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王璐  王海燕  何丽鸿  刘鑫 《土壤通报》2016,(5):1223-1230
以吉林汪清林业局金沟岭林场中41块天然云冷杉针阔混交林样地为对象,采用主成分-聚类分析,结合GIS技术,对该区域土壤肥力质量进行综合评价。结果表明,按主成分-聚类分析结果将41块样地分为4类:第1类土壤肥力质量综合得分为11.17~18.86(优),包括5块样地;第2类土壤肥力质量综合得分为3.01~7.44(良),包括8块样地;第3类土壤肥力质量综合得分为-6.97~1.27(一般),包括24块样地;第4类土壤肥力质量综合得分为-12.40~-9.63(差),包括4块样地。然后采用Arc GIS软件对综合得分进行普通Kriging插值,其标准均方根预测为0.9544,在1的附近,这基本达到插值精度的要求。从生成的研究区土壤肥力质量综合得分空间分布图来看,森林土壤肥力质量由西向东呈现先降低后升高的趋势;由北向南,森林土壤肥力质量变化幅度逐步减小,表明研究区南部土壤肥力质量变化较北部均匀。就研究区的整体土壤肥力质量而言,土壤肥力质量中等以上(优,良,一般)样地数占所研究区样地总数比例为90.24%,表明所研究区森林土壤肥力质量整体处于良好水平。  相似文献   
采用化学分析方法对河口县8个香蕉种植区的194个土壤样品的养分指标进行分析,结果表明:71.6%的土样pH值在正常范围内;有机质、水解氮、有效磷、速效钾、交换镁低于临界值20 g/kg、90 g/kg、10 mg/kg、100 g/kg、50 mg/kg的土样分别为23.2%、30.4%、59.3%、75.8%和63.9%;所有土样的有效铁、锌含量均高于临界值;少数样品的交换钙、有效铜、锰含量低于临界值。据此提出河口县香蕉园相应的施肥建议,对指导香蕉的合理施肥具有重要意义。  相似文献   
有机肥对土壤特性及农产品产量和品质影响研究进展   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
施用有机肥是农业生产的重要措施,对绿色农业发展起到积极作用,而且越来越广泛施用。本文介绍了目前有机肥基本概况,重点综述了有机肥对提高土壤肥力、提高作物产量和品质、促进养分利用以及对病虫害发生影响等方面研究的最新进展,分析了当前有机肥施用对耕地质量和农产品安全风险、施肥效率低、以及有机肥品种研发不足、相关质量标准滞后等问题,并对当前有机肥推广应用的形势和发展前景进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   
为探究不同施肥处理对油茶生长及土壤肥力的影响,连续3年在广西柳州市对5年生油茶人工林进行施肥试验研究。结果表明,施肥后,处理Ⅱ的树高、地径和冠幅的增长量明显高于其它处理,即有机—无机复混肥料直接施入油茶林地最有利于营养生长,而处理CK(不施肥)各项生长指标的增长量最低。不同施肥处理对油茶林地土壤养分各指标的影响差异较大,经灰色关联度法分析得出土壤综合肥力的高低顺序,其中处理Ⅲ(即无纺布包装有机—无机复混肥)施肥后对油茶林地土壤综合肥力的提高最显著,其次为处理Ⅰ(即有机栽培肥料),不施肥处理CK的土壤综合肥力则显著降低,土壤质量退化严重。  相似文献   
为揭示不同发育阶段马尾松人工林经营效果的动态变化特征规律,对青羊湖林场不同发育阶段的马尾松人工林(幼龄林、中龄林、近熟林)林分空间结构、物种多样性、土壤肥力、林木生长等指标进行动态分析,运用主成分分析法,对不同发育阶段的各经营样地的经营效果进行综合评价。结果表明:不同发育阶段的马尾松林在经营改造后,空间结构明显改善,物种多样性指数均明显提高,土壤肥力也有所改善;幼龄林、中龄林和近熟林9块样地抚育间伐补植改造效果综合评价得分依次为0.079,-0.021,-0.241,0.528,0.438,1.028,-0.145,-0.780,-0.886,得分越高说明改造经营效果越好。经营促进了不同发育阶段马尾松人工林林分空间结构的优化、树种多样性的提高、土壤肥力的改善和林木蓄积生长的提高,林分向异龄复层混交林方向发展,为马尾松人工林经营提供理论依据。  相似文献   
In rice, pre‐exposure to sublethal treatment followed by harsh lethal treatment is known to improve tolerance of different abiotic stresses at the vegetative stage within and across generations. Our major aim was to test the phenomenon of thermo‐tolerance at flowering across (trans)‐generations and within generation using rice cultivars contrasting for heat stress tolerance at flowering. To test trans‐generational response, plants were exposed to higher temperature at flowering stage and seeds obtained from previous generations were exposed to heat stress during flowering, which recorded significantly lower fertility when exposed to the same degree of stress in their subsequent generations. A pre‐acclimation to moderately high acclimating temperatures imposed over three different durations during the vegetative and initial reproductive stage showed positive response in the tolerant N22, particularly under severe heat stress (40 °C). This finding indicates the possibility of acquiring ameliorative thermo‐tolerant mechanisms at anthesis, restricted to tolerant genetic backgrounds to combat subsequent harsh conditions within the same generation. However, trans‐generational memory was ineffective in mitigating spikelet sterility losses in both tolerant and susceptible backgrounds. Rice is extremely sensitive to heat stress during flowering; hence, similar exercise across other crops of interest needs to be carried out before generalizing conclusions.  相似文献   
Legume–cereal intercropping is increasingly being appreciated in dryland areas, where severe climatic conditions and intensive agricultural practices, generally dominated by continuous cereal cultivation, determine depletion of soil nutrient resources and decline of soil fertility. This research aimed to assess whether and to what extent a newly introduced legume-based intercropping system is able to ameliorate the biological fertility status of an arable soil in a way that is still noticeable during the succeeding durum wheat cropping season in terms of changes in bacterial community structure, soil C and N pools, and crop yield. A field experiment was carried out under rainfed conditions in Southern Italy on a sandy clay loam soil cultivated with durum wheat following in the rotation a recently established grain legume (pea, faba bean)–barley intercropping. Soil chemical, biochemical and eco-physiological variables together with compositional shifts in the bacterial community structure by LH-PCR fingerprinting were determined at four sampling times during the durum wheat cropping season. Soil fertility was estimated by using a revised version of the biological fertility index. Results showed that even though the microbial biomass was significantly altered, the preceding legume intercrops stimulated C-related functional variables thus leading to an increased release of mineral N, which was larger in crop treatments succeeding pea-based than faba bean-based intercropping. The increased N made available in soil enabled the succeeding durum wheat to achieve an adequate grain yield with a reduced N-fertilizer use. Soil type and environmental conditions rather than crop treatments were major determinants of bacterial community structure. The biological fertility status was not varied, suggesting that in intensively managed rainfed areas long-term crop rotations with intercropped legumes are needed to consistently ameliorate it.  相似文献   
