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以湖北三峡库区秭归地区不同海拔伦晚脐橙(Citrus sinensis Osbeck ‘Lane late’ Navel)果实为试验材料,探讨了湖北三峡库区晚熟脐橙果实枯水防控栽培技术,进行了晚熟脐橙种植区域布局研究,结果表明,在湖北三峡库区,江南晚熟脐橙适宜区域化种植在海拔360 m以下,江北在海拔350 m以下。在适宜范围外,随海拔升高,晚熟脐橙果实品质下降,可食率、果汁率降低,酸下降快,化渣性变差,果实枯水加重。其次,探讨了晚熟脐橙果实枯水防控生产技术,冬季套袋试验效果好,果实枯水比率控制在5%以下,显著低于对照果实(枯水率50%),可有效减轻和防止晚熟脐橙果实枯水,而且套袋果实外观好,品质优。覆膜技术效果其次,果实枯水比率可以控制在20%以下,而且该技术简便、劳动量小且成本较低,可以在生产中应用。  相似文献   
本研究以26份来源于6种金花茶组植物、不同表型防城金花茶和不同月份采收的防城金花茶的成熟叶片为材料,建立同时测定芦丁、槲皮素、木犀草素、山奈酚4种黄酮成分的HPLC法,以及优化了测定茶多酚、总黄酮、总多糖和总皂苷成分含量的紫外分光光度法,基于以上8种成分含量,结合主成分综合评分和聚类分析的化学计量学方法,对不同来源金花茶叶片生化成分进行综合评价。结果表明:8种成分含量在不同来源金花茶叶片中存在差异,其中无名金花茶8种成分含量均较高,四季金花茶、防城金花茶次之;8年生1—12月份采收的防城金花茶叶片中,总皂苷、总黄酮和总多糖含量均表现为升-降-升-降的变化规律,并在10月含量达到最高;5年生不同种(S1~S14)主成分综合评分顺序为:无名金花茶>四季金花茶>防城金花茶(花蕾大、花多、不抗寒、花黄且大、尖果)>显脉金花茶>凹脉金花茶>小果金花茶;8年生不同月份(S15~S26)主成分综合评分顺序为:10月采>2月采>3月采>4月采>5月采>7月采>6月采>1月采>8月采>12月采>11月采>9月采,其中无名金花茶、四季金花茶及防城金花茶中花蕾大、花多、花黄且大等表型的金花茶叶片与2—4月份和10月份采集的8年生金花茶叶片的多指标综合评分排序位列前10;聚类分析结果将供试26份样品分为5类。综上所述,金花茶叶片的生化成分与金花茶植物种类和采收期有关,无名金花茶、四季金花茶和防城金花茶中花蕾大、花多、不抗寒、花黄且大的表现型的综合生化成分较高,初步确定防城金花茶叶片的适宜采收期为2—4月份和10月份,所建立的多指标定量结合化学计量学分析方法为金花茶组植物叶片的生化成分评价提供依据。  相似文献   
为探明长江中游玉米籽粒机械直收适宜品种与配套农艺措施,2018—2019年选用不同玉米品种,测定不同机收时间下玉米关键农艺性状、产量及机收质量指标。结果表明,收获时间对春玉米机收产量与机收质量均有显著影响。延迟1周收获后籽粒容重显著增加,机收产量显著提高,2年平均提高9.72%;而延迟2周收获则有降低机收产量的趋势。2年收获时杂质率总体≤3%,而机收籽粒破碎率与损失率均>5%,是该区域春玉米籽粒机收面临的主要问题。籽粒厚度、籽粒含水率和百粒重是影响机收籽粒破碎率的关键性状,三者与机收籽粒破碎率均呈显著的倒二次曲线关系;玉米的倒伏率、穗位高和重心高度是影响机收损失率的关键性状,倒伏率与机收损失率呈显著正相关,而穗位高和重心高度与机收损失率均呈显著的二次曲线关系。延迟收获能显著降低籽粒含水量,从而降低籽粒破碎率,但继续延迟收获有增加倒伏的风险。综上,长江中游春玉米成熟后适时延迟7~10 d收获,可有效降低籽粒含水量与机收籽粒破碎率,提高玉米籽粒机收产量。  相似文献   
山东省菏泽市及周边地区玉米种植广泛,全株玉米青贮用于养殖牛羊越来越多,为选择出高产优质全株青贮玉米品种,采取随机区组设计,从多个玉米品种中选择7个进行种植试验,对各品种收获期、株高、鲜重、干重、粗蛋白质含量等生产性能和营养指标进行测定。从筛选试验结果来看,渝青386号植株高大、双果穗多、果穗饱满,抗逆性好,可消化营养物质含量高,干物质产量达到18402.67 kg·hm^-2,收割时粗蛋白质含量为8.59%,适合菏泽市及周边地区青贮玉米种植。玉米品种奥玉5102号、先禾518号和大京九4059号也相对较好。  相似文献   
The sustainable intensification of agriculture involves providing sufficient food and other ecosystem services without going beyond the limits of the earth’s system. Here a project management approach is suggested to help guide agricultural policy to deliver these objectives. The first step is to agree measurable outcomes, integrating formal policy goals with the often much less formal and much more diverse goals of individual farmers. The second step is to assess current performance. Ideally, this will involve the use of farm-scale metrics that can feed into process models that address social and environmental domains as well as production issues that can be benchmarked and upscaled to landscape and country. Some policy goals can be delivered by supporting ad hoc interventions, while others require the redesign of the farming system. A pipeline of research, knowledge and capacity building is needed to ensure the continuous increase in farm performance. System models can help prioritise policy interventions. Formal optimization of land use is only appropriate if the policy goals are clear, and the constraints understood. In practice, the best approach may depend on the scale of action that is required, and on the amount of resource and infrastructure available to generate, implement and manage policy.  相似文献   
Developments in soil biology and in methods to characterize soil organic carbon can potentially deliver novel soil quality indicators that can help identify management practices able to sustain soil productivity and environmental resilience. This work aimed at synthesizing results regarding the suitability of a range of soil biological and biochemical properties as novel soil quality indicators for agricultural management. The soil properties, selected through a published literature review, comprised different labile organic carbon fractions [hydrophilic dissolved organic carbon, dissolved organic carbon, permanganate