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水肥耦合对棉花产量、收益及水分利用效率的效应   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究滴灌施肥条件下水肥耦合对棉花籽棉产量、水分利用效率和净收益的影响,并运用多元二次回归与归一化及3种不同目标值组合方式相结合的方法,探索满足多目标综合效益最大化的滴灌水肥用量。采用田间试验的方法,于2012年和2013年棉花生长季,设置5个N-P2O5-K2O施肥水平150-60-30、200-80-40、250-100-50、300-120-60、350-140-70 kg/hm2(分别记为F150、F200、F250、F300、F350)和3个灌溉水平(60%ETC:W1、80%ETC:W2、100%ETC:W3,ETC是作物蒸发蒸腾量)。结果表明,籽棉产量、水分利用效率和净收益的水肥耦合效应明显,60%ETC灌水水平显著抑制籽棉产量并降低净收益,100%ETC灌水水平能够显著提高籽棉产量和净收益,但水分利用效率低于60%ETC灌水水平。2012年灌水量为100%ETC且施肥量300-120-60 kg/hm2(N-P2O5-K2O)时籽棉产量最高,但净收益并未增加,2 a灌水量为100%ETC且施肥量250-100-50 kg/hm2(N-P2O5-K2O)时的净收益最高。二次回归分析结果表明,3种组合方式均可用于水肥多目标优化,其中乘法组合方式2 a水肥投入量差异更小且各目标值变化也更小,2012年灌水量92%ETC、施肥量278-111-56 kg/hm2(N-P2O5-K2O)以及2013年灌水量90%ETC、施肥量268-107-53 kg/hm2(N-P2O5-K2O)可作为籽棉产量、水分利用效率和净收益综合效益最大化的水肥管理策略。  相似文献   
The effect of potassium (K) supply on dry matter accumulation and partitioning of biomass between different among parts of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) was determined under irrigated conditions. The treatments were four cotton cultivars (CIM-448, CIM-1100, Karishma, and S-12), four K rates (0, 62.5, 125, and 250 kg K ha−1), and two K-fertilizer sources (K2SO4, KCl). Sequential harvests were collected at four stages of growth, viz first flower, peak flowering, first boll split, and maturity. The dry weights (DW) of vegetative and reproductive organs were determined. Maximum total DW was obtained at 125 days after planting, and then it declined because of leaf senescence at maturity. Cultivars differed significantly among themselves in the production of total DW and its partitioning between different organs. The addition of K fertilizer increased DW substantially at various stages of growth. Potassium fertilizer stimulated cotton plant to translocate resources towards reproductive organs rather than vegetative organs. Crop receiving 250 kg K ha−1 allocated 77% more dry matter into reproductive organs. The K-sources produced a little effect on the allocation of DW in various parts of the plant. Maximum reproductive–vegetative ratio (RVR) was maintained by cv CIM-448 and minimum in cv CIM-1100. Data showed that a shift in DW allocation into reproductive organs was dependent upon sustained supply of K+ throughout the season. There were positive significant correlations (0.86, 0.71, and 0.90) between seed cotton yield and total DW, vegetative DW, and reproductive DW, respectively.  相似文献   
气候变化对新疆地区棉花生产的影响   总被引:40,自引:9,他引:40  
经分析发现新疆棉区近50年来气侯变暖变湿并且日照时数明显减少。利用COPRAS动力评估模型研究得出:气侯变化对新疆棉区不同区域的棉花生长发育影响是不同的,北疆棉区、南疆盆地西缘区和南疆盆地东缘区棉花的开花期和吐絮期明显提前,棉花停止生长期明显延后,70年代、80年代和90年代比60年代全生育期分别平均延长8.2d、2.4d和5.2d;近50年来新疆地区棉花模拟产量明显增加,平均增产为15.7kg/hm^2/10年,尤其在北疆棉区。棉花模拟产量波动性明显加强,说明受气侯变化的影响棉花生产风险也在加大。  相似文献   
浙江省金衢丘陵的地形较复杂,棉田的灌溉设施存在不少问题,为此,作者经过分析,改造成适合该地区的棉田小型灌溉示范工程,收到了节水省电、投入少而效益好的效果。  相似文献   
在田间和盆栽情况下,进行了施氮量对棉花和棉蚜(Aphis gossypii Glover)影响的研究。随着施氮量的增加,棉叶中可溶氮和蛋白质含量增加;棉花的产量相应提高;初生蚜到成蚜开始胎生的历期缩短,成蚜的个体增大,寿命延长,繁殖力增加;棉蚜的种群数量增加。通过对氮肥费用,化防费用及棉花产量3因素的综合分析,初步得出每亩施氮10kg,种植棉花的经济效益最佳。  相似文献   
不同硼效率棉花品种根系参数和伤流液组分的差异   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
溶液培养条件下研究硼对不同硼效率棉花品种根系参数、伤流量及伤流液组分的影响。结果表明,缺硼抑制棉花根系生长,根重、根体积、根长、活跃吸收面积、总吸收面积、活跃吸收面积占总吸收面积的比例以及伤流量均显著降低,高效品种降低幅度比低效品种小;缺硼还使高效品种根系比表面积升高,而低效品种无显著变化。缺硼显著影响不同棉花品种伤流液各组分含量,与低效品种相比,高效品种伤流液中有较多的NO3-、K+、无机磷、可溶性糖和游离氨基酸。说明缺硼条件下高效品种根系比低效品种具有更强的吸收、代谢活力,可能是其硼效率较高的主要原因之一。  相似文献   