Agroforestry systems provide diverse ecosystem services that contribute to farmer livelihoods and the conservation of natural resources. Despite these known benefits, there is still limited understanding on how shade trees affect the provision of multiple ecosystem services at the same time and the potential trade-offs or synergies among them. To fill this knowledge gap, we quantified four major ecosystem services (regulation of pests and diseases; provisioning of agroforestry products; maintenance of soil fertility; and carbon sequestration) in 69 coffee agroecosystems belonging to smallholder farmers under a range of altitudes (as representative of environmental conditions) and management conditions, in the region of Turrialba, Costa Rica. We first analyzed the individual effects of altitude, types of shade and management intensity and their interactions on the provision of ecosystem services. In order to identify potential trade-offs and synergies, we then analyzed bivariate relationships between different ecosystem services, and between individual ecosystem services and plant biodiversity. We also explored which types of shade provided better levels of ecosystem services. The effectiveness of different types of shade in providing ecosystem services depended on their interactions with altitude and coffee management, with different ecosystem services responding differently to these factors. No trade-offs were found among the different ecosystem services studied or between ecosystem services and biodiversity, suggesting that it is possible to increase the provision of multiple ecosystem services at the same time. Overall, both low and highly diversified coffee agroforestry systems had better ability to provide ecosystem services than coffee monocultures in full sun. Based on our findings, we suggest that coffee agroforestry systems should be designed with diversified, productive shade canopies and managed with a medium intensity of cropping practices, with the aim of ensuring the continued provision of multiple ecosystem services.  相似文献   
Identification of new parental lines is crucial for developing ecology‐specific hybrids with ideal agronomic performance. We screened a total of 570 different ecology‐specific Indian rice varieties for the presence of fertility restorer genes, Rf3 and Rf4 using tightly linked markers DRRM Rf3‐10 and RM6100, respectively. Among these varieties, 13% carried Rf3Rf3/Rf4Rf4, 31% carried rf3rf3/rf4rf4, 6% carried Rf3Rf3/rf4rf4 and remaining 50% carried Rf4Rf4/rf3rf3 allelic combinations. A mini set of 40 varieties with variable allelic combinations of fertility restorer genes were testcrossed with WA and Kalinga‐based CMS lines. All the 80 F1s were evaluated for spikelet fertility and fertility restoration ability. Rf3Rf3/rf4rf4 genotypes mostly behaved as partial maintainers or partial restorers. In contrast, rf3rf3/Rf4Rf4 genotypes were partial or effective restorers. However, double dominant genotypes showed better fertility restoration than the genotypes containing Rf3 or Rf4 individually. Some of the genotypes showed unexpected restoration pattern implying occurrence of other fertility restorer(s) apart from Rf3 and Rf4. The perfect restorers and maintainers identified in this study can be directly used in hybrid rice breeding.  相似文献   
In order to introduce the Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV) resistance from Nicotiana alata into Nicotiana tabacum, a cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) line of N. tabacum (N. tabacum L. cv. (gla.) S ‘K326’), was successfully crossed with N. alata. Despite a high DNA content variability, F1 hybrids could be classified in two subgroups, a major one encompassing fertile hybrids morphologically similar to their tobacco maternal parent but TSWV sensitive, and a minor one displaying sterile hybrids showing an intermediate phenotype and TSWV resistant. In order to elucidate the unexpected fertility recovery of the fertile F1 plants, some N. alata fertility restoration ppr genes were cloned and were shown to be differentially expressed between parental lineages as well as between both F1 subgroups, suggesting that N. alata contains fertility restoring allele able to overcome the CMS of N. tabacum.  相似文献   
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