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Growth and yield models for uneven-sized forest stands in Finland   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Uneven-sized forestry is gradually gaining popularity and acceptability also in the Nordic countries. This is because of the willingness of the public and some forest owners to avoid clear-fellings and pursue more near-nature forest structures. It has also been realized that the profitability of uneven-sized forestry may be competitive with even-aged forestry. In Finland, management of uneven-sized stands is hampered by the lack of information about the dynamics of such stands, and about the yield and profitability of uneven-sized forestry. This study developed models which allow managers to simulate the growth and yield of uneven-sized stands in Finland, making it possible to predict the yield and analyze the sustainability of different management options. The model set consists of individual-tree diameter increment, height and survival models, and a model for ingrowth. The modeling data consisted of two long-term field experiments of uneven-sized forest management, a set of temporary sample plots measured earlier for growth modeling purposes, and the sample plots of the third National Forest Inventory of Finland. The application area of the models covers all growing sites, all main tree species, and the whole surface area of Finland. According to the models, the sustainable harvest of a fertile (Oxalis-Myrtillus site) uneven-sized Norway spruce forest varies between 5.5 and 7 m3 ha−1 a−1 in Central Finland, depending on the length of the cutting cycle, stand density, and shape of the diameter distribution. It is profitable to harvest large diameter classes more heavily than small ones. Due to the large amount of data the models for diameter increment are highly significant and reliably show the growth level of trees in uneven-sized stands. The weakest models are the ingrowth models, which are based on a clearly smaller data set than the other models.  相似文献   
Young Norway spruce stands (Picea abies [L.] Karst) are typically cleaned of non-crop species on one or several occasions during young stand stage. In order to objectively evaluate the perceived benefits of early cleaning (EC), we studied the effects of EC on three study sites 2–2.5 years after receiving the treatment. Experiments were established as a randomised complete block design with a total of 40 blocks. Although height growth and mortality were not significantly affected, we found that EC substantially reduced canopy competition and, consequently, the mean diameter of released spruce grew 21–32% faster depending on the site. Furthermore, non-crop trees that were cleared during EC had fewer sprouts in two of the three sites and the sprouts were substantially smaller than the corresponding non-crop trees on control in all sites. EC can reduce the cost of pre-commercial thinning because EC reduced the estimated time needed for subsequent management by 18–49%. Thus, EC offers forest owners and managers an economically viable young stand management option.  相似文献   
Loss of pathogenicity in the blue-stain fungus Ceratocystis polonica   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The pathogenicity and growth of six cultures of the bark-beetle-associated blue-stain fungus Ceratocystis polonica were compared. Four were subcultures, established at different times, of the same isolate (80–53/7), and at least one of these was suspected to have lost its pathogenicity to Norway spruce ( Picea abies ) during subculturing. Two other cultures (93–208/115 and 94–169/13) were pathogenic. The pathogenicity of all cultures to Norway spruce was compared in three inoculation experiments, using (i) massive inoculation (≈144 inoculations per tree), (ii) low-density inoculation (14 inoculations per tree) of larger trees and (iii) single inoculation of 2-year-old seedlings. Fungal growth rates were tested in vitro on malt agar, and on malt agar under oxygen-deficient conditions. Isolates 93–208/115 and 94–169/13 and one of the subcultures of isolate 80–53/7 were pathogenic in all three inoculation experiments. Two other subcultures were nonpathogenic, while the last subculture was intermediate. The pathogenic cultures had higher growth rates on malt agar than the nonpathogenic and intermediate cultures, and they also grew better under oxygen-deficient conditions. These results demonstrate that blue-stain fungi may lose their pathogenicity after serial vegetative transfers on artificial substrates. The results are also consistent with the hypothesis that rapid growth and the ability to grow in oxygen-poor environments are important pathogenicity factors in blue-stain fungi.  相似文献   
Control and eradication programs of brucellosis in cattle, sheep, goats and pigs have been more or less successfully implemented within the Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU) and Norway after Word War II. As a result, the epidemiological situation of animal brucellosis is extremely diverse among different MS or regions within a MS and among the different animal species. Some MS, mainly North European countries, and Norway are declared “officially bovine brucellosis free” and/or “officially ovine and caprine (Brucella melitensis) free”. The situation is less favorable in Southern European countries, particularly as far as sheep and goat brucellosis are concerned. This situation has important zoonotic consequences as reflected in the number of human brucellosis cases due to B. melitensis that are still encountered in those countries. Brucellosis in swine has re-emerged as a result of spillover from the wild boar brucellosis (Brucella suis biovar 2) reservoir, particularly in outdoor reared pigs. Besides the actual challenge to eradicate brucellosis, further issues have to be addressed: (1) the management of false positive serological results that occur in the course of brucellosis testing, particularly in cattle; (2) the impact of wildlife brucellosis, particularly wild boar brucellosis in domestic animals; and (3) the importance of B. melitensis infection in cattle that are in contact with infected sheep.  相似文献   
