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基于河南省人居环境现状,分别对郑州、洛阳、商丘和漯河四地市进行了实地调研,通过建立二元Logistic模型,分析了影响居民垃圾分类意愿高低的因素。结果表明:文化程度、经济发展、政策支持对提高居民垃圾分类意愿具有较强的正相关影响,而居民人居环境满意度对提高垃圾分类意愿具有负相关影响;女性相比男性的垃圾分类意愿更高,城市居民相比农村居民的垃圾分类意愿更高。基于此结论,从政府和社会两个方面分别提出了相关建议,以供参考。  相似文献   
滦河流域气候变化与人类活动对径流的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
以滦河流域为研究区域,应用敏感性分析和双累积曲线法分析气候变化和人类活动对研究区径流变化的影响。结果表明:研究区流域径流存在明显的下降趋势,与基准期(1956—1979年)相比,变化期(1980—2013年)径流量减少了52.59mm(50.43%);滦河流域径流对降水的敏感性系数Q/P为0.336 1,对潜在蒸散发的敏感性系数Q/E_0为-0.123 5,气候变化影响量为22.23mm;滦河流域径流变化过程中,人类活动影响量为32.07mm,其贡献率为57.26%,远大于气候变化的影响39.69%,人类活动的影响是导致滦河流域径流减少的主要因素。  相似文献   
以斑马鱼和巨噬细胞作为体内、外感染模型,比较无乳链球菌鱼源株GD201008-001与人源株A909的致病性差异,利用iTRAQ技术和质谱分析技术进行差异表达蛋白鉴定,以期为揭示无乳链球菌不同宿主来源株致病机制提供新思路。实验通过测定菌株GD201008-001、A909的斑马鱼半数致死量和巨噬细胞吞噬率,比较二者致病性差异;提取全菌蛋白,经iTRAQ试剂标记后进行质谱鉴定,质谱数据用软件Mascot 2.2和Proteome Discoverer 1.4进行查库(Uni Prot数据库)鉴定及定量分析,并对差异蛋白进行GO功能注释和KEGG通路分析。结果显示,GD201008-001毒力显著高于A909;通过iTRAQ分析两株菌差异表达蛋白,发现差异蛋白涉及的生物学功能较为广泛,在鉴定出的368个差异表达蛋白中,GD201008-001中上调表达蛋白193个(比值1.5),下调表达蛋白175个(比值0.667)。生物信息学分析预测这些蛋白主要涉及26个生物学功能,14个通路,推测Clp X、Glm S和Cps IVK可能在两株菌致病性差异中发挥重要作用。本研究为阐明无乳链球菌不同宿主来源株致病性差异奠定了基础。  相似文献   
  1. The Alaskan Matanuska‐Susitna Basin (MSB) provides habitat for all five Pacific salmon species, and their large seasonal spawning runs are important both ecologically and economically. However, the encroachment of human development through urbanization and extractive industries poses a serious risk to salmon habitat in the MSB.
  2. Using systematic conservation planning techniques, different methods of incorporating anthropogenic risks were assessed to determine how to conserve salmon habitat in the area cost‐effectively.
  3. The consequences of four distinct conservation scenarios were quantified: no consideration either of urbanization or extractive industries (‘Risk ignored’ scenario); accounting for the risk of urbanization, and avoiding conservation in all areas rich in fossil fuels (‘Urbanization accounted, all extraction avoided’ scenario); accounting for urbanization and oil and gas development, but avoiding conservation in coal‐rich areas (‘Urbanization accounted, coal areas avoided’ scenario); and accounting for all anthropogenic risks to habitat, and allowing conservation in oil, gas, or coal‐rich areas (‘All risks accounted’ scenario). To compare conservation success and resilience, the impacts of these risks were estimated using Monte Carlo simulations. The final cost of each solution was then divided by the number of conservation targets met to determine a return on investment.
