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从植物体本身着手研究植物氮素高效利用的机理与途径,这是近几年来植物氮素营养研究的热点之一,而调动植物液泡中的硝酸盐使之得到更高程度的再利用,这是提高植物氮素利用效率和降低植物体内硝酸盐含量的途径之一。试验采用土培试验,研究叶面喷施质量分数为1%的氯化钾溶液对油菜角果初期和收获期植株硝酸盐累积再利用的影响,以喷施质量分数为1.17%的硫酸钾溶液(要求氯化钾和硫酸钾溶液中钾离子的物质的量浓度相同)和清水作为对照,在开花后期开始喷施,连续隔日喷洒15天,喷施部位在茎和叶,重点喷洒叶的背面,尽量不喷施至叶柄,于角果初期和收获期采样。结果表明,喷施氯化钾溶液能显著降低油菜角果初期和收获期茎、叶、根硝酸盐含量和植株硝酸盐总量,促进硝酸盐再利用;可以增强角果初期叶片硝酸还原酶的活性;能增加收获期干物质累积量,但不影响角果初期干物质累积量。  相似文献   

We recently developed two rapid and precise chemical methods of assessing potentially available organic N in soils. One method involves determination of the ammonia‐N produced by steam distillation of the soil sample with pH 11.2 phosphate‐borate buffer solution for 8 min. The other involves determination of the ammonium‐N produced by treatment of the soil sample with 2M KCl solution at 100°C for 4 hours. Studies using 33 Brazilian soils showed that the results obtained by these methods were highly correlated with those obtained by anaerobic and aerobic incubation methods of assessing potentially available organic N in soil.

The two methods were further evaluated by applying them to 30 Iowa soils and by comparing their results and those obtained by other chemical methods with the results of the incubation methods considered to be the best laboratory methods currently available for assessment of potentially available organic N in soil. The chemical methods used included the acid KMnO4 method, the alkaline KMnO4 method, the CaCl2‐autoclave method, and the NaHCO3 UV method. The incubation methods used involved determination of the ammonium‐N produced by incubation of the soil sample under anaerobic conditions for 1 week or determination of the (ammonium + nitrate + nitrite)‐N produced by incubation of the sample under aerobic conditions for 2 and 12 weeks. The data obtained showed that the results of the two chemical methods evaluated were highly correlated with those obtained by the incubation techniques used for comparison and that the correlations observed with these two methods were higher than those observed with the previously proposed chemical methods. It is concluded that these two rapid and simple methods are the best chemical methods thus far developed for laboratory assessment of potentially available organic N in soil.  相似文献   

