显著。  相似文献   
The potential reproduction power of domestic animals is limited by a complicated follicular atresia process. P53, caspase-9 (Casp9), Bax, Bcl-2 and Fas play a crucial role in the ovarian mitochondrion-dependent apoptosis and death receptor pathway. In accordance with this study, the expression levels of Casp9, Bax, Bcl-2 and Fas were analysed in ovaries and oviducts of yak by immunohistochemistry (IHC). P53 and the above in ovarian granulosa cells (GCs) from atretic (3–6 mm) to healthy follicles (6–8 mm) and in oviducts were examined from the luteal phase to the follicular phase during the oestrous circle by Western blot (WB) and real-time PCR (RT-PCR). Results demonstrated that typical classic apoptotic factors Casp9, Bax, Bcl-2 and Fas were expressed in the cytoplasm and zonal pellucida of oocytes, primordial follicles, primary follicles, ovarian surface epithelium, ovarian GCs, granular lutein cells, surface epithelia in oviduct uterotubal junction and oviduct ampulla during the luteal phase. RT-PCR and WB revealed that P53 and Fas significantly increased in GCs of atretic follicles. P53 and Casp9 increased in oviduct epithelium during the luteal phase, but Fas was unchanged. A contrary tendency was noted in Bcl-2 and Bax expression. Overall, P53 and Fas play an essential role in inducing GC apoptosis, and Bax, Bcl-2, Casp9 and P53 are involved in oviduct epithelial regeneration in yak.  相似文献   
罗春萍  冯娟  项缨  谢庭辉 《核农学报》2020,34(6):1272-1280
食物过敏是当前威胁人类健康的重大食品安全问题之一。辐照技术可以消减食物过敏原,是一项颇具发展潜力的物理消敏技术。本文介绍了辐照消敏技术的特点、原理和发展历程,阐述了辐照消减动物源过敏食物牛乳、鸡蛋、虾、鱼等过敏原致敏性和植物源过敏食物花生、大豆、小麦、坚果等过敏原致敏性的研究进展,分析了辐照消减食物过敏原的效果和影响因素,探讨了辐照消敏技术的发展方向,以期为辐照消敏技术的研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   
林木氮素吸收偏好性及其形成机制研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
森林土壤中可被林木吸收利用的氮(N)素主要以铵态氮(NH4+-N)和硝态氮(NO3--N)的形态存在。受全球气候变暖、氮沉降和人类活动等因素的影响,NH4+和NO3-的分布存在很大的时间波动性和空间异质性,且NH4+-N和NO3--N亏缺已成为限制林地生产力的主要因素。在森林土壤N亏缺和N异质分布的逆境中,在林木长期进化过程中形成了对不同形态N素的吸收偏好,且这种吸收偏好会随生长环境条件而发生改变。特别是对于NH4+和NO3-这2种主要形态的偏好选择性已被证明是决定林木生产力、竞争、共存和生态演替的重要因素之一。对不同树种在N异质分布环境下的N吸收偏好和形成机制的研究,是揭示林木N素营养遗传特性和提高林地N素利用效率的关键。文中从森林土壤中N的主要形态及其分布特征、林木对不同形态N素的吸收偏好和形成机制、林木N吸收偏好的影响因素3个方面进行总结阐述,并对未来研究方向进行展望,以期为我国人工林培育中不同树种的造林配置和合理N素施肥技术提供理论依据和参考。  相似文献   
【目的】 研究施用硅肥对棉花生长发育、产量以及纤维品质的影响,为棉花提质增效提供理论依据。【方法】 分别在棉花蕾期和开花期滴施硅肥,每隔10 d调查棉花的生长发育情况,吐絮期测产调查,取样考种,纤维检测,分析施用硅肥与对照(CK)棉田在生长发育、产量和纤维品质方面的差异。【结果】 滴施硅肥处理的株高低于对照;现蕾速度、蕾转化为铃的速度和数量、果枝生长速度和数量高于对照。滴施硅肥的棉花各产量性状均优于对照。除单铃重略有增加,差异不显著外(P>0.05),滴施硅肥的棉花单株铃数、衣分、籽棉产量、皮棉产量与对照均达到显著性差异(P>0.05)。纤维上半部长度和伸长率有较小水平的提高,断裂比强度、马克隆值和整齐度有所降低,差异不显著。【结论】 硅肥可以加快棉花生长发育的速度、提高棉花的产量和品质。  相似文献   
The secondary bud burst can cause around 10%-20% yield losses in black currants, an economically important crop in parts of Europe, Asia and North America. The metabolism of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been linked to bud dormancy and its early release (secondary bud burst) in several fruit crops. But the relationship between ROS metabolism and the secondary bud burst is still not well understood in black currants. In the present study, two black currant cultivars (Adelinia and Heifeng) with opposing tendency of exhibiting the secondary bud burst were sprayed with abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellic acid (GA3) to either inhibit or induce the secondary bud burst. The results showed that ABA inhibited the secondary bud burst by reducing the contents of ROS (H2O2, O2-?) in buds; decreasing the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT); and increasing the contents of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and ascorbic acid (AsA). GA3 effectively induced the secondary bud burst by increasing ROS contents; increasing the activities of several antioxidant enzymes, such as SOD, POD, CAT, glutathione reductase (GR), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and the contents of reduced glutathione (GSH); and decreasing the contents of AsA. The experimental results showed that GA3 treatment increased the content of ROS, accelerated the metabolism of reactive oxygen species, and promoted the second burst of black currants. However, ROS metabolism was at a low level under ABA treatment, and the buds remained dormant. These results suggested that ROS metabolism might play an important role in the two black currants of the secondary bud burst.  相似文献   
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