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Soil pH declined from 5.9 to 5.0 in 8 years beneath plantations of Eucalyptus saligna (Sm.) in Hawaii. In stands of Albizia falcataria, (L.) Fosberg, the soil pH change was more dramatic, declining from 5.9 to 4.6. We measured several components of soil acidity beneath four mixtures of the two tree species to gain insight on the processes responsible for the decline in soil pH. These components were studied using an empirical method of comparing acid quantity, degree of neutralization (depletion of base cations), and acid strength. The decline in soil pH differed between species as a result of differences in the degree of neutralization of the soil exchange complex; the larger decrease in soil pH under Albizia was produced by greater acidification of the exchange complex. Empirical titration curves suggested that differences in acid strength moderated the divergence in soil pH beneath the species. Had the acids accumulating in the soil under Albizia been as strong as those in the Eucalyptus soil, the difference in soil pH would have been greater. Though the two species had contrasting effects on soil pH, the differences in degree of neutralization, responsible for the pH decline, were small compared with differences in the amount of cations stored in tree biomass. Continued supply of nutrient cations (from weathering or fertilization) will ultimately control both the extent of soil pH decline and the level of productivity sustained by the forest.  相似文献   
‘Goldfinger’, a tetraploid banana produced from the Fundación Hondureña de Investigación Agrícola (FHIA) breeding program, was released to the Australian industry in 1995. It was promoted as an apple-flavoured dessert banana with resistance to Fusarium wilt race 1 and subtropical race 4, as well as resistance to black and yellow Sigatoka (Mycosphaerella fijiensis and M. musicola, respectively). This study was initiated to provide agronomic information to the banana industry, which was under threat from Fusarium wilt, on a new cultivar which could replace ‘Williams’ (AAA, Cavendish subgroup) or ‘Lady Finger’ (AAB, Pome subgroup) in those areas affected by Fusarium wilt. Also few studies had reported on the production characteristics of the new tetraploid hybrids, especially from subtropical areas, and therefore two field sites, one a steep-land farm and the other a level, more productive site, were selected for planting density and spatial arrangement treatments. The optimum density in terms of commercial production, taking into account bunch weight, finger size, length of the production cycle, plant height and ease of management, was 1680 plants/ha on the steep-land site where plants were planted in single rows with 2.5 m × 2.5 m spacings. However on the level site a double-row triangular layout with inter-row distances of 4.5 m to allow vehicular access (1724 plants/ha) gave the best results. With this arrangement plants were in an alternate, triangular arrangement along a row and a spacing of 1.5 m between plants at the points of each triangle and between each block of triangles.  相似文献   
刘永刚  刘云彩  冯弦  孟梦  付强  张荃  张文勇 《安徽农业科学》2010,38(33):18982-18983,18986
综述了思茅松人工林在遗传改良、立地选择、整地、密度、病虫害控制、林地地力维护等方面的研究现状与成效,并针对思茅松人工林生产率和生态方面存在的问题,提出了思茅松人工林经营的目标和方向。  相似文献   
[目的]研究种植模式对新丰生姜生产力与土壤环境的影响.[方法]通过常规化学分析方法及相应的选择性培养基培养法,对大棚生姜-水稻水旱轮作模式和露地生姜种植模式的土壤微生物和重金属含量进行比对,并对单位面积嫩姜的产量和效益进行测算.[结果]在大棚生姜-水稻水旱轮作模式下的整个轮作周期内,土壤中真菌和放线菌的数量都低于露地生姜种植模式,土壤中细菌在大棚生姜-水稻水旱轮作模式下水稻的整个生育期内都显著低于露地生姜种植模式,同时大棚生姜-水稻水旱轮作模式土壤中的Cu、Zn、As、Pb都低于露地生姜种植模式,而土壤中Ni的含量略高于露地生姜种植模式.大棚生姜-水稻水旱轮作模式提高了生姜的产量和经济效益.[结论]该研究可为大棚生姜-水稻水旱轮作模式的推广提供理论依据.  相似文献   
四川巨桉短周期工业原料人工林一元材积表的编制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李建彬 《四川林业科技》2007,28(4):113-114,60
本文调查、收集了四川省仁寿、高县、纳溪等县不同立地条件的巨桉短周期工业原料人工林标准地72块,样木112株。采用SAS程序,进行多方程拟合并比较各模型优劣,筛选出巨按材积模型:V=-0.0196154 0.0007494d2,编制了巨按短周期工业原料人工林一元材积表。经检验,平均误差为-0.01%,,标准差为±9.6%,均方误为±1.4%,精度达到要求。  相似文献   
不同水性高分子异氰酸酯胶对人工林木材胶合性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张玉萍  傅峰 《林产工业》2006,33(3):30-33
采用同一类型的高分子化合物、填料和乳胶按不同配比组成2种主剂,然后与贮存期不等的交联剂组成不同的水性高分子异氰酸酯胶黏剂(API),用来黏接杉木、杨木、巨桉、尾巨桉、柠檬桉和窿缘桉等6种人工林木材试样以研究 API主剂特征和交联剂贮存时间对人工林木材胶合性能的影响。试验结果表明:1)API主剂特征显著影响6种人工林木材的胶合性能。2)随着交联剂贮存期的增长,人工林试材的胶合性能有降低趋势,但胶合杉木、杨树、巨桉和尾巨桉4 种人工林木材时仍能达到标准要求。  相似文献   
以长白落叶松人工用材林为代表,分别对7个立地等级和3种初植密度(分别为2500株/hm2、3300株/hm2和4400株/hm2)的人工用材林木材产量进行经营模拟。根据立地指数曲线确定不同类型林分在不同林龄阶段的平均树高,利用相关模型推算相应林龄阶段的林分平均胸径和林分平均单株材积。建立林分密度定量管理模型,确定不同立地等级不同初植密度林分在理想状态下的间伐时间、间伐强度及相应的木材收获量,为营林生产和科研提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
坡地生物篱和缓坡地等高种植技术集成总结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灌阳县由于降雨时空分布不均,造成秋冬季节干旱严重,直接影响水果产量和品质.2005年6月在灌阳县灌阳镇和观音阁乡园地中,采用营造生物篱、等高种植、生物覆盖、滴灌等旱作节水农业技术措施,建立集成技术示范园,核心示范面积539亩.经过一年的实施,示范区水土流失明显减少,水果产量、品质明显提高.  相似文献   
人工林落叶松木材生长轮密度时间序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用时间序列分析法,分析了人工林落叶松木材生长轮密度的变异规律,并选择建模方法和模型参数估计,建立了变异规律模型和预测模型,经过残差分析表明:短期预测值与实测值非常吻合;长期预测值与实测值存在差异,但实测值仍在可信区间内。  相似文献   
成都市1999年开始引种巨桉,目前栽植面积达2000hm2;但由于林地土壤条件不同,多为种子繁殖苗木造林,加之经营措施粗放,林分生长差异较大。本文通过对成都地区引种栽培的巨桉人工林生长情况及立地条件调查,提出了影响巨桉林生长的主要立地因子为土壤酸减性、土层厚度和土壤肥力。成都发展巨桉短轮伐期工业原料林,应选择在平原区,海拔800m以下的低山丘陵区,并且土层厚度在40cm以上的酸性至中性土壤立地条件。在土层深厚肥沃、地势平缓、立地条件好的造林地,造林株行距可采用2m×4m。对个体分化严重的人工林,应从抚育间伐、去劣留优和增施有机肥、培肥地力等方面改良群体结构和生长环境,提高单位面积蓄积量。  相似文献   
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