oxidizable carbon (POXC), hot water extractable carbon and particulate organic matter carbon], soil disease suppressiveness measured using a Pythium-Lepidium bioassay, nematode communities characterized by amplicon sequencing and qPCR, and microbial community level physiological profiling measured with MicroRespTM. Prior studies tested the sensitivity of each of the novel indicators to tillage and organic matter addition in ten European long-term field experiments (LTEs) and assessed their relationships with pre-existing soil quality indicators of soil functioning. Here, the results of these previous studies are brought together and interpreted relative to each other and to the broader body of literature on soil quality assessment. Reduced tillage increased carbon availability, disease suppressiveness, nematode richness and diversity, the stability and maturity of the food web, and microbial activity and functional diversity. Organic matter addition played a weaker role in enhancing soil quality, possibly due to the range of composition of the organic matter inputs used in the LTEs. POXC was the indicator that discriminated best between soil management practices, followed by nematode indices based on functional characteristics. Structural equation modeling shows that POXC has a central role in nutrient retention/supply, carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, erosion control and disease regulation/suppression. The novel indicators proposed here have great potential to improve existing soil quality assessment schemes. Their feasibility of application is discussed and needs for future research are outlined.  相似文献   
专业人才培养方案是高职院校培养专门人才的实施方案,为高质量完成人才培养工作提供途径和方法。高职教育实用性人才的培养必须以毕业生就业岗位需求为基础,确定培养目标、建立课程体系、以真实的工作或生产项目为载体完成教学内容、校企合作共同完成人才培养全过程。可以从制定依据、就业岗位、课程体系、项目体系和实践体系等方面实施诊断工作,保证人才培养方案质量。  相似文献   
为研究不同采收期甜玉米品质性状的变化,以7个国内生产主推甜玉米品种为研究材料,设置授粉后15、18、21、24、27、30天共计6个采收期,动态监测甜玉米籽粒含水率、果皮厚度和糖组分等指标。结果表明:(1)参试甜玉米品种的籽粒含水率在授粉后15~30天呈下降趋势,其籽粒含水率变幅为80.09%~68.76%。不同甜玉米品种间籽粒含水率的平均下降速率各异。‘京科甜608’、‘京科甜533’和‘中农大甜413’籽粒含水率下降速率相对缓慢。(2)参试甜玉米品种果皮厚度随授粉后天数增加呈先升高后降低的单峰变化趋势,峰值出现在授粉后21天左右。不同品种间籽粒平均果皮厚度以‘京科甜608’和‘米哥’最低,为78.40 μm;‘中农大甜413’最高,为91.63 μm。(3)参试甜玉米品种籽粒中葡萄糖和果糖含量在授粉后15~30天呈降低趋势,‘京科甜533’、‘京科甜183’、‘京科甜608’葡萄糖和果糖含量在授粉后15~24天相对较高。蔗糖和山梨醇含量随授粉后天数增加呈先升高后降低趋势,在授粉后21~30天,蔗糖含量以‘京科甜158’和‘米哥’含量相对较高。籽粒发育初期(授粉后21天之前),籽粒中以果糖和葡萄糖为主,之后蔗糖逐渐增加。不同品种间,‘京科甜533’、‘京科甜183’、‘中农大甜413’和‘京科甜608’籽粒中总糖含量均高于‘米哥’,其籽粒中糖组分主要以果糖和葡萄糖等还原性糖为主,而蔗糖含量相对较低。  相似文献   
金农糖橘是柑橘新品种,肉质脆嫩,汁多味浓甜,有香味、口感好、品质极优。该品种果实挂树期长,采摘上市时间弹性大,耐贮藏,市场发展前景好。本文概述了金农糖橘的特征特性,并分别从肥水管理、花果管理、病虫害防治等几个方面总结了该品种的栽培管理措施,以期为金农糖橘的品种推广提供依据。  相似文献   
Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of alternative assessment methods, harvest strategies and management approaches are an important part of operationalizing single‐species and ecosystem‐based fisheries management. Simulations run using two variants of a whole‐of‐ecosystem model for the Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery (SESSF) area shows that (a) data‐rich assessments outperform data‐poor assessments for target species and that this performance is reflected in the values of many system‐level ecosystem indicators; (b) ecosystem and multispecies management outperforms single‐species management applied over the same domain; (c) investment in robust science‐based fisheries management pays dividends even when there are multiple jurisdictions, some of which are not implementing effective management; and (d) that multispecies yield‐oriented strategies can deliver higher total catches without a notable decline in overall system performance, although the resulting system structure is different to that obtained with other forms of ecosystem‐based management.  相似文献   
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