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A disease causing the decline of papaya (Carica papaya) plants was noticed in the Jordan Valley in 1982. The disease caused severe yellowing of the upper leaves and dieback of the apex. The disease was not transmissible mechanically and continued efforts to associate viruses and viroids have so far been unsuccessful. Epidemiological observations suggested that the disease is airborne and probably caused by a mollicute. In order to test this hypothesis, plots were covered by an insect-proof net and with white nets providing 15, 30 and 50% shade. The 30%, 50% and insect-proof nettings provided complete protection, and the 15% netting reduced disease incidence to <2%, compared with>37% in the uncovered control plot. Spraying plants at weekly intervals with a commercial whitewash solution was also found to be effective in reducing disease incidence. The advantages of using a range of netting field treatments as a simple means for obtaining information on the epidemiological nature of a new disease are described.  相似文献   
A field experiment was conducted during the winter seasons of 1992–93 and 1993–94 at Anand to study the effect of FYM, nitrogen and source of fertilizer on growth and yield of mustard [ Brassica juncea (L.) Czernj & Cosson]. The results showed significant variation in leaf area index (LAI), crop growth rate (CGR), dry matter production and seed yield. The direct effect of farmyard manure (FYM) was conspicuous in improving the growth of mustard. FYM application at 10 tonnes ha−1 significantly increased the LAI, CGR and dry matter accumulation per plant at almost all the stages during first year study (1992–93) and in pooled analysis. Similarly, nitrogen application registered maximum LAI, CGR at 75 kg level and RGR and NAR at 50 kg level at almost all the during both years. Sulphur carrying source (Ammonium sulphate plus single super phosphate) increased all stages growth characters. Maximum dry matter accumulation per plant and seed yield were recorded with highest levels of FYM (20 tonnes ha−1), N (75 kg ha−1) and source having S. Seed yield was strongly associated with LAI and dry matter accumulation per plant at all the stages.  相似文献   
The loss of final tuber weight of Eleocharis kuroguwai Ohwi by shading during the early tuber formation period (TFP) is overcome by exposure to unshaded daylight thereafter (late TFP). In the present study, the growth parameters that contribute to the dry matter increase (DMI) per day of tubers in the late TFP were examined. DMI of the tuber during the late TFP was determined by that of the whole plant and the ratio of the DMI of the tuber to that of the whole plant during this period. The ratio of the DMI of the tuber to that of the whole plant during the late TFP was significantly correlated with the DMI of the whole plant during the first 14 days of the late TFP. During the late TFP after the exposure to unshaded daylight, DMI of the whole plant correlated with the surface area of the stem (SAS) and net assimilation ratio (NAR), and the SAS correlated with the stem dry weight (DW) and specific stem-surface area (SSA). SSA negatively influenced NAR, but NAR was increased by unshading. During the late TFP after shading, the effect of the decrease of the stem DW due to shading on the DMI of the whole plant was mitigated by the large SAS and high NAR. These results indicate that the growth parameters that contribute to the DMI of tuber during the late TFP after exposure to unshaded daylight are SAS and NAR just after unshading, and SSA during this period.  相似文献   