The selectivity of a 99 mm trawl codend was assessed using a codend cover fitted with a MultiSampler, which was acoustically triggered to take separate samples at three different phases of the haul. The first sample was collected during towing, the second during haul-up and the third at the surface. A total of 18 hauls were conducted with a commercial fishing vessel west of Scotland. It was demonstrated that escapes take place not only during the tow but also in the short period when the trawl is hauled back from the seabed and when the codend is at the surface. For haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus), whiting (Merlangius merlangus) and Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus), respectively, the mean percentages escaping at the surface were 16, 12 and 38% of the total escape while 17, 8 and 28% escaped during the haul-up phase. Compared to towing, the escape rate (no./min) increased for haddock by a factor 2.7 during haul-up and by a factor 1.7 at the surface, whereas the escape rates of whiting were similar for the three phases. The escape rate of Norway lobster increased by a factor of approximately 7 for both the haul-up and surface phases, compared to the towing phase. The selectivity parameters L50 (50% retention length) and SR (selection range = L75–L25) were estimated and compared for the three different phases and for the whole haul for haddock, whiting and Norway lobster. For all three species there was no significant (P > 0.05) difference in L50 between the three phases of the haul. There was also no significant difference for whiting and Norway lobster when comparing the SR of the three phases, whereas the SR was significantly lower for haddock when comparing the surface phase with towing and haul-up. The estimate of L50 when towing was about 6 cm lower for haddock and whiting and 9 mm for Norway lobster compared to the selection curve estimated conventionally for the whole haul. Finally, the effect of sea state, duration and codend catch on the selectivity parameters were estimated for the individual phases and for the whole haul. A significant effect of at least one variable was found in all phases.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT:   The demersal multispecies trawl fishery in the western Mediterranean Sea has a poor selectivity; large numbers of juvenile fish are caught when using the legislated 40-mm diamond mesh cod end. The selectivity of a flexible sorting grid with 20-mm bar spacing (BS20) installed in front the conventional trawl cod end was investigated. The standard covered cod end method was used. Data was adequate for analyzing the selectivity of European hake Merluccius merluccius , poor cod Trisopterus minutus , greater forkbeard Phycis blennoides and Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus . The selectivity of the 20-mm sorting grid was compared with the performance of 40-mm diamond (DM40) and square mesh (SM40) cod ends. The effect of a guiding funnel on the performance of the grid (BS20-f) was also explored. Finally, the potential changes in yield per recruit (Y/R) and biomass per recruit (B/R) after implementing a sorting grid were explored. An overall improvement in the 50% selection length ( L 50 ) with all four species was substantial when comparing the BS20 to the DM40. Higher improvement in L 50 s was achieved when the grid was equipped with the guiding funnel. When comparing the performance of the BS20-f to the SM40, there was no marked difference in L 50 s. The Y/R and B/R, however, are substantially higher with BS20-f for poor cod and about the same for European hake. BS20 compared to SM40 achieved lower Y/R and B/R for all four species; the smallest difference was observed for Norway lobster. Further development is required if the sorting grid is to be introduced into commercial fisheries.  相似文献   
Urban Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) populations can carry the bacteria methicillin‐resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). There are numerous knowledge gaps in the epidemiology of MRSA in these populations that limit understanding of its ecology in urban environments. For example, fecal shedding of MRSA, which may increase environmental contamination, has been reported in other species; however, it is unknown whether Norway rats carry the bacteria rectally. Furthermore, while intermittent MRSA shedding has been shown in other species and may dictate when the risk of transmission is highest, duration of carriage has not been examined for Norway rats. Previous work has shown that lethal animal‐control methods may increase the level of pathogens within reservoir populations, possibly by disrupting ecological patterns. However, the impact of rodent‐control on potentially environmentally acquired pathogens like MRSA has not been tested. Using capture‐mark‐recapture methods in an inner‐city neighborhood in Vancouver, Canada, we show that rats intermittently carry MRSA both in the rectum and oropharynx. By assessing the prevalence of MRSA before and after enacting a pest‐control intervention, we report that kill‐trapping had no impact on the prevalence of carriage of this environmentally‐acquired agent.  相似文献   
Altogether 82 plots (261 estimations) of Picea abies (L.) Karst, and 193 plots (360 estimations) of Pinus sylvestris (L.) stands were estimated by a vertical tube. The “crown free projection”, CFP, of stands thinned in three methods with different thinning grades was measured: unthinned, heavily and very heavily thinned, heavily thinned delayed first thinning, extra heavily thinned and thinned from the top. Basal area (m2ha?1) density (stems ha?1) and diameter sum (m ha?1) were plotted against CFP. Basal area was the best practical measure of stand in this study. Generally Scots pine stands have higher CFP and the curves are steeper than in Norway spruce stands. Depending on the grade of thinning, heavily and very heavily thinned spruce stands, delayed first thinning included, have CFP values of 10–15% and stands thinned from the top, 20–40%, compared with 30–80% and 30–60% respectively in pine stands. Extra heavily thinned stands have the highest CFP, 20–80% in spruce and 50–90% in pine stands. The CFP levels after thinning are too high in pine stands for avoidance of sucker and sprout production of aspen and birch. In dense Norway spruce stands thinned from the top or heavily and very heavily thinned, the CFP values are low enough (≤30%) to diminish the production of suckers.  相似文献   

