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Leaf-cutting ants (LCA) are considered one of the main herbivores and one of the most destructive pest insects of the Neotropics. Northeastern Argentina harbors the greatest species richness of these ants and in turn comprises the highest surface with forest plantations. Our aim was to establish which species of leaf-cutting ants are most commonly associated with forest plantations by analyzing their geographic distribution using published and unpublished species occurrence data. Also, estimate their potential areas of distribution along a latitudinal gradient that entirely encompasses northeastern Argentina using Ecological Niche Modeling. Only seven of the 20 species recorded were strongly associated with productive systems along the gradient, but only 2–3 species in each region could be considered high-risk species for forest plantations. High-risk species composition shows a turnover between regions. Our models show the potential distribution areas where LCA could become more abundant and dominant, and possibly causing a detrimental effect on the forest plantations in the studied region. We find that ecological niche models are useful tools to assess the environmental suitability of important LCA.  相似文献   
利用负离子仪对上海市松江区中央公园的4种纯林内的空气负离子浓度进行测定,并通过比较分析,得出如下结果:桂花、紫叶李、蚊母树纯林在5月和7月份的空气负离子浓度日变化曲线呈双峰型,石楠呈单峰型;在6月和8月份紫叶李、蚊母树和石楠纯林日变化曲线相似,几乎平行;不同纯林日平均负离子浓度有差异,相关性分析表明,纯林内的空气负离子浓度与温度和相对湿度的几乎无显著相关性,为合理利用负离子资源提供一定依据。  相似文献   
为探究不同造林模式下植物光合生理响应机制,精准提升人工林改造水平,使用Li−6400XT对黄土丘陵区纯林和混交林中油松、连翘、柠条叶片光合作用日变化及光响应曲线进行测定。结果表明:造林模式并未对3个树种净光合速率日变化趋势产生影响,仅对3个树种净光合速率日变化均值产生影响,具体表现为油松(混交连翘) > 油松(混交柠条) > 油松(纯林)、连翘(纯林) > 连翘(混交油松)、柠条(混交油松) > 柠条(纯林);在不同造林模式下,影响因子中仅空气相对湿度与净光合速率的关系显示出差异;当光合有效辐射为2000 μmol/(m2·s)时,所有测定植物叶片净光合速率趋于饱和,与纯林相比,油松(混交连翘)、油松(混交柠条)、柠条(混交油松)的净光合速率分别提高了42.1%、10.5%和74.0%,连翘(混交油松)的净光合速率降低了40.4%;采用4种光响应模型拟合光响应曲线,结果显示直角双曲线修正模型效果最优,油松(混交连翘)、油松(混交柠条)光合参数均高于油松纯林,柠条(混交油松)高于柠条纯林。上述结果说明,在黄土丘陵区,相较于纯林,油松与柠条的混交林可加强植物各自的光合能力,环境适应性更强,更适合在该区栽植。  相似文献   
为摸清不同类型毛竹林竹笋-幼竹高生长差异,选择立地条件和经营水平一致的毛竹纯林、竹杉混交林和竹阔混交林,调查分析竹笋-幼竹高生长特征及其变化规律,拟合竹笋-幼竹高生长节律方程。结果表明:不同类型毛竹林对竹笋-幼竹高生长产生不同影响,尤以毛竹纯林经营对其影响明显,竹笋-幼竹高生长时间缩短,立竹相对高度增高;不同类型毛竹林竹笋-幼竹高度、日生长量随时间变化均呈“慢—快—慢”的变化节律,但竹笋-幼竹高度、日生长量毛竹纯林在高生长上升期、盛期的前期明显较竹杉、竹阔混交林大,在高生长盛期的中后期提前急剧下降,竹笋-幼竹高度毛竹纯林在高生长盛期时较竹杉、竹阔混交林大,而后2种类型毛竹林竹笋-幼竹高度、日生长量均接近;不同类型毛竹林竹笋-幼竹高生长节律均可用逻辑斯缔方程拟合。  相似文献   
