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Abstract A test for root penetration through a wax disc of known hardness was developed and used with twenty‐five cultivars and twenty‐one breeding lines of perennial, Italian, hybrid and annual ryegrasses. After 42 days, the number of roots reaching the wax disc and the number penetrating the disc were counted. Root diameters were measured using image analysis. The proportion of root penetrations ranged from 0·06 to 0·39 across the cultivars and breeding lines, with substantial variation between replicates and cultivars. Diploid perennial cultivars had the thinnest roots, and there were no consistent differences in root diameter between perennial breeding lines, hybrid ryegrasses and Italian ryegrasses. Roots that penetrated the wax disc increased in diameter, by 0·60 on average, a few millimetres above the wax, and through the wax disc. Diameters below the wax disc were the same as those above the zone of impeded root growth. The increase was caused by an increase in size of the parenchyma cells of the root cortex. An experiment with partially and completely impeded root growth showed that impedance did not change root diameter of new roots, or the distribution of root mass between impeded and unimpeded halves of a root system for plants up to 10 weeks old.  相似文献   

AIM: To find evidence for localisation in the uterus, and fetal infection, of Leptospira spp. in farmed deer in the lower North Island of New Zealand during and shortly after the breeding season.

METHODS: Between February and July 2008, 116 blood samples, 120 kidneys, 120 uteri and 27 fetuses were collected from 120 mixed-age hinds from lines from nine farms, at a deer slaughter premises. Serum samples were tested for antibodies against Leptospira borgpetersenii serovar Hardjo-bovis and Leptospira interrogans serovar Pomona, using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT). For both serovars, a titre of >1:48 was considered positive. Samples from kidneys, uteri and fetal tissue were subjected to bacterial culture, using Ellinghausen-McCullough-Johnson-Harris (EMJH) medium, and real-time PCR, using DNA gyrase subunit B gene primers.

RESULTS: Thirty-four of 116 (29.3%) serum samples were positive for serovar Hardjo-bovis, and 13 (11.2%) for serovar Pomona. Seven of 120 kidneys were positive for serovar Hardjo-bovis by culture, and five of these, but no others, were positive by real-time PCR. Of 120 uteri, none was culture- or PCR-positive. None of 27 fetal samples was culture-positive but one was positive by real-time PCR. The dam of the PCR-positive fetus was culture-negative from the kidney, but had an MAT titre of 1:192 for Hardjo-bovis.

