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林分空间结构会显著影响其林下幼树更新。为明确其影响林下幼树更新的关键因子,以湖南省青羊湖国有林场青冈栎林天然次生林为研究对象,测量幼树株数密度、树高、地径和冠幅,计算混交度、大小比数、开敞度指数以及聚集指数代表林分空间结构,评价林下幼树更新情况,并用灰色关联度分析方法探究两者间的相关关系。结果表明,青羊湖国有林场13块青冈栎林样地林下更新幼树有6种,分属于4科5属,分别是青冈栎、苦槠、多脉青冈、南酸枣、黄檀、马尾松,青冈栎在更新幼树中占明显优势,是优势树种,幼树重要值为63.09%。青冈栎林各林分空间结构指数与林下更新指数均大于0.5,关联度较高,综合所有林分空间结构指数对林下更新指数关联度的均值来看,对林下更新的影响由大到小为大小比数>开敞度>聚集指数>混交度,大小比数对青冈栎林下更新影响最为显著。在促进青冈栎天然次生林林下更新时,应以调整林木大小分化程度为主,综合考虑林木空间分布格局的调整方案。  相似文献   
为了提高发酵工程课程的教学质量和教学效果,针对发酵工程课程的内容和特点,将互联网+技术与教学相结合,进行了基于超星学习通平台的混合式线上线下教学方式的改革,结果表明:在增强了学生自主学习能力的同时,也促进了教师的自我提升。  相似文献   
为定位水稻芽期耐冷QTL,本实验以双季超级稻品种‘五丰优T025’的双亲‘五丰B’和‘昌恢T025’杂交衍生的重组自交系(recombinant inbred lines, RILs)群体为材料,对10℃低温处理的水稻幼芽的存活率、根数、根长和芽长进行了测定。利用QTL Icimapping v4.2软件,共检测到3个控制芽期耐冷性QTL:qRL1qRL2qBL6,分别位于第1、2、6染色体上,LOD值分别为2.98,2.51和5.26,分别解释表型变异的10.54%,8.67%和14.04%,其增效等位基因均来自于亲本‘昌恢T025’。这些QTL定位在6.75k~40.05 kb染色体区间,为后续利用这些QTL进行分子标记辅助,选育芽期耐冷籼稻新品种奠定了基础。此外,检测到13对影响水稻芽期耐冷上位性互作QTL,分布在所有12条染色体,其中第3染色体与第8染色体之间互作位点可解释的表型变异率达到21.77%,表明上位性互作QTL在调控水稻芽期耐冷过程中也发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   
“经验式”和“创成式”是计算机辅助工艺过程设计的两种基本的技术方法.后一种技术方法虽然还不够成熟,但它在CAPP系统的设计与实现上具有很多的优势.描述了计算机辅助设计在自动车床加工中的一些应用,它涉及到工艺方案的制定和加工工序的安排.另外,它描述了一些特有的计算机算法和编程原理.  相似文献   
The secondary bud burst can cause around 10%-20% yield losses in black currants, an economically important crop in parts of Europe, Asia and North America. The metabolism of reactive oxygen species (ROS) has been linked to bud dormancy and its early release (secondary bud burst) in several fruit crops. But the relationship between ROS metabolism and the secondary bud burst is still not well understood in black currants. In the present study, two black currant cultivars (Adelinia and Heifeng) with opposing tendency of exhibiting the secondary bud burst were sprayed with abscisic acid (ABA) and gibberellic acid (GA3) to either inhibit or induce the secondary bud burst. The results showed that ABA inhibited the secondary bud burst by reducing the contents of ROS (H2O2, O2-?) in buds; decreasing the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT); and increasing the contents of oxidized glutathione (GSSG) and ascorbic acid (AsA). GA3 effectively induced the secondary bud burst by increasing ROS contents; increasing the activities of several antioxidant enzymes, such as SOD, POD, CAT, glutathione reductase (GR), ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and the contents of reduced glutathione (GSH); and decreasing the contents of AsA. The experimental results showed that GA3 treatment increased the content of ROS, accelerated the metabolism of reactive oxygen species, and promoted the second burst of black currants. However, ROS metabolism was at a low level under ABA treatment, and the buds remained dormant. These results suggested that ROS metabolism might play an important role in the two black currants of the secondary bud burst.  相似文献   
