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川北地区稻田养殖中华绒螯蟹试验初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验在四川山间湿地利用农田0.62公顷养殖中华绒螯蟹,放养苗种为1272只(135只/667m^2),个体均重7g/只左右,经160d饲养,捕获绒螯蟹875只,个体均重136.7g/只,回捕率为68.8%,饵料系数为2.45,同时水稻产量3529.7kg(375.5kg/667m^2),其总收获利润为416元/667m^2。  相似文献   
通辽市主要有五大水系,湿地面积广阔。近年来由于人口的增加和社会经济的发 展,对湿地破坏严重,使得湿地面积锐减,湿地功能下降,湿地生态环境恶化。文章运用了遥 感、GIS技术对通辽市湿地进行分析研究,简略提出其保护措施。  相似文献   
卞少文 《林业调查规划》2006,31(4):90-93,97
据2001年进行的全省湿地资源调查结果,将云南的湿地划分为永久性河流湿地、永久性及季节性淡水湖泊湿地、沼泽草甸湿地等6个湿地类型。详细阐述其数量及分布特点,并进一步分析了云南湿地所具有的多样性、数量多、分布不均匀、水生植被类型多样、野生动物物种数量多等特点,并提出相关问题予以探讨。  相似文献   
There has been a rapid development in the construction of wetland parks in China in recent years.This paper discussed the progress in the research of Chinese wetland parks that covered the aspects of wetland resources,landscape and environment.The function of wetland parks,the evaluation of landscape and the exploiting of resources;the landscape concept and landscape planning and design;the plant environment,the water environment and the recreation environment were all reviewed.The research of Chinese wetland parks started later but developed rapidly,having remarkable achievements in practice and functional studies,and there are still some shortcomings in the researches to be improved.At last,the key points which should be researched urgently in the future were discussed.  相似文献   
大九湖湿地是湖北省境内海拔最高的高山湿地。笔者研究了大九湖的生物多样性,并对其进行了评价,提出了湿地的恢复技术。  相似文献   
We evaluated the influence of scale on habitat use for three wetland-obligate bird species with divergent life history characteristics and possible scale-dependent criteria for nesting and foraging in South Dakota, USA. A stratified, two-stage cluster sample was used to randomly select survey wetlands within strata defined by region, wetland density, and wetland surface area. We used 18-m (0.1 ha) fixed radius circular-plots to survey birds in 412 semipermanent wetlands during the summers of 1995 and 1996. Variation in habitat use by pied-billed grebes (Podilymbus podiceps) and yellow-headed blackbirds (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus), two sedentary species that rarely exploit resources outside the vicinity of nest wetlands, was explained solely by within-patch variation. Yellow-headed blackbirds were a cosmopolitan species that commonly nested in small wetlands, whereas pied-billed grebes were an area-sensitive species that used larger wetlands regardless of landscape pattern. Area requirements for black terns (Chlidonias niger), a vagile species that typically forages up to 4 km away from the nest wetland, fluctuated in response to landscape structure. Black tern area requirements were small (6.5 ha) in heterogeneous landscapes compared to those in homogeneous landscapes (15.4–32.6 ha). Low wetland density landscapes composed of small wetlands, where few nesting wetlands occurred and potential food sources were spread over large distances, were not widely used by black terns. Landscape-level measurements related to black tern occurrence extended past relationships between wetlands into the surrounding matrix. Black terns were more likely to occur in landscapes where grasslands had not been tilled for agricultural production. Our findings represent empirical evidence that characteristics of entire landscapes, rather than individual patches, must be quantified to assess habitat suitability for wide-ranging species that use resources over large areas.  相似文献   
主要阐述了昆明湿地园林的园林布局、表现类型及所具有的特色,分析了昆明湿地园林存在的问题和今后的发展趋势,对昆明湿地园林的改造和昆明城市建设提出了新颖的观点和展望。  相似文献   
人工湿地植物的选择及湿地植物对污染河水的净化能力   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
阐述了在人工湿地中植物的作用和选择人工湿地植物的原则,分析比较了4种常用于人工湿地的植物的生长特性、环境适应性,并进行了潜流人工湿地和生物滤床作为人工湿地的对照试验)对污染河水处理效果的比较。结果表明,在湿地床中,美人蕉(C.flaccida)和香根草(Vetiveria zizanioides)长速较快,较适合于需快速启动的湿地系统;风车草(Cyperus slternifolius)长势良好,覆盖度接近100%;纸莎草(Cyperus papyrus)长势较差,环境适应性差。在HRT为13h的运行条件下,系统稳定运行后植物对CODMn,TP、TN、NH4^+-N的平均去除率分别为3.1%、2.0%、12.7%、5.2%,植物对浊度没有明显的改善作用。人工湿地有较强的耐冲击负荷能力,在HRT为13h条件下系统的处理能力还有较大的提升空间。  相似文献   
王家庄人工湿地(面积12 000 m2)位于云南滇池东岸呈贡县,湿地进水来自5条农业区汇水干渠,经矩形堰均匀布水后流过湿地。湿地于2002年8月起运行,初期优势植物为茭草(Zizania latifolia)、芦苇(Phragmites communis Trin)、莲藕(Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn)、菖蒲(Acorus calamus)、空心莲子草(Alternanthera philoxeroides)和水芋(Calla palustris),7个月后,莲藕完全被水花生所替代。采用现场采样及室内分析的方法,研究了湿地对农业径流中磷去除的季节性规律。结果表明,2002年10月至2004年6月,湿地具有良好的拦截进水磷的能力,有效降低了农业区农业径流对滇池的污染。进水总磷(TP)负荷为241(旱季,每年10月至翌年4月)和199(雨季,每年5月至9月)g.hm-.2d-1,TP浓度为0.04 ̄3.21(旱季)和0.00 ̄1.44(雨季)mg.L-1。出水TP浓度沿程1/3处为0.03 ̄0.49(旱季,每年11月至翌年4月)和0.03 ̄0.71(雨季,每年5月至10月)mg.L-1,沿程2/3处为0.00 ̄0.68(旱季)和0.00 ̄0.73(雨季)mg.L-1。TP去除率沿程1/3处为-73.7% ̄82.8%(旱季)和-215% ̄79.3%(雨季),沿程2/3处为-367% ̄100%(旱季)和-262% ̄93.1%(雨季)。受雨水稀释和停留时间变短的影响,雨季的TP去除率低于旱季。受滇池水位和湿地出水水位的影响,旱季时湿地TP的去除呈现“V”字型规律,雨季时湿地TP去除率沿程降低。总体而言,来水中的磷、有机质和速效铁以沿程逐渐降低的方式分布于湿地表层土壤中。秋末冬初时(每年11月至12月),菖蒲的含水率和生物量(鲜重)均比春季(每年3月至5月)的低,而生物量(干重)比春季的高。菖蒲从11月到12月仍在生长发育。  相似文献   
湿地生态环境影响评价技术要点探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于湿地资源开发的环境影响评价的重要性以及我国目前所处困境,探讨了湿地生态环境影响评价中的重点和难点问题,指出湿地生态环境影响评价应关注生态过程和湿地可获得的价值。环境影响的识别应包括水文功能、生物地球化学功能和生境功能等八个方面,影响因子的识别应考虑对湿地水质、湿地生境和湿地水文功能有影响的三类因子。湿地生态环境影响评价技术要点探讨对于湿地生态环境影响评价研究工作具有参考价值。  相似文献   
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