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马铃薯产量高、营养丰富、用途广、加工效益高,通过对国内外市场调查,深加工前景广阔,因此,对马铃薯生产进行产业化开发十分必要。我省中部台地具有开发马铃薯淀粉、食品加工的几大优势,提出设想和具体步骤,指出现在存在的问题及解决对策  相似文献   
平潭县低丘台地花生低产原因及增产对策措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
平潭为福建省沿海第一大岛县,全县耕地6 543·5 hm2,年播种花生面积4 395·5 hm2,占耕地总面积的67·2%,为全县第一大作物。但花生平均每667 m2产量只138 kg(2005年)。其中,种植在低丘台地的花生面积占总面积的69·2%,该地类的花生单产更低。因此,如何改变低丘台地花生低产面貌  相似文献   
在海南省平原台地区对23个国内外薪材树种进行了筛选试验。经4年观测、研究表明,尾叶桉、刚果12号桉、斑皮桉、细叶桉、马占相思、大叶相思、雷林1号按和柠檬桉等适应性强、生长快、产量高,经济效益好,萌芽更新及抗逆能力强,其年均生长量:径1.8—3.0厘米、高1.9—3.0米,每公顷材积18.6—62.0立方米,生物量(地上部分鲜重)41—85吨,年均利润每公顷1081—3094元。这些树种在华南沿海平原台地及低丘陵地均具发展潜力。  相似文献   
高山台地茭白的高效栽培   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何德良 《蔬菜》1999,(10):11-11
高山台地由十夏季气温低、水源充裕,发展单季茭生产具有得天独厚的条件。利用高山台地的优势,加上适当的栽培管理措施,可以提早单季茭上市季节,填补7、8月份茭白市场空档,667m~2产值在6000元以上,具有良好的经济效益。一、选用良种进行高效栽培的茭白以早熟单季茭品种为宜。生产上可选用常熟“寒头茭”、宜兴“稻茭”、广州“软尾茭”、“美人茭”(浙江缙云地方品种,又名吴岭茭白)等品种。二、种株选择茭白都采用营养繁殖,种株的好坏直接影响到茭白生产的效益、种株年年都要进行严格挑选。剔除“雄茭”、“灰茭”和易…  相似文献   
棉花工厂化无土育苗是棉花种植史上的一场种苗革命。它打破了几十年来营养钵育苗移栽的栽培体系.使棉花育苗移栽成为一件简单、快速、省时、省工、节本的栽培方式,为棉花栽培开辟了一条新的道路。2003年东台市引进工厂化无土育苗移栽试验。  相似文献   
为保证蚕桑生产可持续发展,科学合理地抓好桑园害虫防治工作.笔者就当前东台地区农村桑园病虫害防治的误区以及需要采取的对策,进行分析探讨,以供参考.  相似文献   
中国黄土高原玉米产量对水肥的反应: 大田研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper describes a field research on crop yield response to water and fertilizer in Changwu tableland of the Loess plaeau.Under the current level of land management in this area.low fertility of soil is the first yield-limiting factor and water deficit is the second.At a given fertility level,the relationship between crop yield and its water consumption is parabolic.Within a certain rage of soil moisture,the soil water availability to crop is not sharply deceased with its markedly decreasing content,Because of this relatively high availability and the gigh reserve of soil water at the early stage of crop growth,drought due to inadequate or poorly distributed rainfall becomes less serious.High fertilizer input ,improved crop variety and optimum cultivation technique can give a 50-100% yield increment of dryland crops in the loess tableland.  相似文献   
华中地区旱地氮素矿化的能力   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nitrogen mineralization potentials of 15 soil samples were studied by the methods of soil aerobic incubation, and the correlation between the potentials and the amounts of nitrogen taken up by rye grass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) in pot culture was calculated. The soils were collected from Hubei Province in Central China. Soil nitrogen mineralization potentials (NO) were calculated and optimized by a quick-BASIC program. NO ranged from 60 mg kg-1 to 340 mg kg-1, which accounted for 9.1% to 34.6% of the total nitrogen content. Among the examined soils, yellow-brown soil collected from Wuhan had the largest NO and brown-red soil from Xianning had the smallest one. The mineralization rate constants (k) ranged from 0.00556 d-1 to 0.01280 d-1, in average 0.00882 d-1. Chao soil from Wuhan had the greatest k while yellow-cinnamon soil from Zhaoyang had the smallest one. There were apparent differences between mineralization parameters (NO and k) optimized and non-optimized ones. Optimized NO had a better correlation than non-optimized NO with the amount of nitrogen accumulated in the aerial parts of rye grass. NO, NO × k and Nt(accumulated mineralized nitrogen within time t) could be used as indexes of soil nitrogen supply. Among them Nt was the best, which was significantly correlated with the amounts of nitrogen accumulated in the aerial parts of rye grass harvested at three different times.  相似文献   
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