为了探讨高原大蒜生长特性及其果聚糖代谢规律,分析叶片生长发育与果聚糖代谢的关系,本研究以"乐都紫皮大蒜"为材料,对不同发育期的大蒜叶片生长情况、生理指标及其果聚糖代谢关键基因的表达特征进行了解析。结果表明:随着生育期的延续,大蒜植株的最大叶长、最大叶宽和单株叶片数均稳步增加。叶片生理指标呈现先升高后降低的趋势,总叶绿素含量在花芽分化之前快速上升,在抽薹期达到最大值2.32 mg/g FW;组织含水量在鳞茎膨大初期达到最大值89.06%,随后急剧降低。在整个发育过程中,大蒜叶片蔗糖:蔗糖1-果糖基转移酶基因(1-SST)和果聚糖外切水解酶基因(1-FEH)表达量存在显著差异,从幼苗期至鳞茎膨大初期,1-SST基因表达量显著高于1-FEH。1-SST的表达在全生育期表现为"升高-降低"的趋势,在抽薹期,1-SST的表达量达到峰值,比幼苗期提高了17.51倍;1-FEH在全生育期的表达量均较低,呈现起伏波动的趋势,在收获期表达量最高,是苗期的2.41倍。综合分析说明,大蒜叶片叶绿素和果聚糖的合成高峰主要在抽薹期,抽薹期是大蒜叶片生长发育和果聚糖代谢的关键时期,大蒜可通过叶绿素的合成以及1-SST和1-FEH的差异表达进一步影响鳞茎果聚糖的累积。  相似文献   
为了研究樟子松梢小卷蛾Rhyacionia pinicolana (Doubleday)(鳞翅目:卷蛾科)的产卵器、复眼和口器上感受器的外部形态、类型和分布特点,从野外采集被害的樟子松侧枝,在室内培养出樟子松梢小卷蛾成虫,通过QUANTA-200型扫描电镜对其进行了观察。观察表明,在樟子松梢小卷蛾产卵器、复眼和口器上共有4种类型感受器,分别是着生于产卵器上的毛形感受器(STⅠ,STⅡ,STⅣ),着生于口器上的毛形感受器Ⅲ型(STⅢ)、栓锥形感受器(SS)和腔锥感受器(coe),着生于复眼上的锥形感受器(SBa)。樟子松梢小卷蛾上观察到的这4种类型的感受器,在形态、类型和分布上,与其他鳞翅目昆虫相同部位观察到的不尽相同。  相似文献   
着重介绍了用压缩空气作介质的客货车ABS系统,介绍了车轮防抱死系统的结构、原理,对客货车ABS所使用的压缩空气制动系统,及其安装调试及诊断维修作了详细的描述,这对从事客货车维修的工作人员有一定的指导意义.  相似文献   
Meltability is one of the most important properties of Mozzarella cheese, as it is generally used in pizza and other foods. Mozzarella was prepared by no salted and immature production technology, and the effect of different addition amounts of salt on the meltability of mozzarella cheese was measured by Schreiber method and small amplitude oscillatory shear analysis(SAOSA) method. The results showed that different adding amounts of NaCl had significant influence on the meltability of Mozzarella cheese, and 2% NaCl addition was the best condition. The results measured by the methods of Schreiber and SAOSA were basically same: adding different amounts of NaCl had significant influence on the hardness and elasticity of mozzarella cheese, but no significant influence on the sticky. It was a good microscopic structure arrangement of Mozzarella cheese with 2% NaCl addition. Scanning electron micrographs showed that a space grid structure formed by casein had changed, and formed many uniform molecular holes. The results indicated that different addition amounts of salt had influence on meltability of no salted immature Mozzarella cheese, and this technology could be drastically shorten the processing time.  相似文献   
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