对福建省建瓯市的杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)纯林、杉木×枫香(Liquidambarformosana)、杉木×鹅掌楸(Lirioden-dron chinense)、杉木×桤木(Alnus cremastogyne)4种人工林样地林下土壤肥力进行测定分析,并以改进的内梅罗指数进行综合评价。结果表明,各样地的土壤均为强酸性,速效P严重缺乏;各样地土壤表层综合肥力水平均为一般,平均综合肥力水平等级均为贫瘠,强酸性土壤导致速效P缺乏是其综合肥力较低的主要原因;土壤综合肥力系数的排序为杉木×鹅掌楸>杉木×枫香>杉木纯林>杉木×桤木。该研究可为闽北山地杉木及其混交林分的培育和经营管理提供参考。  相似文献   
2003~2005年度在贵州省安顺市西秀区七眼桥镇用油研7号、油研10号、油研8号等进行油菜撒播高产、高效的轻型配套栽培技术试验示范,面积分别为3.41 hm2和100 hm2,平均单产分别达164.1 kg/667m2和133.2 kg/667m2。其中,2004年验收的10块地(测量面积合计0.685 hm2)的撒播油菜平均产量为158.9 kg/667m2,最高产量达210~230 kg/667m2;2005年验收各类田块19块(面积合计1.159 hm2),单产105~206.3 kg/667m2。除去人工(每个工按15元计)、牛工(每个工按30元计)、物资投入外,667m2纯收入达189.57元,单个劳动力的产值达35.83元,比同地育苗移栽分别高131.11元/667m2和17.83元/个,比当地传统的苦油菜(芥菜型)撒播栽培增收175.72元/667m2。  相似文献   
根据短周期巨尾桉人工林标准地伐倒木调查资料,编制对应林分平均胸径的不同规格原木比例表格,以方便查对一定胸径林分对应的不同规格原木出材比例,较为快捷地估算林分林木的经济价值。  相似文献   
This study examined the vegetation growing beneath Caribbean pine (Pinus caribaea) plantations established within previously abandoned tea lands adjacent to intact rain forest in southwest Sri Lanka. To examine the pattern and composition of secondary succession and factors affecting it, vegetation was sampled in different relative locations (interior and edge conditions) within plantations. Results demonstrated that more vegetation was found near the plantation edges than in the interior, and this pattern was prominent for both wind- and bird- dispersed species. The vegetation represented a mixture of species belonging to a range of successional guilds representing early (17 species, 42.4% in stem count) and late-successional species (52 species, 40.6%), although native long-lived canopy tree species were mostly absent. Bird-dispersed species dominated the flora (80 species, 86.7% in stem count). Abundance of an exotic shrub Clidemia hirta (Melastomataceae) showed a negative correlation with that of other species, indicating its impact on native flora. Underplanting of native canopy species may be effective in assisting secondary succession and control C. hirta in the plantations.  相似文献   
在黑龙江省带岭林业实验局和铁力林业局落叶松人工林采伐迹地上,采用现场调查和数据分析的方法,对不同采伐强度、不同林分密度与保留木损伤率之间的关系进行了研究,结果表明:落叶松人工林在作业后,保留木损伤率不随采伐强度、林分密度的增加而增加,且伐木损伤率、集材损伤率呈现先增加后降低的相似态势。  相似文献   
15种外生菌根真菌在4种培养基上的生长效果研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
通过4种培养基上15株外生菌根真菌的对照培养,以生长速度和生物量为依据,对各菌株的培养效果进行了评价.在MMN培养基上适宜培养的真菌有Rhizopogenluteolus、Suillusbovinuss、Pisolitlustinctorius、Boletusmagnificus和Boletusporosporus;Sclerodermapolyrhizum适宜在PDA培养基上生长;有几种菌根真菌在4种培养基上生长效果不理想.  相似文献   
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