Stratospheric ozone (O3) depletion has led to increased terrestrial ultraviolet‐B (UV‐B) radiation (290–320 nm). Leaves exposed to this radiation produce UV‐absorbing compounds in the epidermal cells, which protect plants from UV‐B damage. To determine the role of UV‐absorbing compounds in the UV‐B sensitivity of weeds (common chickweed (Stellaria media), downy brome (Bromus tectorum), green smartweed (Polygonum scabrum), redroot pigweed (Amaranthus retroflexus), spotted cat’s‐ear (Hypochoeris radicata), and stork’s‐bill (Erodium cicutarium)) seedlings were exposed to 0, 4 (field ambient), 7 (18% O3 depletion) and 11 (37% O3 depletion) kJ m?2 d?1 of biologically effective UV‐B radiation in a greenhouse. Ultraviolet‐absorbing compounds were extracted from the second true‐leaf (0.5 cm2 samples) with methanol : distilled water : HCl (79 : 20 : 1) in an 85°C water bath for 15 min, and the absorbance of the extracts measured at 300 nm. The shoot dry biomass was recorded to determine the susceptibility to UV‐B radiation. Common chickweed was the most sensitive and green smartweed the least sensitive weed to UV‐B radiation. The latter accumulated more UV‐absorbing compounds and this accumulation occurred earlier compared with common chickweed. As UV‐BBE radiation levels increased from 0 to 11 kJ m?2 d?1, the green smartweed shoot biomass did not decline. However, the biomass of all five susceptible species declined despite an increase in the UV‐absorbing compounds in response to increased UV‐B radiation. Therefore, formation of a ‘UV‐screen’ in these species is not sufficient to fully prevent UV‐B damage. When the concentration of UV‐absorbing compounds in the six species was plotted against their susceptibility to UV‐B radiation, no relationship was observed. Thus, while the accumulation of UV‐absorbing compounds may be a major factor in the protection of certain species against UV‐B radiation and may offer some degree of defence in other species, it does not explain UV‐B susceptibility differences in weedy species in general.  相似文献   
帆布面积增加在促进网口扩张的同时,也使网具整体阻力增加.为了明晰帆布面积对网具整体作业性能的影响,以网口面积与网具阻力的比值(K)作为帆张网网具性能比较参数,通过模型实验分析帆布面积对网具作业性能的影响,结果显示,流速为0.24 m/s时,K值随帆布面积增加而递增,但增速逐渐趋缓,帆布面积趋于0.288 m2时,K呈现...  相似文献   
草地净第一性生产力(NPP)是全球变化与陆地生态系统研究的核心内容之一。草地NPP的模拟方法从站点实测法、统计模型发展到了机理性的过程模型,NPP的站点实测数据为统计模型和过程模型模拟结果提供参考。统计模型通过NPP和温度、降雨等气候因子或者直接与遥感获得的植被指数建立统计关系计算NPP;过程模型从机理上对植物的生物生理过程进行模拟并能够对NPP的影响因子进行分析,主要过程包括了光合作用、生长和维持呼吸、蒸散、氮吸收和释放、光合物质分配与分解,和季相变化等。遥感过程模型通过遥感手段获得地表覆盖状况、植被冠层结构变量值(如LAI)、地表反射率、地表辐射温度及土壤水分状况等作为重要参数应用到模型中,改善了模拟结果的时空精度,成为当前草地生产力模型的主要研究方向。最后对遥感监测草地NPP研究中存在的问题进行了分析并提出了展望。  相似文献   
在前一研究结果的基础上,选用8个对UV-B辐射耐受性不同的小麦品种(4个耐性品种和4个敏感品种),进一步对其进行RAPD分析。结果表明,8个小麦品种间存在着明显的遗传多态性。聚类分析显示,在遗传距离为0.35的水平上,可将它们明显区分出耐性和敏感两大类,这与其生长响应指数(RI)的判定结果基本一致。4个耐性品种共同具有1500bp(OPA-12)的特征谱带,这一分子标记可能与小麦耐UV-B辐射相关,有待进一步研究。  相似文献   
用水培法研究Ce(Ⅲ)对紫外辐射(UV-B,280 ̄320nm)胁迫下油菜幼苗光合色素含量与希尔反应活性变化对光合作用的影响。静态数据表明,20mg·L-1CeCl3能有效减缓紫外辐射(T1/0.15W·m-2和T2/0.45W·m-2)胁迫所导致的光合速率下降,叶绿素与类胡萝卜素含量减少及Hill反应活性降低,使得Ce UV-B组各项指标虽低于CK,但明显优于UV-B组。动态曲线显示,Ce减缓了UV-B胁迫期各项指标的下降趋势,加快恢复期的上升速度,且最终达到较好的恢复效果。通过对Chl含量、Hill反应活性与Pn的相关统计学分析发现,Ce对UV-B辐射胁迫下Hill反应活性和叶绿素含量的调节具有改善光合功能的作用,且对Hill反应活性的调节作用大于叶绿素含量。  相似文献   
用水培法研究了Ce(Ⅲ)对紫外辐射(UV-B,280 ̄320nm)胁迫下油菜幼苗光合量子效率与羧化效率变化对光合作用的影响。结果表明,20mg·L-1CeCl3能有效减缓紫外辐射(T1/0.15W·m-2和T2/0.45W·m-2)胁迫所导致饱和光光合速率(Ps)、饱和CO2光合速率(Pm)、表观量子效率(AQY)与羧化效率(CE)的降低,使得Ce UV-B组各项指标虽低于CK,但明显优于UV-B组。动态曲线显示,Ce减缓了UV-B胁迫期各项指标的下降趋势,加快恢复期的上升速度,且最终达到较好的恢复效果。通过对AQY、CE与Pn的相关统计学分析发现,低剂量UV-B辐射胁迫下Ce对AQY调节对改善光合功能的作用大于CE。高剂量下则是CE的变化起主要作用。  相似文献   
蚯蚓通过取食、排泄、分泌黏液、挖掘洞穴等活动,可显著改善土壤结构,提高土壤肥力.为探究蚯蚓与有机物料不同配施方式对茶园土壤肥力的调控效果与机理,设计5个处理组:不施肥(CK),不施肥+蚯蚓(BE),菜籽饼+蚯蚓(CE),茶树修剪物+蚯蚓(JE),生物质炭+蚯蚓(TE),分别进行室内模拟实验.结果显示,与不施肥(CK)相...  相似文献   
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