  4. Results from scenarios that avoided all extractive activities, or only coal, suggest that conservation targets cannot be met simply by avoiding areas rich in fossil fuels, and these scenarios resulted in lower returns on investment than those in which risks from extraction were incorporated into the solution.
  5. By developing a method for setting priorities that are economically based, this study provides a method for local managers and conservation groups to identify conservation opportunities in MSB river basins.
人地协调视角下农村居民点利用质量评价与提升策略   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
农村居民点高质量利用是乡村振兴的一种具体表现,综合开展农村居民点质量评价、全面改善质量障碍要素是科学编制村庄规划和优化农村要素配置的基础。该研究以北京市平谷区为例,从土地集约利用和人居环境品质相互协调的视角界定农村居民点利用质量内涵并构建评价体系,综合运用熵权-TOPSIS法、变异系数修正的弹性系数法和障碍度诊断模型,对农村居民点利用质量进行评价并提出相应的提升策略。结果表明:1)平谷区农村居民点土地集约利用水平中等偏高,人居环境品质和农村居民点利用综合质量则中等偏低。2)平谷区农村居民点类型表现为中等质量主导、高质量次之、低质量偏少,对应着从脱钩F弱型、脱钩T弱型、正向挂钩F强型、负向挂钩F弱型、正向挂钩T强型、负向挂钩T弱型、正向挂钩T-F同强型、负向挂钩T-F同弱型的村庄数量依次降低。3)平谷区农村居民点高质量利用的障碍要素主要体现在规模强度、空间布局、生活环境和生产环境4个维度,从高质量到低质量利用类型,障碍因素数量增多、作用程度逐渐增大。4)平谷区应充分发挥生态环境优势,在"整体化、集约化、人本化和善治化"战略导向下,按照"高质量利用类适当优化、中等质量利用类同步调控、低质量利用类系统整治"策略,分类有序地推进农村居民点质量提升。  相似文献   
稻鸭共作中CH4和N2O排放规律及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
稻鸭共作是目前稻田种养中的一种典型模式,其主要特点是利用鸭子在稻田内的活动,实现经济效益和生态效益的双赢。鸭子的存在丰富了生物多样性,充分利用了稻田生态位。鸭子的持续运动、觅食、排泄等活动会影响稻田温室气体甲烷(CH_4)和氧化亚氮(N_2O)的排放和全球增温潜势(GWP)。本文结合稻鸭共作中鸭子对稻田环境的扰动行为,从水体、土壤、CH_4和N_2O转化功能菌及种植技术等角度,总结探讨了稻鸭共作中温室气体CH_4和N_2O产生、输送和释放的过程与机理。针对当前稻鸭共作温室气体排放研究中存在的问题,提出了一系列建议和展望,以期为稻田种养温室气体减排的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
关中-天水经济区人类活动对植被覆盖变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究植被覆盖变化及人类活动对改善关中地区及西北地区的生态环境影响,利用植被覆盖和地表温度数据,结合Sen趋势与Mann-Kendall检验分析关中-天水经济区2001—2016年的植被覆盖变化趋势,并根据估算的土壤湿度因子,应用残差法评价人类活动对植被覆盖变化的影响程度及影响方向。结果表明:1)从时间变化维度来看,2001—2016年关中-天水经济区植被覆盖变化总体呈良好趋势,且整体表现为在不断波动中递增,表明关天经济区进行的生态环境建设工程正在慢慢凸显它的生态效应。2)从空间变化维度来看,关中-天水经济区植被覆盖显著增长的区域面积占35.87%,主要集中在研究区南北两侧。而显著下降的面积区域占3.21%,主要分布在城市中心,即经济发展活跃的地区,如西安市区,宝鸡市区,天水市区,铜川市区等。3)关中-天水经济区植被覆盖受自然因素影响较小,受其他因素影响大。其正相关区域占13.43%,不显著相关区域占85.26%。4)关中-天水经济区人类活动对植被覆盖变化的正作用大于负作用。其中,正作用区域主要分布在研究区北部和东南地区,其主要原因是人类活动不频繁,建设生态屏障、加强退耕还林、三北防护林保护以及水土保持等生态工程促进植被NDVI增长。负作用区域主要分布在渭河沿线、经济活动较高地区,其主要原因有:人类活动频繁、过度城市化、工业化等抑制植被生长。5)植被覆盖的增长和下降区域与人类活动对植被影响的正作用和负作用区域大致相同。这也从侧面反映了关天经济区植被覆盖情况受人类活动影响大。总之,在负作用区域,在经济建设发展的同时也要注重植被建设、以及对植被乃至生态环境的保护。  相似文献   
为了研究不同火干扰烈度对喀纳斯泰加林土壤有机碳含量及碳储量的影响,以喀纳斯泰加林同一火烧时间不同火干扰烈度的火烧迹地为研究对象,对不同土层(0~10 cm,10~25 cm)有机碳含量进行测定并估算其碳储量,采用单因素方差分析及LSD多重比较进行差异显著性分析。结果表明,相同火干扰烈度下0~10 cm土层土壤有机碳及碳储量均大于10~25 cm土层。0~10 cm土层中碳储量表现为:未火烧>轻度火干扰>中度火干扰>重度火干扰,在10~25 cm土层中碳储量表现为:轻度火干扰>中度火干扰>未火烧>重度火干扰。0~10 cm土层的土壤有机碳含量和碳储量以及10~25 cm土层的有机碳含量损失程度会随着火干扰烈度的增加而增加。10~25 cm土层碳储量会在轻度和中度火干扰后出现增加。  相似文献   