CONCLUSIONS: Attempts to isolate Leptospira spp. from the genital tracts and early fetuses of farmed deer were unsuccessful. However, molecular evidence suggested fetal infection in one case. This finding justifies further study of the role of leptospires in the genital tract and fetus and its association with reproductive loss in farmed deer.  相似文献   
Soil tillage, a major agricultural management, could effectively alter soil structure and plant growth, particularly under groundnut plantations. To understand effects of different tillage measures on nitrogen(N), phosphorus(P) and potassium(K) absorptions and use efficiencies for peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.), four tillage treatments: no tillage (NT), deep loosing (DL), deep plow (DP), and shallow plow (SP), were examined for two growing years at three typical peanut-producing sites of Qishan, Wangcheng, and Xiadian in Shandong, China. Results showed that average soil bulk density under DL, DP, and SP at the three sites was decreased by 7.1–19.5% compared with NT treatment for the 2 years. Significantly higher average total N accumulations in underground peanut part patterned as DP (163 kg/ha) > SP (149 kg/ha) > DL (144 kg/ha) > NT (117 kg/ha), while total N in aboveground peanut part was 8.7–22.1% higher under DP than other treatments. Absorptions of N, P, and K in underground parts were extremely significantly contributed to high peanut yields (P < 0.01), whereas increase of N and P absorptions in aboveground parts did not promote peanut yields. Soil bulk density was significantly negatively correlated with plant macronutrient amounts in underground peanut parts and peanut yields (P < 0.01). Moreover, N:P, N:K, and P:K ratios were similar between NT and noncompaction stress treatments of DL, DP, and SP. These results indicate that DP is a rational tillage practice for promoting nutrient uptake amount, efficiency, and peanut yields by alleviating soil compaction stress in peanut-producing fields.  相似文献   
As stocking rates on Wisconsin dairy farms continue to increase, one possible nutrient management solution is to haul slurry to nearby grain farmer's fields. Although the nutrient and soil building benefits of manure are well known, many grain farmers are hesitant to apply manure on their fields due to potential soil compaction. Studies were initiated to evaluate the effects of tanker-applied slurry on soil compaction and corn (Zea mays L.) yield. An on-station trial was established to address the issues of compaction caused by manure tankers, repeated traffic associated with field headlands, and the possible ameliorating effect of manure itself on corn yield. In addition, 15 replicated on-farm trials were established to evaluate the impact of single pass manure applications on soil compaction and yield. These predominately fall applications were conducted when the host farmer felt that the soil would support tanker traffic. Due to its portability and instrument sensitivity, compactness was evaluated with a data-logging hand held penetrometer.Results from the on-station trial indicate that multiple passes did increase compactness above single-pass traffic and the check. The slurry itself did not attenuate the effect of traffic on soil compaction, nor on yield. Despite yield reductions estimated from in-track samples in both years of 6% (one-pass traffic) and 22% (six-pass traffic) in this study, whole plot corn yields were not reduced due to compaction. The on-farm trials indicated that manure application technique does affect compaction patterns; with broadcast application resulting in less area trafficked by the tanker than injection application, and therefore less area compacted. The narrower gauge truck tires used at some sites led to significantly higher penetrometer readings compared to the control, but this was not the case at sites with wider tractor tires. As in the on-station work, although compaction led to higher penetrometer readings, whole plot corn yields in compacted plots were not adversely affected compared to the control. These results suggest that, in the first year after slurry application, on predominantly prairie derived soils; well-timed applications of dairy slurry do not cause extensive soil compaction nor a reduction in corn yields. This study did not look at the potential residual effects that may positively (>soil organic matter) or negatively (residual soil compaction) impact subsequent crops.  相似文献   
小四轮拖拉机播前压地对土壤物理特性及作物生长的影响   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:14  
采用小四轮拖拉机在冬小麦种床上压地1遍,小麦播种后测定土壤的体积密度,含水率及温度,并与种床未经碾压的处理进行比较,结果表明:压实对20cm内耕层土壤的物理特性有一定的影响。尽管这种影响可以通过耦作来消除,但播前压实却会对作物的出苗或生长带来危害。  相似文献   
In a field experiment, a sandy loam was subjected to single passes with a sugar beet harvester at two different soil water potentials. Different hopper fillings resulted in ground contact pressures of 130 kPa (partial load) and 160 kPa (full load) underneath the tyre. Bulk density, macroporosity (equivalent pore radius >100 μm), penetrometer resistance, air permeability and pre-consolidation pressure were measured within and next to the wheel tracks at depths of 0.12–0.17, 0.32–0.37 and 0.52–0.57 m. Furthermore, the soil structure at two horizons (Ahp 7–24 cm, B(C) 24–38 cm) was visually assessed and classified.

The moist plot responded to a wheel load of 11.23 mg (160 kPa) with an increase in bulk density and pre-consolidation pressure as well as with a decrease in air permeability and macroporosity at a depth of 0.12–0.17 m. With a wheel load of 7.47 mg (130 kPa) on the moist plot and with both wheel load levels on the dry plot, only slight changes of the soil structure were detected. At a depth of 0.32–0.37 and 0.52–0.57 m, the measurements did not indicate any compaction. An ANOVA indicates that the factor “soil water potential” and the factor “wheel load” significantly influence the bulk density at a depth of 0.12–0.17 m. No interactions occurred between these two factors. The wheel traffic on the test plot had no effect on the yield of winter wheat planted after the experimental treatment.