Goal, Scope and Background

In the nineteen nineties most European countries issued legislation on soil protection, including soil contamination. In the case of a presumed contamination, soil investigation mostly follows a stepwise approach starting with a preliminary investigation, then an in-depth investigation and, finally, remediation. Soil clean-up standards are often foreseen as trigger criteria to determine the need for an in-depth soil investigation or for remediation. There are however large differences in soil clean-up standards. This is partly because of the different roles of soil clean-up standards in each legislative framework and partly because of differences in the soil clean-up standard (SCS) derivation procedures. Despites these differences there are large similarities in the concepts of the derivation procedures for clean-up standards. A better understanding of the differences in clean-up standards is needed. In order to clarify the variation, the background of the clean-up standards for a selected number of countries was investigated. The objective of this paper is to investigate the underlying reason why country-wide generic soil and groundwater clean-up standards of eight trace elements (cadmium, chromium (III), copper, mercury, lead, nickel, zinc and arsenic) differ between the selected countries.

Main Features

To avoid misinterpretation of the differences in application of the clean-up standards, a short overview of the legislative role of clean-up standards is given first. Differences in model concepts and parameter values are discussed, followed by a comparison of the generic soil and groundwater clean-up standards for trace elements and a discussion on the sources of variation. The influence of the use of ecotoxicological criteria and data for the derivation of soil clean-up standards will be discussed in more detail. Selected countries were Canada, the Flemish Region (Belgium), France, Germany, Great-Britain, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and United States of America (USA).

Results and Discussion

When soil clean-up standards for eight trace elements (cadmium, chromium (III), copper, mercury, lead, nickel, zinc and arsenic) were compared between the selected countries differences of more than a factor 1000 arose. Notwithstanding the use of similar derivation procedures, differences were caused by the use of different software models with their specific input data, boundary conditions and applied protection criteria for humans and the ecology. Ecotoxicological criteria tend to lower the soil clean-up standard for the selected trace elements.


In the countries that are included in this study, clean-up standards are used is different ways, this is for the determination of the necessity for remediation or for the need for further soil investigation. This paper shows a wide variation in the clean-up standards, which has further implication on the decision for remediation or further investigation and, hence, the financial costs of soil management. All the clean-up standards have as primary goal the protection of human health. A number of countries also include the protection of the ecological function of the soil. Differences in selected software model, (standard) parameters values, selected human toxicological and ecotoxicological criteria, are reason for a substantial variation in the clean-up standards for trace elements.

Recommendations and Perspective

. Is this variation justified? The derivation of soil clean-up standards involves - besides scientific elements - political elements, like differentiation in landuse types (agricultural, residential, recreational, industrial), receptor at risk or protection level. It is obvious that harmonization of these elements will be complicated. However, a European action programme, like the thematic strategy for soil protection, could initiate this process of harmonization. Nevertheless, soil-clean-up standards could never be uniform over the whole of Europe because they include country specific elements (geographical, ethnological) and political decisions.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: The tyrosine to cysteine amino acid substitution at location 139 of the vkorc1 protein (i.e. tyrosine139cysteine or Y139C) is the most widespread anticoagulant resistance mutation in Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus Berk.) in Europe. Field trials were conducted to determine the incidence of the Y139C mutation at two rat‐infested farms in Westphalia, Germany, and to estimate the practical efficacy against them of applications, using a pulsed baiting treatment regime, of a proprietary bait (Klerat?) containing 0.005% brodifacoum. RESULTS: DNA analysis for the Y139C mutation showed that resistant rats were prevalent at the two farms, with an incidence of 80.0 and 78.6% respectively. Applications of brodifacoum bait achieved results of 99.2 and 100.0% control at the two farms, when measured by census baiting, although the treatment was somewhat prolonged at one site, possibly owing to the abundance of attractive alternative food. CONCLUSION: The study showed that 0.005% brodifacoum bait is fully effective against Norway rats possessing the Y139C mutation at the Münsterland focus and is likely to be so elsewhere in Europe where this mutation is found. The pulsed baiting regime reduced to relatively low levels the quantity of bait required to control these two substantial resistant Norway rat infestations. Previous studies had shown much larger quantities of bromadiolone and difenacoum baits used in largely ineffective treatments against Y139C resistant rats in the Münsterland. These results should be considered when making decisions about the use of anticoagulants against resistant Norway rats and their potential environmental impacts. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   
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