Flood pulses are the main force driving the dynamics of aquatic communities in floodplains. The responses of communities to environmental changes following flood pulses usually demand a time lag to appear and reach the climax. We assembled a data set of 16 years of fish samplings to assess the relationship between water level and four functional diversity measures, in the upper Paraná River floodplain. Specifically, we approached four aspects of each relationship between water level and functional diversity: nature (positive or negative), sensitivity (response intensity), responsiveness (response delay) and extent (response duration). The nature of the relationship between water level and functional diversity was positive in all cases. Functional richness (FRic) responded right after flood pulses, although with shorter extent. Abundance‐dependent functional measures (evenness—FEve; divergence—FDiv; and Rao's quadratic entropy—Rao's Q) presented delayed responses, reaching peaks more than 1.5 years after flood pulses. Significant effects of floods on fish functional diversity were observed for more than 3 years, although the highest functional diversity was observed with 1.8 years, on average. More importantly, flood pulses had no longer significant effects on functional diversity after 4 years. Regarding conservation strategies in regulated systems, flood events should occur every 2 or 3 years, with adequate timing (October‐November), intensity (up to 450 cm) and duration (at least 50 uninterrupted days). Intervals longer than 3 years or inadequate timing, intensity and duration could dramatically decrease functional diversity and compromise ecosystem services.  相似文献   
Roughly 2.8 billion people burn wood for basic energy needs, and traditional wood-fuel represents ~55% of global wood harvest. With increasing anthropogenic disturbance of natural forests, the “stability/fragility” paradigm of forest ecology is gradually being replaced by a “disturbance/recovery” paradigm. In order to understand effects of human-induced disturbances on natural forest ecosystems, and to plan for recovery of disturbed forests, appropriate metrics become necessary. Such metrics will aid in assessment and management of forests for carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem health, and sustainability of natural resources. Such metrics are especially needed in “wood-fuel hotspots” of the world where over 275 million people live and harvest wood-fuel unsustainably. In this article, I provide metrics of human-induced disturbance in Nepal’s SchimaCastanopsis dominated forests and show relationships of disturbance intensity with forest structure and composition, site productivity potential, natural regeneration, and tree species diversity. Benchmark data were collected from survey of two protected reference forests and compared against three other forests representing a disturbance gradient. The SchimaCastanopsis association is a common dominant forest type in the warm temperate zone of the central Himalayas, and the findings from this study should have wider application.  相似文献   
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