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The aim of this research was to determine the effect of three different fertilizing systems, including organic, conventional, and integrated ones, on the yield, fruit quality, antioxidant activity, and some phenolic compounds of white seedless grape. The study was carried out on several 6-year-old white seedless grapevine located in the Urmia Province (North-West Iran). The results showed that the fruit physical characteristics and yield were affected significantly by different fertilization systems. The highest yield was observed in the conventional fertilization, followed by organic and integrated systems. The leaf mineral contents were obviously dependent on the different fertilization used, whereas pH and titratable acidity were not affected. Based on our results, the highest values of antioxidant activity and total flavonoid were found in the organic and integrated fertilization systems, respectively. Also, the highest contents of total phenolic, catechin, and quercetin-3-galactoside were observed in the organic fertilization system. Overall, the highest nutritional quality and biochemical characteristics of white seedless grape were obtained in organic fertilization system, which improved antioxidant capacity by enhancing total phenolics, total flavonoids and valuable phenolic compounds.  相似文献   
近年,畜牧养殖业蓬勃发展,过去的区域化散养已经基本不存在,养殖结构逐渐向集约化、一体化、规模化过渡,养殖规模也逐渐增大。养殖副产品肉、蛋、奶等极大满足了人们的生产生活,养殖中产生的尿液、粪污对生态环境造成极大影响。为促进规模化养殖实现绿色健康发展,该文分析规模化畜牧养殖对生态环境的破坏及防治措施。  相似文献   
原产欧美的花枝鼠,深受人们喜爱,已成为中国家养鼠的新品种。通过对花枝鼠的识别要点、生活习性及繁殖要点的介绍,从家庭养殖环境选择、饲料的选择与喂养、科学饮水、疾病防控等方面,论述了花枝鼠的家庭健康养殖技术,为家庭健康饲养花枝鼠提供参考。  相似文献   
本研究基于2001—2017年中国奶牛存栏量统计数据,运用奶牛养殖布局指数、奶牛养殖重心模型和空间自相关模型分析方法,分析中国奶牛养殖生产布局在时间和空间上的演变过程和特征。结果表明:①东北和内蒙古产区奶牛存栏量呈下降趋势,华北产区保持稳定上升,西部产区缓慢上升,南方产区和大城市周边产区呈下降趋势;内蒙古、新疆和黑龙江稳居奶牛养殖主产区的主导地位,但优势逐渐减弱,以河南为代表的新兴产区奶牛养殖发展迅速。②奶牛养殖重心呈现出先向东南方向移动再向西南方向移动的演变趋势。③省际间奶牛存栏量具有全局空间正相关性且相关性不断增强,并已在黑龙江、山西、贵州、广东、海南、云南、广西、河南、陕西、青海、吉林、辽宁和河南出现局部地理集聚现象。最后,提出促进我国奶业发展的相关建议。  相似文献   
为探究播期对直播水稻产量、花后干物质和氮素积累与转运的影响,以水稻品种白粳1号、长白9号和龙粳31号为供试材料,设置3个播期(SD1、SD2和SD3),比较不同播期条件下3个品种的产量、抽穗期和成熟期各器官干物质及氮素积累与转运特点。3个品种抽穗期和成熟期各器官干物质及氮素积累量、抽穗至成熟期各器官干物质及氮素转运量和产量均表现为SD2>SD3>SD1。相关分析表明,产量与成熟期穗干物质及氮素积累量呈显著正相关,与叶片干物质和氮素转运量呈显著正相关。在本试验条件下,播期的推迟提高了3个品种有效穗数及结实率,进而提高了产量,同时促进了各器官物质转运量与转运率的提高。各品种SD2处理的产量及花后干物质、氮素积累量最高,SD2为适宜播期。  相似文献   
科学分析奶牛养殖区域比较优势,是优化中国奶牛养殖生产布局的前提条件。利用2001-2017年中国乳业数据,通过面板数据模型分析影响中国奶牛养殖生产布局的关键因素,基于比较优势理论、采用资源禀赋系数法,针对关键因素进一步分析中国奶牛养殖区域比较优势,探讨中国奶牛养殖生产布局的优化方向。研究结果表明:中国奶牛养殖生产布局主要受到玉米产量、生产者预期和温度的影响,不同地区在这三个方面具有不同的奶牛养殖比较优势。奶牛养殖优势区域主要集中在华北产区和西部产区,包括内蒙古、河北、山西、新疆、甘肃和宁夏;非优势区域主要集中在南方产区,包括上海、江苏、浙江、福建、湖北、湖南、广东、四川、安徽、江西和广西;其余省份为较优势区域,主要集中在东北产区和大城市周边产区。因此,从区域发展层面,提出建设优势区域产业带、因地制宜发展较优势区域、引导非优势区域转移和整合区域资源优势等建议;从奶牛养殖生产布局显著性影响因素层面,提出推广种养结合养殖模式、种植替代玉米的饲料作物、引导乳制品消费、改善养殖基础设施等建议。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]目前中国畜牧业正处于加快转型的重要时期,了解相关技术的发展态势对于畜牧业的发展具有一定的借鉴意义。[方法/过程]本文以设施畜牧业领域技术研发的3个主要方向:笼舍技术、饲喂饮水技术和环境控制技术的相关专利为研究对象,利用专利计量的方法对其发展趋势、技术分支、申请人、各阶段重点专利等进行了分析。[结果/结论]笼舍、饲喂饮水和环境控制技术发展同步经历了萌芽期、波动发展期、快速发展期3个阶段,当前申请量呈现直线上升的态势;技术研发主体以企业为主,各研发单位之间技术布局差异性明显;近些年重点专利中的国内专利明显增多;笼舍技术方面装置研发均侧重于粪尿清除、垫板等技术;饲喂饮水技术方面饲喂技术的研究多于饮水技术,且均侧重于研发自动化设备;环境控制技术侧重于废弃物处理技术、空气调节技术和房舍清洁刷洗技术。  相似文献   
