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[目的/意义]地方文献是重要的文化资源,地方文献的收藏、整理、再造,是对历史文化的传承,也是推动地方文化建设、提升民众文化生活质量的必然要求。[方法/过程]概述上海图书馆“从武康路出发”的实践,总结地方文献资源和文旅融合的经验。对西北五省区省级公共图书馆地方文献资源数据库进行调查,分析文献收藏特点和不足之处。[结果/结论]根据调研结果从加强地方文献资源的收集整理、深入挖掘地方文献资源、加大地方文献资源的宣传力度、开展广泛的合作等方面提出建设思路。  相似文献   
目的 探究薄型子宫内膜的病因机制,分析临床现行的处理策略,加深对薄型子宫内膜的认识,更好地指导临床工作。方法 整理、分析最新薄型子宫内膜的中西医研究文献成果。结果 当代医学对薄型子宫内膜病因机制阐述颇多,处理策略多样,但均存在一定局限性,还未形成统一的治疗原则。中医治疗多以补肾活血为大法,显示出较好的优势。结论 学者对薄型子宫内膜病因的认知尚未形成共识,发病机制仍不明确,治疗效果各异。中西医治疗各有优势,较西医治疗,中药、针灸具有多靶点整合,整体网络调节等优点,成效显著,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   
In mammals, excess energy is stored primarily as triglycerides, which are mobilized when energy demands arise and cannot be covered by feed intake. This review mainly focuses on the role of long chain fatty acids in disturbed energy metabolism of the bovine species. Long chain fatty acids regulate energy metabolism as ligands of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors. Carnitine acts as a carrier of fatty acyl groups as long-chain acyl-CoA derivatives do not penetrate the mitochondrial inner membrane. There are two different types of disorders in lipid metabolism which can occur in cattle, namely the hypoglycaemic-hypoinsulinaemic and the hyperglycaemic-hyperinsulinaemic type with the latter not always associated with ketosis. There is general agreement that fatty acid β-oxidation capability is limited in the liver of (ketotic) cows. In accord, supplemental L-carnitine decreased liver lipid accumulation in periparturient Holstein cows. Of note, around parturition concurrent oxidation of fatty acids in skeletal muscle is highly activated. Also peroxisomal β-oxidation in liver of dairy cows may be part of the hepatic adaptations to a negative energy balance (NEB) to break down fatty acids. An elevated blood concentration of nonesterified fatty acids is one of the indicators of NEB in cattle among others like increased β-hydroxy butyrate concentration, and decreased concentrations of glucose, insulin, and insulin-like growth factor-I. Assuming that liver carnitine concentrations might limit hepatic fatty acid oxidation capacity in dairy cows, further study of the role of acyl-CoA dehydrogenases and/or riboflavin in bovine ketosis is warranted.  相似文献   
目的 通过整理、分析古代文献中古代医家治疗男性不育症所用方药,探讨古代治疗男性不育症用药特点。方法 收集古代文献治疗男性不育相关方剂93首,把方剂中所用中药录入Excel表格,进行频数频率统计,对高频次药物功效、归经的分布进行统计分析。结果 93首方剂共215味药物,药物的临床功效共20种;古代男性不育症的病机以虚证为主;其中使用频数在前22位的药物功效主要是补虚药、温里药、收涩药、利水渗湿药、安神药、活血化瘀药、攻毒杀虫止痒药、清热药,入肾药物占91.0%。结论 古代治疗男性不育症用药特点是以补虚药为主,同时攻补兼施、寒热并用、表里兼顾,注重调和阴阳气血平衡及补肾益精。  相似文献   
巩莉 《绿色科技》2020,(6):23-25
基于地面气象观测资料和通用热气候指数,研究了中国东部沿海17个海岛旅游地1979~2018年40年平均的气候舒适度以及这40年间的变化趋势。结果显示:依据气候舒适期年内分布特征,17个海岛旅游地的年均舒适日数都为140~200d以内;依据气候舒适度的年内分布特征,海坛岛和崇武两岛为全年舒适型,葫芦岛、长山岛、秦皇岛、月岛、长岛、芝罘岛、刘公岛、秦山岛、嵊泗列岛9个岛屿旅游地为春、夏、秋舒适型,南澳岛、万山群岛、东升岛、湛江海岛、上川岛、涠洲岛6个岛屿旅游地为春、秋、冬舒适型。  相似文献   
茶多酚是茶叶的主要活性成分,具有抗氧化、抗肿瘤、抗衰老、降血糖、防辐射等多种生物学活性。然而,茶多酚的不稳定性极大限制其进一步开发应用。茶多酚易受光线、温度、pH等因素影响而发生氧化、聚合和缩合,从而使其活性改变。因此,茶多酚组分的高通量快速检测在生物学及临床上具有重要意义。高效液相色谱法、毛细管电泳法、近红外光谱法、核磁共振等均是茶多酚组分高通量检测的主要方法,但这些方法各有优劣。对茶多酚高通量快速检测技术及其相关应用进行了归纳和总结,并对其优势及存在的问题进行分析,以期为茶多酚组分的高通量检测提供参考。  相似文献   
为了更加全面地掌握无核葡萄胚败育机制研究进展,明晰相关的研究结果和存在问题。笔者对国内外近年来相关的研究成果进行了综述,发现研究成果主要集中在细胞学、生理生化、无核性状遗传规律、无核基因的分子标记和无核相关基因功能5个方面。然而有关胚发育及败育过程中基因种类、基因间如何互作,调控网络等方面研究还相对欠缺。最后对今后的趋势提出展望,认为可运用多组学联合分析从整体上探讨无核葡萄胚败育机制。  相似文献   
Fishes are sensitive to their thermal environment and face an uncertain future in a warming world. Theoretically, populations in novel environments might express greater levels of phenotypic variability to increase the chance of surviving—and eventually thriving—in the new conditions. Most research on the effect of the early thermal environment in fish species focuses on average phenotypic effects rather than phenotypic variability, but to understand how fishes will respond to rising temperatures we need to consider both the average response of the population, as well as the breadth of individual responses. Here we present the first meta‐analysis on the effects of developmental temperature in fishes. Using data from 43 species and over 6,000 individual fish, we show that a change in developmental temperature induces a significant change in phenotypic means and variability, but differently depending on whether the temperature is increased or decreased. Decreases in temperature (cool environments) showed a significant decrease in phenotypic means and no change in phenotypic variability. Increases in temperature (warm environments) showed a non‐significant increase in phenotypic means and a marginally significant increase in phenotypic variability. Larger increases in temperature saw greater increases in phenotypic variability, but no increase in the mean phenotypic response. Together, our results suggest that fishes exhibit both directed and stochastic developmental plasticity in response to warming temperatures, which could facilitate or accelerate adaptation to a changing environment.  相似文献   
通过检索相关文献,分析了1959以来中国有关竹刻的研究现状。结果表明,中国的竹刻研究呈现明显的阶段性、地域性,在研究涉及的领域和具体内容上存在着局限性。在文献分析的基础上,提出了今后竹刻研究的重点方向,即通过与心理学、传播学、教育学、社会学等学科结合,多层面、多方向、多角度展示中国竹刻工艺。  相似文献   
家庭农场的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
赖作莲 《中国农学通报》2014,30(34):276-281


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