Bulk density, macroporosity and pre-consolidation pressure proved to be sensitive to detect compaction because they varied only slightly and are easy to measure. In contrast, the standard deviation of air permeability is large. The soil structure determined visually in the field confirms the values measured in the laboratory. The results of the penetrometer resistance measurements were not explainable.  相似文献   

节约能耗的固定道耕作法   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
介绍了固定道耕作法及其目前的研究情况。利用测力数据采集系统,在免耕和已耕地条件下,对凿形开沟器在压实区和非压实种床区开沟所需水平牵引力和牵引功率进行了同步测量。试验结果表明,在本试验条件下,采用固定道耕作法开沟器所需牵引力可降低40%左右。  相似文献   
城市绿地土壤的物理性能影响着城市生态系统的运行,为了研究城市绿地建设过程中不同层次土壤的物理性能,以西安植物园新区为典型案例,选取容重、总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度、田间持水量、自然含水量等六个指标,结合模糊数学法以及SPSS19.0与Excel软件对各层土壤的物理性能(Q)进行评价。结果显示,西安植物园新区表层土壤(0-25cm)、浅层土壤(25-50cm)、中层土壤(50-70 cm)、深层土壤(70-90cm)的Q值分别为21.69、61.24、71.19、66.89;分别处于极差水平、较差水平、良好水平、较差水平。平均Q值为55.25,处于较差水平。表层土壤与浅层土壤Q值过低的原因在于重型机械的重复碾压,碾压力对中层土的影响较小。随着土层深度的增加,深层土壤的Q值相对中层有所下降。各影响因子的权重比较显示,土壤容重是影响各层土壤物理性能优劣的重要因素,但随着土层的加深,土壤容重的权重逐渐降低。自然含水量的权重随着土层的加呈现逐步上升的趋势。  相似文献   
不同干扰对城市绿化用地土壤物理性质的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解压实对城市新建绿地土壤物理性质的影响,以西安植物园新园区为研究对象,依据土壤压实程度的不同以及地表植被的差异进行区域划分,对不同区域内的土壤分层采样,并进行土壤容重、孔隙状况、水分常数等物理性质的测定。结果表明:随着压实程度的增加,土壤各层次间的发生规律发生了改变,土壤出现退化现象。研究区域内的土壤容重偏高,平均值为1.52 g/cm3;土壤总孔隙度、通气孔隙度、土壤含水量、田间持水量、土壤饱和导水率明显偏低,平均值分别为44.71%、12.81%、15.46%、20.77%、20.7 mm/h。土壤容重与总孔隙度、通气孔隙度、田间持水量、自然含水量、饱和导水率之间呈极显著的负相关;通气孔隙度与饱和导水率、自然含水量、田间持水量之间均呈现显著的正相关。压实对各层土壤物理性质的影响表现为表层土>浅层土>深层土,人为践踏产生的压实只影响到表层土壤。  相似文献   
The concept of degree of compactness (DC), referred to as field bulk density (BD) as a percentage of a reference bulk density (BDref), was developed to characterize compactness of soil frequently disturbed, but for undisturbed soil such as under no-tillage critical degree of compactness values have not been tested. The objective of this study was to compare methods to determine BDref and limits of DC and BD for plant growth under no-tillage in subtropical soils. Data from the literature and other databases were used to establish relationships between BD and clay or clay plus silt content, and between DC and macroporosity and yield of crops under no-tillage in subtropical Brazil. Data of BDref reached by the soil Proctor test on disturbed soil samples, by uniaxial compression with loads of 200 kPa on disturbed and undisturbed soil samples, and 400, 800 and 1600 kPa on undisturbed soil samples, were used. Also, comparisons were made with critical bulk density based on the least limiting water range (BDc LLWR) and on observed root and/or yield restriction in the field (BDc Rest). Using vertical uniaxial compression with a load of 200 kPa on disturbed or undisturbed samples generates low BDref and high DC-values. The standard Proctor test generates higher BDref-values, which are similar to those in a uniaxial test with a load of 1600 kPa for soils with low clay content but lower for soils with high clay content. The BDc LLWR does not necessarily restrict root growth or crop yield under no-tillage, since field investigations led to higher BDc Rest-values. A uniaxial load greater than 800 kPa is promising to determine BDref for no-tillage soils. The BDref is highly correlated to the clay content and thus pedotransfer functions may be established to estimate the former based on the latter. Soil ecological properties are affected before compaction restricts plant growth and yield. The DC is an efficient parameter to identify soil compaction affecting crops. The effect of compaction on ecological properties must also be further considered.  相似文献   
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