The Australian perennial shrubs, oldman saltbush (Atriplex nummularia) and rhagodia (Rhagodia preissii), can complement the diets of sheep grazing moderate‐quality cereal residues. We compared liveweight change, organic matter digestibility, nitrogen and mineral balance, wool growth and methane emissions of Merino wethers offered oaten hay (OMD 622 g kg?1 DM; N 9.74 g kg?1 DM) with and without shrub biomass (substituted at 25% of OM). Diets were fed at restricted levels for 1 month. Substituting hay with shrub biomass significantly decreased liveweight loss, increased clean wool growth and increased apparent absorption of phosphorus compared to the hay alone. Substitution of hay with both saltbush and rhagodia led to over 23% greater clean wool growth. Nitrogen balance and apparent digestion of organic matter, calcium and magnesium did not vary significantly between animals on the diets. Wethers on the rhagodia and hay diets had similar enteric methane emissions, while animals offered the saltbush diet had significantly higher emissions (L/OM intake). When methane is expressed in terms of wool growth, animals on the rhagodia diet produced 26% less methane for every gram of wool.  相似文献   
Aeration systems used in BFT farming need to meet the dissolved oxygen demand from the biota present in the tank, as well as to keep the particulate matter in suspension. In BFT systems, it is common to use blowers, but the choice of an aerator with better efficiency in oxygen transfer and in electric energy consumption is indispensable. The vertical pump model (VPM) aerator is the most used in intensive tilapia production systems in southern Brazil. The objective of this research was to verify if this aerator model can support Nile tilapia farming under BFT system without producing negative impacts on the functionality neither of the biofloc nor in the production indexes. Simultaneous farming on BFT using blowers served as control. Oreochromis niloticus juveniles with an initial density of 7 kg/m3 were used. After 56 days of farming, the VPM aerator obtained significantly better results, both in water quality parameters and in production indexes, when compared to those obtained in the control treatment. The temperature was higher in the treatment of the blowers due to the lower thermal exchange between the atmospheric air and the tank water. Although the VPM caused lower temperatures, it obtained a productivity of 21.2 kg/m3, compared to 20.2 kg/m3 of the blowers. It was concluded that the use of the VPM aerator had no negative influence on both the formation and functionality of the biofloc, obtaining even higher production rates.  相似文献   
2012年,国务院提出了《国家中长期动物疫病防治规划(2012—2020年)》,要求对16种动物疫病逐步进行控制、净化和消除。基于此,本文利用全国297个规模养鸡场的调查数据,采用随机效应模型,分析疫病净化对养鸡场动物后代繁育的影响。结果表明,已净化养鸡场的日最高产蛋率、种蛋合格率、种蛋受精率、受精蛋孵化率分别比未净化养鸡场高1.091%、1.090%、0.892%、0.528%。相比已净化养鸡场与未净化养鸡场之间后代繁育指标的差异,净化不同病种带来的差异较小。增加疫苗投入、减少兽药使用、合理设置技术人员数量可有效提升鸡群的后代繁育能力,采用封闭式的栏舍、非笼养的饲养方式、非自繁自养的引种方式以及整批的出栏方式可在某种程度上提高养鸡场动物的后代繁育能力。全国7个区域中,华北地区养鸡场的后代繁育能力最强。建议国家加强对疫病净化的宣传,积极组织疫病净化方面的培训和交流。养鸡场在开展疫病净化的同时,重视疫苗免疫工作,尽可能减少兽药的使用,有效地聘用技术人员。  相似文献   
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