Steam distillation of 2 M KCl extracts of soil showed low recovery of NO3‐N when compared with an automated method for NO3‐N determination. The low recoveries were more pronounced in extracts where a soil:solution ratio of 1:2.5 had been used. In extracts where the Mg2+ content was in excess of 0.02 M Mg, recoveries of added NO3‐N could be as low as 25%. Increasing the amount of Devarda's alloy or using a 1:10 soil:solution extraction ratio overcame the problem of low NO3‐N recovery. Calcium salts did not interfere in the recovery of added NO3‐N.  相似文献   
为掌握家兔高钾血症模型的复制方法,观察高钾血症时家兔心电图的变化特征和CaCl2以及利尿药对高钾血症的抢救与治疗作用。先记录家兔正常的心电图,再制备高钾血症模型(耳缘静脉注射KCl溶液),观察家兔症状的变化及其心电图的变化特征,再静脉注射5%的CaCl2抢救和静脉注射速尿进行治疗,分别观察记录家兔心电图的变化。结果显示高钾血症能导致家兔的心律失常,其心电图发生明显的变化。静脉推注CaCl2对缓解高钾血症有一定的作用,静脉推注速尿有一定的治疗作用。  相似文献   
KCl肥料中稀土元素含量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]确定农业上经常应用的钾肥KCl中的稀土元素,为今后的钾肥肥效试验和农业生产提供基础数据。[方法]应用ICP-MS法详细分析了钾肥KCl中的稀土元素含量。[结果]KCl肥料中含有15种稀土元素,分别是:La、Ce、Pr、Nd、Sm、Eu、Gd、Tb、Dy、Ho、Er、Tm、Yb、Lu和U,它们的含量分别为:61.74、110.73、11.363、2.55、6.452、.89、3.83、0.681、.980、.68、1.11、0.230、.66、0.30和0.73 ng/g。但是没有检测到Th。[结论]市场销售肥料含有多种杂质元素,特别是稀土元素在浓度较低时就会对植物产生明显影响,建议在做肥效试验时应初步了解肥料中稀土元素含量。  相似文献   
研究把过磷酸钙、硫酸钾、氯化钾作为蚯蚓的饲料添加剂,对蚯蚓生长及蚓粪肥效的影响。试验显示过磷酸钙、硫酸钾、氯化钾都可以作为蚯蚓的饲料添加剂。其中在蚯蚓生存、繁殖和蚓粪肥效这三方面考核上,过磷酸钙添加量都以0.75 mg.kg-1(以P2O5计)效果最好;硫酸钾也是以0.75 mg.kg-1(以K2O计)效果最好;而氯化钾则以0.50 mg.kg-1(以K2O计)效果最好。但添加量过多都会对蚯蚓产生毒害,当过磷酸钙添加量达到2.0 mg.kg-1,硫酸钾添加量达到2.0 mg.kg-1或氯化钾达到0.75 mg.kg-1时,蚯蚓存活量或繁殖量为负值(相对于对照而言)。对于氯化钾而言,2.0 mg.kg-1是蚯蚓的致死量。蚯蚓生长好的蚓粪可以促进菠菜早发芽,提高发芽率。  相似文献   
Na+ ions play an important role in the growth of halophyte. The effect of Na+ ions on nitrate uptake and osmotic adjustment in the euhalophyte Suaeda physophora was investigated under glasshouse conditions. Seedlings were exposed to 1 mmol/L NaCl (control),300 mmol/L NaCl,150 mmol/L NaCl plus 150 mmol/L KCl or 300 mmol/L KCl treatments for 24 d. Dry weight was not affected greatly by different salt treatments,but water content and succulence in leaves of S. physophora were significantly increased at 300 mmol/L NaCl and 150 mmol/L NaCl plus 150 mmol/L KCl treatments. The concentrations of Na+ and NO3’ in leaves of S. physophora were the highest at 150 mmol/L NaCl plus 150 mmol/L KCl,but lowest at 300 mmol/L KCl treatment. Moreover,the increase of NO3’ concentration did not result in the decrease of Cl-concentration at 150 mmol/L NaCl plus 150 mmol/L KCl treatments. The estimated contribution of NO3’ to osmotic potential (CNO3) in leaves of S. physophora was 9.8% at 150 mmol/L NaCl plus 150 mmol/L KCl,and CNa and CCl were 31.0% and 23.3%,respectively. However,CNO3,CNa and CCl were respectively 1.6%,7.9% and 11.9% at 300 mmol/L KCl treatment. It is concluded that Na+ stimulates NO3’ absorption and the stimulation is independent on the internal or the external Cl-concentration in the euhalophyte S. physo-phora. These characteristics may explain the high levels of N in leaves of saline desert plants in arid ecosystem.  相似文献   
钾、钠对水稻种子萌发抑制作用的比较   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
用不同浓度的NaCl、KCl和二者的混合盐(摩尔比NaCl:KCL=1:1)处理水稻种子.测定其萌发率、芽生长率、首次萌发时间、萌发速率(GR)等指标.结果表明,低盐下萌发率与对照相差不大,但萌发延迟,芽生长受到抑制.当浓度大于240mmol/L时.萌发率才随盐度增加明显下降.比较3种处理,NaCl和NaCl+KCl对芽生长的抑制程度相差不大,都明显低于KCl,低盐下3种处理萌发率没有差异.只有当盐度大于240mmol/L,相同盐度下,萌发率才随着K浓度的增加而下降.这些数据都表明,高盐度下,钾对水稻种子萌发和种子生长的抑制作用大于钠.  相似文献   
在油菜盛花期对其茎叶喷施w=1%的KCl溶液,w=1.17%的K2SO4溶液和清水,以探索油菜优质高产栽培新途径.结果表明,与喷施清水相比,喷施w=1% KC1溶液能使油菜角果初期叶片硝酸还原酶活性增强26.9%,植株全氮和全磷量角果初期分别增加6.6%和3.3%,收获期分别增加9.1%和6.7%,氮效率和磷效率分别增...  相似文献   
We have studied the quantitative analysis of potassium in agricultural materials by measuring the radioactivity of K4o by means of Radiation Counter since 1951. When the fundamental experiment was almost over and we were to begin the applications in fertilizers and crops, we found unexpectedly in May 1954, rain containing fission products presumably carried from H-bomb explosion test at Bikini. Temporarily abstaining from the experiment, we surveyed the degree of contamination of radioactive substances in crops, especially grapes, which are the main horticultural crop in this prefecture. Here, we explain the experimental data of the radioactivity in the grapes and the relations between the contamination of the artificial radioactivity and the potassium content in them.  相似文献   
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