由于棉花秸秆的木质化程度较高,不做任何加工,直接饲喂羊,质地粗硬,适口性差,消化率低、浪费大。为此,我们以棉花秸秆为主(玉米秸秆、小麦秸秆)进行了铡短粉碎、清水滤净等加工处理,并按照20%-50%的比例添加棉花秸秆,搭配精料,进行了三个月的饲喂肉羊试验。试验表明:棉花秸秆等饲草通过铡短粉碎、清水滤净等加工处理,搭配少量精料,饲料成本低廉,养羊增重快,与对照组相比,平均日增重分别提高42.2%,40.8%,73%和51%,各试验组与对照组相比差异显著(P〈0.05),其中试验三组生长速度最快,与对照组相比平均日增重提高73%,以此确定棉花秸秆搭配比例,在全市推广饲喂,可以大幅度提高棉花秸秆等饲草的利用率。  相似文献   
经过 3a的调查研究 ,摸清了喀什地区棉田主要障碍因素 ,并针对性地进行了对策研究 ,使低产田改良成效显著 ,为棉花高产优质高效栽培技术提供了理论依据。  相似文献   
在一定高度范围内,研究陆地棉矮化材料植株高度与纤维品质之间的相关性。利用陆地棉矮化材料杂交后代(F2),进行植株高度与纤维品质的相关性分析。结果表明,矮化植株高度在一定范围内,株高与纤维长度存在着极显著正相关,随着植株高度的升高,纤维品质逐渐提高,当植株高度达到75 cm以上时,纤维品质可达到优质水平。矮化植株的正常高度应该在75 cm以上,才能确保纤维品质不受植株高度的影响。  相似文献   
Cotton is a perennial plant with an indeterminate growth pattern that is typically produced like an annual, but requires proper management to effectively produce high yields and good fiber quality in a thermally limited environment like the northern Texas High Plains. In 2007 and 2008, we investigated the effect of irrigation scheduling/control method and amount on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) yield and water use efficiency. Methods were automatic irrigation scheduling and control of a center pivot system, and manually scheduled irrigation to replenish soil-water to field capacity. Cotton was irrigated with LEPA (low energy, precision application) drag socks in furrow dikes; three blocks were irrigated manually and three were irrigated automatically. Six replicates of the manual and automatic irrigation treatments were included in the randomized block design. Manual irrigations were based on the weekly replenishment of soil-water to field capacity in the top 1.5 m of the soil profile and included a fully irrigated treatment (I100), and treatments receiving 67% (I67) and 33% (I33) of the I100 amount, plus a non-irrigated treatment (I0). Automatic irrigations were triggered using a time temperature threshold (TTT) algorithm, which was designated as the I100 treatment, and treatments receiving 67%, 33%, and 0% of that amount (I67, I33 and I0, respectively). In 2007, overall mean lint yields (102.3 and 101.6 g m−2, manual and automatic, respectively) were not significantly different. Similarly, yields were not significantly different across automatic and manual treatments in the same treatment level, with the exception of the I67 treatment where the manual treatment yields were 11% greater. In 2008, the mean yields were 70% less than those in 2007 for both methods of irrigation (30.3 and 30.9 g m−2, manual and automatic, respectively) due to harsh climatic conditions at emergence and heavy rainfall and cooler temperatures in the month of August. Yields from the automatically irrigated plots in the I100 and I67 treatments, however, were significantly greater than yields from the corresponding manually irrigated plots; though there was no significant difference between yields in the drier treatments (I33 and I0) plots. These results indicate that the TTT algorithm is a promising method for auto-irrigation scheduling of short season cotton in an arid region. However, further studies are essential to demonstrate consistent positive outcomes.  相似文献   
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